Mrs. Rockstar

By RunAwayCircus

18.7K 478 30

Stage and Jake are madly in love until they have a fall out involving their band, Run Away Circus. It leaves... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 5

902 25 2
By RunAwayCircus

"Why did you even stop to talk to that idiot?" Dria yelled through the phone. I told her about seeing Jake and asking him if we could talk some time. She thinks I'm insane.

"I'm sorry, I just felt like I should. This town is bringing back so many memories and I guess I wanted to feel them again. The love..." My voice trailed off because I know what I just said was stupid. I wanted to feel love like I did when I use to live here.

"Love? Don't you mean pain caused by a self centered jerk?" Dria seemed a little pissed off by the tone of her voice. "You have love here. Friends, basically family! We have been with you through thick and thin and you want to consider feeling love for him again?" She had it all wrong.

"No Dria. I mean I want the feeling I had when I use to live here. I don't care about him." Which was true now. I was remembering the hell I went through for that kid and he wasn't worth it. "He's not worth the trouble."

"Good because if I need to remind you, you have a boyfriend. A boyfriend who misses you every day here and won't stop talking about you." I smiled at the thought of Tyler talking to my friends about me. Going on about everything and how much he cared. He always made his love for me known.

"He misses me? Maybe I should call him." I felt kind of bad that I called Dria first but how was I suppose to tell Tyler everything that happened. That I saw the boy who broke my heart and I told him we should take sometime? Yeah, I'm sure he would love to hear that one.

"Yeah, I think you should. Well I have to go because Cody, me, and Evan all decided to go have some fun tonight. I will take pictures! Bye." And with that, she hung up. I didn't even get to say bye? Ugh did I miss them. There all probably going to go do some stupid but fun and I will miss out. I'm up in the room, recovering from walking all day from store to store with the family. My feet hurt like hell.

As much as I wanted to call my Tyler, I wanted to sleep more. I don't really care if that sounds mean but if you spent 9 hours shopping with my family, you would understand why I'm so tired.

I laid back on to the bed and shut my eyes. I starting thinking about stupid Jake again. I was going to be here for a whole fricking month and what if I ran in to him again? Ignore him said a voice in my head. The voice was right. Ignoring was all I really could do till Tyler got here. Jake didn't deserve any sympathy anyway.


I woke up and felt a 100 times better. My feet weren't as sore and I wasn't tired.

I looked around the room and it looked a bit different. It took me a couple seconds to realize the clothes on the floor were gone and stuff was put away on to the dressor. My mom must of came in and decided to clean.

I got up and headed to the bathroom. I remembered asking my mom about taking a shower. She said I didn't need to ask and the towels were on the rack and I could go in there any time.


After the shower and getting ready, I headed downstairs to see what was up. It was quiet and no one was around. What is this?

I walked over to the counter and read a note that sat there.

Sorry Stage but we didn't want to wake you up because you have a rough time yesterday with ealking so much. We waited for you to wake up but we had to go eventually. Dad and I are going to his work party and Brenda is at her babysitters house. We won't be back till later tonight but help youself to food or anything you need. Love you. XOXOXO

Well that was a total kill joy. I come here to spend time with my family and they aren't even here the third day? Ugh. I guess there had to be something to do.

I headed out the door and started walking along the streets. Not sure were I was going but I remembered a park not that far from here. I would go there with my friends all the time and just walk sit on the swings.

I started to notice that the houses I remembered in the neighborhood, well they got dirty looking. Broken down porches and wooden planks on windows. I mean the houses around our house look their best but as I got farther, the houses turned in to dumps. I don't remember all these abandoned house though and some of the worst ones, people still lived in. Wow this town went down hill in a way.

I reached a dead end sign and realized I must of been lost. All I remembered doing was walking straight and then getting to a park. It was one of the many places I seriously loved about this town. Maybe it was taken down.

I turned and starting walking a different way. I had to reach some place somewhere.


It has been like an hour and still I see are houses. My phone died and I'm completely lost. Ugh. Fuck my life. At least the houses weren't as run down a creepy anymore. They looked better.

I kept walking and walking and it seemed to never end. More houses just kept appearing.

Then, a group of people came walking down the street but on the opposite side. They were all laughing and talking. I just kept walking to avoid the fact of meeting anyone who knew who I was and stopped me from making it out of this area.

"Hey Mrs. Rockstar?" A voice yelled my name from the crowd. I looked up and the group stopped and was staring. I knew for sure I had just met a group of fans but then as I looked closer, I saw Jake. He was the one who called me.

"What?." My face and tone confirmed it was me and Jake looked both ways and jogged over by me. His friends were staring at us which made this uncomfortable. So much for ignoring him.

