On our own time

By martinezm2

891 37 5

Caleb Jones is 20 year old Gym trainer.He has tried a lot of relationships but they have all failed. Alora Ka... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Character Reminder
Part 20
Part 21
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25

Part 4

37 1 0
By martinezm2

My alarm beeped at five in the morning.I got out of bed and hopped in the shower.

I decided on a gray sports bra,grey leggings and a pink sweater for my morning jog.

I took a banana from the fruit bowl.I took the newspaper from the island and sat on a stool.I peeled the banana and started eating it.

Mall expansion for Victoria Secret.Now Hiring!

I circled that and threw the banana peel away.


I drove to the park.I plugged my head phones in my ears and played Justin Bieber.I began run on the trail.

It's so beautiful out.The birds were chirping and the sun was rising.

"Why do you stalk me?"I took my head phone out.No one was there.I continued to run."Answer my question Alora."I stopped running and turned back.No one was there.I turned forward and Caleb was standing there.

"HOLY SHIT!"I screamed.I squatted down so I can catch my breath.I looked at him and he was laughing."You did that on purpose didn't you?"

"I sure did."He held his hand out.

"I don't know if I can trust you now."I took his hand and he helped me up.

"What are you doing out so early?"I looked around.

"Looks like I'm jogging doesn't it?Well,yea.I jog every morning."


'By the way,thanks for last night."He nodded."Welp,I'd better get going.I'm going to apply for Victoria Secret after this."


"Yea,I saw it in the paper.So I took your advice."He smiled.

"I'll see you around."I nodded and continued my jog as he went the opposite way.


"Hi,I was wondering if I could apply for a job here?"I asked the lady at the front desk.

"Follow me."I followed her to a room.She opened the door.I walked in and the door closed.There was a lady sitting at a desk.

"How may I help you?"I sat in the chair.

"I was wondering if I could apply for a job?"She nodded.

"This is an urgent upgrade so we do the interviews instead of all the applications.Mostly because I don't feel like looking threw them all."We both laughed."I'm Charolette.The manager.I'm gonna be honest with you,I already love you."I laughed."So tell me about yourself darling."

"I'm Alora Kanes.I'm 19 years old.I live with my bestfriend Lizzy.I think that's it."

"Are you in highschool or what?"

"No,I graduated 2 years of college already.For hairdressing and cosmetology.I was and early grad."

"Impressive."I smiled."You're hired."

"Really?!I mean thanks.When do I start."

"The construction won't be done for about another three days.But I could use your help on this floor.Is tomorrow ok?"

"Of course.Thank you so much."

"Thank you.And one more question.Have you worked somewhere like this before?"

"Yes,I know all policy's and eveyhting.And plus,I shop here A whole lot."She smiled.

"I'll see you tomorrow then.Dress code is pink.As long as you have pink,you'll be fine.Have a nice day."I took my purse and walked out.I closed the door and called Lizzy.

"Guess what Bitch."I said into the phone as I walked down the hall.


"I got a job at Victoria secret."

"NO WAY!You are so giving me coupons and all that shit."I laughed.

"What are you doing?"

"With Andrew."

"You guys have been together since yesterday."

"I know,we have been talking and getting to know eachother."

"Since when did you do that?"I got in my car and closed the door.

"Since we met each other.I really like him Alora.I don't know,I mean we only had sex once.That is like a record for me.And obviously I want to do it again.But I don't want us to be all about sec.I want to spend some actual time with him and get to know him ya know."

"Awe.I think that is the sweetest thing you have ever said.Where is he,can't he hear you?"

"No,he is in the bathroom.And I feel like he wants the same thing too.He hasn't asked about another round at all.He only compliments my talent."I laughed.

"I'll be right over.I am leaving the mall right now."

"OK,Love ya bitch."

"Love ya bitch."

I hung up and pulled out of the parking lot.


"I'm home."I put my keys in the key bowl and took my sneakers off.

"Hey.I have a deal to make with you."I hung my jacket up.

"Which is?"

"You and I on a double date."I took the mail and read through the names.

"I don't have a date."She smiled."What?"

"Andrew,Caleb,you and I!"I put the mail on the counter and took out an orange.

"No way.Remember what I said.I don't do dates."

"Come on,you have been talking to this guy for days.You went to his house for god's sake.Do it for me."She begged.

"What are we doing and what time?"

