My Perfect Mistake | #Wattys2...

By infinity_and_beyond3

2M 57.2K 9.8K

~COMPLETED~ | This story is being slowly edited. "As much as you want to plan your life, it has a way of surp... More

My Perfect Mistake (Teen Pregnancy)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
My Perfect Mistake: Extras
Author's Note: Unwritten
Wattys 2016

Chapter Forty

43.2K 1.1K 208
By infinity_and_beyond3

Quick Author's Note:

Hey guys! Okay, I'm gonna get straight to the point and say that I changed who plays Lianne again. I'm sorry that I keep changing the girl but I swear this time will be the last time. So if you want to go check out who plays Lianne now and how she looks like, go to Chapter 5 and see the new uploaded pic. :)

Also, I know I told you guys last chapter that this chapter was going to be really long but it's not as long as I thought it would be, sorry about that guys.

Anyway, let's get into Chapter 40.... The very last chapter *Insert 20 Billion Crying Emoji's*

Totally forgot to mention the song that I have up top. I didn't realize that I didn't mention it until after I published the part, sorry about that! The song is called 'Isn't She Lovely' by Stevie Wonder, but the video up top is the Glee version of it. You can start playing it after the birth of the baby!

Picture of Sean and Anabelle's Daughter up top! :)



"You know what Ana? You are so right. You are always right."


"God, I don't know why I'm overthinking this whole thing-"

"Lianne!!" I yelled her name, interrupting her.

She stopped talking and I slowly looked up at her. She looked down at the ground and then back at me. I saw that she had a shocked look on her face. "Is that what I think is?"

I swallowed hard before nodding slowly.

Oh God.

"My water just broke," I whispered.

*End of Recap*



*Anabelle's POV*


That's what was going to happen the minute I walk through the front door.

"Okay, just breathe Ana! We're a few seconds away from the house," Lianne soothingly said as she held onto my hand tight. I slowly inhaled and exhaled as we reached the front door. Lianne quickly reached for the door handle and opened it.

The sound of people laughing and talking filled my ears. I slowly walked in, rubbing small circles around my stomach. Right when we walked into the living room, I began feeling another contraction, which was a bit stronger than the ones I felt before my water broke.

"Oh God!" I whimpered as I quickly grabbed Lianne's hand and began squeezing it tight. I closed my eyes and continued to inhale and exhale. The room began slightly quieter and I could feel a few eyes on me.

"Anabelle? Honey? What's going on? Are you okay?" I heard Raye ask me.

"Her water broke!" Lianne quickly blurted out. The room became silent and I opened my eyes as the pain began to subside. Raye looked me in the eyes, shocked.

"Raye?" I whispered. She snapped back into her senses, the look of panic quickly formed onto her face. "Okay! We need to get you to the hospital quick!"

"Where's Sean?" I quickly asked her as she began gathering her stuff. She quickly stood up straight and looked around the room. "Sean! Sean Walker, I need you in here now!"

My father quickly came up to me, resting his hand on my cheek. "It's okay princess, everything is going to be okay."

I quickly nodded at him as he leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Mom, did you call me?" I heard Sean ask Raye.

"We're going to the hospital. Anabelle's water broke," She quickly explained to him. Sean looked over at me before he quickly rushed over to my side. "Are you serious? You're in labor? Oh man." He began to panic.

"The hospital bag is at home," He rushed out to me. "Should we go back home and get it? Uh-I-Um maybe we-"

"Sean!" I quickly interrupted him. "Breathe. Relax. Let's not worry about the hospital bag, you can always get it later. Let's just get to the hospital. Okay?" He took a few deep breaths before he quickly nodded.

He turned to Lianne, Derek, my father and his mother. "We'll meet you all at the hospital," He told them, before he opened the front door and we both rushed out of the door.


After signing the many hospital forms, I finally settled in my hospital room, Sean helping me get comfortable in my bed. I swallowed hard, my hands finding its way onto my stomach as I felt another contraction coming. "Crap," I whispered.

Sean looked down at me. "Contraction?" I nodded as I closed my eyes and began to inhale and exhale slowly. I felt Sean's hand hold mine as the contraction continued. "Are you timing them?" I asked him.

