The Bad Boy Saw Me Naked

By 1EmilyRose1

402K 12.7K 3.2K

Alexis James is a quiet nerd. Jack Wilson is loud and a bad boy. Alexis doesn't party. Jack is the ideal part... More

1: He Moves In
2: New People (Jack)
3:New People Part 2
4: Assult
6: Beach
7: Broken Hearts
No Words
10:Mending I Guess
11: The Party
12: The Party part-2
13:Story For Another Time
14:What Next?
15:Lazy Day
16:Secret Hook Ups part 1.
17: Secret Hook Ups part 2.
18:The Note
19:The Build Up Must Break
20:Breaking Point
24:Say Something
25: He's Gone
26: New Hair
27: Are Your Real
28: A Real Date
30: Confirmed
31: Torcher
32: Sorry
33: Prom?
34: Ultra Sound
35: Prom

5: Girls Night In

15.2K 438 181
By 1EmilyRose1

   I got up the next morning and did my usual routine except I had to pack some clothes in my book bag. I went downstairs and ate breakfast. When I herd the horn I got up and went outside. I was a little auprised to see Victoria without Chase. Instead it was Victoria, Sophia, Chelsea, and Courtney. I hopped in the back seat.

   "Well this is a pleasent supprise. Goodmorning ladies."

   "Well I decided I was going to pick up you guys and tell Chase to get a ride from Alec."

   "Thanks Victoria."

   The ride was filled with singing and talking until Katy Perry's TGIF came on. Victoria opens all the window's and blasted the song and we all screamed to it.

   "There's a stranger in my bed. There's a party in my head. Glitter all over my room. Pink flamingoes in the pool. I smell like a mini bar. Dj's passed out in the yard.barbies on the barbecue. Is that hickey or a bruise? Pictures of last night ended up online I'm screwed...oh well. Its a black top blur but I pretty sure it ruled...damn.  Last Friday night. Yea we danced oN table tops. And we took to many shots. Think we kissed but I forgot. Last Friday night. Yea we Macedonia our credit cards. And got kicked out of the bar. So we hit the boulavard."

   By this point we were at school so Victoria turned the music down. We were all laughing histaricly.

   "Are you guys okay?"

   "Were fine. We were screaming our heads off to music."

   "Oh okay."

   "Well I need to get going so I'm not late."

   "Okay see ya later."

   I walked to my locker and opened it. When I opened it another note fell out. I was a little scared to open it. When I did I was relieved to see it was just a list of things we were gonna do tonight.

   "Whacha looking at."

   "A note of things were gonna do tonight. Why do you need to know Jack?"

   "Just curious about when us guys get to hang with y'all."

   "Ah. One small thing. It seems to be that your not on the list of things."

   "Man that sucks."

   "Your right. It does suck...for you."

   "Come on lets go to class. Oh. Hows the bruise looking."

   "Big, black, and it hurts."

   "Sounds like fun."


   I sat down in the back and Jack sat on my left. Then Jared walked in and sat on my right.

   "Goodmorning Jared."

   "Hey Alexis. Are you feeling better?"

   "How did you know?"

   "We all came to visit you in the clinic yesterday."

   "Oh. Well I am feeling better Jared. Thanks for asking."

   Then the teacher walked in. The class was going slowly and quietly until Jack poked my arm.


   "Can I copy your paper?"


   "Come on Alexis."

   "I told you no. Now go away or were gonna get in trouble."

   "I didn't want it to come to this."

   Then Jack pinched my arm and I squealed.

   "Is there a problem Alexis?"

   "No Mrs. Stevenson. Jack just pinched me. That's all.

   "Jack why did you pinch her?"

   "Well I would like to inform you that Alexis was trying to cheat of my quiz."

   "Alexis. I didn't expect something like that from you. You will have detention today."


   "No if, and's, or but's."


   I looked over at Jack with a glare. He looked back at me and smirked. I mouthed: I hate you. Then he mouthed back: no you don't. When the bell rang I walked out of the classroom and went to my locker.

   "I'm sorry. Are you mad?"

   "I'm a little mad Jack. I have the girls night tonight and I'm gonna be an hour late."

   "Don't stress about it so much."

   "Well. They kinds were also my ride so."

   "Ha ha. You get to walk."

   "Shut up."

   "You'll be fine."

   "Yea yea."

   I left my locker and went to my next block. It was extremly boring. Then the lynch bell rang.

   "What's up weirdo's?"

