The Slave of a Vampire (PLZ W...

By bnstorymaker

586K 9.3K 1.8K

Claire's life had been lonely, but at least she was alive and safe from the most demonic person out there, th... More

The Slave of a Vampire
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 Part 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16: Part One
Chapter 16: Part Two
Chapter 16: Part Three
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: Part 1
Chapter 21: Part 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's note
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Yet Another Author's Note *sigh* IMPORT.

Chapter 26

5.1K 199 73
By bnstorymaker

This story is copyright to bnstorymaker

all rights reserved ©2013


The song for this chap is Leaving Tonight by The Birthday Massacre check it out

*Claire's PoV*

No words could explain my fear. There was nothing safe about this forest and why did I feel like every minute of the day I was being chased by some supernatural being? First it was Leon and the others and now it's freaking wolves.

Since the carriage stopped flipping over it ended up on it's side so it was hard for me to glance out the window. I wanted to see what was going on. Hesitantly, I maneuvered myself over Chase's body watching my step. I didn't want to step on anything he might need for later use in his life. I quickly blushed and discarded that thought as I peered through the window.

"What are you doing?"

I looked back, "Trying to see what's going on."

I poked my head through the broken window and gasped. There was an ominous fog engulfing the forest, but I did catch a small glimpse of what was going on. Outside there were werewolves whose black fur were matted with dirt and blood. Leon and the others were fighting them fiercely, yet every time they would slay one another would take its place.

They were panting loudly from fighting and then one of them who was larger than the others grinned at Winter showing teeth that had pieces of old blood-splattered specks of festering flesh in them. When it looked in my direction, I quickly ducked my head back into the carriage.

"Shit. I think one saw me! We have to get out of here."

Chase shook his head, "No, you heard what Isi and Wint said. We are not leaving. Trust me we will be fi-".

Before Chase could finish his sentence, a large hole was ripped from the side of the carriage and hand grabbed Chase, tossing him out from the carriage. I heard him scream and then metal clanking together.

"Chase!" I yelled.

There was no answer.

I looked around as I noticed that I was left alone with no source of protection. All I could hear were screams directing towards me.

"Claire, get the hell out of there! It's too dangerous." I heard Leon say.


I began to feel a tingle crawl to my hand again and I began to look down at the letters.

"What the hell do you want?!"

"It's not safe. Break the front glass and crawl out. Make haste. Hurry. Run. Run. Ruuuunnnnn..."

The letters dragged on and on up my hands and traveled up my arm. What the hell was going on?! I shook my hand in an attempt to shake the letters away, but it was no use. They were glued to me and then they temporary vanished to create more words.

"Trying to wipe us off won't work. You need blood, your blood to erase us, even still it may not work. Don't be frightened of us. We help."

I glanced down at the words, not sure what they meant.

"What do you mean? Who are you?"

"Follow Isi and Leon to see C and she will tell you. When you get there she will give you your blood and ours. It will make you strong and your memory will come back. We are spirits of the council, dear Claire...good spirits and we served your ancestors and now we serve you. Your thoughts become ours. We feel what you do. We want you to live. You have to. You are so important and yet, you have no idea why."

I reread over and over again trying to grab the concept of what these spirits said. Should I believe them? I paused for a moment with a temporary smirk spreading across my face. Hell, if vampires, demons, and what not existed why wouldn't I believe in spirits? Besides, what did I have to lose, my life? I laughed. That was almost a joke considering how much danger I have been in since my birthday.

"Well do you have a name?"

"My queen, we have many, but you may call me Edwin, if you see it fit."

"Edwin, why is my blood important? Why do I need to live?"

"Because without you or your blood we are all doomed. You are the only one strong enough to save the world from him. Find C. Find C. C.C.C.C.C.C.C." The letters said trialing up my arm.

"Who is him?"

"Him. Him. Him...bad man. Evil. He wants you dead."

"Why?! Answer me!" I yelled, but Edwin didn't reply.

And then there was silence.

I stared at it for the longest time until I remembered the dangerous situation I was currently in. I was broken out of my dream-like state when I heard someone yelling from a distance.

"Dammit Claire! Get out of there! Wolves are coming toward the carriage! We cant stop 'em all. What are you doing baking a fucking cake?!"

Oh right, I was in the midst of escaping.

I quickly looked up and began to climb through the hole that Chase was pulled trough. When I got my upper body out of the hole a sharp pain shot through my shoulder.

Due to the pain, I fell back into the carriage and my back crashed against the car door on the other side. I felt a stinging pain jolt through my shoulder and I quickly slid my shirt collar out of the way. When I glanced at it, I nearly fainted. There was blood oozing out from the hole in my shoulder and I screamed.

"Somebody help me please! For the dear love of God help me!", but there were no answers.

No one was going to help me and I was going to die, but I didn't care anymore. I had nothing to live for anyway. I was alone and had been for so long. I lost my parents along with my sanity and now I just wished my death would be quick. When I saw the sharp bloody teeth of the wolf inching it's way further into the carriage, I just relaxed. I had no strength to fight, no strength to move on and try. All of my energy was drained, perhaps from all the heartbreak I endured?