"Yep," He answered. "So far they're thirteen minutes apart and they last thirty seconds."

The pain continued for another twenty seconds. "Five more seconds," Sean said. I slowly opened my eyes as the pain began to subside. I was relieved that the pain was gone but I knew it would come back shortly.

"Is Dr. Reynolds on his way?"

Sean nodded as he dragged a chair next to the bed. "He said that he should be here in ten minutes." I nodded as he sat down.

There was a small knock on the door before it opened completely, revealing Lianne and Derek. "Hey," Lianne smiled as she entered the room and walked over to where I was.

"Hey, where's Raye and dad?"

"They're on their way," Derek answered as he closed the door. "How are you feeling?"

I sighed as I gently rubbed my stomach. "Uh, I'm hanging in there. The pain is bearable for now."

"That's good," Lianne said. "Has Dr. Reynolds arrived yet?"

I shook my head. "He should be here soon, I hope." There was another knock on the door. Derek walked over to the door and opened it, revealing my dad and Raye.

Raye smiled as she walked into the room. "Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?"

"Good for now," I told her.

"Great. Sean, honey, I called your sisters and they're leaving first thing tomorrow. They should be here tomorrow morning or by noon, the latest."

"Alright, sounds good."

"Are you serious?" I whispered, my hands finding their way back onto my stomach as another contraction came. "I thought you said my contractions were thirteen minutes apart?"

"They were. Why? You're having another one?" Sean reached over for my hand and held it.

I nodded. "How long ago was the last one?" I asked him. He looked down at his watch. "Eight minutes ago."

I threw my head back onto the pillow as the contraction continued. I counted until the contraction finally went away. "Thirty five seconds," I told him.

There was another knock on the door before the door opened, and Dr. Reynold's head peeped into the room. He smiled at all of us as he walked into the room. "Hello everyone, I'm Dr. Reynolds," He introduced himself as he closed the door.

"So, Anabelle, how are you feeling? Have you been timing your contractions?"

"Yeah, but I'm confused because they'll go from being thirteen minutes apart to eight minutes apart and then back to thirteen," I told him.

"Well you are in the first stage of labor which is called early labor. Contractions during this stage may be irregular, which is happening in your case. So no need to worry," He said as walked over to me.


"But I do want to do a pelvic exam to see how many centimeters you're dilated." Dr. Reynolds looked at the rest of the group. "Which means Anabelle here might want some privacy," He cotninued.

"Oh! Right!" My father awkwardly chuckled. "We'll see you in a bit sweetheart."

"Okay daddy."

They each exited the room, except for Sean of course. Sean stood beside me, holding my hand as I positioned my legs. I watched as Dr. Reynolds put on some gloves and walked over to where my legs were positioned.

He began the exam and I waited until he finished to hear the results. After a few minutes, he pulled his hand away and began taking his gloves off. "Well, Anabelle, you're only two centimeters dilated."

I set my legs back down as he threw the gloves away and walked back over to me. "Only two?"

He looked down at me and nodded. "And it's going to be that way for quite awhile. Early labor usually lasts six to twelve hours and it could be longer depending on the woman. So, my advice, eat and get all the rest you can because once you're in active labor, you won't be able eat that much and you probably won't be able to get any rest because of the stronger and much more frequent contractions."

"Okay," I murmured.

"Since it is practically nighttime, get some sleep. I'll check up on you again when you wake up. If you need anything, call for a nurse or have someone come get me."

"Alrighty, thank you Dr. Reynolds."

"No problem, see you in a few hours." He opened the door and walked out, closing the door behind him. Sean sat back down in the chair, still holding my hand.

"Get some sleep," He murmured as his thumb rubbed small circles on the top of my hand. "Can you lay with me?"

He smiled before he gave me a small nod. I shifted in my bed so Sean had room to lay down. He laid next to me as he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

"Goodnight my love." Was the last thing I heard Sean say before I drifted off into a somewhat peaceful slumber.


Thirteen hours.

That's how long I've been in what Dr. Reynold's calls early labor. The contractions have only gotten stronger and much more frequent, which totally sucks.

It was early morning, like around eight o'clock in the morning and Sean was still sleeping beside me. I have been up since six o'clock and I've surprisingly managed not to wake him up, even when I was having my contractions.

