Something Worth Living For

By quilleymangum

241K 10.7K 1.7K

Love lust twist and turns! But love always wins More

Chapter 1. Fresh Start
Chapter 2. Reunited
Chapter 3. Catching Up
Chapter 4. New Emotions
Chapter 5. Distance
Chapter 6. Breaking the Ice
Chapter 7. Torn between the two
Chapter 8. Adkward Tension
Chapter 9. Game Time
Chapter 10. Foul Play
Chapter 11. Making it offical
Chapter 12. The Wild Side
Chapter 13. Missing Pieces
Chapter 14. Accepting the Truth
Chapter 15. Bros before Hoes
Chapter 16. Quality Time
Chapter 18. Forgive and Forget
Chapter 19. Old Habits
Chapter 20. Feeling neglected (TAE MIND)
Chapter 21. Perfect Apology
Chapter 22. Ex Factor
Chapter 23. Real shid
Chapter 24. The Truth (Quan's Mind)
Chapter 25. Identity Crisis
Chapter 26. Family Matters
Chapter 27. Wake up call
Chapter 28. The First Argument
Chapter 29. Lovers Quarrel
Chapter 30. Its not possible
Chapter 31. Never say Never
Chapter 32. One down
Chapter 33. Knocked down
Chapter 34. Knock out part 2
Chapter 35. Breaks Over
Chapter 36. Misleading
Chapter 37. How could you
Chapter 38. You Complete Me
Chapter 39. Changes
Chapter 40. Baby Buisness
Chapter 41. Temper
Chapter 42. Cater 2 You
Chapter 43. Never Know
Chapter 44. Gifts
Chapter 45. Wait Over
Chapter 46. Threats
Chapter 47. Interruptions
Chapter 48. Baby Shower
Chapter 49. Ready or Not
Chapter 50. Joy and Sorrow TAE MIND
Chapter 51. Recovery
Chapter 52. Trouble
Chapter 53. Trouble part 2
Chapter 54. Surprise
Chapter 55. Love like this
Chapter 56. Surprises keep coming
Chapter 57. Dont Fux With Mine

Chapter 17. Meeting Moms

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By quilleymangum

On our way to the airport I ended up fallin to sleep since it was almost 10 at night. I got woke up from him gently shakin me so that we could go inside to get his mom, and grandmother. It kinda irritated me that he woke me up because I was sleepin good as hell.

Tae: Come on bae get up.
Yatta: If u touch me one more time I swear we gone fight.(i said givin him the look of death)
Tae: U might as well get up now cuz u aint gone be able to sleep when they wit us.(he laughed)
Yatta: Okay im up!(i said irritated)

We walked into the buildin wit me leanin on him tryin not to fall on my face. I hated gettin woke up out my sleep because its always so hard for me to function that way. He led the way to these two very pretty woman one being light like him with long hair, and the same beautiful brown eyes maybe in her mid to late 40's. The other was my complexion and obviously older, but her age didnt take away from her beauty. She had deep brown eyes, and long hair also that was pulled back into a pony tail. When they saw us they both shrieked with excitement rushin towards Tae, and my self. I stepped to the side as they all embraced clearly happy to see eachother.

Ms.Jackson: Hey baby thanks for comin to get us, but I was expecting Lora.(she said huggin him)
Tae: She said she had to study for her test so she asked me to come. Hey granny.(he said huggin her)
Granny: Hey suga how u doin.(she said kissin his cheek)
Tae: Im good just tryna stay outta trouble.
Ms.Jackson: So is this bae?(she said lookin at me)
Tae: Yea ma this my bae.(he laughed)
Ms.Jackson: Well come on and give me a hug bae. How u doin sweety its nice to finally meet u.
Yatta: Im good and nice to meet u too.(i smiled)
Granny: U must be the one keepin my baby outta trouble, and away from me wit them pretty eyes. Well come on give me a hug, and how u doin suga.
Yatta: I try to, but he a handful.(i laughed)
Granny: Trust me I know, but stand back and let me look at u.
Ms.Jackson: He a cute lil thang aint he mama.(she smiled)
Granny: He show is, but u need some meat on yo bones suga. Im suprised my grandbaby aint broke u in half.
Tae: Come on granny what u talkin about?(he said embarrassed)
Ms.Jackson: Ma what are u talkin about?(she laughed)
Granny: U know how these young folks are they all like rabbits.

I looked at Tae a little uncomfortable at that statement seeing how we almost had sex before we got here. He looked back at me with that sexy smirk before he spoke.

Tae: Nah granny he a virgin, and so am I.(he laughed)
Ms.Jackson: Boy hush him I can believe, but nigga I raised u so I know better.
Granny: Yall come on nah im tired of this place lets go.

They went to grab their bags, but Tae stopped both of them sayin that he had it. I tried to grab one as well, but he even tried to stop me from doing so.

Tae: Nah bae just go to the truck I got it.
Yatta: Boy u cant carry all this stuff by yo self.
Tae: Man just go to the truck shawty.
Yatta: Would u shut up, and move I can help.
Granny: Ohh I like him Dee he a lil fiesty thang.
Ms.Jackson: Seem like my son finally met his match.(she laughed)
Tae: Oh forreal ma.

We all laughed as we headed to his truck, and put all of their luggage in the back. The ride back was full of conversation as his mom, and grandma were both tryna feel me out.

