The Lost Descendant: The Adve...

By RoseStojkovic

24.3K 453 61

When Ben invites Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, and some other friends to stay the weekend at his summer house they... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 9

1.2K 14 0
By RoseStojkovic

Mal tried to look away from the globe but she couldn't, she heard her fathers voice in her head saying the island is the one, the one that no one knows "great" she said throwing her arms in the air "now we have another riddle to solve" Ben looked at her and said "maybe that's another reason you're mom wanted him to leave, he always talked in riddles" Mal turned to face him and glared "this is no time for jokes" she said crossing her arms "I'm sorry, I was just trying to lighten the mood" Ben said taking a step towards her, she gave a sigh and started to walk towards the door but Ben grabbed her arm and stopped her "are you sure you're okay" he asked, she took a deep breath and turned to face him "no I'm not" she said collapsing into his arms. Ben held her as she let her emotions out "Ben" she said looking up from where she had berried her face in his chest "yes" he said in a soothing voice "I thought I would be happy when I finally found my father" she said stopping to take a breath"but I'm not, I'm angry at him and upset at who he is" before finally breaking down into tears. Ben patted her on the back and said"shh, it's okay." they stood there for a while until Ben broke the silence "are you mad at him because of what he did" he asked,Mal looked up at him and nodded "does it really change anything that Carlos and Evie are you brother and sister, you're already all so close to each other" Mal's sorrow faded into affection at his words "you know" she said "you always now what to say" Ben smiled at her and said "I try" proceeding to kiss her on the forehead.

Mal and Ben came out of the library, Ben's arm around Mal's shoulders,and found Evie waiting for them underneath the stairs "You opened it!" she exclaimed Mal laughed a little. Evie must have known something was bugging Mal, because her smile faded and she asked "Is everything okay" taking a step towards Mal. Mal glanced up at Ben,he nodded and took his arm off of her shoulders, Mal took a step towards Evie and said "Where's Carlos, I have something important to tell you" Evie looked a little confused as she nodded, she led Mal out from under the stairs and into the TV room. Carlos was sitting on the couch with his arm over Hallie's shoulders and her head on his Shoulder. When he saw Mal and Evie out of the corner of his eye he looked over at them. He said "Hey guys" than paused when he saw the look on Mal's face "is everything okay" he asked.Mal kept her gaze on him and said "I need to talk to you, alone"the look on Carlos's face changed from joy to concern and tentatively he said "Okay" looking at Hallie he said "I'll be back" she looked up at him and nodded. He got up and joined them.

Mal led them up stairs, when they got to the top she made a right turn and led them into a room with a couch on one wall and on the opposite wall was a chair on the left side of the wall. On the right side was another chair. Between the chairs was a little glass table. On the wall to the left of the left most chair was a big glass window like the one downstairs next to the stairs. 

Mal gestured for Carlos andEvie to sit on the couch and she sat in one of the chairs opposite the couch. They did so "what is it, your okay right" Evie asked concerned Carlos looked over at her and said "I'm sure she's fine" looking at Mal he continued "you are okay, right" Mal laughed a little bit and said "I'm fine, fiscally" she paused, took a deep breath before continuing "I have to tell you something, it involves my father, well, more like our father" Evie Laughed nervously and said "you mean 'our father's'" Mal shook her head "I mean our father, we're siblings." As soon as the words left her mouth Carlos's jaw dropped. Evie looked over at him and pushed his mouth closed. She thought for a while than said "so your saying your my sister" pointing to Mal, Mal nodded, Evie continued pointing to Carlos "and he's our brother" Mal nodded and said "apparently" while shrugging. "Well, technically,if we are siblings, we're half sibling" Carlos said. Both Mal and Evie looked over at him. Mal said "Hey your still my baby bro" Carlos gave a sigh than said"hey I'm only younger than you by two months" pointing to Mal and looking over at Evie continuing "and one month younger than you"Evie laughed a little and asked looking over at Mal "how did you find this out exactly" Carlos looked back at Mal and nodded in agreement. Mal took a deep breath "Well remember the library you found Evie" she said looking over at her. Evie nodded while Carlos asked "what library" Mal looked over at him and said "Well, do you remember after lunch yesterday when Evie took me away?" Carlos nodded, Mal took a deep breath and continued "Well she took me underneath the stairs and showed me this door that she and Doug had found and neither of them could open it. She asked me to try and I found that it had an enchantment on it. I heard a voice saying the daughter of evil and the son of good shall be the ones to open the library and find the truth"Mal paused to let Carlos process what he had heard. He asked "So what happened next" Mal took another breath before continuing "well when you guys got back from your golf day I took Ben to the door and he heard the words too. This morning we opened the door and inside was big glass globe. I reached out and touched it and Ben and I got transported to this wight void and their was a man there. He called me Maleficent, which infuriated me and intrigued me, I took a closerl ook at his face and recognized him. He was my father. At first I was happy but then I asked him why he had left me, he said 'Because your mother threatened to kill me if I didn't' I asked him why she wanted him to leave and he said 'because Carlos and Evie are your siblings'"Evie and Carlos were stunned into silence. After a while Evie broke the silence "do you know his name" she asked, Mal shook her head and said "he left me when I was only five. I barely remember him" Evie looked let down as she said "Oh, okay" then Carlos asked"did he say anything else" Mal nodded and said "Yeah, but everyone needs to hear it" Carlos stood up and said "well lets tell them" Evie nodded in agreement and stood up too. Mal joined them as they left the room.

