By RhondaLaVyrleJane20

1.6M 55.6K 5.2K

Alexander Hunter,30 First class criminal. Had been jailed for 3 years on account of murder, a name which ever... More



30K 1.1K 113
By RhondaLaVyrleJane20

They stood in silence listening to each others heart beats with their foreheads connected together. Alexander moved his hands from her shoulder to cup her cheeks and that is when they heard that deadly gun shot, and the next second Alexander moved away from Rose, and hunched his back with pain. He held his right hand over his left arm, where he was shot, in a death like grip. He hissed, grunted and clenched his jaw as the pain from the bullet intensified.

"Oh god, Alex." Rose cried out, with shock and fear as she rushed towards him. She kept her hands over his right hand that was covered with blood. He raised his head and looked at her face that was filled with fear as tears kept flowing down her cheeks. Alexander looked towards his left, to the vacant piece of land that was filled with overgrown bushes to find the bastard who had done this. His eyes roamed on the area until he saw some unusual moments in the farthest end of the land,behind the bushes.

His seneses were going wild and his anger was soaring high. He turned towards Rose and found her still clutching his arm and crying as she spoke things to him, that he could not register. For the first time since years, he found the same pain in her that he used to see when they were kids. She loved him. More than ever.

" I want you to get inside and lock the door." He told her as he started making his way towards the steps of her porch. Rose abruptly pulled his right arm and held him tight.

"No alex. No. Please don't go. Please." She pleaded as tears freely fell from her eyes.

"Rose. Pleases try to understand. Get inside the house and shut the door. I will be back." He said pulling his arms away from her grip and walked down the porch towards his car to get hold of his gun. He would shoot down that bastard. The wild beast in him had been provoked and there was no stopping now.

She got down the porch with him and held his hand again.

"I cant. I am scared. I don't want to loose you.. please, Alex. Just come inside." And that made him stop and turn towards her. Fear,love and pain. That is what Alexander saw in her eyes.

He couldn't let the man slip away after attacking him. No one dared to do that.

He saw a hooded man, get up and run away from the bushes, which brought him back to his senses. Rose saw a man getting up and run towards a black van. She could sense Alexander stiffen and move towards his car. The hooded man turned and pointed his gun towards them again. Alexander rushed towards her and wound his arms around her, shielding her from the aim. He bent both of them down and made his way back on her porch and heard the gun shots again. They rushed inside the house and heard a pot on her porch break into pieces the very next second.

He got into the house and locked the door. He stood facing the door for a few seconds and silence took over the room. They could hear the criminal escape. From the sound of his van door being shut to his engine roaring to life as he escaped away from the beast. He never let go of his targets. But today, he was in no position to go behind the criminal when his life was standing behind him, begging him to get inside with her. He would not do anything that would hurt Rose. He would give away his life for her, but only after protecting her until his last breath.

One more thing that was more prominent than everything in that silent room, was her uncontrollable sobs. She could have gotten herself killed by not listening to him. She adamantly followed him towards the car and she brought her life in danger. He clenched his fists and squeezed his eyes shut trying to control his anger. He opened his eyes and let out a breath as he turned towards her. Rose stood there, clutching her dress tightly, with her eyes fixated on the floor, and her back slightly bent. Tears dripped down her face onto the floor and she shook with fear. What she saw now, wouldn't go away from her life anytime soon. It would haunt her forever. She was terrorised.

"Rose." Alexander called out slowly. He could not take the thought of loosing her. He was scared for her. What if, what if she had been hurt. He gulped at that thought and looked at her weak figure.

She slowly lifted her head and looked at him. She held his eyes for the longest time and clenched her jaw as she tried to bring her breathing back to normal. His eyes looked exhausted and in pain. But still, she was carried away into his green depths.

"You could have gotten yourself killed Rose." He said as he gritted his teeth and looked at her with scrunched eyebrows. He wanted to be angry at her for inviting danger upon herself, but yet couldn't do so.

"Why don't you listen....." and she blanked out. Only she knew the fear and terror she underwent in those few minutes outside her house.

She did not want to listen to anything he said. She was more than happy and thankful to god for bringing him in front of her. So she did the only thing she wanted to do.
She abruptly took two steps towards him, and quickly covered the distance between them. She stood on her toes and held his face with her hands, and in one fluid motion, she crashed her lips onto his.

