Twisted Truth (Sequel to "Twi...

By sassygirl93

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{Sequel To 'Twisted Words And Twisted Lies! Make sure you read 'Twisted Words And Twisted Lies' before readin... More

Twisted Truth (Sequel to "Twisted Words And Twisted Lies") [Harry Styles Fanfic]
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
Chapter 37:
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44:
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48:
Chapter 49:
Chapter 50 (Epilogue)

Chapter 24:

16K 404 28
By sassygirl93

A/N: Sorry it took me so long to post this.... I got called into work and didn't have time to post it..... i literally just got home a few minutes ago (1:30 am) 

 Harry's POV

It's been two hours since we heard that Anna was in emergency surgery. She is still in surgery and we are all still waiting to hear something.

"How do you think she will act?" Eleanor asked breaking the silence that hung over the room.

"Hopefully she acts somewhat normally.." Louis said.

"I just hope she doesn't shut us out, but I have a feeling she will." I said.

"I hope not. I don't think I can give her space..... not in this case." Louis said. I agreed with him but I knew I had to take a step back if that's what Anna needed. Plus Christmas is this week so I know she will force all of us to go home for the holiday.

"We should cancel Louis' birthday day party." Liam whispered to me so Louis couldn't hear us.

"Yeah, I don't think any of us are in the mood to party." I whispered back.

"What are you two whispering about?" Louis asked Liam and I. I looked over at Liam and he shrugged.

"We were throwing you a surprise birthday party, but with what happened with Anna...." Liam trailed off.

"That was nice of you all, but I totally understand why you don't want to do it. I mean isn't that what you were talking about? Canceling it? Cause I really don't feel like having a party right now." Louis said.

"You will just owe me a big party next year." Louis added with a giant smirk on his face.

"That's a deal." We smiled at him.

"Anna Austin's family." We heard a male say. We all turned our heard in the direction of the voice and saw a tall man in greenish scrubs. We all stood up as the man approached us.

"Hi I'm Anna's doctor. Doctor Ryan!" He smiled at us.

"Anna is out of surgery. She is in recovery until the anesthesia wears off a bit." Dr. Ryan said.

"How'd the surgery go?" Jay asked him. He took and deep breath and looked down at the floor for a quick second before looking back up at all of us. My heart dropped to the floor with his actions.

"I don't know how else to say it, but we lost her once, but we were able to revive her within thirty seconds. Other then that the surgery went great. We were able to find out exactly where she was bleeding and stitch it up. She is very lucky to be alive. If she didn't get to us when she did I don't think she would be with us right now." Dr. Ryan simply said.

"Does she have any other major injuries?" My mum asked. The rest of us all just stood shocked that she died during surgery but then came back to us.

"She has a list of injuries. She has two broke ribs that seemed to have already been broken before. Her left ankle is fractured and will be in a boot for six weeks. I will give you more details on that a little later." He said. We all nodded and waited for him to continue.

"Her left shoulder was dislocated, so we had to re-set it. She will be in a sling for about 2 weeks. Her neck is sprained, so she is in a neck brace for the next four to six weeks. She suffered a severe concussion, but luckily no brain damage. At this moment her right eye is swollen completely shut and her left eye just barely opens. Her whole face and body are covered in cuts and bruises. No cuts were deep enough for stitches. Certain areas of her body are very swollen, but that should go down within the next couple of days." He said. As he talked we all just silently cried and nodded our heads at what he was saying.

'I should have picked her up that night and taken her to dinner. I shouldn't have let her drive herself.' I thought to myself.

"When can we see her?" Louis asked.

"She will be out of recovery in an hour. Once she is in her room a nurse will come get you and you may all see her." He smiled weakly at us.

"Thank you for helping my sister." Louis said as he stood up and shook the doctors hand.

"Not a problem. I'm glad I was able to help her." He said as he shook Louis' hand. After their exchange the Dr left the room telling us we can stay in here and wait.

"Is it wrong that I'm afraid to see her?" Niall asked nervously.

"I don't know, but I'm scares as well." I said as I sat on the floor with my back against the wall.

"It's normal. You know she is really hurt and you don't know what she looks like, so it's normal." Jay smiled weakly at us.

"Well at least she doesn't have any memory loss. I don't think any of us could handle her not knowing who we are." Liam said.

"I didn't even give that a thought." Eleanor said.

"Me neither." I said. I was too worried about her staying alive I didn't think about brain damage from all the punches and slaps that she received to the head in the last two weeks.

"I just want to take her home and never let her out of my sight again." Louis said. We all chuckled at him, but knew we were all thinking the same thing.

It’s been an hour and a half, and we were only now getting to go see Anna. Apparently her blood pressure went a tad bit to low, so they wanted to get it back to normal before moving her to a normal room.

“I hope she is happy to see us.” Niall said as we walked to Anna’s room.

“I think she will be happy to see us, she just might not show it the way we want her too.” Perrie said. We all nodded as we approached her room. We all paused before opening the door.

“If you can’t handle the way she looks just make a valid excuse to leave the room. We don’t want her to get upset.” Jay said as we nodded in reply. She opened the door to Anna’s room and we all took in a sharp breath at the sight of Anna…..

