A Deadly First Love

By AnnieR

47K 400 59

Adrian is dying from something the doctors have no cure for. The only people who can help her are her ex-boyf... More

Chap 1
Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chap 5
Chap 6
Chap 7
Chap 8
Chap 9
Chap 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's note.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chap 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
In The End

Chapter 18

1K 10 2
By AnnieR

“She’s a good actor. I thought they were actually dating.” Some boy I had met earlier said. Apparently the group of five boys and three girls that usually come to the house aren’t the only wolves in that pack. I basically met Mario’s entire pack. I didn’t even bother to learn every one’s name.

            “You! Mister disobedience! Didn’t I say you couldn’t come over until I said it was clear?” I said looking positively furies at Jonathan. He looked at me completely speechless. I think he’s scared that he hurt my feelings or something. That face was too cute. I couldn’t help myself. I busted out laughing. Jonathan let out a breath. I smiled. He was worried. Sighing I sat down in his lap. “I’m exhausted.”

            “That makes two of us.” Tayy said sitting down next to Andy. “I was talking to some chick and I had to try so hard to be nice to her even though I really just wanted to rip out her hair and smash her head against the floor.” She was obviously infuriated.

            I chuckled nervously and scratched my cheek with one finger looking away. “Right… I never want to be near you when you’re in a fight or fight you.”

            “Why?” She said disapproval clear in the voice.

            Again I chuckled nervously. “Honestly, you scare the crap out of me.”

            Tayy’s face fell flat and I felt bad but before I could say anything Andy nodded. “Mhm. She’s like that. She can scare Chucky.”

            My body twitched. I covered my mouth and turned away but I couldn’t help it. I started laughing insanely. I was glad I was already sitting down because if not I would have fallen. A couple people chuckled. Once it was out of my system I turned to Tayy. “It’s not that what she said was funny it’s just that the thought of someone scaring Chucky made me laugh. I pretty sure no one could scare that beautiful scary little monster.”

            “You like that little thing?” Helena asked walking over with a boy in tow

            I chuckled. “How could you not love that little red headed freckled beast?”

            “That’s so like you.” Jonathan said staring into space. He took a drink of some Heineken, that appeared out of no where but I didn’t question it.

            “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked accusingly.

            He just shrugged his shoulders. “Just sounds like you. I’d be surprised if you didn’t like him.” I fake gasped and flicked him on his temple. People chuckled.

            They started talking about things I didn’t pay much mind to. I was too tired to focus on them and their conversation so instead I played around with his hand. I touched each one of his fingers crossing them and measuring them. I lined his wrist with mine and saw how much bigger his hands were to mine. My fingers barely made it to the third, and final, bend of his fingers. His hand suddenly came to life and intertwined it’s self with mine. I gasped a little and looked at him. He was smiling sweetly at me. I couldn’t look away. I felt my lips pull up into a smile. I felt exactly like I did on that first that he went to school. Everything outside of him and I blurred and I didn’t know what was happening anymore. My stomach became full of butterflies. I was excited and nervous and happy. I felt tiny. Minuscule as he look at me. Like he was looking into me, through me. He brought our hands up to his lips and kissed my hand then our fingers. My smile grew and whoa, there goes the volcano of extra unnecessary butterflies especially reserved for Jonathan.

            I brought our hands to my lips and just as he thought I was about to kiss them I bit his hand. I giggled at his shocked playful expression. He nodded his head and started bringing our hands back to his lips. I pulled away and my hand slightly slipped but he caught it and continued to bring them to his lips. I kept struggling and he let it drop but I saw that mischievous glint in his smile and eyes. I shook my head and mouthed, “No.”

            He nodded his head and mouthed, “Yes.”

            I repeated myself and he repeated himself. His lips were coming closer to my shoulder. I tried to pull away but he held me there. I laughed and failed miserably at trying to free myself. I felt his perfect teeth bite down on my shoulder. I was in a fit of giggles.

            “Look how cute they are together.” I looked up and Jonathan let go and looked up too. Helena was sitting on the boys lap smiling at us. I blushed a deep red when I realized not just her but everyone was staring at us. I cleared my throat and looked away but my smile wouldn’t drop. A phone started ringing and I looked over at Mario.

            “Are you ringing?” Tayy said looking at his chest, where the noise was coming from.

            “I think so.” He murmured looking confused. I smiled at my little game. He opened up his blazer and went through the inside pocket. He pulled out a phone that clearly said my name on the back.

            “I’ll just take back my phone then.” I said plucking it off his hand.

            “How’d it get in my inside pocket?” He asked completely confused.

            I smiled innocently. “I’ve been practicing pocket picking. By the way Z’Damond, I borrowed your last 50 bucks. I’ll pay you back when I go to the bank.”

            “What?” Z’Damond checked his wallet. “It’s empty!” He looked at me shocked and amazed.

            I laughed and stood up. “I’ll just go answer this call.”

