On our own time

By martinezm2

893 37 5

Caleb Jones is 20 year old Gym trainer.He has tried a lot of relationships but they have all failed. Alora Ka... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Character Reminder
Part 20
Part 21
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25

Part 14

36 1 0
By martinezm2

"So here is the baby's head and here are the feet."The doctor pointed on the screen.

"Is it too soon to see if it's a boy or girl?"He tilted his head and looked closer.

"Well,the scan shows you are 3 months pregnant."Three months pregnant?I drank some wine at the wedding though.

"I didn't know I was three months doctor.I had a wedding while I was pregnant and I drank some wine."

"It's fine.The baby wasn't even considered a human at that time.Your baby is healthy so there is no need to worry.I can find out the gender after the test results come in from your urinary sample.For now,let's get Elizabeth's ultrasound done."I nodded and cleaned my belly.

Elizabeth lied down and lifted her shirt.

"It may be too early to tell his baby's gender,only because you are one month.But I can see what the results are from your urine too.We just upgraded the machine so it should come out.I'm going to go check that now while these photos print out."We both nodded and he left.

"Can you believe this?"She turned to me."I'm having my third kid.It's scary though."I giggled.

"I'm more happy than scared."She laughed.

"For now you are.Lemme tell you,Andrew has been an amazing father.He is so goofy.Ryder is gonna be just like him.Scar already has the sass of a teenager.She rolls her eyes and she gives the boys dirty looks all the time."I laughed.

"That's cute.Caleb was so excited when he saw the stick.He was screaming and crying.It was hilarious."She laughed.

"The results are back.Here are the ultrasounds.Elizabeth,you are having a baby boy."Lizzy covered her mouth.I hugged her."Alora,you are having a baby boy."I jumped up.

"Are you serious!?"She nodded."My husband is gonna be so happy!"


"What do you say we go to the mall?"Lizzy suggested.

"Sure.We can get some starter things."She nodded.

"I can give you some of Scar's newborn things."I nodded and took a left turn.

"Thanks.I know Caleb is going to be the happiest man alive."She smiled.

"I know Andrew is going to be worried.Now it's two girls he has to be overprotective about."I rolled my eyes and stopped at the red light.

"Don't worry,Ryder will step in with that."She nodded.My phone began to ring."Can you put it on speaker."She nodded.

"Hey babe."It was Caleb.

"Hey hun,how's work?"I pressed on the gas.

"It's good.I'm on lunch break.How was the doctors?"

"It was great actually.Lizzy and I decided to stop at the mall.Pick up a few things."

"Sounds cool.And by the way,my friend Jimmy just moved out of a four bedroom house down on Washington Ave.They just remolded it and he asked if I wanted to take a look at it."

"When does he want us to?"

"Later today.I said maybe around 3?"

"Sounds great.Do you need anything from the mall?"

"No thanks.Drive safe.I have to go.Love you."

"Love you to."She hung up the phone."We're here."I parked the car and we got out.


"Hey babe."Caleb kissed my forehead.I was sitting on the sofa eating a carrot and reading a baby book I bought.

"Hey.How was work."He smiled.

"Sweaty."He sat down and put his arm around me.

"I smell.Why don't you take a shower thennnnnn we can cuddle."He chuckled.

"You sure you don't want-"

"Oh,I'm sure."He laughed and got up.

"How did the doctors visit go?"He asked from the bedroom.

"It was good."I said with a smile.I walked into the room.He was in boxers taking his watch off."Do you like this?"I held up a little outfit that I got from the mall.

"Yea it's cute."He walked into the bathroom.He came back out."It's blue.And it says daddy's little man."I nodded."WE"RE HAVING A BOY?"I nodded.He hugged me really tight.I laughed.

"We're gonna be late if you don't get your stinky butt in the shower."He let go and kissed me.

"Ok!Ok!"He ran in the bathroom and closed the door.


"It's gorgeous."I said to Caleb's friend.

"It really is.We just remolded it completely.Some bedrooms have carpet.It's 2 and a half bath,island in the kitchen,masterbedroom has double sinks.The basement is finshed and there is a seperate laundry room on the first floor."Caleb took my hand.

"It sounds nice."Caleb said."What's the pricing.His friend chuckled.

"For you,I'll do it for 35 hundred."I just smiled.It's a decent price.

"Alright,that sounds good."He nodded.

"Have you checked any other houses?"

"We have looked online but non in person."

"Well,go ahead and have a look,you can tell me what you think when you come out.

"It's nice."I said when we finished touring.

"It is.Do you think it's good for us?"I nodded.

"It gives us some room to expand the family and Fido will love the backyard."I explained.

"So you want it?"He asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I sure do.If you want it."I wrapped my arms around his waist.He kissed my lips.

"I want what you want to let's go sign some papers to get this house."We walked outside to the realtor.

"Before we buy it,does it come furnished?"He nodded.

"We'll take it."Caleb said happily.The shook hands.


"Yes we got it."I held the phone between my ear and shoulder as I put a slice of pizza on my plate.

"Wow,you ot your first house,firs husband-"

"Only husband."I cut in.We both laughed.

"Babe!Where are my boxers!"

"Box number three!"

"Damn,you already packed?"I laughed.

"I started.You know how I told you when Caleb gets stressed,he cleans?"

"Uh huh."

"Well,I was stressed earlier so I packed."She laughed."It's scary.I mean I'm married,pregnant and 21.Isn't that a life."

"It sure is.Listen I gotta go.I promised Andrew some alone time.Since the babies,we haven't had anytime alone."

"Ok."I laughed."Tell Andrew he sucks but I still love him.Love you too bitch."She laughed.

"Love you too beotch and he said it's fine because he isn't getting you guys a baby shower gift."I laughed."Bye."

"Buh bye."I sat on the sofa and curled my feet under my butt."Hey babe?"He came out the room,his hair wet.

"Yea?"He sat next to me and I fed him a bite of pizza.

"When do you want to have the baby shower?"He chewed the pizza.

"How about after we get everything in the house?"I nodded."We should be moved in my Friday.So saturday?"

"Ok.I'll start sending invitations and making plans."He took another bite of pizza.

"You sure you can do it all?"I nodded and got up for more pizza.

"Yes,I'll have Jamie and Clara help too."I got another slice.

"Can you get me another slice?"He asked unlocking his phone.

"There is no more."He looked up slowly."I'm sorry?"

"You're gonna be sorry."He jumped off the sofa.I ran away and he chased after me.

"HERE!"I held out the pizza for him.He walked toward me for it but then out of nowhere,Fido jumped up and took it.He dragged out of the room.

"You're gonna pay for this."He tickled me.

"Ok.How about I make you a sandwhich?"He let go.

"Ok.Deal."We walked to the living room.

"How did you eat a whole pizza anyways?"I shrugged.

"I'm eating for two remember?"He stuck his tongue out at me and I did it back.

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