Finding the Missing Piece: Bo...

By cogdill

205K 9.4K 6.2K

Parenthood has finally found Katniss and Peeta Mellark. In this story they are going to be learning to live l... More

Prologue/Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Ninety-Five
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One-Hundred
Chapter One Hundred-One/Sequel info.

Chapter Eighty-Six

2K 84 72
By cogdill

Katniss POV- (That night)

"Tell me..." Peeta begs as he follows me up the stairs.

I laugh, "No. And be quiet, you're gonna wake up Willow."

"You said you'd tell me after we found out and you haven't. Tell me now......." He says closing our bedroom door behind him.

It's eating him up inside.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I want to know."

I laugh, "I already hinted to you what it was."

"You said it was bread and I named every bread I could think of and I'm sorry but if it's any of those, I hate all of them." Peeta says.

I roll my eyes, laughing, "You didn't name all the bread and you'll like this one, I promise."

"Are you gonna be mad if I don't like it?"

I shake my head, "I don't know. I don't think so but if you really don't like it don't make it so obvious and suggest something else."

"Okay, then tell me."


"Katniss..." He whines.


He laughs, "Stop."

"You stop asking me. You'll figure out what I'm talking about soon enough and you'll feel dumb for not remembering it." I say.

He groans.

"Do you have any names you like?" I ask him.

Peeta shakes his head, "Not really."

"Well, tell me something."

"I don't know, Katniss. I like the name 'Kane.'" He says.

"That's cute."

"What was yours?"

I snort, "I'm not gonna tell you. You'll figure it out."

"So we have two names?" He asks.

"Yes and it's either a 'yes' or 'no' from you when you figure out the other one."

Peeta sighs, "Do you always have to be so difficult?"

I smile cheesily, "Yep."

I crawl into bed and Peeta crawls in next to me, "Can I guess again?"

"If you want to guess again you can."

"So it's bread?"

"It can be."

"Bagel. Rolls. Sandwich bread. Yeast. Pumpernickel. Barrel. Breadstick. Croissant. Scone. I don't know." He names off quickly, he's laughing hysterically and I am too.

"No and no and no, no, no." I tell him.

He's gonna feel so stupid when he figures it out.

"Katniss, you're so evil." He groans.

"I know but you should be use to it by now, baby." I say making a kissy face at him.

Peeta laughs, "I'm gonna go crazy."

"I'm sorry."

He snorts and his hands find my belly and he holds his hand there gently.

"I am so excited that it's a boy." He tells me softly.

I smile, "Me too. I think we'd be this excited either way."

"We would be. I already know." He laughs.

I put my hand over his, "I love you."

"I love you too." He says rubbing my belly. "We have a mini Katniss and now we will have a mini me." He says.

I snort, "Willow looks just like you. She was your mini-me."

"She's starting to look more like you though."

"Okay, but I bet you anything this baby looks like you."

"What do you bet me?"

I laugh, "If I'm right, the first week of his life you get to stay up with him. If you're right then I will stay up with him."

Peeta chuckles, "Deal." He says confidently.

"Why are you so confident in this?" I laugh.

"Because I was right about it being a boy. I told you I had some gut feeling."

"Maybe Doctor Coles already knew what it was and told you."

"No. It was because I'm awesome."

I snort, "I think you just got lucky."

"That too, maybe."

I smile and lay my face against his, I feel his facial muscles tense into a smile and mine do too.

"I can't wait, I am so excited you have no clue." He tells me quietly.

"I have a clue. I feel the same way."

"It's just gonna be crazy having two kids, I mean it'll take some getting use to for sure."

I sigh, "We survived it with Willow, we can survive it again with her and another baby."

"We can do it." He says.

"I know we can."

"Doctor Coles said there's a possibility of you getting the post-partum depression again."

"I know that. I knew it would probably come too."

He sighs, "Promise me that you'll talk to me and not let it get out of control. I want you to enjoy this all and you can't if you're really upset like you were with Willow. I still feel bad you didn't get to enjoy the first few months of her life."

I groan, "It's fine. And I promise you'll I'll do my best." I vow.

"You know I'll do anything I can to help you and that you can talk to me."

"I know I can, Peeta." I tell him softly.

He rubs my arm, "And I'll get up with the baby any time you want me to, whether you lose the bet or not."

I laugh a little, "I won't lose."

"You may."

"I won't and you'll get up with the baby if I say so." I tell him.

He laughs, "Oh I will. You're mean, especially when you're tired."

I snort, "I'm mean all the time."