His body began shifting and I continued to watch him. His eyes fluttered open and I smiled, leaning forward to kiss his cheek. "Good morning sleepy head," I whispered, which caused him to softly laugh.

He sat up in the bed and wiped his face with his hands. He looked over at the clock before looking down at me. "How are you feeling?"

"Worse," I answered, truthfully. "The contractions have gotten worse and they have been coming closer together. They come every four minutes now and last fifty seconds."

"I'm sorry," He whispered. "I'm sorry for putting you through this."

"Sean," I began,"Don't be sorry. Yes. This hurts so much but I know this will all be over soon. Don't beat yourself up for it, after all it takes two to tango."

He grinned, looking back forward. He got off of the bed and walked over to the chair which had the hospital bag resting on it. "When did you bring the hospital bag?"

"Last night," He answered. "I went to go get it right after you fell asleep. I had Derek and Lianne watch you until I came back."

"Oh. What time did everyone leave?"

"I'm not sure. Ten o'clock, maybe? It was around that time," Sean responded, taking out his toothbrush and a travel size toothpaste. "I'm going to brush my teeth. I'll be right back."

I watched as he opened the door to the bathroom and walked in, closing the door behind him. I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv, leaving it on the channel as I saw that Grey's Anatomy was on. I groaned as I began to feel another contraction.

Great. I can't even enjoy my favorite show.

I quietly let out a few swear words as the contraction continued. Sean exited the bathroom and looked over at me. "You having another contraction?" I nodded as I closed my eyes and threw my head back onto the pillow.

I hate this so much.

"It's been thirteen hours! Can Dr. Reynolds come in here and check up on me already?" I whined.

"I'll go ask a nurse for him. I'll be right back." I nodded at him, watching as he opened the door and exited the room, leaving the door slightly open.

Seeing that small open crack on the door bothered me so much. It was one of my few pet peeves. I hate it when people leave the door open like that, I don't know why, I just do.

The contraction soon passed and Sean came back into the room shortly after with Dr. Reynolds following right behind him. They both walked into the room, with Sean closing the door right after Dr. Reynolds entered. "Good morning Anabelle, how are you feeling?"

"Well the contractions have definitely gotten stronger since last night," I said, somewhat irritated.

"Okay well, let's do another pelvic exam, shall we?" I positioned my legs as Dr. Reynolds put on a pair of gloves. Sean stood beside me, holding my hand as Dr. Reynolds began the exam. After a few minutes, Dr. Reynolds pulled his hand away and began removing his gloves.

"Well your cervix is effaced and you are three centimeters dilated almost four which means you are officially in active labor," He told me as he disposed the gloves into the waste can.

I groaned. "Only three centimeters? It's been thirteen hours!"

"Yes, early labor does take awhile but active labor on the other hand is where things will speed up but it's also the part of labor where things start getting intense. Your contractions will last longer, come more frequently and are much stronger than the ones you had in early labor. You can ask for an epidural if you want one-"

"No," I interrupted him. "No epidural. No drugs."

"Okay, that's completely fine. But if you do change your mind, the option is available. Since the contractions will only get stronger, you can start your breathing exercises. Don't continue those exercises if they don't work. Find whatever helps you get through the pain and stick to that."

"Okay, anything else?"

"Don't be afraid to ask for any help, drink lots of fluids and I will allow you to have a small snack until further notice. I'll have a nurse bring you some ice chips in the mean time. Continue to urinate regularly as well. Having a full bladder can slow down the labor process," He added.

I winced in pain as another contraction came. "Crap, crap!" I quickly let out. Dr. Reynolds walked over to the monitor beside me near the bed and looked at it. Sean quickly came to my side, taking my hand and holding it.

"Breathe Anabelle. In and out, in and out," He ordered and I obediently listened to him. I inhaled and exhaled deeply, trying not to focus on the pain.

"That's it. Good. In and out, in and out," He said, soothingly. The breathing exercises somewhat worked, but the pain was still sharp and evident. "Alright, your contractions are four minutes a part, and they seem to last fifty-five seconds," Dr. Reynolds said as the pain began to fade away.

"Did the breathing exercises help?" He asked. I sighed before I answered his question. "Somewhat."