To say Alexander was shocked would be an understatement. He was astounded. His senses went blank and he felt numb all over. His pain, fear, insecurities, vanished just by this. Its amazing what love can do.

Sharp electric pleasures coursed through his veins when he felt her body on his and her soft lips, were a totally different story. With wide eyes, he looked at her eyes that were now shut. He shut his eyes and slowly brought his hands to rest them on her waist. His heart beat had already lost all its control. It felt like he wouldn't live anymore.

He hissed in pain as she slowly brushed her hands over his arm and she immediately pulled back, regaining her senses. She moved back and looked at him as she audibly gulped. They both stood there for a few seconds, just looking into each others eyes, trying to digest the kiss they shared just a few seconds ago. She diverted her eyes towards his left hand.

"I..I..the bu..bullet. we have to go to the hospital." She stammered, shocked by her own actions, while Alexander looked at her with a teasing smile, shocked by her actions.

He slowly removed his coat and put it on the chair next to him. He started to unbutton his shirt all the while keeping his eyes completely on Rose. She was rooted to the ground while looking at him undressing himself. She just couldn't look away. He was like a magnet. His actions were so strong that no matter what she always got pulled towards him.

He freed the last button of his shirt and slowly slid his right hand off the shirt and hissed in pain as the muscle on his left hand flexed around the wound.

For the first time since years, Rose had seen his body. He was all strong and muscled up. His evenly toned skin, strong abs, his muscles. Rose was already a mess now. She gulped down as she looked at the scar on the right side of his stomach. It looked like it started from the back and ended on his right side. The cut might have been deep, because it had made the skin form a dent in between.

Alexander observed her gaze travel through his body and stop at his scar giving it a painful slow observation.

"This body has gone through a lot, Rose." He said, when he saw her trail her eyes over his scar for the third time.

He moved past her to the kitchen and she woke up from her daze and followed him


"Uh..y.yeah..I was cleaning the kitchen."she stammered.

He nodded his head and pulled out a knife from the stand.

"I need tweezers and some pain killers, Rose" he said and looked at her, only to find her eyeimg his scar from the back with an unreadable expression on her face and eyebrows scrunched in deep thought. She licked her lips and looked back at him.

She nodded her head as she made her way towards her room to bring whatever he asked for. Alexander moved towards the sink and opened the tap as he brought his arm towards the rushing water and kept the knife on the wound. In one sharp motion, Alexander cut open the wound and blood rushed down the sink with the water. He bit back the traumising pain and pressed his hand over the opening to stop the excess bleeding. Rose brought the tweezer and a first aid kit. She stood next to him and looked at the blood flowing down into.the sink. He took the tweezer from her hand slowly inserted it into his flesh and pulled out the bullet. He clenched his jaw and gritted his teeth to control the pain and let the water rush onto his open flesh.

"Can you dip the gauze into the spirit Rose?" He asked, to divert her from the blood and cut on his arm.

After a few minutes, he took the gauze and pressed it onto the wound and tied the surgical tape around his arm tightly. After he was done with the process, he stood near the sink,with his hands resting on both sides and bent his head down, in exhaustion and pain. He tried to bring his breathing back to normal and controlled the unbearable pain that coursd through his veins.

Rose handed him a glass of water and a tablet. He straightened himself and took the glass deom her.

" One tablet won't do." He said, and smiled at her. He took the strip and pressed another tablet out and gulped it down.

She was in a daze with everything happening around her. The attack, the kiss that she initiated, and now him, shirtless, in her kitchen. She gulped down. She did not know what to say to him. So she just stood there looking at him, waiting for him to talk. It had never been so awkward with him when they were kids. She was the one who couldn't shut her mouth around him. But now, everything had changed. Even the temperature in the room.

She cleared her throat and decided to speak.

"Does it hurt a lot" She asked him in a soft voice.

He brought back his attention towards her from inspecting the surgical band and smiled at her.

"I've gone through worst Rose. The pain will subside in time.."
They looked at each other's eyes and all of a sudden, Alexander stepped closer to her and caught hold of her right wrist. She was shocked to even move an inch by his sudden moments and just looked at him with surprise in her eyes.

He bent his head down near her right ear and slightly brushed his lips on the skin.
Her eyes widened, and her breathing accelerated to a totally different level.

