In Hope Of Falling In Love (A...

By StillNotGinger2

344K 5.7K 975

It's the same old story that's been told since the beginning of time: boy meets girl, girl and boy fall in lo... More

Chapter 1: Adventures In The Dark
Chapter 2: The One Who Fears Is Not Perfected In Love
Chapter 3: Ain't A Useless Little Girl Anymore
Author's Note
Chapter 4: Just Being Friendly
Chapter 5: I'm Not Gonna Hurt You
Chapter 6: Bible Girl
Chapter 7: He Knows?
Chapter 8: I Don't Want To Lose You
Chapter 10: The L Word
Chapter 11: Greene's Still A Virgin
Chapter 12: Advice On Boy Trouble
Chapter 13: There's A First Time For Everything
Chapter 14: The Mistaken Identity
Chapter 15: Beth's Redneck With The Stupid Accent
Chapter 16: What Happens On Watch...
Chapter 17: Hard Times
Author's Note 2
Chapter 18: More and More Lies
Chapter 19: She Can Lie Like The Best Of 'Em
Chapter 20: You're Safe, Greene, For Now
Chapter 21: I Didn't See A Thing
Chapter 22: Confessions Of The Heart
Author's Note 3
Chapter 23: Miscalculations
Chapter 24: Prisoners And Torture
Chapter 25: Have You Given Up Yet?
Chapter 26: Elizabeth's Flashback
Chapter 27: Will you do that for me?
Chapter 28: Hidden Sun Behind Her Eyes
Chapter 29: Beauty And The Beast
Just An Itty-Bitty Author's Note
Chapter 30: Not That I Noticed
Chapter 31: The Things Left Behind
Chapter 32: The Only Thing He'll Tolerate
Chapter 33: Nobody's Going To Feel Your Pain
Chapter 34: Lies and Masterpieces
Chapter 35: A Love Made Of Iron
Chapter 36: This Might Be Death
Chapter 37: Forgiving Every Sin
Chapter 38: A Promise Of Perfect Things
Chapter 39: A Land Of Truths
Chapter 40: A Game Of Trial And Error
Chapter 41: An Abundance Of Mishaps
Chapter 42: The Same Way
Author's Note
Chapter 43: Ah, Death, An Old Friend
Chapter 44: Godless Girl
Chapter 45: Dead Days
Just Another Author Note: I Need Your Help
Chapter 46: Mending
Chapter 47: Last Hope
Chapter 48: Two Less Lonely People
Chapter 49: Got No Faith, No Hope, No Love
Chapter 50: Conundrum (Melancholy)
Chapter 51: A Porcelain Idea
Chapter 52: The Dawn Service
Chapter 53: Drowning
I Have An Idea!
Chapter 54: Hurricane
Chapter 55: Heartbreaking Isn't For The Weak
Chapter 56: Heaving Through Corrupted Lungs
Chapter 57: Make-Believe
Sequel! {Part 2}

Chapter 9: How Do Dixons Apologise?

6.7K 128 10
By StillNotGinger2

"We don't," Beth sighed. "I told you the truth, alright?"

Daryl sighed heavily, "Wha' truth? All you said was I'm a jerk!" Beth scoffed, "I tol' you I care about you and you pushed me the... It doesn't matter, we're over! We never should've been together in the first place, I trusted you and I cared about you and now you've..." she yelled. Her voice grew harsher. "You've fucked it the hell up!"

His eyes grew wide. "I didn't do anything! I'm going whether my bitch-" he yelled. Beth interrupted him. "You're... you're bitch? I'm not your anything, I hate you! I hate you, Daryl! I HATE YOU SO MUCH, DARYL DIXON," she screamed. Daryl grew venomous. "Yu' wanna go this way? Yu' want to push me away? I'm the only one around here who ever gives you attention apart from your fuckin' daddy!"

Beth stared at Carol, who was standing behind Daryl and hung her head. "Carol," she said softly, embarrassed.

Daryl turned, "Wha' the fuck?" he said, looking at the older lady looking at the wide-eyed. "Wha' do you want?" he asked her angrily. She craned her neck around his figure to look at Beth, "Let's get you something to eat, okay?" she said, grabbing Beth's hand as the young girl moved towards her, nodding. "Meet me in your cell, alright?" she said softly. Carol turned to look at Daryl, "You've messed this all up," she told him.