"Most of the time but you can be sweet occasionally." 


"You're sweet to me all the time."

"Name once?"

"I can name like a thousand things."

"A thousand. Huh?" I snort.

Peeta chuckles, "Maybe."

I laugh a little.

"The first nice thing I remember you did for me was introduce me to all of your friends and then wanted to be mine. And then helping me in our classes and then dragging me to that sleepover. Then I remember every nice thing you've ever said to me."

"Like what?"

"Ugh, I don't know. Like that you love me or that you care about me. That I'm a good husband or dad. That I am cute." He chuckles.

I giggle, "I think you're sexy too. Do you remember when I said that?"

"Yep. Every single time, like hundreds of times to be exact."

I scoff, "Oh boy."


"No way."

"Yes, way. A hundred times."

I roll my eyes, "You're so dramatic."

"I am not!!"

"Yes." I argue.

"We have the most pointless arguments. You know that don't you."

"After 11 years of being with you my sweet, handsome Peeta, I know that."

"Good, my sweet, beautiful Katniss."

I smile a little and he smiles back at me, "Guess what?" I say, our noses pressed together.

"What?" He asks me softly.

"Come here." I say.

He brings his head up and over to my my lips.

"Rye." I whisper into his ear.

He sits up and realization smacks him right in the face.

"Oh my gosh." Peeta says slowly, laughing.

I sit up, hiding a hopeful smile, "Do you like it?"

"How did I not remember that?" He bursts out laughing.

"Do you like it?" I ask him again.

"I love it. That is great, Katniss." He says excitedly and embraces me.

"I love it too. I think that it will fit our little baker's boy perfectly." I say into his shoulder, hugging him tightly. He rocks us back and forth and kisses my neck.

He leans down to my stomach, "Do you like that name too, buddy?" He asks softly and then kisses my stomach.

I smile proudly at Peeta and wait for any kind of movement from him and there's only a little flutter.

"Do you really really really reallyyyyyy like it?" I ask him.

"Yes, I love it. I promise. I can't believe I couldn't remember 'rye' I feel so dumb." He laughs.

"I told you that you'd feel dumb. But now you'll never forget that bread, hopefully." I tease him.

Peeta laughs, "No, I will not. I honestly didn't ever think that I would actually end up naming one of my children after bread, especially after what my parents did to me. But I think it's perfect." 

I sigh, "I mean no body has to know his name is actually like suppose to be a bread. I think it's perfect because it sounds normal and is something like your name."

"Bread." He corrects me.

I snort, "Oh well. He won't know until Finnick tells him the way he told Willow." I laugh.

Peeta chuckles, "Yep. Very true."

"Do you want to name him that or not?" 

He laughs, "Katniss, I absolutely love it if you couldn't tell. And if you want to, I definitely want to."

"I really like it, Peeta. I'm being honest."

"So am I. And we haven't gotten any other names but one and I like Rye better than Kane."

I grin, "For our family, I like Rye better. Rye Mellark." I confirm.

"It sounds good." He smiles and then leans down again, "I guess that's your name then, kiddo. Baby Rye."

I smile and lean forward against his chest and he rubs my back gently, holding me close to him.

"I think it's perfect. Willow and Rye Mellark." He says quietly.

"It sounds good together."

"I think so too."

"Peeta, Katniss, Willow and Rye Mellark." I tell him.

"I love it." Peeta says kissing the top of my head.

I smile somewhat sadly and wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls me up a little and I sit on my knees as he wraps his arms gently around my waist.

"Do you think Willow will like it?" I ask him.

"I bet so. And I'm sorry but it's so much better than Cheesebun."

I grin, "Poor baby boy."

"I have a feeling she's gonna call him that."

"I do too. Something just tells me she will." I laugh.

"Maybe it's because she's a devious little girl." He laughs.

I scoff, "She acts just like you."

"No, she acts like you. Have you seen some of the looks she's given me and some of the things she's said to me?"

"I have." I chuckle.

He laughs, "I'm just playing around. She's a perfect little girl and I don't think we could've asked for a better daughter. And I couldn't have asked for a better wife for her to act like."

I squeeze him tightly and then loosen my grip on him then press my lips to his.

"I'm so happy right now I can barely stand it." I say once I pull away.

"Me too." He says.

I let go of him and sit down criss-cross in front of him.

"Peeta, can we go somewhere soon?"

"Like where?" He asks. 

I sigh, "I don't know. Just take Willow and get out of town for a few days."