"Keep going with the exercises for the next two or three contractions, if they still don't work then try something else. Walking could help ease the pain a bit, although it'll probably be harder for you to stand because of the intensity of the contractions, but try it anyway if you want."


He gave me a small smile before he began speaking again. "I'll be back in two to three hours to check up on you again. In the mean time, just practice your breathing exercises."

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit," I told him as he began walking over to the door. "Alright Anabelle, I'll see you." He flashed me one last smile before opening the door and walking out, closing the door behind him.

The sound of a phone ringing filled up the room. Sean let go of my hand as he quickly rushed over to where the hospital bag was and began digging through it. He pulled out his phone and quickly answered it.

"Hey Liz, what's up?"

He looked over at me for a brief second before he began talking again. "Yeah. We're in Bridgeport Hospital. Huh? Oh yeah, she's hanging in there. Dr. Reynolds just confirmed that she's in active labor."

"Yeah, she's three centimeters almost four. She's already overwhelmed and very impatient, and I guess I could say I'm on the same page. When are you guys getting here? Are you close?" He continued.

"Okay, great. I'll see you soon then. Alright. Yeah yeah, I love you too Liz. Be careful on the road please. Okay, bye." He pulled his phone away from his ear and pressed the end call button.

"Is she close?" I quietly asked him.

"Three hours away. Klara and Jenna, on the other hand, are less than an hour away. At least that's what Liz told me."

"Well Klara lives in New York and Jenna lives in Atlantic City. It's not that far from here. Liz, however, lives in Baltimore. I would expect her to take longer," I told him.

"Yeah I know."

"I'm guessing Jenna met up with Klara in New York and now they're driving up together?"

He nodded in response to my question.

I began to feel yet another strong contraction. I groaned as I slowly turned to my side, clutching my lower abdomen. I immediately began to do my breathing exercises. "Sean, talk to me," I breathed out. Maybe if he talked to me, I can focus more on his voice rather than these painful contractions.

Sean stood beside the bed, holding my hand. "Okay, uh. Let's see. Oh, the other day at work, my coworker Grayson and I all of a sudden began talking about this movie. I don't remember the name of it but it was one of those movies that made you think about things."

Surprisingly, I didn't seem to focus on the pain as much now that Sean was talking.

"So we continued talking about it and somehow, much later on in the conversation, we began talking about stuff that bothers us and all of a sudden I said that wedding vows were one of the few things that bothered me."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him, confused as to why wedding vows would bother him. "Why so?" I asked him as I continued to do my breathing exercises.

"Because they say 'until death do us part', when really it should be 'until us do us part'," He responded.

"Okay. And why do you think that?" I rushed out as the sharp pains continued.

"Well, when someone dies, that shouldn't be the end of love, and it isn't," He said,"You don't just stop loving someone when they die, death almost enhances love. To me, marriage is ended by the two people and only the two people. It is not anyone else's decision, not even death's."

I stared at him as the pain, once again, began to subside. I liked what he said. He made a very valid point that actually sounded pretty amazing.

"Good point," I murmured.

There was a small knock on the door. I looked at Sean who simply shrugged his shoulders. He walked over to the door and opened it. I smiled as I saw Derek and Lianne walk in. "Hey baby sis!"

"Hey big bro! Happy Birthday!" He smiled as he got to where I was. "Thank you," He said as he leaned down and kissed my cheek. Lianne stood beside me with a smile on her face. "So, is it almost time for you to deliver?"

"No," I grumbled. "I still have a long way to go."

"Seriously?" She frowned. "Damn. I was hoping she would be here already so I could meet her before I leave tonight."

"Don't worry Lianne. I know she'll be here before you leave," I assured her.

"I hope so," She murmured.

I suddenly had the urge to pee. "Ugh, hey Lianne? Can you help me off the bed so I can use the bathroom? And can you also hold the back of my hospital gown?" I paused for second, before leaning in towards her.

"I'm kind of naked underneath this hospital gown," I whispered.

"Yeah, of course." I carefully got off the bed with the help of Lianne, of course. I grabbed my IV pole and rolled it with me into the bathroom as Lianne held the back of my hospital gown shut. "I'll be waiting for you right outside the door, okay?"

