Something Worth Living For

By quilleymangum

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Love lust twist and turns! But love always wins More

Chapter 1. Fresh Start
Chapter 2. Reunited
Chapter 3. Catching Up
Chapter 4. New Emotions
Chapter 5. Distance
Chapter 6. Breaking the Ice
Chapter 7. Torn between the two
Chapter 8. Adkward Tension
Chapter 9. Game Time
Chapter 10. Foul Play
Chapter 11. Making it offical
Chapter 12. The Wild Side
Chapter 13. Missing Pieces
Chapter 14. Accepting the Truth
Chapter 15. Bros before Hoes
Chapter 16. Quality Time
Chapter 17. Meeting Moms
Chapter 18. Forgive and Forget
Chapter 19. Old Habits
Chapter 20. Feeling neglected (TAE MIND)
Chapter 21. Perfect Apology
Chapter 22. Ex Factor
Chapter 23. Real shid
Chapter 24. The Truth (Quan's Mind)
Chapter 25. Identity Crisis
Chapter 26. Family Matters
Chapter 27. Wake up call
Chapter 28. The First Argument
Chapter 30. Its not possible
Chapter 31. Never say Never
Chapter 32. One down
Chapter 33. Knocked down
Chapter 34. Knock out part 2
Chapter 35. Breaks Over
Chapter 36. Misleading
Chapter 37. How could you
Chapter 38. You Complete Me
Chapter 39. Changes
Chapter 40. Baby Buisness
Chapter 41. Temper
Chapter 42. Cater 2 You
Chapter 43. Never Know
Chapter 44. Gifts
Chapter 45. Wait Over
Chapter 46. Threats
Chapter 47. Interruptions
Chapter 48. Baby Shower
Chapter 49. Ready or Not
Chapter 50. Joy and Sorrow TAE MIND
Chapter 51. Recovery
Chapter 52. Trouble
Chapter 53. Trouble part 2
Chapter 54. Surprise
Chapter 55. Love like this
Chapter 56. Surprises keep coming
Chapter 57. Dont Fux With Mine

Chapter 29. Lovers Quarrel

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By quilleymangum

He looked at me for a second and then kept talkin to his friends. They were all lookin at me and him puzzled not really knowin if they should listen to him, or leave us to our conversation. I stood there in disbelief that he was really actin like this towards me, and it was pissin me off.

Yatta: Tae I need to talk to u.(I said grabbin his am but he snatched it back)
Tae: Nah shawty take yo ass back out there and talk to yo boyfriend.(he snapped)
Yatta: Why the fuck u actin like a bitch!?
Tae: The same damn reason u always actin like a hoe!!

As fast as he finished his sentence I had punch him in the chest and started to storm off. The sound of me hittin his muscular peck boomed through the house and all his friends pull the middle school move by sayin "ooohhh" like I had just punked him. I heard him comin after me callin my name loud as fuck as I walked out the house. Ignorin him I kept walkin pass his truck and onto the sidewalk headin back to our dorm even though it would prolly take me like a hour to walk that far.

Tae: Kenyatta!! Where u goin shawty!?I know yo black ass hear me talkin to u!!(he yelled from down the street)

He aint have shit to say to me after what he said earlier. I dont believe he called me a hoe, and honestly hearin that from him hurt my feelings like a bitch. I kept walkin until I heard foot steps behind me and as soon as I turned around he tackled me to the ground. He pinned my arms down to stop me from swingin on him to make him get off me. The fact that he was stronger than me made me so frustrated that I had tears rollin down my face as I pointlessly wrestled wit him.

Yatta: GET OFF ME!!(I yelled)
Tae: I didnt mean it shawty!!
Yatta: I HATE YOU!!
Tae: BAE IM SORRY!! I just didnt know what else to say after u called me a bitch, but im sorry shawty. U know I didnt mean that shit.

I turned my head away from him not tryna hear shit he had to say. He got off of me and pulled me up then tried to dust me off, but I started walkin off again. Before I could get to far he bear hugged me from behind pickin me up off my feet. Damn I hate that his ass is so strong.

Tae: Bae calm down.
Yatta: Nah let me go so I can go be a hoe since thats all u think of me!(I snapped)
Tae: I said sorry shawty come on just chill out u makin a scene.

