In Love With The Dark

By xBunux

4.3K 122 6

Please I repeat please do not read this story. It was my first ever written story so it is horrendous and in... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 FINAL

Chapter 11

148 6 0
By xBunux

Chapter 11

RECAP When she was all freshened, we went downstairs. My baby ate her brunch. The whole day we just sat on the couch and watched movies. Soon the sky was darkening. I looked out of the window. It was full moon today. The night when I lose my control. The night when I get really thirsty. And I haven’t fed for 4 days. I was really hungry. But I had to focus. I can’t lose my control.

“Baby??” Bec called me. “Yeah honey” I looked at her. “I’m hungry” she said rubbing her belly. “Okay I’ll go make dinner for you.” I said. I stood and went to the kitchen. Bec followed me. “Can I help?” she asked. “Sure honey. What do you want to have for dinner?” I asked. “Umm..spaghetti” she said. “Okay babe” I said. I opened the drawer and took out spaghetti. “What will I do?” she asked. I took some garlic from the shelf and gave them to Bec. “You can chop these but make sure not to cut yourself.” I said. “Okay” she said and started to cut the garlic. Usually myth says vampires don’t like garlic but it’s not true. I actually like the smell of garlic.  It’s so strong and aromatic. Bec was turning her back towards me while cutting garlic. I was just staring at her back view. God she’s so hot.

“Ahhhh…I cut my finger” she said in pain turning towards me. I saw her bleeding finger. The smell for her blood hit my nose. Her blood smelled amazing. Her blood had this strong mouth watering smell. Her blood was so inviting. I wanted to drink her blood. I want to sink my fangs on her neck and drink her blood. What am I thinking?

My eyes turned red. My throat tightened with thirst. I was in my vampire form. I covered my eyes with my hands acting like something had went inside it.  I turned away from her.

“Are you alright babe? What happened to your eyes?” Bec asked walking towards me. As she walked nearer to me, the scent for her blood increased and became stronger. I wanted to suck her blood. She came more closer to me. I was at the last stage of losing my control. But I can’t lose control. Bec was in danger. I was dangerous for her. If she comes nearer to me I won’t be able to control my thirst anymore. I may lose control and kill her. I have to get out of this house. I have to go far away from her.

“Don’t come closer to me.” I shouted at her. “But why?” she asked with cracked voice. Tears were falling from her eyes. “Just don’t come closer to me. I just remembered, I had some work with my friend. I’ll go and finish it.” Saying that I rushed out of the house.

In my full speed I ran at the top of the hill. When I reached the top, I smelled a deer near me. I searched for it and when I found it, I drank every drop of blood in its body. My thirst was now gone. Yet I was feeling really frustrated. I was thinking of killing Bec today. How can I even think such a thing? I was thinking of killing my soul mate. Shame on me for thinking such a thing. I am dangerous for her. If this happens again I may possibly kill her. I am not good for her. She deserves to be loved not killed. And I may kill her any moment if I lose my control over my body. I am not good for her. I have to stay away from her in order to make her stay alive and happy. She won’t be able to be happy with me. She doesn’t deserve a monster like me. She deserves someone better than me. For her sake I have to stay away from her. I spent the night in the woods. I couldn’t sleep all night. All I could think about was how near I was to killing her. I damned myself for being a vampire. I have to make her hate me so that she won’t come near me.

When the sun rose, I returned back to home. I opened the door. I saw my Becca on the floor crying. Seeing her in that position shattered my heart. When she saw me, she stood up and ran towards me. I could see her eyes were red and swollen. I could tell from her face that she cried whole night.

“Where had you been Daniel? I was so worried.” She said hugging me tightly. I have to do it. I have to make her hate me. I pushed her away. “Ohh thanks for worrying and from now on you don’t have to worry anymore.” I said sarcastically. Her eyes widened and tears started falling. Her heart was broken into pieces by me. I could feel her pain. I was feeling the same but I have to do this for her sake. She will hate me if she finds out that I’m a vampire, a monster who drinks blood and kills others.

“But why?” she asked in a cracked voice. “None of your business,” saying that I went upstairs to my room. I closed my door. I was feeling pain in my heart. I was feeling the same pain Rebecca is feeling now because of me. But I have to do this. I love her and for her sake I can do anything. Blood was dripping from my eyes. I was crying. I banged my head on the wall. Why was I born as a vampire? Wish I could be a human and spend my whole life wirh Bec, grow older with her and die in her arms.

Rubecca’s POV

Daniel also did the same what Sam had done to me. He broke my heart and left me alone. Once again I’m alone with a broken heart. I was crying my heart out in my room. Then I heard a noise. It was a voice of a girl. I open my room’s door  and found Danial kissing a girl in front of his room. That girl was Anna. My heart sank deep when I saw them making out. “What at you staring at you bitch?” Anna shouted at me. “Don’t waste your time on trash babe,” Daniel said continuing to kiss Anna.

My heart was broken into thousands of pieces when Daniel said that to me. I ran downstairs, banged the door and went outside the house. I ran until I reached a small park. I sat on a bench. Then Daniel’s vision came back into my mind. Those cruel words he said to me were echoing in my ears. Why did he did this to me? Why me? I can’t stay in his home anymore seeing him making out with other girls. I can’t bear those cruel words from him. I’ll move out from his place today. I have to. I won’t cry over for him like I did for Sam. I have to stay strong and move on. I returned to Danial’s home. I slowly opened the main door. I tiptoed upstairs.

 I heard Anna’s voice saying “Ahhhh Ahhh”. I thought she was screaming in pleasure. I slowly opened my door and went outside. Daniel’s room’s door was open. Anna was screaming loudly. She was screaming in pain. Why is Anna screaming in pain? I tiptoed towards Daniel’s room. When I looked inside his room, I saw Daniel sucking blood from Anna’s neck. Daniel’s mouth was covered by Anna’s blood. He had dark redish black eyes. Blood wad dripping from Anna’s neck. Blood was scattered all over Daniel’s bed.

“Oh my god what is this?” I screamed.



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