I nodded as I carefully walked into the bathroom, Lianne closing the door right after I entered. I walked over to the toilet and quickly emptied my bladder. I decided that since I was already in the bathroom, I would take a quick shower.

I turned on the shower and walked over to the door. I opened it slightly and saw Lianne standing there, looking down at her phone. "Hey Lianne. Can you get me a nurse?"

She quickly turned to me as she put her phone in her pocket. "Why? What's wrong?"

"I want to shower but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to shower with my IV on," I explained to her.

"Oh okay. I'll be right back." I nodded as she walked away. Just as I was about to close the door, I heard Sean speak. I kept the door slightly open so that I could hear what him and Derek were talking about.

I feel horrible for eavesdropping but I couldn't help myself.

"You really love her? Don't you?" I heard Derek ask him.

"Yes," Sean said without any ounce of hesitation.

"Why? Tell me why you love her."

I heard Sean laugh lightly. "Aw man, if I list all the reasons we'll be here forever, but since you asked, I'll name a few. Your sister, man. Where do I start? She's so smart, way smarter than I am. I mean she graduated number one in our class. I was number five but still."

He let out another small laugh.

"She has a beautiful smile. I mean, she's beautiful everywhere, but what really gets me is her damn smile. I can't help but feel happy when her eyes are shining so bright like that, man."

There was a small silence.

"I know you might not want to hear this, but when she kisses me, it's amazing. I swear, it feels like the world went from being dark to having color, blues and reds and greens exploding just like fireworks. Man, I know this sounds extremely cheesy but it's so true," He sighed.

"She's so different, a good different, and it scared me how quickly and hard I fell for her. But Derek, just know, I love your sister so much and I could never in a million years break her heart," He finished. I felt the corners of my lips rise. I quietly closed the door and walked back over to the shower. What Sean said about me kept replaying in my head. I couldn't keep the smile off of my face.

God, I love that boy so much.


"Where is Dr. Reynolds?! It's been more than six hours and he still has yet to check up on me!" I complained.

I was tired and in so much pain. I desperately wanted my daughter to be born already so I can finally be put out of this misery. The pain was so unbearable and my contractions were already two minutes apart, not mention they last much longer now. One minute to be exact.

"The nurse said he's been caught up with a few of his patients but he should be in here soon," Sean calmly said.

"Ugh!" I groaned as I threw my head back onto my pillow. There was a small knock on the door, as if on cue, the door opened and Dr. Reynolds walked into the room.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting," He apologized as he closed the door. "Let's get straight into the pelvic exam." He grabbed a pair of gloves from the box that was hanging on the wall and began to put them on. I positioned my legs as he walked over to where I was.

"Alrighty, let's see how many centimeters you're dilated," He said as he began the exam. He was very quick with the exam this time. "Well good news, you're seven centimeters dilated. Almost there," He smiled as removed his gloves and placed them in the waste bin.

"You're in what we call the transition phase, the last phase in the first stage of labor. This is the shortest but most challenging phase considering the fact that your contractions are very close together. This will continue for another hour or two until you're fully dilated. But, if you feel the urge to push, let someone know and I'll be here as quick as I can, understand?"

I nodded.

"Good, I have another patient to check on, I'll be back in an hour or so."

"Okay," I whispered. He quickly exited the room and I looked over at Sean. I began to feel the tears form in my eyes. "God, I just want this to be over!" I suddenly cried out.

I was extremely frustrated and exhausted. I closed my eyes tight as the tears streamed down my cheeks. "Anabelle, I'm so sorry-"

"I don't need you to be sorry! I just need you to be quiet and hold my hand and to continue to help me get through this!" I quickly interrupted him, still crying.

He gave me a small nod as he began to wipe some of my tears away. There was a few small knocks on the door before it slowly opened. I watched as Raye poked her head into the room. She quickly frowned once she saw that I was crying.

"Oh sweetie, what's wrong?" She asked as she quickly walked into the room, closing the door before she rushed over to my side. "Mom, no small talk please," Sean warned her.

"Freaking shit man!" I sniveled as another contraction came. "It's okay sweetie, just breathe. You can get through this contraction, just hang in there and breathe," Raye soothed.