"Just dinner and maybe go to time square.We leave in 2 hours."I nodded and went into my room.


"I have no idea what to wear!"I yelled.I was covered in clothes."Wait!"I picked my floral skirt out,my white sweetheart neckline shirt."Perfect."

"We are going to be late."Lizzy called from the living room.

I opened my door and walked to the living room as I searched through my purse for my favorite lip gloss.

"Alora."Lizzy called my name.I looked up and see Caleb standing there looking.......speechless.

(Ignore the backround)

"H........Hi."I stuttered like an idot.

"Hey."He said smiling."You look amazing."

"You too."

"Well come on,we're late."Andrew took Lizzy's hand and walked out the door.

"I got the job by the way."I said walking ahead of Caleb.


"Thanks.I start tomorrow.I'm kind of nervous though.But thanks for telling me about it.I wouldn't have gone if you hadn't said anything."

"No problem."


We made it to restaurant.It was classy.I took a seat across from Caleb.Andrew sat next to Caleb and Lizzy next to me.

"So Andrew,are you working?"He nodded.

"I work at an auto shop down on Main Ave."

"That's nice.You should get Lizzy to find a job."Lizzy rolled her eyes.

"I will find a job.Just not yet.I don't know what I want to do.How about you Caleb,do you have a job?"

"Yea,I'm a trainer at the gym."

"This one goes to the gym everyday.All she eats is fruits."Lizzy said taking a sip of water.

"They're healthy.And yummy."We all laughed.

"How long have you two known eachother?"Andrew said pointing at us.

"Our whole lives."Lizzy said happily.

"Sadly."I sighed.Lizzy knew I was kidding so she laughed."No,I'm kidding.I love her."

"How about we share funny stories?"Caleb said happily.

"Trust me,we have a lot."I said assuring him."Like this one time,I came home from the gym,I opened the door of the apartment and see Lizzy dancing in underwear with a broom.I tried to take it from her,she just ran around the house."

"Hey,I was drunk that time."We all laughed."I gave up drinking though.Sometimes."She added making us all smile.

"How about you two?Funny stories?"


"When Caleb and I were younger,we used to wrestle,so this one time,I told him to kick the big exercise ball as hard as he can."

"So I did,and it came right back at me.Had a black eye for a month."Caleb finished his sentence.We all laughed.

"Hi Caleb,and Andrew."I looked up and see a really familiar couple."You must be Elizabeth and Alora."We shook there hands."I'm Andrea and this is my husband Michael."

"Hey Mom and Dad."I lightly kicked Caleb in the shin.He turned to me.

"Caleb,someone is  calling you over there.Come here,I'll show you."I got up and walked past Mr and Mrs.Jones smiling.Caleb and I went behind the wall."Are you crazy?You didn't tell me your parents were gonna be here."

"It's fine.Just be yourself."He started to walk away.I yanked his arm back.

"I am not going out there.I am going home."I turned to walk away but he turned me around.

"You can't go."

"Oh,why not."He wrapped his arms around my waist and planted a soft kiss on my lips.I was frozen.It was just the two of us.Alone as my knee's began to weaken.

"That's why.Now come on."He took my hand and led me back to the table.

"Hello dear,we were just talking about you."His mother said to me."Elizabeth just told me you got hired."

"I did."I nodded.

"Where at?A bank?As a lawyer,an accountant?"Her husband smiled.

"No,Victoria Secret."She put her glass down and cleared her throat.

"Oh.You're one of those gals."

"Excuse me?"Lizzy,Andrew and Caleb just looked at me.

"Well,you are still young.Young girls like you only care about fame,music and sex.It's typical.Especially with the way your dressed,I wouldn't expect you to be professional."I slid my chair out.

"Excuse me but I need to be somewhere.It was nice meeting you."I threw my napkin on the table and stormed out.


"I don't want to talk about it."I got in my car.

"Please,I'm sorry.This was supposed to be a good night and yo both meet our parents and Lizzy said it was a good-"

"She knew?Listen Caleb,I have to go home.I have a lot of work to do."With that,I closed my window and drove off.


When I got home,I changed into a sweater and jumped in bed.I curled in a ball like I always do and cried.You may think I am being overdramatic,But I am not.Her words really hurt me.Because I know I am unsuccessful,but I am trying.She doesn't even know me so she was being a total bitch.

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