Mal got Ben and asked him if it was okay to tell everyone else about his sister, he said yes and they gathered everyone in the library. They where all fascinated by the room, Carlos was especially interested because of how it was hidden from the outside of the house. "It's probably a cloaking spell, right Mal" Hallie said, Mal was standing on Ben's right, they where facing everyone else and blocking the globe from view. Mal looked over at her and said "Probably, but that's not why your here" Jay took a step forward and asked "why are we here" Evie broke away from Doug's side and pulled Mal away from everyone else "we should tell them" she whispered. Mal sighed and asked "right now?" Evie nodded and said "the faster they know the better" Mal thought for a moment then said "okay."

Evie and Mal went back to the rest of the group. Mal caught Ben's attention and whispered "Let me say something before you tell them"Ben whispered back "why do you want to tell them" Mal sighed and said "Because Evie thinks that it's better that they know as soon as possible" Ben thought for a second than said "okay, but then we have to tell them about my sister" Mal gave him a sympathetic look and turned back to face the rest of the group. "Can I have your attention"she said in a penetrating voice, everyone looked at her intrigued"Evie, Carlos" she said looking at them as she said their names "do you want to tell them or should I" Carlos said"I think you should explain it Mal" Evie nodded in agreement.

So Mal explained how she and Ben had gotten into the room they where standing in, how they had found Mal's father, and how he explained that Carlos and Evie were Mal's siblings. After she was done nobody spoke for a while, then Jay took a step forward and said "you guys are related" Evie nodded and Carlos said "yeah, Evie and I just found out a few minutes ago" Jay looked at the ground and under his breath he said "I feel left out" Lonnie must have heard him because she came up to him and rubbed his right arm to comfort him "Does it really change anything, you already think of each other as family" she asked. Jay looked at her and said "Yeah, but their actually family, I'm just the friend who hangs out with them "Lonnie gave a sigh and said "Jay sometimes you can be as blind as a bat" Jay looked at her in confusion and she continued "they are your family" Mal backed her up "Yeah Jay, Just because Carlos and Evie are my siblings doesn't change how I feel about them or you, in my mind your still my brother, and that will never change" Carlos nodded in agreement and said "Yeah dude, in my mind you will alway sbe my older brother who teases me even though I know you love me"Jay gave a chuckle and crossing his arms said "your going soft little bro" Carlos put his hands up in accomplishment and said "see, that's the Jay I know" everyone laughed. Ben took a steep forward and said "I'm glad you're all bonding, but we have an emergency."

Everybody stopped and looked at Ben, Mal walked back over to his side, she could see that he was a little ticked off and worried for his sister. She took hold of his arms and said "Ben look" he looked at her "it'll be okay, your sister is gonna be fine" she made eye contact with him she could see he was scared too, she gave him a reassuring look he said "how do you know that" in a pleading voice, Mal was about to answer him when Doug said "Ben has a sister?" Mal turned around, held Ben's hand, and grabbed his upper arm. Ben glanced at her and she nodded, he looked back to everyone else and said "that's why we brought you in here, to tell you that I have a twin sister and she needs our help" again everyone was so surprised at what he said that they where silent.