It was like that for another three hours. My contractions became closer together and even more excruciating, which caused me to shiver and vomit excessively, but Raye and Sean were there the entire time, holding my hand and offering a ton of praise and encouragement, which I very much appreciated.

My breathing became quicker as I felt a huge pressure in my lower region. "Raye, I need to push," I breathed out. "Oh, oh my! Okay okay! I'll get the doctor, don't push yet!" She quickly said to me. "I'll be right back!"

She quickly opened the door and rushed out of the room. My breathing was still quick as I did everything in my power not to push. "Hang in there Anabelle, relax and don't push yet," Sean said. I nodded as I held onto his hand tight.

Raye, Dr. Reynolds and a couple of nurses came into the room shortly after. "So Anabelle, I've been told that you have the urge to push?" I quickly nodded, unable to speak.

"Alright, let's quickly get you into the delivery room." He walked over to where I was laying on the bed and pulled up the side bars of the hospital bed. He began to roll the bed out of the room with the help of the nurses. Sean stayed by my side the entire time, still holding my hand.

We finally reached the delivery room. Dr. Reynolds and the nurses transferred me onto a different bed. I laid there, still doing my breathing exercises as the nurses prepped me for delivery.

Once I was fully prepped, Dr. Reynolds sat down on a small, circular rolling chair which was located in front of my lower region. "Alright Anabelle, on the next contraction, I want you to start pushing. You'll have a five minute break between each contraction, but I want you to push as hard as you can. Okay?"

I swallowed hard and nodded. I held Sean's hand and one of the nurses's hand tightly as the next contraction came. "Okay, start pushing Anabelle," Dr. Reynolds ordered, and I immediately began pushing.

"Good Anabelle! Keep pushing," Dr. Reynolds encouraged. I continued to push as Sean, the nurses and Dr. Reynolds said encouraging words to me. "You can do this baby, push."

I stopped pushing as the contraction went away. "Alright, give yourself five minutes to rest."

"You got this Anabelle, okay? You are so strong, I know you can do this," Sean said, placing a kiss on my forehead right after. The five minutes quickly passed and I was back to pushing again.

"You're doing great! Push!"

"Push baby, push. Remember, you can do this!" Sean's encouraging words motivated me to continue pushing until the contraction passed. I could feel the tears building up again because of the amount of excruciating pain I was in.

Sweat began to come out of my pores, and Sean quickly wiped my forehead with a cloth. Thirty minutes passed and I was still pushing. I laid back in the bed, crying. "I can't do this," I whimpered. "I am so tired and it hurts so much."

"Don't give up Anabelle, you are doing so amazing. You are amazing. You can do this baby, I believe in you." I felt another contraction coming. Emboldened by his words, I began pushing and pushing and pushing.

I will not give up.

I can do this.

"She's crowning! Keep pushing Anabelle, she's almost here."

"Did you hear that Anabelle? She's almost here. Keep pushing babe, you're almost there." The fact that Dr. Reynolds said that she was almost here is what motivated me even more to push harder.

"The head is out, now her shoulders. Push Anabelle, push," Dr Reynolds said.

"UGH!!" I wailed as pushed harder than I did before. And before I knew it, the pain and the pressure disappeared and the cries of my daughter filled the room.

I quickly laid back and began to cry as I listened to the sound of my daughter crying. "Sean, would you like to cut the cord?" I heard Dr. Reynolds ask him. I watched as Sean went to where Dr. Reynolds was and cut the cord. Dr. Reynolds handed my daughter off to a nurse so she can get cleaned and checked.

Sean returned by my side, tears streaming down his cheek. "You did it baby. You did it!" He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "She's so beautiful," He whispered.

"Alright Anabelle, while your daughter gets cleaned up, I'm gonna have you deliver the placenta. Once I see the signs that your placenta has separated from the uterine wall, I'm gonna ask you to give me one gentle push," He explained.

"Okay," I whispered, still out of breath. After a couple minutes, I was asked to gently push out the placenta. Once the placenta was removed, Dr. Reynolds placed it on a tray, that was quickly whisked away by one of the nurses.

"There were no tears, which means no stitches. You did great Anabelle. Congratulations to the both of you. I know you two will make great parents."

