Finding the Missing Piece: Bo...

By cogdill

204K 9.4K 6.2K

Parenthood has finally found Katniss and Peeta Mellark. In this story they are going to be learning to live l... More

Prologue/Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Ninety-Five
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One-Hundred
Chapter One Hundred-One/Sequel info.

Chapter Eighty-Five

1.9K 87 95
By cogdill

Katniss POV- (3 weeks later, 4:40am)

I can't believe I'm five months pregnant.

It's going by so slow but so fast just the same.

I'm officially not able to fit into any of my old clothes because of my belly that I swear gets bigger every other day.

Peeta still has the vibe that the baby is a boy, but Willow and I are both sure it's a girl and is everyone else.

But it won't matter because in about eight or nine hours, we will have our suspicions confirmed.

I've been awake all night thinking about it.

However, staying up all night being anxious does not make the time tick faster but it does make time for some good day dreaming and thinking.

I thought of a name that I want to suggest to Peeta if he is right but if not, I'm not sure what we will choose.

I've been going to the bathroom a lot more lately too and I have heartburn from you know where.

I haven't experienced much hardcore kicking like Willow use to do, just occasional hard kicks but mostly light ones. I am kind of nervous about it so I'm gonna ask Doctor Coles what she thinks about that, Peeta is kind of nervous about it too but I highly doubt it's anything.

My aching back and feet unfortunately have gotten worse and most likely will continue to do so but Peeta luckily knows how to give pretty good massages.

I've kind of started to waddle too. Willow informed me of this the other day when we were in the grocery store. She was holding the cart while I walked over to get something and she loudly informed me that I 'walk like a penguin.' I couldn't even be mad at her for that or anything she's stated about me lately because she's trying to help and she's just so honest it's funny.

Peeta has been even more overprotective of me lately too but I am trying to be patient with him.

There for awhile I know I hurt his feelings a lot by things I would blurt out or get mad at him for but I couldn't help it. I still get frustrated with him but I'm biting my tongue a lot lately.

All of a sudden the silence is interrupted by Peeta's alarm clock going off.

Signaling it's officially 5am.

My appointment is at 2pm so as soon as I drop Willow off at school I am coming home and sleeping till Peeta gets home at noon-ish.

I'm so glad he's the boss and can decide hours and when he goes in because it's so nice having from 12 to 3 with him to myself.

I know that's gonna change once we have the baby but that's okay. I think it'll be good for us. I mean he assured me he was taking off for the first few months to help me, until I got back into the swing of things, which I'm grateful for.

Peeta gets up and turns his alarm clock off and stretches. I turn and look at him, letting him know I'm awake.

"Go back to sleep." He tells me softly.

"I haven't slept." I tell him truthfully and sit up.

He sighs and sits down on the edge of the bed, "Why not?" He asks me, putting his arm around me and pulling me into a tired hug.

I lay my head on his shoulder, not being able to contain my smile, "I'm too excited for today."

Peeta laughs a little, "I'm excited too but you still should've slept some."

I shake my head, "I will sleep after I drop off Willow. Then you can come sleep with me until right before the baby appointment." I tell him with a cheesy grin.

Peeta chuckles, "Sounds good. Are you sure you don't want to go to sleep yet? I can set an alarm for you for 7?"

I sigh, "That would be good." I say truthfully, only now realizing how exhausted I am.

Peeta smiles and leans down, pressing his lips to my forehead, "Get to sleep. I will see you at 12." He tells me softly and pushes some hair out of my face.

I smile softly and lay down.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I say.

He pats my belly and stands up. He quickly and quietly gets dressed and then leaves the room. A few minutes later I hear the front door close and then his car starting and leaving.

I go back to sleep until the annoying sound of an alarm goes off at 7.

I go to the bathroom and get on some warmer clothes. Then I peek in Willow's room. She's sound asleep and I probably won't wake her until 7:15.

She has her lamb clutched in her arms and held against her chest and her blanket right next to her.

She's gonna sleep with those things until she's 40.

I smile at my beautiful baby and go downstairs.

At 7:15 I go into her room.

"Wake up, Big Sister to be." I say to her.

She groans and shakes her head the way she does every morning.

"Hey, you better get up, sleepy head. Today we get to find out if you're gonna have a baby sister or a baby brother." I remind her.

That's just the motivation to get her up.