Anna’s POV

I was laying in the hospital bed drugged up on morphine and some other drugs I don’t remember the name too. I had so many wires attached to me, and a few IV’s as well. I just kept my one eye closed and listened to the annoying beeping that is my heart monitor. The nurses just left my room, but they raised my bed just enough so I was sitting up slightly. The one nurse said my family and friends are coming in soon. I was nervous, but excited to see them. I might not know exactly what I look like right now, but I can only imagine I look horrible. The nurses told me that they haven’t left since they got to the hospital, which was apparently around the same time I did. I don’t really remember much after I got into the ambulance. The nurse did list all my injuries to me and told me about the surgery though. I honestly thought I would have had a lot more serious injuries with how badly I was beaten.

My let eye darted open as much as it would when I heard multiple in takes of breaths. I looked over to my left (with her eye, since she is wearing a neck brace she can’t move her neck to look) and saw One Direction, Mum, Anne, and Gemma all standing in the door way of my hospital looking like they saw a ghost. Louis was the first one to walk closer to me. He hesitantly reached for my hand before gently grabbing it. I looked up with him and saw he was crying. I closed my eye and tried to hold back my emotions.

“Are you in any pain right now?” Louis asked me. I shook my head no, well I don’t know if I really shook my head with this damn neck brace, but I think he understood what I meant. Everyone else finally walked over to my bed and surrounded it. They all still looked like they saw a ghost, but seemed that they relaxed a bit.

“I’m so sorry that it took two weeks or us to get you.” Louis said. I ‘shook’ my head indicating that it wasn’t his fault. None of this was anyone’s fault, but Emily, Damon, and Rob’s. Sure Rob helped me in the end, but he was the one to cause my car accident then take me when I was unconscious.

“I’ll be right back. Do you want some water?” Mum asked me. I ‘shook’ my head no once again. She nodded and made her way out of my room.

“Do you remember what happened today?” Zayn asked me nervously. A tear slipped out of my eye when I shook my head yes. Damn neck brace is already driving me nuts and I just woke up forty-five minutes ago. I felt a soft, but rough hand gently wipe away the tear that fell from my eye. I looked over and saw Louis smiling weakly at me.

“Do you want or need anything?” Niall asked me. I just simply ‘shook’ my head no. I haven’t talked in two weeks, and even now that I’m safe I can’t bring myself to say anything even to my loved ones.

“Well if all goes well you will be back home Christmas eve AKA my birthday.” Louis smiled at me. My left eye went as wide as it could and looked over at the guys.

“We already canceled the surprise party. None of us are in a party mood and we figured it was just best to cancel it.” Liam said. I blinked and closed my eye. I lifted my hand to my head and winced as I touched a bruise.

“Want some ice?” Niall asked me. I shrugged my good shoulder, but kept my eyes shut.

“Hey guys do you mind if I talk to Anna alone for a second?” Mum asked everyone. They must have agreed because I felt a much smaller softer hand grab my left hand. I opened my eye and saw only me mum standing there.

“The nurses said you could talk, but you refuse. I think I understand, but just know that we can’t help you if you don’t talk to us. Plus if you don’t start talking soon I think Louis will go crazy and Harry well I’m not sure I want to know what he will do. Everyone has been worried sick about you, but Louis and Harry have been just- ahh they have been going crazy. If they could I bet they would’ve gone looking for you themselves, but the cops made sure they didn’t.” She smiled weakly at me.

“I know that now isn’t the proper time to bring this up, but Harry loves you so much and if you god forbid didn’t make I don’t know what he would’ve done. He would sneak out of Louis’ flat every night and go to your flat to sleep in your bed. Nobody knows that but me so don’t say anything to anyone.” She said.

“He snapped at his mum earlier today and went straight to your flat and stayed there until we found out who took you. Louis ended up staying with him for a bit as well. The rest of us just stayed in Louis’ living room staring at our phones waiting to hear something.” She said as she continued to hold on to my hand. I squeezed it lightly since that was all the energy I had, but I kept my eye closed and didn’t say anything. I took my hand away from hers and pointing to my chest.

“Does it hurt? “She asked. I gave her thumbs up and I heard her hold back a giggle.

“I’ll go get tell the nurse. Maybe they can give you something else for the pain.” Mum said. After I heard the door open and close I felt a different hand touch my leg softly.

“This is all my fault.” I heard him say. I lifted my hand and touched his arm to get his attention. I gave him thumbs down while I looked him dead in the eyes.

“Yes it is. I should’ve picked you up. Shit I shouldn’t have even forced you to go to that dinner.” Harry said. I gave him another thumbs down since that hurt less them attempting to shake my head.

“Why aren’t you talking?” He asked me confused.

“Can you talk?” he asked me. I gave him thumbs up.

“Why won’t you talk then?” I closed my eye and tried to take a deep breath, but I couldn’t. I reached up and placed my hand on my chest.

“Having problems taking deep breaths?” A nurse said to me. I opened my eye and looked at her and she nodded and walked back out of the room.

“Harry can I talk to you for a minute?” Mum asked him. He nodded and followed her out of the room.

Harry’s POV

“I talked to the hospitals therapist’s and they said they don’t think she is talking, because she is scared. She went through a lot the last two weeks we’re lucky that she is communicating with us at all, but we can’t push her to talk.” Jay said as soon as we walked out of Anna’s room.

“I don’t know how long I can wait.” I said honestly.

“Well you are going to have to force yourself to not push her. If we push her she might pull away from us farther.” Jay said. I nodded my head, so she knew I understood. I might understand, but I don’t have to like it.

A/N: No questions or statements this chapter….. I’m tired and want to go to sleep. I will post chapter 25 as soon as I wake up…. So tech I am doing a double update today :P haha


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