In My Dark Times - The Deal W...

By Rose-Lyn28

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The idea for this story came from "Kill Your Darlings," but in a more modern world way. Louis Tomlinson begi... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Forty-Seven

166 10 0
By Rose-Lyn28

**contains violence**

Harry Styles

"I can't... I can't give them to you," Zayn managed to tell me, keeping his eyes on me, "Harry, you go there..."

"They're going to kill him," I interrupted, "give me some fucking keys."

Louis shook his head at Zayn but Zayn only sighed and pulled his keys out.

"What are you doing?" Louis almost shouted at me.

I looked back at him, "do you wanna come?"

Louis didn't break eye contact with me, "what?"

"Do you want to come or not?" I almost yelled at him, "you know what... forget it. Call the police."

"Harry," Niall shouted after me as Louis followed me outside.

"Harry, you can't do this," he started, Zayn walking up behind me.

"Let's go," was all Zayn said as he climbed in the car.

"You've gotta be joking," Louis said seriously.

I opened the driver's door and stared down, "you don't have to come, Lou...."

"And you don't have to do this," he told me, "Harry, you owe him nothing!"

I turned back to him, "you're right... either get in, or stay here."

Louis knew how serious I was... he finally climbed in the back seat and sat quiet.

"Why... why did they go without Harry?" I heard Louis ask Zayn.

Zayn glanced at me, "because they've been cheated out of money by Darren for too long..."

"What?" I asked him, "what do you mean?"

"Besides setting them up with the robbery, he also cheated them on their cut several times... even if after Jeff died."

"Can we just go back?" Louis spoke up again. "Harry, come on..."

"I'm supposed to go back... and just let this happen?" I asked him.

"Yes," he shouted, "Harry, by going there, you're only making this situation worse."

"I... I can't sit there and just allow this," I almost shouted.

"Stop, calm down, or let me drive," Zayn spoke up, "fuck, Harry. Calm the fuck down... if he dies, it isn't such a big fucking deal..."

"It is a big deal!" I yelled back at him, Zayn closing his mouth and staring at me. Louis sat quiet and I knew I had gone too far.

I managed to sigh and focus my eyes back on the wet roads, wondering what we were getting ourselves into.

"So, you're going to try and protect him from being killed," Louis spoke up, "and yet, you say you're not protecting him..."

"It's murder," I almost shouted again, "I..."

"Harry, shut the fuck up," Louis yelled over me, "if they murder him, what the fuck does it matter?! You're not involved!"

I didn't say another word... until we had arrived on a familiar street in Peckham... my eyes darting around the empty spaces in front of his flat.

"Where are they?" I asked.

Zayn was checking his pistol beside me before glancing back up at the flat, "maybe they've already come and gone... or haven't made it yet."

"Or maybe they're waiting on Harry," Louis said seriously, "maybe you're walking into a trap again and your mind is too fucking clouded to see that."

I glared back at him, then stepped out of the car slowly, Zayn right behind me.

"Can anyone see your car?" I whispered to him.

Zayn shook his head as we kept walking. Louis followed slowly until we had stopped at the back door... it was unlocked.

Zayn told me to step back and he opened it slowly, glancing around inside... the house was trashed... again. And there was no sign of Darren.

"Where else would they be?" I asked Zayn quietly.

He turned back to me, "Harry, Louis is right... you don't need to do this..."

Louis crossed his arms and sighed as his eyes glanced around the streets outside.

"Maybe I need closure," I told Zayn quietly, "maybe I need to say a few things to him before I just allow him to die."

"You're not one for revenge, remember?" Zayn asked me softly, "you're angry, I know, Harry... but if they get away with it... you don't have to worry about him anymore..."

"You knew he wouldn't be here," I said suddenly, it dawning on me that he had known all along. "You knew he would be somewhere else..."

"I did," Zayn nodded at me, "and I didn't tell you because I didn't want you getting hurt."

I shook my head and ran my hands through my hair, "where is he, then?"

"I'm not telling you," Zayn mumbled. "Alright? Those guys are doing us a favor..."

"Did you set this up?" I almost shouted at him.

"Harry," Louis started from behind me.

"No, don't!" I turned and yelled to him, "I can't believe you'd do this... you wanted him killed so you just made some phone calls?!"

Zayn didn't say anything... I took his keys and hurried back out to the car, both of them chasing after me.


"Don't," I told them, "just don't!"

I climbed in the car and took off quickly up the street, having a pretty good idea where they were.

I couldn't believe I had left them there... what possessed me to do this? I knew what trouble I was getting into. Somehow, it didn't seem to matter... I was too fucking angry now. I rarely ever got this way... but I couldn't fight the anger that was burning all over me.

