Chapter 26

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This story is copyright to bnstorymaker

all rights reserved ©2013


The song for this chap is Leaving Tonight by The Birthday Massacre check it out

*Claire's PoV*

No words could explain my fear. There was nothing safe about this forest and why did I feel like every minute of the day I was being chased by some supernatural being? First it was Leon and the others and now it's freaking wolves.

Since the carriage stopped flipping over it ended up on it's side so it was hard for me to glance out the window. I wanted to see what was going on. Hesitantly, I maneuvered myself over Chase's body watching my step. I didn't want to step on anything he might need for later use in his life. I quickly blushed and discarded that thought as I peered through the window.

"What are you doing?"

I looked back, "Trying to see what's going on."

I poked my head through the broken window and gasped. There was an ominous fog engulfing the forest, but I did catch a small glimpse of what was going on. Outside there were werewolves whose black fur were matted with dirt and blood. Leon and the others were fighting them fiercely, yet every time they would slay one another would take its place.

They were panting loudly from fighting and then one of them who was larger than the others grinned at Winter showing teeth that had pieces of old blood-splattered specks of festering flesh in them. When it looked in my direction, I quickly ducked my head back into the carriage.

"Shit. I think one saw me! We have to get out of here."

Chase shook his head, "No, you heard what Isi and Wint said. We are not leaving. Trust me we will be fi-".

Before Chase could finish his sentence, a large hole was ripped from the side of the carriage and hand grabbed Chase, tossing him out from the carriage. I heard him scream and then metal clanking together.

"Chase!" I yelled.

There was no answer.

I looked around as I noticed that I was left alone with no source of protection. All I could hear were screams directing towards me.

"Claire, get the hell out of there! It's too dangerous." I heard Leon say.


I began to feel a tingle crawl to my hand again and I began to look down at the letters.

"What the hell do you want?!"

"It's not safe. Break the front glass and crawl out. Make haste. Hurry. Run. Run. Ruuuunnnnn..."

The letters dragged on and on up my hands and traveled up my arm. What the hell was going on?! I shook my hand in an attempt to shake the letters away, but it was no use. They were glued to me and then they temporary vanished to create more words.

"Trying to wipe us off won't work. You need blood, your blood to erase us, even still it may not work. Don't be frightened of us. We help."

I glanced down at the words, not sure what they meant.

"What do you mean? Who are you?"

"Follow Isi and Leon to see C and she will tell you. When you get there she will give you your blood and ours. It will make you strong and your memory will come back. We are spirits of the council, dear Claire...good spirits and we served your ancestors and now we serve you. Your thoughts become ours. We feel what you do. We want you to live. You have to. You are so important and yet, you have no idea why."

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