Within five minutes she's dressed and I'm in the bathroom fixing her light brown hair. 

"Your hair is getting really really long." I tell her truthfully, brushing it through with my fingers.

She's only had three hair cuts in her life.

It makes her hair easier to fix, even though it's thick and wavy.

"Do I gotta cut it again?"

"Not if you don't want to." I say truthfully.

"I don't. I want my hair long like yours."

"It's almost there." I say truthfully.

She nods, "Will the baby have hair?"

"Probably so. You had lots of hair when you were born so I bet this one will too." I say.

"What if it's a boy?"

"It'll probably have hair too." I laugh a little.

She nods.

I finish her hair and she hugs me, "I love you." She tells me.

I smile back and kiss her head, "I love you too. Let's go get something to eat and go to school."

"Ugh, Momma. Can't I just stay home?"

"Willow, I would let you but you got to go to school and I didn't sleep last night so I want to sleep."

She looks at me, "I will sleep with you."

I can't help but to laugh, "Don't you want to go to school so that it'll go by really fast so we can go to see the baby?"

"It would go faster if I was sleeping." She tells me.

She has a point.

"I'll tell you what. You call Daddy and ask him if you can stay home today and if he says you can then you can." I tell her.

I already know Peeta is gonna give in but I have to at least try to act like I'm being stern over it.

We go downstairs and get my phone and she calls him.

"No, Daddy. It's Willow." She says giggling right off the bat.

I smile, laughing.

"I am with Mommy but I don't want to go to school today."

She sighs, "Because I want to stay here with Momma and keep her safe while her sleeps and so her can keep me safe while I sleep. I want to sleep." She explains.

"Because if I sleep then it will be quicker we get to go see the baby. If I go to school I got to stay awake and that's long."

I hold in my laughter.

I know I really shouldn't be laughing but she's got some really great arguments and I shouldn't be giving in this easily but she's little and I miss my alone time with her.

"Yeah, I promise I will be good." She tells Peeta.

I see a little smile cross her face when I know he says 'yes.'

"Here, Momma. Him wants to talk to you." She says handing me the phone.

(On the phone with Peeta)

"Hey." I say.

"You are such a sucker for her." He laughs.

I snort, "You just told her 'yes,' at least I stalled saying that by calling you."

He chuckles, "In my defense, she had some very, very good points. That aren't very arguable against."

"I know. That's why I had her call you."

Peeta laughs, "If she really doesn't want to go I wouldn't make her. You know she's been getting way way wayyyy more attached to you lately anyways so just let her."

"I will. I think it's because of the baby but I want to spend any time I can with her before the baby comes. And this is one of the few times she's honestly not wanted to go to school."

"Her teenage years are going to be so fun if she likes to sleep this much right now and if we keep giving in like this. You were bad about sleeping a lot."

"I wasn't that bad. Just some days but at least I don't get sick when I don't have enough sleep like someone I know..."

He laughs, "Got me there."

I smile, "I will call the school and tell them she's sick or something but we are gonna eat something and hopefully go to sleep." I tell him.

Peeta snorts, "Okay, my Princess."

"And you better come join us at noon. Or at least make us some food." I tease him.


I laugh, "Okay, have fun at work. I will see you later. I love you." I say into the phone.

"I love you too."

"I love you too, Daddy!!!!" Willow hollers.

"I love you too, Willow." Peeta says laughing.

"Bye." I say.

"Bye, babe." He says and hangs up.

"What did him say?" Willow asks immediately.

"He said that you can stay home."

She sighs, "I know that. I meant what did him say when I said I loved him?"

I laugh a little, "He said he loves you too."

Willow smiles, "Daddy is so nice." She says.

I smile, "He is very nice." I agree with her.

"I bet the baby is gonna love him so much and you too."

"And I bet they will love you just as much." I assure her.

Willow smiles a little, "I love them. I hope that I can see the baby really good today."

"You should be able to. It's getting really big."

"Yeah, that's why your tummy is getting so big!" She tells me.

I nod my head, "Yep and I'm just gonna get bigger. Pretty soon it's gonna look like I swallowed a basketball or something." I tell her truthfully.

Willow just laughs, "You're silly, Mommy."

"I know, baby. What do you want for breakfast?"

"I want toast. Do you want toast?" She says simply.