I slowly calmed down and he lowered me to the ground before continuin to dust me off. When he finished I just stood there wit my arms folded as he looked into my eyes for a while without sayin anything. 

Tae: Im-
Yatta: Im sorry.(I said cuttin him off)

He looked at me confused, but waited on me to finish.

Yatta: I know how Quan act towards me, and I try to ignore it hopin it will just go away. He been my only friend since I can remember, and I dont wanna just cut him off. Yea he really is that important to me, and I know it gets irritatin because u feel like I be chosin him over u. The truth is though if it ever came down to choosin between him or u, u would win. Baby I love u, im in love wit u, and I dont want nobody else. Regaurdless of how he might feel about me I dont care because it will never make me love him the way that I love u. He is just my friend, but u are my heart and soul. If I gotta cut him off to prove that to u then...then I'll do it.

He walked up to me wipin the tears from my face then wrappin his arms around me.

Tae: Shawty I dont want u to do that. I was just mad when I said that shit.
Yatta: I know u meant it so dont say u didnt now. I dont wanna lose u tryna hold on to him because I'll never forgive my self if I let u get away. 
Tae: I told u before I aint goin no where. If I didnt care I wouldnt make such a big deal about it, but I do. If me wantin u to my self, and hatin the though of anybody else possibly gettin u is selfish I'll be that.
Yatta: I guess im selfish too.(I said givin a weak smile)
Tae: U know I didnt mean it when I called u a hoe right?
Yatta: I know bae.(I laughed)
Tae: Nah shawty real shit im sorry, and I promise I'll never say no shit like that again so u forgive me?
Yatta: Yes Tae its koo, and im sorry for callin u a bitch...and hittin u in the chest.(I laughed)
Tae: That shit did hurt, and low key I was embarrassed u hoe'd me like that.

I laughed and shook my head at his goofy self as he leaned his forehead on mine.

Tae: I love u baby.(he said lookin into my eye)
Yatta: I love u too.
Tae: No like I really love u shawty.(he said kissin me)
Yatta: I dont think u love me more than I love u.(I said kissin him back)
Tae: Is that a challange?
Yatta: It might be.(I laughed)

We walked back to Trey house laughin and holdin hands along the way. When we got there the party was now in full swing, and we realized we didnt have our costumes on. As soon as we walked through the door Trey came over to us sayin the our costumes were upstairs in his room. We both went to change him bein a vampire and me bein a devil. It didnt take long for us to get into party mode after a few shots of absolute. Tae even took a couple of body shots off of me, and I found that very arousing even wit all the people around. Later that night I ran into Quan and told him I needed to talk to him, and he pulled me outside to the pool where it wasnt so many people.

Quan: Wussup lil bit, and what happened earlier yall koo.
Yatta: Yea everything good, but I need u to do somethin for me.
Quan: Wussup?
Yatta: Can we kinda chill out for a while?

His facial expression dropped for a second, but he tried to hide it.

Quan: What u mean?
Yatta: Im sayin like all the flirty stuff that u do sometimes just chill out on all that.
Quan: I dont know what u talkin about.(he laughed)
Yatta: U know exactly what im talkin about, but forreal though can I do that for me please?
Quan: What made u even have this conversation wit me....Tae?
Yatta: Yes and no. I did it because our friendship make him uncomfortable, and if he uncomfortable so am I.
Quan: So u sayin u feel uncomfortable around me?
Yatta: Im sayin I want u to be my bestfriend again like before.
Quan: What if I cant go back to bein just yo friend then what?(he said gettin mad)

I just looked at him not really knowin how to answer that question, but I guess my silence spoke for itself.

Quan: Iight thats koo I'll give u all the space u need.
Yatta: Quan its not like that.
Quan: Yea I know, but im about to head out.
Yatta: Ok.(I said not knowin what else to say)

We walked back inside at the same time him goin to the door and me bein scooped up by Tae.

Tae: Whats wrong shawty?(he said kissin me)

I watched Quan leave the party feelin like this would be the last time I would see him for a while then looked back at Tae.

Yatta: Nothin bae.(I said kissin him)

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