My Racist(completed)..undergo...

By J_largarday

179K 7.7K 1.4K

I was ruthless and she was was wrecked by her past. I never thought twice of anything but I did of her. I... More

The negroid.
Authors Note
chapter 1
chapter 2.
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10.
chapter 11
chapter 12.
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31.
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38

chapter 32

2.4K 116 13
By J_largarday

I love you more, now than I ever did before.


"Don't say that."Charlotte cautioned as she wiped my tears and handed me another tissue to blow my nose.

""I repeated again.I could never forget the way he looked at me with...with...disgust.I looked down at my outfit ,it had cost me  alot,almost one thousand grand and all he could do was push me away when I started advancing towards him.

"Isn't that the black girl."Someone whispered from the crowd but I couldn't see their faces, my vision was beginning to blur with tears.I felt Charlottes hand wrap around my shoulder as she led me out from the hallway and into the toilet.

" is okay."She said calmly but she was wrong.Nothing was okay and it would never be okay.

"Sel."She snapped.

"Yes."I answered trying my best to hide my weakness but from the sound which escaped my lips,I knew I had already failed.

"Should I take you home?"She asked.

Home?Where was home?.My dad was nowhere to be found and Derek...Derek would never be home,I should have known that three months ago when I agreed to this stupid contract.

"You are really scaring the shit out of me."She snapped again,trying as hard as she could to remove me from my depression.

"Am okay."I forced a smile,maybe If I didn't act broken then I would not be."You have to go for classes."I said handing her bag which was resting on the wall.

"Sel...I would never leave you."She promised as she struck my hair.

That was also what Derek had said whenever I slept in his arms.

After a long and argumentative conversation,Charlotte had finally agreed to go for classes."But I will check up on you."She flashed me a small smile as she headed for the door."And Sel,try not to dip your head into the toilet."

I threw a roll of tissue at her which she dodged and smirked before locking the toilet door.

All I need was to be alone.

Some girls banged on the toilet door so hard that I taught it would finally break down but they all got tired at some point and left.I cried and wept and sobbed till there was nothing left in me but emptiness.

Charlotte checked on me as promised and handed me a sandwich,I was literally starving to death,she watched knowingly as I ate sandwich till nothing was left.

"I will be leaving early."She interjected as I wiped my mouth.

"Okay."I nodded.As much as I wanted her to stay,She had her mum to attend to.

"Call me if you need anything at al......."

"I will take it from here."I cut in,shooing her out of the wash room.

I waited an hour more for everyone to clear out and when the school was soundless I stood up and unzipped my shoes,placing them on the toilet sink as I adjusted my curly hair to a tight pony tail.I took a quick look at the mirror and rinsed my face free from my dripping mascara and smudged lipstick,when I was sure there was nothing left I took a shaky step out of the washroom and quietly closed the door behind me.

The whole school was empty,not even the janitors were around.I took fast steps to the exit door having the feeling of being followed and heaved a sigh of relief as I gripped the handle about jerk it open until I heard a voice.

"Where do you think your going?Ann."He said.

All air left my lungs as I turned to face  him.He felt the intensity of my gaze and my heart dropped to my mouth as he looked away.

"What?"I rose my voice forcing him to look at me."Am I too ugly to handle?"I asked,wiping the tears hardly away from my cheek.


"Save it."I said,cutting him off as I raised my hand."I don't want anything to ever do with you again."I spat out as I turned back to the door and jerked the handle.

Guess what?

It was locked.

"Can you please open the door?"I said a bit too calmly as I rested on the door frame.

"Baby."He said,taking slow steps towards me."We need to talk."


"I have nothing to say to you."I said coldly."You said all you've needed to ever say since the day I met you and now,I finally understand the message you have been trying to send."

"And whats that?"He asked as he placed his hand on my cheek,waiting cautiously for my answer.

"You want nothing to do with me."I admitted.

He looked away from me like my words had caught deep into him,as fast as the pain came,it went.

"I should have known your too stubborn."He mumbled.Before I could ask what he meant by that,he lifted me off my feet and placed me on his shoulder.

"Put me down."I yelled as I punched his back as he continued walking forward.

"Not even for a second."He commented as he came to a stop in front of the elevator.

"Why are you doing this?"I let out a low sob.I felt his body tense up as he stepped into the elevator.

"Because."He said lowly as he placed his finger on my naked lap and began making circles on them."I won't loose you to any shit."He completed.



I planned exactly what to say to her but by her choice of words,I felt that I was already loosing her,she had become part of me that if she decided to leave I would practically die on the spot.

"Isn't this funny?"She asked."The almighty Derek,wants to finger a black girl."She forced out a laugh which sounded like a strangled cat.

She was really broken.

"You are really giving me some dangerous ideas."I played along as I trailed my hand further up her legs which made her suck in a low breath.

Good.As much as she hated me,I still had an effect on her.

She stayed silent and I continued my gestures once in a while.She must have been too flustered even to make a sound.

"Sel.."I started but I was cut short by the sudden chime of the elevator as it opened.Not to my surprise some of my workers who were waiting for the elevator stared at us wide-eyed.

How could they dare look at her legs like that?She must have felt their gazes because she looked up and quickly bowed her head down.

"You're all fired."I said as I passed them."And if I here about this,your all dead."I added.

She became restless and began screaming."Rape..put me down."

All my workers looked and quickly turned away as I walked ahead with her still pounding my back with her fist.

Shit!That hurt.

"Sel."I said lowly."Behave or I will tie you."

Before she could retort,I placed a soft but quick kiss on her thigh causing her to develop goose bumps.As soon as we entered into my office,she erupted like a volcano and rustled out from my grip.

"Calm the hell down."I said as I placed her on top of my desk and closed the door shut.

