The Alpha War

By KatieCow

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Katrina was a shy girl who kept to herself. Work and home, that was it. That was till she went to the bank an... More

Chapter One: The Robbery
Chapter Two: Strangers
Chapter Three Remembering
Chapter Four: Desires
Chapter Five: No Long a Girl
Chapter Six: The Library
Chapter Seven: Renger
Chapter Eight: Dinner
Chapter Nine: A Painful Weekend
Chapter Ten: The Perfect Date
Chapter Eleven: Almost Taken
Chapter Twelve: My Own Sexy Wolf Man
Chapter Thirteen: A New Family
Chapter Fourteen: A Scaring Past
Chapter Fifteen: Maybe I'm More...
Chapter Seventeen: The Lake
Chapter Eighteen: The Saving Grace
Chapter Nineteen: Tattoo
Chapter Twenty: Taken
Chapter Twenty-One:The Moonlight

Chapter Sixteen: Becoming Part of the Pack

313 8 4
By KatieCow

Hey so thanks for reading. Please comment and vote. Also sorry for taking so long to post. Work has been crazy and I don't really have much free time but I'm trying.

So most of this chapter is in Brent's POV. Let me know if you like that or you just want it from Katrina's POV. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy


"Excited to meet the rest of the pack?” Tamara asked as we got ready to meet everyone. Lydia had been with us but Bryn had called her to help her.

“You’re joking right?” I glanced over at her. “I hate meeting new people and you guys are wolves so that makes me feel so much better. I thought last night was bad enough but there’s close to a thousand people. That’s so much…”

“Don’t worry Brent will be at your side the entire time and he won’t let them over do it. remember you’re his fragile little human.”

“That so does not sound right.” I shook my head. “Is it really that unusual for humans to be someone’s mate?”

Tamara put her brush down. “It normally happens every once in a few generations but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of an Alpha’s mate being human. You see even though the wolf gene is stronger your pup won’t be as strong as other wolves because he’ll be half human.”

“So then why would I be Brent’s mate?” It just didn’t seem right.

“Hey don’t worry about it.” She put her hand on my shoulder. “The Old Wolves have a plan and none of us think you’re just some human. There’s more to you than meets the eye.”


“Anytime but for now let’s get out there. I know Brent wants you to meet the pack.”

As we walked down the stairs I glanced outside and saw all the people and left my stomach drop. How was I supposed to be a Luna to these people when I didn’t even want to meet them?

Tamara was walking in front of me and I tried to stay behind her as much as I could till I saw Brent who had a look on his face I couldn’t read.


Brent’s POV

I had been talking with Colton when I saw Tamara come out of the house with Katrina following behind her trying to hid her body from the much more confident girl’s. My pride swelled in my chest. Even though Katrina might not have much confident she was my mate and she was beautiful.

Her long red hair was curled and hung lose around her while her black dress made the color to pop. The dress hugged her body in all the right places and I felt my wolf want to march her right back in the house and have his way with her.

She looked beautiful as always and I went to her. Picking her up I spun her and kissed her with such force she was totally surprised. Breaking the kiss I chuckled and pulled her close to my chest. “Amor you look beautiful.”

Like all the other times I gave her a complement Katrina blushed and tucked her hair behind her ear. It was a nervous habit she had but I found it adorable. “Thank you,” she mumbled.

It took everything I had not to yell to the rest of the pack that Katrina was their Luna but I knew it would only scare her more so I went for the simple choice and wrapped my arm around her tiny waist and showed her around. I didn’t need words to tell the pack she was my mate, just by my arm around her waist they knew. I had never showed any affection to a female that wasn’t family until now.

“Look at her she’s so scared,” someone said.

“Well wouldn’t you be too if you were a human surrounded by wolves?” someone else said.

“But how on earth is she supposed to be our Luna?” the first person said. “I mean we’re five feet away from her and she can’t even hear what we’re saying.”

“But I can,” I growled using our mind link. The first person flinched while the second just shook his head.

“Aww don’t you two look so adorable!” Lydia said as she came skipping up to us. “Katrina I would kill for red hair like yours. It’s so beautiful. You know there aren’t many red hair wolves. They were said only to be the royal bloodline in Europe.”

“There are wolves all over the world?” Katrina looked up at me with wide eyes.

I chuckled. “Yes, we’ve lived along humans for centuries. But the Royals are very secretive and stay in their castles. They hardly ever come out and never have they left Europe. One would never come to America.”

“Why not?”