"I don' care wha' yu think, bitch!"

Carol shrugged, "Beth's too young for you, but I've never seen you happier than you are with her. It... I like seeing you somewhat happy, Daryl," she told him, kissing his cheek, He pushed her off, muttering to her than he didn't like her like that.


It'd been days since Beth and Daryl had spoken. Rick had decided they were going to Woodbury that afternoon and had asked Beth and Maggie along; Beth declined while Maggie jumped at the chance to do something.

Beth ran through the argument in her head [A/N: I'm going to mostly be staying focused on Beth and might have a Daryl only chapter if you'd read that], feeling the tears well in her eyes. She cursed and yelled at him; she was growing stronger but also cold and it scared her.

She felt a growling in her chest and clutched her stomach, hungrily. Her father's bible was open beside her; it was looking at her as if it had been rejected. Beth picked it up and threw it across the room, "Leave me alone," she screamed, watching it. The bible continued to look at her; she stood and picked it up again, opened her cell door and threw it out, hearing an 'OW' echo through the prison.

Beth put her head in her hands and sat down on the cold cell floor. What am I doing? she thought, I'm messed everything up. Your father isn't talking to you and your sister is ignoring you. Carol doesn't offer you food anymore and no one wakes you when you have nightmares; the nightmares are the worse and they're getting harder to cope with. You can't live like this! You need him, you need them; you need someone, anyone. Apologise, go to Woodbury, ask for lessons, take care of Judith! How long since you've held the baby in your hands or fed her? Huh? Leaving Carol and Rick with that while you lie in your bed crying and complaining?

There was a knock on the door; bringing Beth's attention.

It was Rick.

"Last chance, we're leaving Beth," he said, staring at her tiredly. Beth jumped up, "I want to go... To Woodbury," she replied quickly and without hesitation. Rick went to turn around but stopped himself to look at her, "We don't know if the Governor and Martinez are there so bring a weapon. We're partnering up, come talk to me later and I'll tell you who you're with, okay?" he said softly. Beth nodded and smiled at him, "Thank you," she said, diverting her eyes to the grey ground. "I'm just confused and I don't do anything to help the group but you keep me here and give me shelter and food. Thank you Rick."

He nodded in reply and walked out, leaving Beth alone. She pulled on a jacket, it was raining outside from the look of Rick. He must have been out there, she thought.

Beth didn't have to open her heavy cell door as she'd done it before to throw the- Her father's book.

"Sweetie," Carol called. "Can you take Judith, I have to find Daryl?" Beth stopped walking at the mention of the familiar name and then nodded slowly, taking the baby in her arms. "Hello, Judith," she cooed. The baby giggled, twirling a loose bit of Beth's messy hair on her finger.

Beth smiled.

Someone touched her shoulder, resting their arm on her.

"I hear yur comin' to Woodbury," he said gruffly. Beth nodded, flinching as he leaned close into her ear. "Rick put us together, you better get over it," he said, before nibbling her ear gently. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

"Daryl?" Carol called, walking back over to them. "I've been looking for you, I need my gun if you're all leaving. Rick said you had it," she said as her and Daryl walked away.

Beth yawned and set the equally tired baby in her cot.

Did Daryl Dixon just apologise? To me?

"Hey, Beth," Glenn said. She turned and looked at him, "Hello." Glenn played with the hem of his shirt and stared at her. "I'm glad you're feeling better, I hear you're coming to Woodbury? Maggie's pretty happy you're coming along."

Beth smiled, "Really? Where is she?" Her smile faltered as she saw Rick carrying her sister in. "What happened?" she screamed. But it was all too obvious with the blood streaked up her arm.

"She's bit?" Glenn yelled. "Maggie!" he exclaimed, running over to her.

"She's not bit!" Rick yelled. "She fainted, she's okay," he reassured. Beth placed a hand to her head and felt herself go dizzy. "Mag-" she said, falling backwards. She felt someone catch her and heard words being whispered into her ear.

"She'll be okay, Maggie's tough. Are yu okay? Don' move, I'll get yu to yur cell and get yu something to eat, alright?"


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