"I won't calm the hell down."She finally spoke up.

"I know Sel."I said desperately as I dropped to my chair."I know what I did was messed up..but if you could just let me explain."

I slid my seat closer to her,stopping in between her legs.

"Sel....I need.."

"Do not even think about it."She yelled as she gave me a burning slap on my cheek.

"Damn it."I cussed trying to control my temper.

"Not Damn it."She corrected."Damn you Derek."She screamed out.

This girl had a way with words.

"If you could just let me explain..."

"I don't want to hear it."She interrupted again."I hate're a am the bigger one..."Her voice began to crack."I thought I was different from other girls but..."

That did it!

I gripped her pony tail in my fist and pulled her down to meet my lips.Three weeks could really change a man,I kissed her with frustration,anger..with..hunger because that was exactly what I was going through-hunger.

She decided to take revenge and not kiss me back but this was not the time for petty games."Kiss me back,Sel."I said into her mouth as I tugged for her lower lip.

As usual,she decided to prove how stubborn she was by disobeying me but I refused to take defeat,so I groped her ass causing her to retort but rather,I took that opportunity and snaked my tongue into her warm mouth.

She had no other option than to kiss me back.At first,she was slow but she soon kicked up with my pace.She wanted to break the kiss but that would never happen in hell,I held in her place and deepened the kiss.

"Am sorry for being a mistake."She muttered into the kiss and I pulled away to see her tear streaked face.

"I am going to tell you three important things in ten seconds."I said dangerously.

I removed my blazer and threw it to the side as well as my tie.I decided to change from my uniform into a red Armani suit.I folded my sleeves up to my arms and settled back on the seat which was still in between her legs.

"Number one."I said as I closed the gap between us."You will never be a mistake."I confirmed as I wiped her tear stained cheek."You're too expensive to be a mistake and If you insist you are one,then you are my best mistake."

I pulled her from the desk and onto my lap making her to let out a deep breath."Number two,I know I am all the worst things you can ever think of but Sel,I never thought twice of anything but I did of you and I know I have said a lot of shit going on...hell...I've even done a lot of it and I never apologized even once about it....I am damn sorry..for every single shit I have put you through."I pleaded as I squeezed her thighs softly."I am a total bull head for apologizing to you but I have my ways of saying sorry and it is never with words."

"And number three,there are a lot of reasons I have for not kissing you earlier today but I can't  say any of them because your lips are f****** tempting me.Can you just kiss me already."I begged.I was waiting for another slap or an ear shrieking yell but she didn't do any of those,rather she grabbed my collar and kissed me.

I moved my hand up and slowly down her body.My hands made light strokes at her bra hook and she nodded like she had heard my silent plea,I quickly unclasped it with a swift snap and she moaned with relief.

"You can stop me if you want."I murmured into the kiss,hoping she didn't hear me.

What would she think?That I was weak?

"Make sure you rip the shirt off."She answered.


Her wish was granted with a single harsh tug.I will never tell you what her dignity looked like neither will I explain the beauty they held in them because those were our memories and only us to keep.I moved slowly to her right and grabbed it tenderly,rubbing and sucking,nothing in the world could ever taste this good.I repeated the same action to her left one which had already been hardened by lack of attention.

"I need all of you."I moaned as I reached for her skirt.She looked uncertain or maybe flustered but either ways,her skirt was off to the ground.

"Damn."I hissed as I scanned the sight of her in only her panties,lacy ones for that matter.

"Where did you get those?" I asked as I toiled with the hem of it.As I was about to slip my hand into her ,she held my hand back and I looked up to meet her eyes,filled with fear.

"I won't hurt you."I promised as I kissed her hand.

"I know but....."

"You're not ready."I completed for her.

"Am so sorry...." I pulled her into a tight hug which immediately shut her up.

"Never apologize for anything."I said as I stroked her hair.

We remained like that for a while until Claire barged into his office."Oh Jesus."She blurted out.

"Claire,this is Ann but don't call her that,call her Selami."I said and looked down at her."Or would you like to be addressed more formally?"I asked her,her face was drained of color but I didn't see the big deal of her being embarrassed.She was mine and Claire also had tits.

"Selami is fine."She muttered into my chest.

"Okay then.Claire you heard what she likes......Baby this is my secretary Claire."I finished the introductions."And what do you want."I drew my attention back to a red faced Claire.

"The car..I mean the"

"Get yourself together."I commented as I wrapped my hands around Sel to keep her warm.

"Sorry,sir."She cleared her throat."The private jet is ready."She informed me.

"Okay."I nodded as a signal for her to leave.

When the door was sealed shot I stood up with Sel in my hands and placed her on the floor.She looked confused but I winked at her as I picked up my blazer and placed it on her naked chest.

"What jet?"She simply asked.

"Thats my treat."I gave her a warm smile."As much as I want to hold you,I have to make sure everything is set for our get away."

"Get away?"She arched her eyebrow.

"Babe stop asking too many questions and go get dressed.Believe me I would love to take you to go like this but the pilot might just die if he stares at you."I winked and she giggled.

To her,it was a joke but to me I meant every single word of it.

She gave me a reassuring smile and turned to the door behind her.Worst mistake,she was only in her panties.

"Ann."I whispered behind her ear as I gripped her waist to me."I wanted to tie you naked this morning when I saw you."

I got the reaction I wanted to get from her as her body shivered and she let out a low breath.

This get away was exactly what we needed.I,her and Anrek for five days.

This was the longest chapter ever.btw you'll find out what Anrek means in the next chapter.stay tuned,It was meant to be a double update but the second part will come early tomorrow.

And who can guess what Anrek means.Hint....load the media.

The winner gets a dedication and a chance to send their work to me for a shout out or a preview.

Have fun guessing guys.

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