I snort, "It sounds fine to me. What if we put some cinnamon and sugar on it?"

She nods her head, "That sounds yummy."

"I think so too." I say truthfully.

It sounds appetizing and it's easy to make so I say that's what we are gonna have.

I whip about four pieces of toast with cinnamon and sugar on top of it and Willow and I eat it.

I call the school, lying and saying she's sick and then since we are both kind of wide awake, we go in the living room and she snuggles up to me and we watch one of her movies.

At about 9 I think she falls asleep and I'm not too far behind her.

I don't know what I did to be given such a beautiful daughter. She's so perfect and I'm not saying she doesn't have flaws but I'm her mother, I'm gonna think she's perfect no matter what.

Okay, I swear she is a brat and has her moments that make me wanna pull all my hair out, but overall she's the sweetest, most caring little girl I think I've met in my life. She's so stubborn, smart and kind of funny without even trying, the way Peeta is. Willow is sensitive like him too and they always want to help in any way that they can.

It amazes me when I look at her and realize that I made her and soon I will have another little baby that I made. That Peeta and I made.

I still to this day think that it's the coolest thing about being pregnant or having kids. You're just so amazed at them. How open minded they are and smart.

Willow has been so aware and observant since the day she was born. I remember how she would be like a chameleon and just adapt to my mood or anyways mood around her.

It's like she knew what we were feeling or when something wasn't quite right and even though she could never help us out verbally the way she can now, she always found a way to help me when I would look into her eyes. I think it's because they're so much like Peeta's and I find comfort anytime I look into either one of their eyes.

I hope that the baby has Peeta's eyes too.

That way I could look into either one of my children's eyes, no matter where Peeta was and feel that comfort, not that it wouldn't be that way no matter what, but it would make it easier.

I wake up to Peeta pulling Willow up off me. She's still fast asleep but he puts her over his shoulder, then notices I'm awake.

"Let's go to the bedroom." He whispers softly and holds out his hand. I take it and hold onto it for support as I walk up the stairs, half asleep.

When we get into our room Peeta lays Willow on his side of the bed and comes over to me. My heavy eyes reopen long enough to watch him slip in next to me and then I'm fast asleep.


"Peeta, hurry up!! We are gonna be late!!" I holler.

Willow and I have been waiting on him to get ready for ten minutes.

"I'm coming!" He calls back.

"Gosh, Daddy is taking all day." Willow tells me.

I make a face, "I know. We might have to leave without him and he won't get to see the baby." I tease her.

Willow nods her head, "Yeah and he will be really mad."

"Yep so he better hurry." I say.

"Let's go to the car, Mommy. Then he will be scared we left him and hurry." Willow tells me with a devious grin on her face.

I love my daughter.

I laugh, "Let's do it."

She goes out first and I shut the door behind me, slamming it loudly-hoping Peeta would think we left.

Willow and I half run to the car and hop in, even though I shouldn't run but I do.

"Him will be so scared!!" Willow giggles as she buckles herself up.

I laugh and buckle up too, "I bet he comes out in a few seconds."

I turn and see Peeta running out of the house and over to the car like a track star. Willow and I both laugh at him as he gets in the car, out of breath.

"Why'd you run?"

"Because I know you two would leave me." He says catching his breath.

I chuckle, "I think we need to go running after the baby is born. Get into shape so we can chase down our kids."

Peeta puts his seatbelt on and starts up the car, "I think so. We can barely chase around Willow." He says with an exaggerated groan.

"Ugh, I know." I say teasingly.

Willow scoffs, "Um, I'm right here."

Peeta gasps and turns around like she startled him, "Oh, I didn't even see you. I thought you were at school." He says.

She giggles, "You're crazy."

"I know. How about we go find out what the baby is?!" He says excitedly and backs up out of the driveway.

"Yay!!!" Willow cheers.

I laugh, smiling widely. Peeta takes my hand after we get on the road.

"I think I found a name I like."

"What is it?" He asks me.

"I'm not gonna tell you until we find out what it is. If it's a name that can work I'll tell you." I say.

He sighs, "Will you tell me what it was, even if we can't use it?"

"Yeah." I say.

"I want to know." Willow pipes in.

"You can know when I tell Daddy." I tell her.

She sighs, "I still think we should call the baby 'Cheesebun.'"