I was angry, I felt guilty... I was back at step one again... and I finally realized that I would always return back to that first step as long as Darren was around.

I was alone, Completely alone as I pulled up on an old street I recognized immediately. I made sure to park out of sight, although the street itself was pretty much abandoned.

I knew this place really well. It was the flat we had shared with the guys in our crew for weeks at a time. I knew he'd be here somehow.

I stepped out of the car, my mind was racing... I knew this was stupid... I knew I could die... so why was I doing it?

Did I really need closure that badly? Did I really need to walk in here and do this?

Was he here; was he even alive at this point? Did I even know he was?

I glanced around at the dim street lights, not seeing any other trace of anyone. The door was unlocked, too. I swallowed the lump in my throat and opened the door, my eyes looking around. No one was here, it seemed.

My heart was racing more and more by the minute...

I knew damn well Darren's guys weren't far away... they had to have known this was coming.

I walked upstairs slowly, my legs feeling like lead beneath me... I was finding it harder and harder with every step. I was afraid I was going to find him dead somewhere... and I wasn't sure I was prepared for it.

"Well," I heard a familiar voice say. I looked in the bedroom directly in front of me, Darren standing there, "nice of you to drop by, Harold."

I stood in the doorway, the smirk on his lips only making the nervousness grow in me. There were tons of different drugs on the table in the room.

"There's... there's people coming," I managed to get out.

He laughed a little, "so, you came to warn me, Styles? Really? After everything?"

"No," I started as I stepped closer to him, "maybe I came to watch you die."

He stared back at me, his eyes searching mine, "you wouldn't let them kill me... didn't Zayn know that?"

"How... how did you know..."

"I'm not fucking stupid," he turned to me, "and for the record, I didn't kill Jeff, Harry..."

I stared at him, feeling every fiber of my being telling me to attack him myself.

"You didn't kill him," I started, "so, why does Calvin's guys seem to think you set Calvin up?"

"I didn't set him up," he looked back, "I protected you... just like I told you I would..."

"If I was working for you, then why did Jeff die?!" I yelled at him.

He glanced back at me, "it was an accident."

"An accident," I nodded a little, feeling tears stinging my eyes, "so, you knew about it..."

"I knew about it," he looked back, "but I didn't do it..."

"He was your best friend," I almost screamed, "what the fuck is wrong with you?! Do you not have any sympathy for anyone?!"

Darren's eyes stayed on mine, "no, I don't suppose I do. Not even you anymore."

There was so much built up anger inside of me and I finally allowed it to control me... I attacked him and I wasn't backing down this time... he wouldn't walk away from this.

I knew in most cases that he was stronger than me, but he didn't stand a chance this time. I was too possessed with anger and hatred at this person who had destroyed my life... every single fucking part of it.

This was a side I had never tapped into... and even though I knew that, I didn't fucking care.

He didn't deserve to live. I knew it... and the more I hit him, the more I talked myself into it.

I threw him against the wall, my hand pulling the gun out of his pocket, "where's the rest of your protection..."

"You won't shoot me," he almost smirked at me.

I kept my eyes on his, the gun in my hand against his neck, "give me a reason why... tell me why I shouldn't.... after everything you have done to me... give me one good reason why you should fucking live."

He smiled a little, "because you don't want me dead.... and you fucking know it, Harry. You can't kill me... you don't have it in you... it's not who you are."

"You don't know who I am," I mumbled back to him, pushing the gun into his neck more, "you've never known who I was... don't you get that? I'm a fucking person with feelings... I'm not a fucking toy for your amusement..."

I heard footsteps and I wasn't sure who it was... my eyes looked back at the door waiting to see his guys appear... and Darren had shoved me off, the gun falling to the floor. He picked it up before I even had the chance.

I wrestled with him for several seconds before it had gone off, almost at the same time as another gun shot... but I wasn't sure who had shot...

All I felt was overwhelming pain somewhere near my shoulder, while Darren hit the floor beside me. My breathing was heavy as I tried to process what had just happened... I turned to see Louis standing there, Zayn's pistol in his hand.

"You...," I started.

"Get up," Zayn said immediately as he and Louis picked me up.

My eyes glanced back at Darren lying there... he was going to die. Louis picked up Darren's gun immediately, wrapping it in something.

"Zayn, we can't... we can't..." I started.

"Louis, get him to the car, now," Zayn called.

Louis was pulling me out but I couldn't stop looking back. He helped me in the car, unbuttoning my shirt and looking over my shoulder. "Shit."

"I'm fine," I managed to reply.

Zayn climbed back in, started the engine, as 2 other cars were coming down the street ahead.

"Get down," Zayn whispered back to us.