   "Why did you have to go and get yourself detintion?"

   "Ask Jack. He told the teacher I was cheating on a quiz."

   "Well now we have to wait."

   "I'm sorry Chelsea."

   "Its okay. Well just gossip until you come over."


   Lunch was filled with talking about later tonight, laughing, and Chase trying to fit a hole slice of piazza in his mouth. When lunch was over we all carried out the rest of the day until the final bell rung. I walked to detention and sat down. After about five minutes about five minutes of sitting there I herd a knock at the classroom door. The teacher on detention duty opened the door and Jarod and Jack walked in.

   "You two are late. Take your seats. Ill be right back."

   "What are you two doing here?"

   "You didn't think I was gonna let you be here by yourself. Did you?"

   "I kinds did since you were the one who landed me here. What did you to do to get here?"

   "We uh..we might have staged a fight."

   "Jared. You were in on this two."

   "Yea I was. But it was all Jacks idea."

   "Jack. You did this for me? You like me don't you."

   "No. I did it so you wouldn't be bored."

   "Ok sure."

   "I'm telling the..."

   "Mr Wilson. Would you like another detention?"


  "Then the talking needs to stop."

   We were all sitting there in silence. Soon enough the teacher fell asleep. I turned to Jack.

   "You like me. You like me."

   "Would you stop."

   "Oh come on. Let me have my fun."

   "Alexis. If you want to have fun then..."

   "Dude. Shut the fuck up. that's not how you treat girls."

   "Jared but out. Nobody was talking to you."

   "Ladies ladies. Stop fighting. Especially if its over me."

   We amaat quiet for the rest of the period. When the bell rang u went to my locker and got my things. I started to walk down the sidewalk and Jack pulled up in his car next to me.

   "Do you need a ride Alexis?"


   "Beg for it."

   "On second thought. I think i'll walk."

   "I'm kiding. Get in. Where age you going?"

   "To Chelsea's house. Its just down the mason street."

The ride was silent. I wasn't an awkward silence. It was just quiet. When i git there I thanked Jack and walked up to the front door. When I knocked on the door Chelsea answered and hugged me.

   "Hi Chelsea."

   "Hi Alexis. Are you okay."

   "What do you mean."

   "They said that there was a crash on the main road. I thought It was you."

   "Well I'm here. Where is everyone?"

   "Upstairs. Were curling hair."


   Chelsea brought me upstairs. She had a pretty big house. Her room was the ultamite girly room. It walk painted hot pink with little black hearts coming out of one wall. She had a king sized bed that had a blue comforter. She had a pink rug on her hardwood floors and pink curtians.

   "Hi guys."

   "Hi Alexis."

   "That's creepy. You three said that at the same time."

   We all exploded into a fit of laughter. I sat down on the floor and Victoria started to curl my hair. After hair we did nails and makeup.

   "I feel like a little kid again."

   "That's the point of a sleepover. Since its already nine. How does Scary movies, piazza, popcorn, candy, and sugar filled soda sound."

   "You don't even half to ask Chelsea. Lets go."

   We couldn't decide on what movie. So we threw them in a basket and we picked one. It just had to be insidious two. We popped the popcorn and put it in a bowl. We put a box of piazza on the table along with some bags of candy. We got some root beer and put those on the table also. We grabbed a bunch of blankets once got on her giant couch. We were all terrified of the movie. Then my phone rang and we all screamed. I picked up and asked who it was.

   "Its just my mom guys. Hey mom. I'm at Chelsea's house for a girls night. Can you feed my cat? Thanks mom talk to you later. Bye."

   We got back to the movie. About an hour later I'm snuggled up with Sophia scared out of my mind and Sophia is just as scared as me. Right as a pop out part comes up there are six deep shouts from behind us. I jump four feet in the air and run across the room into the kitchen. I grabbed a knife and right as I was about to stab something it grabbed my hand and the light turned on. It was Jack. I was gonna stab him. I dropped the knife and a tear fell from my eye. He grabbed my and hugged me. I knew I was getting a tear mark on his shirt but I didn't care.

   "It's okay. Stop crying."

   "I w-was gonna k-kill you."

   "You didn't know it was me. We shouldn't of scared you guys like that. I'm sorry."

   I wrapped my arms around his back and highest him back. Once I call.ed down we All sat down and continued the movie together. It was starting to get really late and I was next to Jack. I was falling asleep. Jack pulled me twoards him. I laid my head on his chest.

   "Go to sleep." So I did.

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