A Deadly First Love

By AnnieR

47K 400 59

Adrian is dying from something the doctors have no cure for. The only people who can help her are her ex-boyf... More

Chap 1
Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chap 5
Chap 6
Chap 7
Chap 8
Chap 9
Chap 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's note.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chap 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
In The End

Chapter 24

1K 7 1
By AnnieR

“I'm not the kind of guy that let's chicks pay for anything." Ricardo said handing over his money to the cashier.

I groaned "Well I don't know about you but I live in the 21 century meaning I can be the kind of girl that doesn't let guys pay for her." I said also giving the cashier my money. Ricardo frowned and tried to push the money back to me. "Alright, how about we split it?"

"No." He turned to the cashier. "Are you really going to let me be the guy who makes a girl pay?" Both Ricardo and I gave the cashier a glare before the cashier finally pushed my money back to me. I gasped a shocked smile.

"Fine then I guess he's going to have a great tip." I said pushing my money back towards him and walking away. I didn’t get far before Ricardo came out if nowhere and pushed the money down my back pocket making him touch me sexually for the first time ever. I gasped and grabbed my butt. He walked away from my like nothing happened. I pushed the money down further and made a run for it. I pushed myself off the ground and leaped onto Ricardo’s back.

I laughed in triumph. He didn’t even tumble forward as he effortlessly caught me and put his hands under my butt keeping me up. He spinned around making me scream and laugh. Abruptly though a flash went off. We both stopped laughing and looked over to the origin of the flash to see a young male with a professional camera and an elderly old woman. She sighed seemingly content with a small smile on her wrinkled pale lips. "Young love is a beautiful thing." Out the corner of my eye I looked over at Ricardo and he looked over at me. I muzzled into his neck trying not to laugh and to hide my red cheeks. I got off his back and stood by him.

"Were just friends" I told the lady with a confused smile on my lips. She only smiled and nodded her head. Ricardo and I looked at each other before walking away with a small smile on our lips. I couldn’t explain why I was smiling or why I was happy, I just was, and I loved it.

We walked without physical contact to our reserved blanket. Ricardo had wanted to go to a movie screening in the park and I, of course, had to come. He reserved a blanket with food that was really only going to be for him but since I joined him he now had to share. We sat down quietly waiting for the movie to start.

The park was almost completely full. Multicolored blankets littered the spiky green ground, picnic baskets and bags thrown across the blankets, some people sat on very low chairs. Everyone was wearing shorts and tank tops. Today was a nice cool day, perfect for the movie outside. A low wind blew sending wonderful smells my way and causing my hair to flutter back in the wind. I reorganized it and looked over at Ricardo for the first time since we sat down.

He looked thoughtful as he spoke. "So, now were just friends?" He asked while I took a drink of coke I had managed to find in the picnic basket. I looked at him confused. "Before we were fiancés and lovers and boyfriend girlfriend."

"Oh." I smiled. He was talking about the party I threw a while ago so I could find out more information. I shrugged. "We downgraded?" He chuckled. "I like to have fun, besides I kept telling them all I had this amazing boyfriend but since I didn't have one you had to secretly play the part." I didn't like how easily my lie came out; it tasted rotten and felt horrible coming up my throat. He simply nodded his head and leaned back on a large log. I moved over next to him and did the same.

Again sorry it's so short. 

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Make me happy. The more vote's and fan's i get the faster and more I'll want to upload. 

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