Hallie broke the silence "how did you find this out" she asked and when no one answered she continued "Mal did your father tell you this?" Mal looked at Ben and he nodded, she looked back to Hallie and said "yes, he said he was an old friend of Ben's parents" Jay took a step forward and said "so this Man first transports you and Ben to this wight void and says that he's Mal,Evie, and Carlos's father then h-" Mal cut him off "No jay, he transported us to the wight void and we saw Ben when he was about seven, he was playing with his sister, and we know it was his sister because Ben's father said that Ben shouldn't chase his sister. The seen faded, then my father appeared and he told us about Ben's sister. I recognized him, he didn't intend to tell us that he was my father" Jay was about to say something when Doug asked "how do we know that your father didn't just make the scene with magic" Ben answered him "Because when I saw her I remembered her" Doug still wasn't convinced. Mal said "I know that a spell wasn't put on Ben to put the memories in his head, I would have felt the prescience of a spell on him" Doug nodded, he finally believed that Ben had a sister, at least that's what Mal thought.

 Evie interrupted her thoughts "Wow Mal you've gotten really good with magic" Mal shrugged and said "practice makes perfect" Evie laughed and Doug gave her a little nudge to make her stop. She turned to face him and asked "why did you do that?" "Payback" Doug said "I guess some of my mischief rubbed off on you" Evie said before giving him a kiss. "Can we get back on the subject" Ben said irritated, Mal rubbed his arm to comfort him "yeah, lets get back on topic guys" Mal said. Lonnie was the first to start to steer the conversation back on track "well, what do we know" she asked. Mal and Ben moved out of the way so that the globe was visible to everyone. They walked towards the globe and Mal gestured for everyone else to gather around them.

 When everyone could see the globe Mal started to explain. "okay you see thees glowing continents?" she asked,everyone nodded and Doug said "yeah, that one is Auradon"pointing to Auradon "and that's the isle of the lost" he said pointing to it, Evie nodded and said "that's obvious, but what is that one" pointing to the island to left of Auradon that was also glowing "That's where our father infuriates me even more Evie. That's-" she said pointing to the glowing island "-supposedly where Cassie is, and of coarse he didn't tell us it's name he just said The island is the one, the one that no one knows" "well Mal's father got one thing right" Doug said "no one knows about it" "well just because you two don't know about it doesn't mean that no one knows about it" Jay said about to put his finger on the island "NO,STOP" Mal said reaching out for Jay's hand, but Lonnie got it first.

 Jay's hand was about an inch away from the globe, he looked bewildered "why did you do that" he asked "Because you might get transported to that wight void if you touch it" Mal explained,Lonnie backed her up "yeah we don't want that" Jay put his hands in his pockets and nodded "Jay I'm positive that no one knows about that island" Doug said "Evie and I have poured through countless geography books, and we've never seen it once" Hallie chimed in on the conversation "actually, just because Auradon Prep didn't have a book that had the island in it doesn't mean that another kingdom hasn't heard of it" "What are you talking about Hallie" Carlos asked looking over at her "well, as you all know I didn't go to Auradon Prep, I went to another school. What you probably don't know is that it was in Arendelle" Hallie explained "how does that change anything" Jay asked "well" Hallie continued "My classmates Talila and Jenifer are the daughter's of Queen Elsa and Princess Anna of Arendelle, and they said that their kingdom didn't know about the kingdom's that make up Auradon until Ben's father united them"

 "I know where we need to go first" Mal exclaimed "where" Ben asked, Mal shook her finger in accomplishment "we need to go to Arendelle" "why" asked Evie"Because" Mal explained "when I was taking my divers magic class, I read about the magic the rock trolls have there. They cantake away memories and replace them too" "that's a great idea Mal" Ben exclaimed giving her a bug hug, picking her up, and spinning her around "I'm glad you think so, but can you please put me down" Mal asked. Ben put her down and said "sorry, I'm just so happy that we have a starting point to find my sister now" "I think we should leave tomorrow" said Carlos, Jay backed him up "I agree" Ben put his arm around Mal's shoulders and said "you guys don't have to come you know" "Oh no. you listen here Ben" said Evie "we are all already to involved in this, we're going with you"Ben looked at Mal and she nodded "Evie's right" she said, she put her hand in the middle of the raged circle they where standing in and said "lets do this" one by one everyone put their hands in. "okay it's settled then" Ben said " we leave tomorrow" 

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