"What if we went to see my grandparents? Willow could practice riding her bike and we could go do things as a family."

"We can tell them personally about Rye."

"Sure, they would love that."

I nod my head, "Can we go this weekend?"

"I'm not sure but we could definitely try." He says.

I yawn, "I don't think I'll miss a wink of sleep tonight. Today has been great but I am exhausted." I tell him truthfully.

Peeta laughs, "Actually go to sleep tonight and you won't be as tired."

I roll my eyes, "Let's go to bed." I say laying down. He lays down too and we hold each other close, Peeta has his arms wrapped protectively around my tummy and holds me close to him.

"Goodnight, Katniss."

"Goodnight." I yawn again.

"Goodnight, Rye. Your Mommy and I love you very very much." He says quietly.

I squeeze my hands over Peeta's and he squeezes my hand back softly.

"And I love you too. So so much." He mumbles to me.

"I love you too."

(The next morning)

"Bye Momma. Bye bye, baby brother." Willow says quietly as I drop her off in her classroom.

"Bye sweet girl. Remember you can't tell anyone about the baby."

"I won't. I promise."

"Okay, I love you. Daddy and I will come get you later. Have a good day." I say.

"I love you too and have a good day." Willow says. 

I chuckle and wave at Bristol as I walk out.

I go home and go straight up to the baby's room.

Peeta's done a few things since I came in here last, which was a few weeks ago honestly.

He's gotten Willow's old crib out and that bedside bed thing too. Then a box of toys and books and bottles and some clothes too.

I look through them all and ache for the baby to come faster or for Willow to be small again.

I take the baby bottles downstairs and wash them really good since they haven't been washed in over 5 years and then put them in the cabinet. We have a good supply of them but I know we will buy more.

I decide to be a good wife and clean the kitchen and do the dishes and then I head to each room and pick it up. Peeta is gonna be mad at me when he finds out I'm doing more than resting but oh well.

I'm not at a high risk pregnancy, Peeta is just being really really overprotective. Even more than last time. I think it is because it was so hard for me to get pregnant and we don't want anything to happen, not that we wanted anything to happen with Willow but we are a lot smarter now than we were before. But so far, besides the week I was sick, the baby is heathy and the pregnancy is going perfectly.

I'm not going to overdo it though, I just feel more energized and excited about life today.

"Rye, your Daddy is gonna be mad at me..." I say putting my hands on my belly.

I feel a little kick and I feel him turn inside me.

"I love you, baby boy." I say quietly.

"You have no idea how much you're already so loved. We have a big, crazy family that already loves you so so much. And you have three new friends to play with once you get out of there, and you have your big sister, Willow." I explain to him.

This is the first time I've actually taken the time to talk to him for a long time. It's not that I haven't talked to him before or whatever but I agree with Peeta, it is so much easier talking to him now that we know his name.

Taking a seat, I take a deep breath, "Your sister is so excited for you. You got really lucky, baby boy. She loves you so so much and she's gonna be your best friend. And Daddy and I can't wait for you to get here. I'm just scared about when you come out, I hope you're nicer to me than your sister was." I laugh a little.

"Only four more months until you're finally here. We still have a lot to do too. We gotta paint your room and buy you lots and lots of clothes and diapers too."

I lean my head back against the couch, "Having a baby is expensive but that's okay. You're gonna be so so spoiled."

I laugh a little, "I'm sorry I didn't really talk to you that much until now but I agree with your dad, it's so much easier to talk to you when we know what you are and your name." I tell him truthfully.

I know he's thinking about how he has no idea what his crazy mother is saying but I still talk.

I feel little pops and movements inside me and then settlement.

"Are you gonna be a wild child like Dr. Coles thinks you will be? I hope not. But if you are, that's okay. We are used to dealing with Willow." I laugh a little.

I look down at my growing bump and smile.

I am so excited I can't stop smiling.

"We have to figure out how we are gonna tell everyone about you. Have any ideas?" I ask him softly.

I get no response as I thought and chuckle, "I didn't think you would."

I sigh, "Maybe we can have Willow do something since she's been telling everyone for us." 

"Do you like that idea?"

"It'll be a lot easier to talk to you once you get here. Or maybe you'll ignore me like your sister use to. Probably that." I say laughing.

I remember how when Willow was not interested in hearing what you had to say she would look away or just close her eyes suddenly and end up asleep within a few minutes.

"What should we do today?" I ask him after a minute.

I feel him kick a little bit and I start poking my belly gently, all around and he starts kicking like crazy. I laugh, "You do not like being disturbed in there, do you?"