I missed Damien, oddly enough, and he was all I thought about in what would be my last moments. Even if Damien lied about loving me, he still said those three words to me, I love you. I just wished I could say the words back to him, to let him know that even though we haven't had the best relationship, I still loved him. When I die, would he be upset? Maybe he would be upset because he wasn't able to finish the job himself? Maybe...maybe....maybe....

Then the tears came like an angry waterfall trying to drown all in its path. I let them fall down my cheek wildly. I closed my eyes and just waited. In my head, I pleaded for forgiveness from my baby. I was going to end his or her life too and I knew I was just being selfish, but there was nothing I could do. I was giving up, giving up on myself when I knew I could pull through, when we could pull through.

Then all of a sudden there, was a slither of hope that jolted in my body. I had to live no matter how miserable I was because I did have someone to protect. Just as I opened my eyes to find another exit route, the hand of the wolf was squeezed my face aggressively. I was too late!

My eyes widened in horror and then I felt a sharp burst of energy before the carriage and I was splattered red. The werewolf instantly retracted it's shattered hand that was a bloodied pulp literally hanging by a thin string of tendons. It let out a blood curdling scream so much that I had to cover my ears. What the hell just happened?

While the wolf was outside cradling what was left of his arm and muttering curses in the form of growls, I grabbed the my bag and the vial of blood as I began to crawl to the front of the carriage.

When I arrived to the glass, I tried to break it with my elbow like the movies, but it didn't budge.

"Ow!" I exclaimed.

Note to self, never try that again. Trying that hurt my elbow and I'm sure I bruised it. Well using my hand would be out of the question, too.

"Use them when you are in danger.It's my blood and it will make you strong and fast like me, although, it won't heal wounds because you are still human."

I remembered what Mitri had said about the vials he gave me. Maybe I should use his power to break the window?

I reached into my pocket and unscrewed the cap. I pinched my nose as the crimson liquid fell onto my tongue. As soon as Mitri's blood hit my tongue, I let out a loud, "Mhmm". His blood tasted like chocolate ice cream. It was such an unusual taste for blood and I gulped it down, somewhat sad I didn't ask for more. I should have been disgusted with myself, but I wasn't. I had to do what I had to do and that was the end of the discussion.

After I finished the vial of blood, I didn't feel any different so I waited a few minutes, but nothing changed. I didn't feel dizzy, sick, or anything. Was this how the blood was supposed to feel to a human? Did the blood even work? There was only one way to find out.

I quickly drove my fists back and punched the window as hard as I could. In an instant, the window shattered into a million pieces. I looked down at my fist in surprise. It didn't hurt, although, it was bleeding like crazy as if I shattered every bone in my hand and wrist. Nonetheless, I didn't fret over whether it was broken or not. Hastily, I stuck my head through the window and began to crawl out.

When I was almost out, something tugged on my foot and tried to pull me back into the carriage. I shrieked when I looked back. The same wolf with the nub left for an arm grabbed me with his other arm. The look on his face was more sinister than the first time I saw him.

"Let go of me!" I yelled.

I kicked at his hand with my left foot. The wolf growled and began to loosen his grip on my right leg and I kicked him once more.This time, the wolf lost his grip, dragging his claws down my leg making a huge gash on my leg, but caught himself on my ankle. It didn't hurt at all; I think the blood helped with that, but I knew once the blood wore off, I'd feel it.

The wolf gave one hard tug and I began to lose my grip sliding along the fragments of the glass which caused faint scratches on my arms. My eyes scanned for a weapon and that's when I saw a sharp pointed piece of glass. Without a hesitation, I picked it up and slammed it on the wolf's hand. He whined letting go of my ankle and retreating from the carriage. I let out a slow breathe and crawled out of the carriage.

It felt lke a lifetime since I've been outside. I was just happy to be out of the carriage that almost got me killed. The fog was still thick and the air was cold. I looked around for everyone, even Winter, but I couldn't see them and my panic rose.

"Leon, where are you? I'm okay! Can anyone hear me?"

"Claire, we can hear you, but we can't see you! The fog is too thick even for us. We're practically fighting blind."

Leon's statement did'nt make me feel anymore calm or confident in our situation.

"Follow our voices!" WInter snorted, "Be careful. There are still wolves around. We will try to protect you the best we can."

In the midst of the fog, they began to sing so I could follow their voices. They were a considerable distance away, and I had to walk slowly making sure I didn't put too much pressure on my leg. All of a sudden, I heard it, there were growls coming towards me. I picked up my pace, and the same wolf that tried to kill me twice now was chasing me. Didn't he ever give up?!

"Wolves are behind Claire!" I heard Leon say," We'll never make it too her in time with this fog."

"No I guess not." Isi replied nonchalantly, "Hey Claire, catch!"

"What the hell are you doing Isidora?! Are you crazy?! There's no way she'll catch that! She'll get sliced in half!"

"No she won't. I know her better than anyone and because I do that's why I am here in the first place. She'll catch it she's a-

Catch what?

And then I saw it.