I laugh, "You can call the baby Cheesebun if you want but it can't be it's real name." I tell her.

Peeta chuckles, "Could be a middle name."

I shake my head, "No."

"How come?" Willow asks.

"Because Daddy and I already picked out other names because you told us we could." I remind her.

"Oh yeah."

"But we will try to decide on a name tonight." Peeta assures her.

Willow sighs, "Okay."

"And when we find out what the baby is, we are gonna keep it a secret for awhile. So don't tell anyone what it is until we tell you that you can." I tell her.

"I won't. I promise."

About that time my heart sinks when Peeta pulls into the obstetricians office. I feel a sense of overwhelming nervousness in the pit of my stomach.

"Here we are. 2 minutes till." Peeta says parking the car.

I look at him and he smiles at me, "Don't be nervous. There's nothing to worry about."

I let out a sigh, "I know. I'm just anxious because I want to find out but I'm just excited." I tell him truthfully.

He leans over and gives me a kiss, "It will be alright, I promise."

"I know it will be." I mumble.

He smiles, "I love you."

"I love you too, Peeta."

Willow pops her head in between Peeta and I, obviously already having undone her car seat.

"Let's go." She tells us impatiently.

I turn around and so does Peeta and we just laugh at her.

She smiles cheesily at us both, "Please?"

We laugh and get out, Willow following behind Peeta.

When we get inside there's about a fifteen minute wait and then Dr. Coles calls us back.

"Hello, Katniss." Dr. Coles says immediately, smiling happily.

I smile back, "Hi." I say.

"Sit down. Willow, Peeta you can sit right there." She says pointing to some chairs next to the examination table I sit on.

Peeta sits down and Willow climbs into his lap and holds his hands around her waist and watches me as Dr. Coles takes my blood pressure and all the other normal procedures.

"How have you been feeling?" She asks me.

"Fine. Just really sore and still pretty tried."

"That's normal and you said you were sore? Where are you sore?"

"My feet, legs and back." I tell her.

"Do you think it's from the baby bump you've gotten?"

"I think so."

"You didn't have that with Willow did you?"

I shake my head.

"Okay, well you're also a little older than you were last time. I would say it's safe to say that it's fine. If it worsens or gets out of control, let me know."

I nod my head and look at Peeta. He nods.

"And I am sure it's nothing but the baby has been moving around for at least a month or longer now but it's still not moving like Willow did, even as young as she did it. I mean they just don't really kick or move too often." I tell her.

"Well, I doubt it's anything. I promise all of your tests came back negative to any defects and even the ones we did after you got sick. Maybe they're just not gonna be as active inside, maybe they'll be more wild once they get out here or maybe they'll continue to stay laid back. You never really know but I don't see anything wrong with them." 

I nod my head.

"The baby should be about 6 inches long and probably about 10 ounces." She says.

"How big is that? Is that bigger than my finger?" Willow asks her.

She chuckles, "It's a lot bigger than your finger now. It's probably about the size of your Daddy's hand right now, actually."

Willow lifts Peeta's hand up and examines it, "That's a lot bigger than my little finger."

Dr. Coles laughs, "It is. And it's just gonna get bigger."

"Can we see it now?" She asks.

She smiles, "Just a few more minutes. I know you're all anxious to see the baby but I have to do a few more things to your mom before we can look at the baby." She tells Willow.

Willow nods and leans back against Peeta again. Dr. Coles measures my belly and does a few other things and finally is ready for us to see the baby.

"Can I sit by my Momma?" Willow asks her as she gets the machine and stuff ready.

"Sure, you sit beside her and watch that screen while your Daddy puts his stuff on her belly." Doctor Coles tells her.

"Do you have any guesses?" She asks Willow.

"Me and my Momma think it's a girl and my Daddy says it's a boy." Willow tells her.

She smiles and nods her head.

Peeta lifts Willow up beside me and she grabs onto my hand as Peeta spreads the gel over my belly and then holds my other hand while a Doctor Coles flips the machine on and rubs the probe around my stomach. We all watch the screen in silence.

"We are gonna do a 4D sonogram today, so we can really let Willow see her baby brother." She says.

At first it doesn't register to Peeta and I.

We exchange glances and I feel my heart skip a beat.

Peeta and I realize what she just said at the exact same time and we freak out.