            “No matter how far you go We’d still hear you. Stay here.” Jonathan said pouting.

            “Yeah but I’m human. I won’t be able to hear over everyone.” I said gesturing to everyone who was already in their own conversations again.

            “Then I’m going with you.” He said standing up from his seat. I shrugged my shoulders and answered the call. I walked away from the crowed to the other side of the house still keeping everyone within eye distance.

            On the other side of the line was Aaliyah. I sighed while Jonathan stiffened. He told me to hang up and I told him ‘No‘. He grunted and wrapped his arms around me from behind. He put his head on my shoulder sniffing my neck. I tried to shrug him off but he wouldn’t let go.

            “What are you doing?” I whispered pulling the phone away from my face.

            “You smell so good.” He said loudly, eyes darting to the phone.

            “Are you trying to get her jealous?” I asked incredibilis.

            He looked at me shocked and offended. “No! What I want is for that slut to get off the phone with you so I can have you back.” He said angrily. He put his head in the crook of my neck and muttered, “Your mine.” He said disappointed. I could just imagine him pouting. I giggled.

            “Am I your favorite toy?” I said mocking him.

            “Yes and I don’t want to share you.” My heart gave an involuntary thud and I smiled. I unconsciously brought the phone back to my ear listening to Aaliyah ramble on about her boyfriend of the month. I couldn’t bring myself to actually care or listen or pretend to listen and care so much that I hung on every word. Instead I concentrated on his touch. His big warm hands playing with my dress picking it up slightly and dropping it, watching it sway in the wind. I watched him pull it tight against my legs then let it go. I let him unclasp the belt and re-clasp it. Concentrated on his hands rubbing away the goose bumps on my arms. The feel of his soft curly hair against my neck and face. His lips running against my collar bone. His hand looping around my knee and making its way up my thigh then suddenly moving so his hand was in between my legs. My heart started to accelerated. His hand was passing half way up, almost to the bottom of my dress.

            The touch felt so familiar and I missed that touch, that touch I hadn’t gotten since six grade. I loved and missed that touch so much that I almost moaned in pleasure. I bit my lip and panted slightly. Jonathan noticed my reaction. He noticed me eyeing his hand and eyeing his face, and eyeing his every movement. He noticed how my body leaned into his touch wanting more of it.  He planted a soft kiss on the base of my neck and I had to look away. I felt like my heart was going to explode. His hand went back down and followed the same movement as before only much slower. I had to wonder if he was deliberately trying to drive me crazy. His hand didn’t stop this time though. It wondered all the way up, the dress gave a little as his hand went that much higher. I couldn’t anymore. My eyes bulged and I had to place my hand over his. I pressed my thighs together so he wouldn’t move any higher or lower.

            “Huh?” I asked breathless. Aaliyah repeated what she was talking about.  “Sorry. I’m at a party.”

            Suddenly Jonathan’s hand broke loose but instead of continuing higher he pulled his hand away from my legs and wrapped his arms around my waist again. I gave an uneven sigh. “It’s nice to know I have this effect on you.” He said smirking against my neck. Whoa, there goes my heart again.

            I felt the need to hang up with Aaliyah so I quickly stammered out a goodbye and hung up. I started walking away but Jonathan wouldn’t let go of my waist. This only made me want to run over to everyone even more. The more he noticed I wanted to escape the closer he pulled me. I guess finally he couldn’t pull me any closer so settled for pushing me up against the wall and blocking both my exits. I looked at him wide eyed. Why does he always do this? It’s like he knows I love being pushed against the wall and does it to get things his way. He leaned down and our faces were inches apart.

            “Stop torturing the poor little girl. We have thing’s to talk about.” A deep voice said behind him. He looked back.

            “I’m not torturing her.” He said matter of factly. I took that as my chance and ducked under his arms running into Z’Damonds tall build. I saw Jonathan look at the now empty wall and then back at me before growling. I knew it wasn’t that ‘I’m mad growl’ it was more playful. Z’Damond chuckled.

            “You remind me of my little sister.” He said patting my head. I held onto him as we walked back to the group. Jonathan walked behind us silently growling. Everyone was laughing at the little show. I bet they could hear my heart beat erratically.

            When we got back I let go and Z’Damond took his seat and put Andy back in his lap. I looked around for an empty chair but the only empty one was quickly taken by Jonathan.

            “I’ll just stand then.” I muttered to myself. Jonathan grabbed my waist and sat me down on his lap. When I tried to get up he just pulled the opposite arms to opposite sides so I couldn’t move them. I grunted. I wanted so badly to argue but by the look on Mario’s face I could tell it probably wasn’t the best time. “I’m not going to argue so for now let’s just listen to a message from your sponsor.” I said in a cheery voice eyes looking over Mario’s shoulder. I really didn’t want to look him in the face. I felt Jonathan chuckle but he stopped when Mario cleared his throat.

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