"Thank you," Sean and I said at the same time. I saw a nurse walking over to where Sean and I were, holding my daughter in her arms. "Your healthy baby girl is ready to meet her mommy and daddy!" She smiled. I held out my arms as the nurse carefully placed her in my arms.

I looked down at the beautiful baby girl in my arms. Tears began to escape my eyes as I admired my daughter's every feature. "She's so beautiful," I whispered.

"I know," Sean whispered.

"She looks so much like you," I pointed out, letting out a small laugh right after. I looked up at Sean who was smiling down at our daughter. "You think so?"

I smiled as I looked back down at my precious baby girl. "Oh yeah. Definitely," I softly said. "How about we take you back to your room and a nurse will help you breastfeed your baby?" Dr. Reynolds chimed in.

I nodded, still looking down at my beautiful little girl. "Okay."


"How do you think they'll react when they hear what her name is?" I inquired, looking over at Sean who was placing small kisses on our daughter's cheek. I smiled at the scene.

"I think they'll be very happy when they hear it," Sean said, looking over at me.

There was a few knocks on the door. I looked at Sean, letting out a small sigh. "It's time," I told him. "Come in!"

The door opened completely and I smiled as I saw Derek, Lianne, Sean's sisters, Raye and my dad walk in the room. "Hey guys," I greeted them, my voice raspy.

Sean stood up from the chair, still holding her in his arms as he walked over to me, carefully sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Everyone," I began,"I would like you all to officially meet our daughter. Malia Raye Walker."

I looked at my dad and Raye who's eyes began to fill up with tears. Their reaction was absolutely priceless. Sean got up from the bed and carefully handed Malia to my father first.

"Hey Malia," My father cooed. "You are so beautiful. I love you so much already." I wiped a few of my tears away. My father looked at me, tears still present on his face. "Your mother would of been so happy to know that you named your daughter after her."

I smiled at him as I wiped another tear from my cheek. "I know," My voice cracked. Raye was next to hold Malia. She carefully took her from my father's arms and held her. "Oh my sweet, precious granddaughter. You are so beautiful," She cried.

"I'm gonna spoil you so much!" She cooed down at her, which caused me and Sean to laugh. Sean's sisters had their turn to hold her next, leaving Derek and Lianne left last to hold Malia.

Derek took Malia from Jenna's arms and carefully held her. He smiled as he looked down at her. "Man. Belle, I was hoping she would look like you but no. She looks exactly like her father. No offense Sean."

I laughed as did Sean. "None taken," Sean smiled. "God, I'm so happy. This is officially the best birthday present ever," Derek beamed.

It was now that I realized that Malia was indeed born on Derek's birthday. "Hey Mali, we get to be birthday buddies! I also get to be your uncle and godfather! Isn't that cool?" I smiled as I looked at Derek bonding with his niece. He had just met her and he was already good with her.

I knew that whenever the time came, Derek was going to make such an amazing father.

Lianne teared up as she looked at Malia and Derek. "Can I hold her now?" She quietly asked Derek. "Of course babe. Here," He said as he carefully placed Malia in her arms.

Lianne looked down at her and began to softly cry. "You really are so beautiful Lia. Here I am, holding you for the first time, and I already fell in love with you. It breaks my heart that I have to leave right now because I love you so much already. I wish I didn't have to leave," She sniffled. I covered my mouth, letting out a small sob.

"Be good to your mommy and daddy." She leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I'll see you soon Lia." She looked back at Raye and handed Mal back to her. She walked over to me, tears still in her eyes. "I have to go," She whispered.

"I know," I whispered back. She leaned down and pulled me in for a hug. I quickly returned the hug, squeezing her tight. "I'm gonna miss you so much Ana, you have no idea," She cried.

"Same here," I blubbered. I pulled away from her and held her hands in mine. "I'm so glad I got to meet Malia before I left. She's so beautiful Ana."

"I know. I'm happy you got to meet her too. Don't worry Lianne. We'll see each other very soon."

She nodded as she tucked a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. "I love you Ana. I will call you the minute I get there. I'll probably call you again in the morning to tell you how much I already miss you."

I laughed as a couple of tears escaped my eyes. "Okay. I love you too Lia. Have a safe drive there."

