Married to a Rockstar. Sequel...

By winterclifford

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 8

634 2 1
By winterclifford

"Mommy! Daddy!" Carolyn called out.

I lifted up my head in our small but big enough to fit two bunk and elbowed CC's side.

He woke up, "What?"

I whispered, "She's awake again."

"She's probably just not used to the bus bunk," he pointed out.

I glared, "This is the first night in the bus!"

He said, "Shh, one of us has to get her before one of the guys gets pissed."

"Too late," Andy muttered above us.

"No one asked you, Andy," I said.

I groaned and got out of our bunk and opened Carolyn's bunk curtain and said, "What baby?"

She pointed at the TV above her, "Uh Lion King."

I shook my head, "You have to get to sleep, darling."

She frowned. I said, "Carolyn. Go to sleep."

"Lion King!" She said.

I groaned. CC said from the bunk across from Carolyn, "Just put on Lion King and she will fall asleep to it."

I said, "Ugh. Fine." I picked up a DVD case and pulled out the Lion King disk and put it in, pressed play, then said to Carolyn, "Go to sleep. Good night, Carolyn."

"Guh'night, mommy! Luh'oo!"

"Sh, sh, sh, baby. Mommy loves you too," I said and kissed the top of her head and closed the curtain. I laid back in our bunk and cuddled with CC.

He rested his chin on my head and whispered, "She good?"

I nodded. He kissed my head, "Go back to sleep, love. I will wake you up when we get to the venue in the morning."

"First concert for Carolyn," he also pointed out.

I said, "Mmm. I love you."

"I love you too. Sweet dreams."

"Sweet dreams."

And just like that, I fell asleep.


"Wake up, sleeping beauty," CC kissed my forehead.

I opened my eyes. He smiled, "We're here." He opened up the curtain some more since he was outside of the bunk.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Um, Jinxx? What time is it?"

"It's ten thirty!" He yelled from across the bus.

"It's ten thirty," CC repeated.

I laughed, "So I heard. So did Carolyn go to sleep last night?"

"Yeah she did. Didn't cry the rest of the night," he said.

I smiled, "That's good."

He nodded then said, "Ashley and I have an interview to go to. Then Jake and Jinxx have one here on the bus and Andy has one as well. So you and October can probably start setting up then we will get there and finish helping."

I nodded and got out of the bunk and went to the lounge and pulled out my suitcase. Then I realized Carolyn and October were in here watching Toy Story. October turned around, "Hello, Alesana!"

I said, "Morning! I gotta change then we have to set up the merch tables."

She groaned, "Fine. Is Rosie awake?"

"I don't know," I said.

"Okay, go wake her up," she said.

"Why me?"

"You're heading that way."

"Ugh, fine."

I walked to the bunks and looked to the top bunk where Ash and Rosie sleep, and it was empty. I pulled out my phone and texted Rosie: Where are you? We need to set up merch tables while the guys do their interviews.

I went to the bathroom and got into black leather pants and an Iron Maiden shirt with a black bandeu underneath then put on my socks and black knee high converse. I quickly put on eyeliner and brushed out my hair since it was wavy and I decided to leave it like that. When I was done, I opened up the bathroom door and ran to the lounge and put my clothes away.

Then my phone went off. I checked it. A message from Rosie: I was behind the bus with Ash. I'm coming in right now.

I put my phone in the side of the bra/bandeau and put my pajamas in my suitcase. Toy Story just ended. Carolyn was bouncing on the couch singing the ABC's. I chuckled, "Awe, sweetie."

October laughed and said, "So is Rosie coming?"

"Yeah she was-"

"I'm here! Let's go set up!" Rosie said behind me.

I picked up Carolyn and she danced in my arms. I started laughing. Rosie smiled, "Aww she's so cute!"

October walked over to us, "You guys ready?"

"Yeah," Rosie and I both said at the same time.