He pulls me into a side hug and we both just laugh, I'm crying and he's close to it too. I look up and he looks down at me and kisses me passionately.

"I told you!!" Peeta laughs and kisses the top of my head.

"Why are they doing that?" I hear Willow ask Dr. Coles, obviously confused.

She laughs, "Because you're going to have a baby brother. It's a boy." She confirms.

I hear Willow gasp.

Peeta and I look over just in time to catch her reaction, her blue eyes are huge, just the way Peeta's were seconds before and she's smiling so widely, looking even cuter because of her missing tooth.

"Mommy, I'm gonna have a baby brother!!" Willow squeals excitedly.

I laugh, feeling more tears of joy stroll down my cheeks and pull her into a side hug too. She is shaking she's so excited.

"I know. Are you happy?" I ask her.

"Yeah!! I am so esited." She says.

"We were wrong." I tell her.

Willow laughs, "And Daddy was right."

Peeta chuckles and kisses my hand.

"Look at the screen, Katniss." Dr. Coles tells me.

I almost forgot we weren't alone.

I glance up and see the baby, with it's foot in his mouth.

I let out a little giggle and we all laugh when we see it.

"That's funny." Willow says to Dr. Coles.

"That is very funny. I think you're gonna have a silly little brother."

"He will fit in right along with her." Peeta jokes.

Dr. Coles chuckles, "I can't wait to meet him."

"Me either." I tell her truthfully.

I'm having a son.

"I think we have a picture of you doing that in Mommy's belly too." Peeta tells Willow. 

I remember that.

She giggles, "That's so cute."

Peeta smiles widely, he's acting a little more chill than I thought he would be at his moment, but something tells me he truly had a gut feeling about this one. But he is defiantly happy, I can tell by his demeanor.

We watch the baby for a few minutes but he must be sleeping because he doesn't move from this position until Peeta leans down and starts talking to him.

"Hey, little guy." He says softly.

"It's your Daddy." Peeta tells the baby and he must've heard because he moves a little and kicks softly.

I smile widely, I can't take my eyes off of the monitor.

"Talk to your brother, Willow. See if you can get him to move." Doctor Coles says.

Willow leans down, "Baby brother.... It's Willow. I'm really glad you're not a girl because then Finn wouldn't have no friends but girls." She says.

Peeta and I laugh. 

Only Willow.

"Wake up, baby." She says and pokes the side of my stomach.

The baby's foot moves from it's mouth and he hides his face from us.

"You made him mad." Peeta teases her.

"Nuh, uh." She says.

"Okay, say 'bye' to the baby." Dr. Coles says.

"Bye, baby brother." Willow says and waves at the screen and with one last glance, she turns it off.

Peeta cleans off my stomach and Dr. Coles prints out some pictures for us and seals them up in an envelope.

"I will see you again next month. Call if you have any questions or concerns. The next few months are gonna get more rough on you, Katniss. You'll probably find it harder to sleep comfortably and the bigger you get the worse you're going to hurt. Also, I wanted to remind both you and Peeta the risk of her having PPD again."

I look at Peeta and back at her and I nod.

"There's a much lower chance but having a baby can trigger those feelings. Also if you begin to have unusual dreams or nightmares, it's normal."

"It's normal for me anyways, honesty." I mumble truthfully.

I mean they don't happen every single night like they did at one time but I still occasionally have them and so does Peeta.

"Okay, well you take it easy and try to get as much rest possible. Four more months and you'll be wanting it."

"Definitely." I shrug.

She smiles and Peeta helps me up. Willow holds onto his hand and holds the pictures in her other hand.

And we leave.

The way home is interesting.

"I'm gonna teach my baby brother how to be a baker like Daddy."

"You are?" Peeta asks her.

"Yep. Him has to know how to make food like me and mom and you do."

Peeta laughs, "Momma doesn't know to make food." He jokes.

I laugh and playfully slap his arm and he chuckles, "I'm kidding, baby."

"Yes, Momma knows how to make food." Willow says annoyed with him.

Peeta snorts, "I know."

"Anyways, I'm gonna show him how to make food and color pictures and to go to school." She names off.

I laugh, "You have awhile before you can teach him any of that stuff but maybe you can teach him to sleep all night, because I bet he won't do that."

"Okay. And I am gonna tell him how to stay home with you all day so he won't be bad for you."

"You do that, Willow." I say laughing.

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