The Lost Descendant: The Adve...

By RoseStojkovic

24.4K 453 61

When Ben invites Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, and some other friends to stay the weekend at his summer house they... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 11

528 14 2
By RoseStojkovic

Mal got up from where she was sitting in one of the bar stools and said "okay, I think we should leave as soon as possible" looking at Ben she continued "if you think that's a good idea. I mean, we are going to save your sister after all" Ben got up and said "I agree, we should leave as soon as possible" Mal looked over at Lonnie and asked "what do you think is the fastest way to get to your friends?" Lonnie took her right arm and put it across her waist as she took her left hand and put her chin in between her thumb and pointer finger. "The fastest way to get there would be to fly there, but we can't do that. We can't drive because there aren't any roads that lead there" said Lonnie. Mal thought for a while then said "well, I guess we'll have to walk" Ben nodded and said "wait, If we walk how are we going to carry our bags?" Mal paced the room for a little bit then said "I have an idea" Evie encouraged her "what's your idea" Mal smirked and said "everyone go get your bags"

When everyone had brought their bags downstairs, and Mal had gotten her spell book. She flipped through the pages looking for a spell. She stopped and put her finger on one of the pages. "here it is" Evie walked up behind her so she could see the spell and asked "what does it do" Mal looked over her shoulder at Evie and said "It's a shrinking spell" she looked back to everyone else and continued "I'm gonna use it on the bags to make them small enough to fit in our pockets" and before anyone could say anything else Mal recited the spell "I hate carrying heavy things, so make these bags the size of wedding rings" the bags started to glow a lime green and everyone except Mal and Evie took a step back. There was flash of wight light and when Mal could see again she walked towards the bags to find them to be around the size of wedding rings. "Wow" exclaimed Hallie "that was amazing" Mal was a little surprised at how she'd reacted. Evie asked "Haven't you ever seen someone use magic before?" Hallie shook her head and said "I've heard stories about magic. My grandma and my uncles were turned into bears, but that was way before I was alive"

     After everyone had gotten the last of their things together Ben said "okay" walking up behind Mal he continued "everyone lets go" and they walked out the door. When Mal set foot outside she grabbed Ben's hand and pulled him aside, he looked over at her and said "don't worry everything 'll be fine" Mal looked into his eyes and said "I know, but you need to believe that yourself" when Ben didn't say anything Mal continued "You can't fool me. Come on lets catch up with the others" Ben nodded and they walked up to where the rest of the group was gathered by the roundabout. Everyone was looking at Ben, he said "what" Jay was the first to speak up,he said "which way do we go first" Ben looked a little flustered and said "I hadn't though about that" then he glanced at Mal, she saw the panic on his face and spoke before he could say anything else"Lonnie might know which way to go. We are, after all, going to her friends place" Jay nodded and everybody turned to Lonnie. Ben asked "Which way do we go first?" "well I'll need to see a map" Lonnie replied "I have one" Doug said reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a folded map. He handed it to Lonnie and she nodded in thanks.

 As Lonnie unfolded the map Mal walked over Her side so she could see the Map too. Lonnie studied the map for a little bit then asked "does anybody have a compass handy?" Jay started to reach into his pocket but Mal stopped him "wait" she looked over at Lonnie and asked "will you need to see the map again on the journey" "Yeah, I probably will" replied Lonnie "Can I see the map?" Mal asked, Lonnie nodded and handed it to her, she put the Map on the ground and turned to Jay "Can I see your compass" She asked extending her hand toward Jay. He nodded, placed it in her hand, and said "sure, but it's not mine." Mal placed the compass on the compass that was on the map. With a wave of her hand Jay's compass seemed to melt into the map. Mal Picked up the map and handed back to Lonnie. She took it and turned so that the needle was pointing north "whoa" she exclaimed "the compass actually works like a normal compass. This is really useful, thanks Mal" "no problem, which way do we head first?" Replied Mal. Lonnie looked up from the Map, pointed northeast and said "this way" Ben started walking in the direction the Lonnie had pointed. He stopped and looked back over his shoulder saying "come on, lets go" Mal walked up to his side and grabbed his hand. They were finally starting the journey. 

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