We walked quietly past the interview just about to happen for Jake and Jinxx and walked out the door.

I put Carolyn down by the trailer and said, "Stay here, baby. Wait while mommy works."

"Okay!" She said. She twirled around a few times and then Brooklyn came over.

"Hey ladies!" Brooklyn said.

"Hey!" We all said back.

"Want me to watch the little stinker while you get the tables ready?"

"You don't mind?" I asked.

"Not at all!"

"Thank you so much!"

Brooklyn sat on the ground with Carolyn and started playing with her. I grabbed tables with Rosie and brought them in through the back door of the venue and set them up by the entrance of the venue. October came in with one box of merch, so Rosie and I went to get the other two. Then October turned around to get the fourth. We walked out in silence and came back and set the boxes on the table.

"So," I said, "What were you and Ash doing behind the bus?"

" know," she said, blushing.

October said, "No, we don't know. That's why we asked."

She stuck out her tongue and said, "We were just...making out..."

"Ooooh, tongue action," I said with a wink as I set up the shirts on display.

Rosie set up the posters on display and October set up the jewelry we had on sale.

Rosie blushed, "Yeah yeah yeah."

I looked out the glass doors of the venue and already three fans were here.

"What?" October asked.

I pointed outside, and both Rosie and October looked outside.

I laughed, "I got an idea."

"What's this idea?" October asked.

"We could get in the guys' warpaint and sit in line and see if any fans notice," I said.

Rosie grinned, "That would be awesome! Let's do it!"

We finished thinking of our plan and finished setting up merch. Once we stepped outside, CC called me over into the interview. I shook my head and the camera turned to me. I laughed and we kept walking. I found Brooklyn still playing with Carolyn.

I picked Carolyn up, "Thank you so much Brooklyn for watching her for me!"

"It's really no problem! She's a sweetheart!" She said with a smile.

We all gave Brooklyn hugs and she went to go unload her band's instuments. We went inside of the bus and there was Andy, Jake, and Jinxx on the couch, watching the news.

October sat on Andy's lap and Andy hugged her waist. Jake pulled out his phone and answered his phone to, I think, Crystal. I set Carolyn down and she ran to the lounge.

Jinxx was on the phone with Sammi. Sammi was on her way here. So technically, the news wasn't actually being watched.

Rosie sat down by the table and I sat on her lap. She wrapped her arms around my waist. I laughed and told Andy, "We have an amazing plan."

"What is it?" Andy asked.

"Well," October said, "We're going to get in your guys' warpaint and sit in line and see if fans know who we are."

"They may know if they pay attention to any of our twitpics," Andy pointed out.

I stood up, "Let's just get in the warpaint right now then head out in about two hours when more fans get here."

I got up and so did Rosie. We went to the bathroom and got out the makeup the guys usually use for theirs. October shortly followed and we all put on makeup in the small bathroom.

We were all done in about 45 minutes and we went out of the bathroom. I saw CC standing, his back to me. I ran to him and jumped onto his back.

"Hello, love!" He said.

I kissed his cheek, "Hii!"

I got off of his back and he turned to me and grinned, "Why are you in my makeup? You got black lipstick on my cheek."

I chuckled, "Because we're going to do something in about 15 minutes. Andy will probably explain. and good, I wanted to get black lipstick on your cheek."

He laughed, "Okay, I'm not wiping it off anyways."

I kissed his lips and said, "Carolyn is in the lounge. Are you guys going to soundcheck?"

"We did earlier this morning, so we're in here until about fifteen minutes before our set."

"Okay, love. Well, we're gonna head to the line. Call me if you need anything," I said.

He kissed me, hugging me around my waist, and said, "Alright, love. Have fun out there!"

I nodded, "Will do!"

October and Rosie said their goodbyes and gave their hugs and kisses to their guys and we walked around the venue to the front. I looked to Rosie and October and said, "My makeup messed up?"

"No," they both said.