Ms.Jackson: So bae what u in school for?
Tae: His name is Kenyatta ma.(he laughed)
Ms.Jackson: I know what his damn name is, but I said bae. What u the only one that can call him bae or something.
Tae: He is MY boyfriend.
Ms.Jackson: Anyway BAE what u in school for like I said.
Yatta: Im in school to become a computer engineer.
Granny: Oh he cute and smart gone head Tae u caught a good one suga.
Tae: Thanks granny it wasnt easy, but I got him.(he said smilin at me through the rear view mirror)
Ms.Jackson: So where u from baby?
Yatta: Chicago.
Granny: Oohh u gone have to show me where all the good spots at when I go visit. I love chicago.
Yatta: Yes ma'am.(i laughed)
Ms.Jackson: So has my son met yo parents yet, or did he beat u to the punch?
Yatta: Uh....
Tae: Dang ma dont u think thats enough questions?
Ms.Jackson: Boy shut up im havin a conversation wit my future son-in-law. Now u need to pay more attention to that road, and not be all up in my koo-laid shit u dont even know the flavor.
Tae: Yes I do its grape.(he laughed)
Ms.Jackson: No it aint its pineapple now mind yo damn business. Back to u baby.(she said lookin at me)
Yatta: No he hasnt.
Granny: How long yall been datin now suga?
Yatta: Almost 2 months, but he been houndin me since I got here this summer in july.
Ms.Jackson: Well whats the hold up u ashamed of my baby or something?
Tae: Ma chill out man.
Yatta: Actually my parents are dead.

They both looked at me wit shock all over there face after I said that.

Granny: See Dee look what u done did now leave this baby alone.
Ms.Jackson: Im so sorry sweety I didnt mean no harm.
Yatta: Your fine really. Yo son been helpin me get over it so its not as hard to deal with.
Tae: Thats cuz I love u.(he smiled)
Granny: LOVE!?(she laughed) What u babies know about love?
Tae: Im 22 years old granny, and I know a lot.
Ms.Jackson: She said love not sex Tae.(she laughed)
Yatta: I dont know much, but I can tell u what I think it is. To me its honest even when u know the truth will be harder to accept, and hurt more than telling a lie. It makes u wake up every day with the sole purpose of seein that other person smile so u can know their happy even if your not. Its finding all the imperfections in that person and taking the time to see how beautiful each one really is. Its lettin down yo gaurd and trustin the other person with your heart so they can protect it as if they would die with out it. Its when u push them away they keep coming back with double the force everytime. Its when no matter how much u try to avoid them they have no trouble finding u when even u cant find yourself. Love is more than a sexual connection, but a mental and physical connection. Like when somethings bothering u they can talk to u about it, or if your in pain they know what hurts and where without u ever exactly tellin them.

When I was done once again they were lookin at me in shock while Tae was smilin at me.

Ms.Jackson: How old are u sweety?
Yatta: Im 20.
Granny: Tae suga u know I dont normally say this, but dont let this one get away. Im tryna tell u he gone be the one to change yo life.
Tae: He already doin that granny.(he smiled)
Ms.Jackson: After that baby I think I know all I need to know.
Granny: Dee u know who he remind me of? Whats Lora boyfriend name I think Reggie, but thats who he remind me of.
Ms.Jackson: He show do dont he. That boy know he crazy about Lora too.(she smiled)
Granny: U know what why dont all of yall come over to my house tomorrow so we can all do a lil bonding.
Ms.Jackson: Oh thats a good idea mama. What u think Tae?
Tae: Thats koo wit me tomorrow is one of my free days.
Granny: What about u suga?
Yatta: Yea I dont mind.
Ms.Jackson: Perfect, but make sure u tell yo sister so she can tell Reggie.

After we dropped them off Tae called Lora to tell her about the little get together. When we finally got back to our dorm it was almost 1 in the morning. On our way up Tae just kept smilin at me, and fuckin wit me the entire time.

Yatta: Dude what is wrong wit u why do u keep messin wit me?
Tae: Because I can.(he said wrappin his arms around my waist)
Yatta: Why are u so damn giddy?
Tae: Who was u talkin about when u said all that stuff in the car?
Yatta: Who do u think I was talkin about?
Tae: I dont know thats why im askin?
Yatta: Well if u dont know I dont know either.(i laughed)

When we got inside I went to the bathroom, and then went straight to the bed to cuddle up Tae. When I woke up later that day Tae was still sleepin like a baby. He looked so peaceful and sexy sleep as he did awake. I tried to slowly sneak out of his hold when I heard a knock at the door. The more I tried to move the tighter he held on to me.

Tae: Where u goin?(he asked groggy)
Yatta: Somebody at the door bae i'll be right back.(i said kissing him)

When he finally let me go he rolled back over showin his boxers hangin half way off his ass. I laughed at him while shakin my head because I thought that was cute. After I took a picture of it, and looked at the time I went to answer the door. I opened it and my heart dropped to my feet when I saw Quan standin on the other side.

Quan: Wussup lil bit?
Yatta: Hey.(i said low)
Quan: Can I come in?
Yatta: Um..Yea I guess.(i said movin out the way so he could come in)

He walked in and sat on the couch, and I leaned against the wall foldin my arms.

Quan: So how u been?
Yatta: Ok...wussup though?
Quan: I just wanted to see how u been.
Yatta: I been good now u can go if thats all.
Quan: Come on yatta dont be like that.
Yatta: Why not?
Quan: Im sorry ok.
Yatta: Why did u find out yo bitch was lyin.(i snapped)
Quan: She lost the baby lil bit.(he said low)

Damn, way to go Yatta.

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