We slumped down in the seat to see not only Calvin's guys arriving and heading in, but now Darren's were as well.

"Shit... what do we do now?" Louis asked Zayn.

Zayn kept looking out the back window, "we wait..."

"Did you kill him?" I managed to ask Louis.

Louis kept staring at me, then Zayn... maybe they thought I was in shock... I wasn't sure where I was, to be honest.

"I didn't," Louis replied calmly, "but he may very well die now..."

My body was shaking as Louis took off his button up shirt and applied it to my shoulder.

"We should take him to the hospital," he looked up at Zayn.

Zayn shook his head, his eyes still on the flat, "we need to get the hell out of here without being seen first."

"How did... did you get here so fast?" I asked him.

"Niall and Liam followed us, Harry, "Louis replied loudly, "what... did you think they wouldn't?"

I kept my eyes on his, "I'm... I'm sorry. I was... I was pissed. I was way out of line..."

"You were," Louis nodded a little, "but you were angry."

I stayed quiet as he kept pressure on my shoulder, more like, below the collar bone.

Zayn finally put the car in drive, keeping the lights off as he left slowly... we all 3 hoped we weren't seen.

"How exactly are you going to do this if you don't take him to the hospital?" Louis was asking Zayn as we rode back to our flat across town... my mind was all over the place.

I wasn't sure what I was feeling... I wasn't upset with Louis for doing what he did. I didn't blame him. Yet, once again, I was facing feelings I shouldn't have. I shouldn't have cared if Darren died... I mean, I never saw myself wanting to take another human being's life... but I couldn't process it through my head that he may die... and who will get blamed for it? Whose bullet was it? It was Zayn's gun.

"Where are you stashing the gun?" I looked up at Zayn, his eyes meeting mine in the rearview mirror.

"I'll find a place," he replied, "I'll put Darren's in a different place."

I managed to nod a little, my shoulder still killing me.. The pain was intense, yeah, but I also felt disoriented to everything around me... it was like it was real, but it wasn't. I really did need therapy.

When we arrived back at our flat, Zayn quickly took me to the bathroom, Louis going to my box to grab out something for pain.

Ok, done," Louis was saying as he finished pumping my body full of something to take my mind off of what Zayn was about to do.

I could barely even focus as it was, but the rush hit me and I leaned back against the countertop, watching the blood running down my shoulder.

Zayn was cleaning it all as I watched Louis, "you wanted to kill him, didn't you?"

He didn't look at me.

"This is gonna hurt like hell, so you might wanna bite something," Zayn spoke up, splashing lidocaine on my shoulder.

I stayed quiet, even through him digging the bullet out. Pain wasn't really an issue for me... I guess I was used to it. I was used to being more in pain mentally than physically.

Louis finally looked back at me, "Harry, Zayn knew you were gonna do this... it was an accident."

"Shooting him was an accident," I nodded a little, wincing a little.

Zayn looked back at me, knowing he had to sew it up. I just remained quiet and waited.

"You sure he shouldn't go to the hospital?" Louis asked quietly.

Zayn's face stayed calm, "if you want him linked to what happened tonight, we can... I'd suggest we don't."

Louis stayed quiet again, his eyes staying on the floor. I couldn't help but wonder if he was feeling guilty himself now... maybe he didn't. Maybe it was just me.

"So, how did we end up there before them? Because Darren suspected it," I looked back at Zayn.

He glanced back up, "they went to the warehouse first... Darren went to the flat because he knew you would think he was there if he wasn't at home."

"How'd you know that?" I asked him, "that he wouldn't be at home, but the warehouse."

"Because I was told," he replied, "and I didn't tell you because I knew what you'd do."

My mind was racing. I was trying to process this still... I felt like I couldn't process it at all.

Louis immediately took his bloody t-shirt off and began washing his hands in the sink.

"Why... why did you let him do it?" I asked Zayn, Louis looking back at me.

Zayn finally finished my shoulder, putting gauze over it, his eyes meeting mine, "because Louis asked, Harry."

"Look, he wasn't dead," Louis started.

"He is now," I said back, "what... do you think he made it out of there alive? All of those guys there? And aren't they going to suspect me anyways if they somehow get away with this?"

"No," Zayn replied, "because what happened tonight there will be put off as a drug bust gone wrong... Darren was delivering drugs tonight, Harry... that's how I knew he was there... I fucking thought this through, alright?"

"So, you're not worried they're gonna somehow link me to this?" I asked him almost shouting, "my blood was on him."

Zayn bit his lip, "I don't think that's gonna matter by the time those guys are done with him, Harry... I doubt there will be a trace of you left."

I stared at him, the tension only rising even more. I didn't know what to think... I couldn't comprehend this.

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