"Good. Neither is either of yours," I said.

They both smiled. Rosie said, "Ready for this?"

October and I nodded and started walking towards the line. About twelve fans were here, some in full warpaint and some in just stitches. We stood in that line and took pictures of ourselves and talked for awhile until we had about twenty more fans behind us. Then my phone started ringing. It was Sammi.

I picked up, "Hullo?"

"Hey Alesana!"

"Hi Sammi," I said quietly so the fans wouldn't hear.

"Where are you guys? I'm inside the venue with Jinxx at the merch table."

"We're outside in line."


"Fan experiment."

She laughed. "Great idea! You should get a scare out of them soon enough."


"Well I will see you inside!"


"Bye girl!"


I hung up.

October asked, "Who was that?"

"Sammi," Rosie said.

A few fans in front of us kept looking at us then back foward. They turned around again and October said, "Need anything?"

"No, sorry," one of the fans said, "you three just look so familiar!"

Another fan said to the other, "I don't think it's them. They wouldn't be sitting in line. They'd already be in the venue."

We smiled and they turned back around.

About three hours passed and it was five thirty, thirty minutes before the fans were let in. I stood up and said, loud enough for fans to hear, "Time to go see the guys!"

Almost all of the fans turned around. The closest ones to us started asking, "You know the Black Veil Brides?!"

Rosie laughed, "We're pretty much with the guys of BVB!"

"Yeah right," one said.

I pulled out my phone and dialed CC on my speed dial.

He picked up, "Hey love."

"Hey, Christian, want us back inside?"

"Yeah, Andy wants October back inside. And Ash would like Rosie in here too," he said.

I put the phone on speaker and said, "Tell one of your fans hello."

"Hello, one of my fans! I LOVE YOU." He said.

I chuckled at the expression of the fans around us.

"Tell these fans something about you," I said.

"Well, I love this teal haired, my makeup wearing lady you're next to, we're married, and we have a daughter. Say hello, Carolyn!" Carolyn said, "Hello!"

I said, "We'll be right in. Going through the front door."

"Okay! I think Ash and I will go out to the door and make fans freak out."

I laughed and said, "Okay, love you!"

"Love you more," he said.

I hung up and said to the fans, "Proof?"

They all grinned and started asking questions all at once. Fans took pictures with us and we only had fifteen minutes to get inside the venue. We got out of line and walked to the door. We knocked at the door and some fan said, "They won't let you in to use the restroom."

Rosie looked at them, "I know, we're trying to get in to see our men."

"Your men? I hate fangirls."

John opened the door for us and we waved to the fan. CC and Ash came to the glass doors and fans started jumping and freaking out. I kissed CC as a fan took a picture and I went to the venue bathroom and got the face makeup off quickly. Then I had five minutes to spare and CC brought Carolyn out to me and she sat at the merch table with me, Rosie, and October.

Sammi ran out to us and sat on my lap. I chuckled, "There's another chair."

"Fine," she said. She hopped to the chair next to me and sat there. Then she said, "I'm selling merch with you guys!"

I grinned, "Yay!"

She took out her phone and took a picture of the four of us together. Then just us two. Then fans came rushing in. They ran to the stage to get a spot. Some ran over to the merch table and bought merch or took pictures with us. Before the first band went on, which was Picture Me Broken, I took Carolyn out to the bus for her to sleep. I put a sleeping Carolyn in the bunk and took the camera monitor screen out with me to keep an eye on her. Our best friend/bus driver is in here too, so he will keep an eye on her too.

The guys were over at the Asking Alexandria bus, of course, they are the best of friends.

I got out of the bus and closed the door behind me. I started walking and I heard a whistle behind me. I turned around and saw my ex and his friend, drunk and walking towards me.

"Damn," my ex said, "you're looking sexy."

"Back off, sh*t head," I said.

He came closer with his friend. My back hit a fence behind me when I staggered back.