I thick piece of metal came flying at me. Naturally, I grabbed it spinning around stabbing the wolf right in the heart in one motion with unimaginable speed. I let out a disgusted sound and dropped the sword. The wolf dropped to the ground laying still whining as it transformed back into a human.

Just like I thought, it was a man, a man no older than thirty. He had an after five shadow, shaggy hair, and round brown eyes. He was shaking;he was getting cold which meant death was his only option now. He looked at me with hatred burning in his eyes and he grasped the dirt that had become moist with his blood.

"," He whispered as he spit blood from his mouth and then he closed his tear stained eyes.

The other wolves saw that their leader was defeated then ran off.

I sunk to my knees and cried. I just killed someone. I was no better than Damien. I want to go home, where I am safe and sound, where I don't have to kill.

Once the man closed his eyes, the fog dispersed and everyone was looking at me from a distance. I could see their expressions clearly. Isidora gave a solemn expression as if she knew how it felt to kill someone for the first time, Leon seemed impartial to the man's death, and Winter was picking the dirt out of her nails.

They all came running over to me and Winter kicked the man to see if he was dead.

"Yup, he's dead. Nice jab Claire." She laughed wickedly making jabbing actions with her fist.

"Stop it, Winter." Leon scolded.

"Where's Chase?"

Leon shrugged, "Follow me. He's lucky to be alive. He suffered a lot of wounds and for that matter so have you. Let me take a look."

As Leon tried to investigate, I slapped his hands away.

"I'm fine.I have a first aid kit on me."

"If you say so. Chase is over here."

Leon lead me to a nearby tree and Chase was sitting against it breathing shallowly. Chase had his eyes closed and I saw that his shirt had huge claw marks in them. From his collar bone to stomach there was a gash that seemed to be two times bigger than mine and it was a miracle he was still alive, but even I knew it wouldn't be for long if he didn't get serious help.

Leon slowly helped Chase up then helped him climb onto his back so he could carry him piggy back style.

"Let's go. He needs help immediately." I said.

"And what about you? You aren't exactly in excellent condition either. Who's gonna carry you?"

I ignored him and began to walk over to where Isi and Winter were. Winter cleaned my bloody hand and patched up the wound on my leg using my first aid kit until we reached the Forbidden Town where I could receive real treatment. After Winter finished, Isi offered her shoulder as support and I gladly accepted it. When I nodded my head in approval, Isi hoisted me onto her back in the blink of a eye. I didn't wanted to be carried and I even protested, but she refused to let me go. Succumbing to my defeat, I let her carry me like an obedient child would.

"We'd better get going. The wolves could be planning another attack before nightfall so I don't think it would be wise to build camp tonight. I think we should travel until we get to the Forbidden Town and then rest when we get there. We're actually almost there; another half hour or so." Winter explained.

"Agreed." Isi replied.


We walked for what seemed like hours and I was beginning to get sleepy, but I forced myself to stay awake. The sun was beginning to set and left the sky with a tinted orange hue in the sky. While being on Isidora's back the baby kicked a few times. I tried to shield the throbs by placing my hand over my stomach, but everytime the baby kicked Isidora would turn her head.

"You alright? Are you hungry or something?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Guys, Claire's hungry. Let's stop for a quick snack. Come to think about it, none of us has eaten since last night."

"For only ten minutes, okay?" Leon replied.

"Let her starve," Winter snickered.

Everyone frowned at her.

"What? I was kidding!"

Isi decided to stay with Chase and I while the others scavenged for food. When they came back they had a few fish and berries in the hands. Isidora decided to spark up a fire. Once the fire was done, she found some tree branches and made a makeshift basket. She stuck two sticks in the ground packing the dirt down to hold them steady. Next she played with her hair for a moment then ripped out a small handful. Isi grimaced slightly and dropped the handful of hair beside her.

I watched her intentlly as she closed her eyes began to chant something in another language.

As she chanted, her hair rose into the air over the fire and thickened along with the hand-woven basket. In only a moment, her hair strands turned into one large sturdy metal bar and the woven basket turned into a steel basket. Isidora opened her eyes and put the new bar on the tree branches and then pulled one more strand of her hair out and strung the basket from it as if it only weighed a feather and attached it to the center bar over the fire. It was amazing how her hair could hold something so heavy, but if she kept pulling her hair out like that she'd be bald in no time. I laughed silently to myself.

Leon put the fish in the pot and began to cook it. For Chase, he announced he was going to make some type of soup from the berries he and Winter collected.

"How did you do that Isi?"

"It's magic, imbecile. She and I are witches, remember." Winter commented.

Isidora scowled at Winter and ignored her.

"It's magic, Claire. And for your correction, Winter, I'm half witch."

After that, no one said anything, we just ate in silence. When we were done eating and put the fire out, something unexpected happened. My phone rang.


Okay guyz this is a wrap for me ^0^...I'm so happy i could finally update guyz...i know its just an ok chap, but i wanted to get something out

ive been busier than ever

now that i think of it anyone want to play a game >:3

if u WIN ull get a dedication for the next chap ok so the game is......



anyways i hope to update as soon as i can...but i have a bunch of research papers due so its easier said than done.

please vote comment fan thanks

also thx to the new fans supporters etc. i appreciate it <3




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