"Want to continue what you started in the hall, Rose?" he whispered near her ear. She gulped down and pulled her hand away from his as she moved back, bringing distance between them.

"Are...Are you hungry?" She asked diverting the topic.

He silently looked at her, observing her from head to toe, trailing his eyes ever so slowly through her body.
Rose shivered due to his intense gaze. Now she regretted even talking to him. She was sure he would come up with something....

"Have always been Rose." He said, and held her eyes with passion and promise.

She let out a breath and bent her head.

"Alexander, please..."

"Do I make you uncomfortable Rose?" He asked moving closer to her.

"I. . I will make something for dinner. Y. . You need rest." She said and moved away. Alexander smirked at his woman who ran away from him, all nervous and made his to the hall, not wanting to scare her more.

They soon had their dinner and Rose cleaned the kitchen, and utensils, while Alexander laid on the couch, exhausted. She got into her room and pulled out a blanket and pillow. She immediately stopped and thought for a while. She couldn't let him sleep on the couch. It was too small for him and he was hurt. She would sleep on the couch today.

She made her way to hall and looked at his exhausted form on the couch. His eyes were shut and his hands rested on the arm rest.

"Alexander?" She called out.

He opened his eyes and looked at her.

"You can sleep on the bed. Take rest." She said, looking at him, growing more nervous by each second.

He smiled at her and got up. He made his way towards her room and she followed him. He laid down on the bed slowly and hissed when his left arm got pressed by his weight. He dropped his head on the pillow and blew out a breath. She pulled the blanket over him and stood near the bed to look at him, only to find him staring at her.

"Call me if you need anything, okay?" She said, and turned back to get out of the room.

"Where are you going.?" He asked her. She turned her head and pointed her thumb backwards.

"Couch. I'll sleep there. You take re.."

"Sleep with me." He said in a silent exhausted tone.

"What? No..I ..I will..slee..."

"Please Rose. I promise, I won't touch you. Just sleep next to me. " he said, or rather pleaded and moved his body towards the side making space for her.

She hesitated and tried once again.
"Alexander, I can't. I will sleep on the couch. I am more comfortable there."she said.


She sighed and bit her lip trying to calm herslef down. She would lie down with him now, and would go away once he slept. She decided that and moved towards the bed. She laid down on her back and rested her hands on her stomach. While Alexander smiled and did the same.

Her breathing grew rapid and she almost started sweating, having him so close to her. They were both laying on the same bed and this was too much for her to handle. After a few minutes of listening to each other rapid breathing. Alexander spoke up.

"History repeats itself." She tilts her head towards her left and looked at him, to find him staring at the ceiling.

"When my parents fought, your home was my shelter for the night. And today,..." he said and looked at her.

He smiled and turned his head, staring at the ceiling once again.
She gulped again, not wanting to bring back the memories and turned her head facing the ceiling.

"You watched me all night that day, dint you? " he asked all of a sudden and Rose abruptly turned towards him.

"How? How did you know.?"

"Cause I never slept, love." He said, with his smile still lingering on his lips.

"I. .It's better you go to sleep now. It. . Would." She stammered again, not being able to comprehend anything happening around her.

"I love you Rose." He said and shut his eyes.

She shut her eyes and pressed her lips together, trying to calm herself down. Rose was exhausted. She just couldn't think anymore. She wanted to shut down everything around her and sleep. And hence, she did just that. She fell asleep after a few minutes next to the man she has always wanted ,by her side.

Alexander slowly opened his eyes and turned towards his right, adjusting himself on the bed slowly, not wanting to wake up the angel who was sleeping next to him.

He trailed his eyes on her face, observing each and every feature of his beauty, memorising her face into his mind forever. He smiled as she stirred slightly in her deep slumber. And at the moment he decided, that he wanted this moment in his life everyday. He wanted to sleep next to her, wake up next to her and spend his life with her always. He wanted to watch her sleep, and observer her features for the rest of his life. It might sound creepy, but that is what made up Alexander Hunter.

And like that, Alexander Hunter spent the night looking at her beautiful sleeping form, memorising her every feature,and breathing simultaneously with her until sleep took over his senses. Just like how, she had done many years back.


Hello loves:)
How are you all? I hope you liked the update?
Please comment and let me know what you all felt.
I love you all.
Thank you for the support.

Vote, comment and enjoy.

Until the next update,


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