His friend stayed a distance behind him, and my ex touched his chest to mine. I tried to push him off and he grabbed my arms then rubbed my sides.

I screamed, "Help! Please! Help!"

He covered my mouth with his hand and said, "Shh, no one needs to know."

"HEY!" I heard a few deep voices from across the parking lot.

My ex tore my shirt open down the middle and forced his lips on mine. I tried as hard as I could to push him off, but he wouldn't budge.

Then right when my ex tried to go farther, I thought I had pushed him away, but it wasn't me, it was both the guys of BVB and AA that got him off of me. Andy, Danny, Jake, Ben, and Ash pulled my ex away for physical stuff, along with his friend most likely. CC and Jinxx pulled me into the bus.

They both hugged me tight and before I knew it, I was crying.

Jinxx kept hugging me, "It's okay, Alesana. It's all over, he's gone. You're with us now."

I sobbed, "I can't believe it."

Jinxx stood up and got water and tissues. CC hugged me super tight and kissed my head then my cheek and wiped off my tears, "I will be right back. I need to help them deal with that guy."

He stood up and ran outside to where the guys were huddled around my ex and his friend. Jinxx came out with the tissues and water. I took the water and he wiped the tears away. He hugged me and gave me good advice and cheered me up. Then the guys from BVB came in, since AA had to go perform.

They all came and hugged me. CC looked down at my shirt and said, "What an ass. Love, go change and we can head back inside if you want."

He kissed me and I kissed him back. He smiled as I turned around to go to the lounge.

I got to the lounge and pulled out a BVB sweatshirt and put it on over the bandeau, since I felt the need to be even more covered. I got into black shorts and changed my shoes to my black vans.

I went back out and CC held out his hand. All the guys headed to the venue to watch from backstage. I took his hand and he pulled me to him and said, "That guy got what he deserved for what he did. What he did wasn't right at all, and he should go to the deepest put of h*ll for what he did to a beautiful girl like you. If he gets within fifteen feet of you, I will kick his ass again. I won't let him touch you or hurt you again."

I lifted up my sweatshirt and showed a deep red cut from where my ex had torn open my shirt with his sharp key. He frowned, "I will kiss it and make it better."

He kissed my stomach. I chuckled and brought his face up to mine and kissed his lips.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me back.

He let go and wrapped one arm around my waist and said, "Time to go back to the venue."

I picked up the camera monitor thing and we went back outside. We went inside the venue. He kissed me and went backstage. I ran to the merch table and turned on the monitor and saw my sleeping baby.

October tapped on my shoulder and whisper shouted in my ear, "What happened?"

"Long story, tell you later," I said.

She nodded and told Rosie and Rosie told Sammi. Then it was time for BVB to come on. They put on a fantastic show, as usual, then it was time for a suprise BVB meet and greet. I helped sell merch then sat behind CC and tickled his bare lower back.

The meet and greet went on forever and when it was over, we put away the tables, the boxes of merch, then put away their instruments.

We got back to the bus about 1AM and right then, Carolyn started crying. CC rocked her back to sleep as I told Sammi, October,and Rosie what happened. The guys and ladies all comforted me and talked about what an assh*le he is. Then we got in our pajamas and got into our bunks.

"Are you okay, love?" CC asked.

"Could be better, but I'm a whole lot happier knowing you're here," I said.

He smiled, "Good." He kissed me. I kissed him back. It turned into a makeout session.

When we parted, CC cuddled with me and said, "I love you, more than you will ever know. I love you to the universe and back. You are the most amazing lady ever. Ever."

I blushed, "Aw. I would say something back, but I am just too tired. I'm sorry, love. But..I love you more."

"Sweet dreams," he said.

"Sweet dreams, mister amazing," I responded.

He started humming something, and I fell straight asleep after Jake said, "Shut up, CC."

The bus started moving, and I was already dreaming. Tour might be pretty great/

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