"What are you hungry for? Because I am starving." I say.

"Do you want to go get some cheese buns from your Daddy?" I suggest.

Rye doesn't respond so I take it as a 'yes.'

I head upstairs and grab my phone and keys and then go.

I get in the car and drive to the bakery. When we get there Peeta's car isn't there.

"Hi, Mrs. Mellark."

"Mrs. Mellark, you're looking good."

I smile and walk to Peeta's office. It's locked.

"Do you know where Peeta is?"

"I'm not sure, I think he's buying supplies."

"Where is Thom?" I ask nicely.

"He's right over there."

I go over to where he's zoned out, decorating a cake.

"Hey, Thom. Where is Peeta?" I ask him.

He jumps a little and looks up.

"Sorry." I say. I obviously scared him.

"It's fine. Peeta, he is doing something he told me to not tell you he's doing if you asked so he's not doing anything."

I make a face, "Where is he?"

"He told me not to tell you that either."

I cross my arms over my chest, feeling upset.

"Is he doing something bad?" I ask. 

"No, no. I promise it's nothing bad."

I groan, "Please tell me."

"Katniss, I can't. He begged me not to tell you."

"You swear it's nothing bad?" I ask again.

"Yes. I swear it is nothing bad." He says standing up.

I roll my eyes, "Can I get some cheese buns?" I mumble.

He chuckles, "Sure. Come on." He says walking through the kitchen to the bakery front.

"How many do you want?"

"Three, please." I say.

He gets them out and slips them in a bag, I take the bag.

"Thank you." I say.

"No problem. And don't worry about what Peeta is doing. Call him and if he tells you then okay but I promise you he's not doing anything bad."

I sigh, "Okay. Thank you." I say and turn around and walk out.

I feel like crying but I don't. I sit in the car as I watch people come in and out of the bakery and I call Peeta.

(On the phone with Peeta)

"Hey, baby."


"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at work."

"I'm not stupid. I'm here and you're not."

He sighs, "Okay, I'm doing stuff for work in town."

"What are you doing?"

"It's a surprise."


"Katniss." He laughs.

I groan, "Please tell me?" I ask him.

"I can't. You'll find out soon enough. It's not a big deal, I promise you. I love you and I'm not doing anything wrong-I swear."

I sigh, "But you not being at work and having Thom and everyone else tell me you were doing something for work or that they couldn't tell me makes me suspicious. You should tell me where you are."

"I'm at the store."

"What store?"

"The store that I can't tell you about because it will give the surprise away."

I groan, "Is it for the baby?"


"For me?"


"For Willow?"


"For you?"

"No, Katniss." Peeta laughs.

"Then who?" I ask him, getting frustrated.

"For no body. You will find out later."

I sigh, "Will you be home at noon?"

"I should be."

"Will you make me a really good lunch?"

"Of course. What would you like?"

"Surprise me." I say sarcastically and he snorts.

"I will. Are you feeling okay this morning? How is Rye?"

"I was feeling fabulous until I came here and you weren't here. And he's fine."

Peeta chuckles, "I'm sorry, sweetheart but it's honestly nothing bad. You'll be happy when you find out."

I shrug, "Okay, well I'm going home now."

"Alright, baby. I will be home as close to twelve as I can but go home and get some rest. Watch some tv or something."

I sigh, "I don't like tv."

"Yes, you do." He laughs.

He's right. I do like tv but I want to be stubborn right now.


"Yes." He laughs.

"I don't like tv."

"Okay then but you love sleeping and you can't deny that."

"I love sleeping next to you. Not by myself."

"How about this? I'll make you something for lunch and then afterwards we can go take a nap. If you're still asleep at 2:50 I'll go pick up Willow. But until then go try to get some sleep." He suggests.

I sigh, "Fine."

Peeta laughs, "I will see you soon. I love you."

"I love you too." I mumble.


"Bye." I say and hang up.

I head back home and go inside. I go into Willow's room and steal Buttercup off her bed and take him across the hall to my bedroom.

I lay down and he snuggles up to my side.

"You're such a stupid cat, you know." I tell him as he rubs his head against my hand.

He purrs and mews.

"You're ugly too. I am not sure what Prim and Willow see in you."

Buttercup looks up at me.

"But you're a pretty good cat."

I sigh and lay my head down on the pillow, "And you like to sleep." I say. He snuggles up against my baby bump and I close my eyes.

***Me: *gets tonsillitis when I finally get a solo for a musical in a week * FML :(

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