"Don't worry I will." She gave me one last hug before she walked to the other side of the bed, towards Sean. "Take good care of them," She said as she pulled him in for a hug. Sean wrapped his arms around her and nodded. "Don't worry, I will."

She pulled away from him and smiled. "Good." She turned to my father, and I noticed that she was on the verge of breaking down into full on tears. "Before I hug you, I just wanted to say something real quick." Her lips began to quiver and she soon broke down in tears. "Thank you for being like another dad to me. You've helped me become the person I am today and I couldn't be more grateful to have a person like you in my life. I'm going to miss you so much."

My father quickly enveloped her in a hug. She wrapped her arms around him as she dug her face into his chest and cried. "I love you kiddo. You're going to do great things and I know you will continue to make me proud." He kissed the side of her temple before pulling away from her.

"I know. I love you too dad number two." He smiled down at her. "Okay, I really have to go," She said as she began walking towards the doorway. "I love you all. I'll see you all soon." She looked at Derek and gave him a small nod.

He nodded as he looked back at all of us. The look of sadness and pain was evident on his face. "I'll be right back," He told us. He looked back at Lianne, intertwining his fingers with hers. "Bye everyone!" She waved at all of us. She gave me one last smile before she opened the door and walked out, with Derek still holding her hand.


*2 days later*

After three days of being in the hospital, today was finally the day where Malia and I were able to go home. I was beyond excited because I was officially starting a new chapter in my life. The life of a mother.

"You go get dressed while I get Malia dressed," Sean said as he grabbed the diaper bag from the chair beside the hospital bed and set it down on the bed. "Okay, fine." I grabbed my clothes from my hospital bag and walked into the bathroom.

Since I was still sore, I took my time to get dressed. Once I was fully dressed, I walked over to the mirror and stared at myself. I sighed as I put my hair in a bun. I grabbed the hospital gown and walked out of the bathroom.

I set the hospital gown down on the bed and smiled as I saw Malia dressed in her outfit. She looked so adorable in her hat that Lianne had bought her. It was pink with white stripes and it had a bow on it as well.

"Knock, knock," I heard Dr. Reynolds voice say. He smiled as he walked over to me. "I have your discharge papers right here ready for you to sign."

I smiled as I took the clipboard from his hands and signed the discharge papers. I placed the pen on the clipboard and handed it back to him. "Dr. Reynolds, before I leave, I just wanted to thank you for being such a great support and for being so helpful throughout my whole pregnancy. I know it's your job to but I really am grateful for having an amazing doctor like you take care of me these past nine months."

"You're welcome Anabelle," He smiled. "It was an honor and pleasure being your doctor. I wish you and Sean the best of luck with your little one."

"Thank you so much," I said as I gave him a quick hug. "You two have have a good day, alright?"

"You too," Sean and I both said. "Goodbye Dr. Reynolds," I added.

"Bye you two," He waved at us as he walked out of the room. I turned and watched as Sean buckled Malia up in her car seat. I walked over to Sean and wrapped my arms around him. He kissed the side of my temple as I gazed down at our daughter. "You ready to go home?"

I sighed as I looked up at Sean. I stared at him, and I immediately envisioned our future. I saw us getting married, raising Malia, having more kids and becoming a big happy family. A smile creeped onto my lips as I realized how ready I was for this new chapter in my life.

In our life.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down for a short but sweet kiss. I pulled away and looked into the eyes of the man I love.

"Yes," I grinned. "More than ready."


Author's Note:



I can't believe it's actually over... I'm so sad right now. I cried as I typed up this entire chapter. This story is my baby and it has now officially come to an end. Well not officially, there's still the Epilogue left but still! *Cries in Spanish*

I going to refrain from saying my thank you speech or my speech in general until after the epilogue because I don't want to cry even more than I already have. Haha. 😅

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed the final chapter of My Perfect Mistake! Let me know what you thought of the final chapter or what you thought of the story in general by leaving a comment! Also, don't forget to vote as well!

Crap, I think I'm gonna cry again. I should probably end this author's note already. If you voted and commented, thank you so so much! It truly means a lot and I am extremely grateful for each and every comment and vote I receive! Okay, I gotta end it here. I feel the tears coming. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! <3

Love Always, Gabby xxx





xxxxx infinity_and_beyond3 xxxxx

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