"Why are you out here? I mean this is far from town and everything." He sounded concerned. What did he care.

"I guess... well... I kind of am lost..." My voice trailed off at the embarresment of getting lost in the town I grew up in for 18 years.

He laughed. "Your lost? I would of thought Mrs. Rockstar knew her way around her home town. Then again you did leave for 4 years." He seemed to both be trying to make this funny and mean comment at the same time. What was with the stupid nick name. He called me that as a insult on the day we broke up. Dumb ass mother fucker.

"Don't call me that." I snapped at him.

"Woah! Not trying to insult you. You are a rockstar." He laughed but I found none of this funny. He was insulting me.

"Did you come over here to insult me or what?" I shifted my weight  to one side. I was mad and he should know I was by my body language.

"Again, not insulting y-" I interrupted him.

"Go fuck off or something because I'm not in the mood. The last time you called me that was when you broke up with me and yes, I remember that. I guess I thought this was behind us but fuck it." I turned away and started walking the other way.

"Your house is the other way." He said in a quiet voice but enough to hear. "I can take you there."

I turned back to face him and began walking the other way. "Uh no thanks but I would rather try to have a good day than the shit that has been happening today." He grabbed my wrist which stopped me from going.

"I'm sorry. Just let me walk you home. I will try not to be jack ass." I could tell he was sorry. I mean sometimes you can't tell if a person actually means it but I just could this time.

"Okay." I said and he began walking by my side, leading the way. I guess he clearly was okay with leaving his friends alone.

We had been walking for about ten minutes when he finally broke the silence.

"I'm sorry." He said in a quiet voice.

"It's fine. I don't care what you call me. It doesn't matter." It did matter but why would I say it did? To let him know it hurt me? No way.

"It's not fine. I guess I just get dumb sometimes when I'm nervous." He got kind of quiet as he said this, as he was embarrassed or something.

"Why were you nervous?" I asked.

"Because your all famous now. Your not the same girl I knew back when w-" He stopped himself but I knew what he was going to say. I knew the last thing he wanted to do was make this moment any more uncomfortable then it already was for both of us.

"How do you know I'm not the same?" I didn't know if I changed at all to anybody but I was pretty sure that I was the same girl I was 4 years ago.

"I just thought that if I ever saw you again, you were going to rub everything in my face." He looked down at the ground when I looked up at him.

"I would never do that. I know how hard everything was. I'm not a complete bitch." I guess in a way I wanted to gloat that he was wrong when I first got here but now, I would feel like a total low life if i even mentioned how well the band was doing.

"You were never even close to a being a bitch. It was always me who was the bitch." I was still looking up at him but still no eye contact from him. The truth was all coming out now. I never wanted to have this talk with Jake again. I never planned on seeing Jake again but fate has a dumb way of ruining plans.

"Thanks but your not a bitch." I said laughing. "You want to know the dumb part of everything? I always avoided this town and coming back and never really gave any thought to why but then I was thinking and it was you. You were the reason I didn't want to come back but now that I know this is all behind us and we can possibly be just friends again, well it makes me feel good."

"Yeah. It's all behind us." He repeated my words and then finally looked up at me. He smiled and I returned the favor.

"Were here." He said as he pointed to my house.

"Oh okay." I said. "Thank you."

"No problem." He said smiling still.

"See you sometime later maybe?" I said as I was walking backwards towards my house.

"Definitely." He said and walked away.

As I got in to my house, I noticed my parents weren't home still. Wow. Gone for almost three hours and there still not home?

I sat back on to the couch and flicked the TV on. Awkward was on and I loved that show!


After five hours of watching TV and waiting for my parents to get home, I gave up and headed up to my room. I came here to spend time with them and it seems like it's back to how it use to be.

I grabbed my charger from my bag and plugged it in to the wall. I turned my phone on and waited for the billions of missed calls and messages I would get.

Six missed calls from Tyler, four messages from Cody, one message from Evan, and three messages from Dria. Wow did they really want to get a hold of me. I decided to call back Tyler first and than respond to Cody, Dria, and Evan after.

"Baby, how I have missed you!" Tyler shouted from the other line. I just smiled.

"I've missed you to!" I shouted back.

"Tell me everything!" Tyler said. I missed him deeply and all I wanted to do was tell him everything that happened but then again, everything that happened was with Jake. I decided to go on about the long, deadly shopping trip we had. He didn't need to know about Jake.


Note: So, what do you think so far? I thought this chapter was mostly about reconnecting with Jake so I finally posted a picture of him! Yup! Also, I think I'm doing a good job of my writing but like I said, tell me any feedback you have on how I could improve! Is anybody out there reading this and if you are, comment and let me know what you think of everything! Please!!! :D Comment, vote, or fan!

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