“One wolf was created on each content and thus the wolves expanded,” I explained. “Here in America we have packs and for the most part we get along but the European wolves work much more like Europe in the old days with kingdoms and kings and queens. They are stubborn and have too much pride.”

“So how did the wolves expand?” I love Katrina’s curiosity. She wanted to know everything and so willing to listen.

“Well the first wolf would find their mate and when they Claimed them they turned. It went like that for years. No one knows when it stopped. Probably because by the twelfth century there were more than enough wolves that they found their mates already wolves.”

“But can you turn a human?”

My heart dropped. So she wanted to be one of us. I couldn’t blame her. I wouldn’t want to be a human among wolves like us. To be an outcast but part of me didn’t want her to become a wolf. I loved her the way she was and even if she was weak I would always be there to protect her. She might be a weak little human but she was my human.

I shook my head and hugged her closer. “I’m sorry Amor but no. The only way for you to become a wolf is if the Old Wolves changed you and they haven’t done that for centuries.”

“Well I was just wondering.” But I could feel her disappointment. She really did want to become a wolf and I kissed the top of her head.

“Why don’t we go get some food and maybe meet some people?” I suggested and she nodded. “Good.” I kissed her again and led her to get food. I frowned when she didn’t get much and I pried into her mind to check on her and found she was beyond worried and the only reason she was only getting some food was because she knew I wouldn’t let her go without eating.

“Brent get her to meet people. She needs to feel welcomed,” Tamara said. “She was really cool with us and then finding out you’re a wolf but she needs to know these people want her and don’t look down at her because she’s human.”

“I know but I don’t know how,” I replied. “If I push her too hard then she’s going to lock up yet the more people she meets the more it will become clear she isn’t one of us.”

Lydia rolled her eyes and grabbed Katrina. “Don’t worry I have a plan.” She jumped up on the table and everyone turned to look at her while I groaned.

“Hey everyone this is Katrina, our new Luna.” Lydia pulled Katrina up onto the table much to her resistance. “Now we all know she’s human but that doesn’t matter. Her and my dear sweet brother are meant to be together and we all know how the Old Wolves have blessed our pack so welcome her and even though she’s shy she needs to get to know you so she can be one of the pack. Besides anyone who can get Brent into bed deserves to be our Luna because lord knows many a girls have tried and failed. So Katrina welcome to the pack.” She made a big display of hugging Katrina and everyone clapped.

Ray leaned over. “You can’t say she isn’t the evil clone of Mom.”

I chuckled as I helped Katrina down who was bright red and wrapped herself around me. I kissed the top of her head. “Sorry Lydia gets a bit crazy. I should have warn you but now at least the worst part is over.”

She looked up at me with big brown eyes. “Why did she have to bring up the sex part?  I thought I was going to die.”

Ray smirked. “As the Alphas of the pack you have to produce the next Alpha so you have to have sex,” he explained. “Besides wolves are much more open about sex since the person we do it with is our soul mate. To us sex isn’t as bad as in the human world to talk about. We’re ever open about it.” He pulled Jessica over and kissed her a little too passionately and Katrina blushed and looked away.

“Oh Amor you are too innocent.” I held her tight and shook my head.

“So there’s my new great-granddaughter,” boomed a voice and I chuckled. If Katrina had thought Lydia was bad she didn’t know what was coming for her.

Granny hobbled over to us and I stepped back she hugged Katrina with a surprising hard hug. “So you’re the lucky lady to finally my boy hmm? Well I can see why. For a small thing you pack a punch. Look at those curves. Brent you got a good fertile one.”

Katrina’s jaw dropped and all of us broke out laughing. “You think I’m going boy but trust these old eyes. I knew Bryn was going to have many pups and your little treasure will too.” She nudged me. “I’m surprised you even made it out this far. Brent seems like he would keep you in bed all day and night if he could.”

“Alright that’s enough Granny.” I pulled my beat red mate into my arms. “Katrina this is Granny, my great-grandmother and by far the lest settle woman on the planet.”

“I can tell,” she replied.

“Don’t worry honey she does that to everyone,” Jessica said. “When she found out we were mates she gave us the whole talk about not doing it in the ocean because anyone can see and the things in the water. The best part about that talk was it was in front of the whole pack.”

I chuckled. “I remember that. God that was funny. Though I like ours talk, much better.”

“Better? She practically called me a birthing machine.” Katrina looked as if she wanted to go run and hide in a dark whole and never come out.

Cupping her cheek I pulled her into a kiss. She replied to my kiss as soon as our lips touched and I forced her mouth open and deepened the kiss. Moaning she wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed harder to me. I made her forget what Granny said and all the things she was worried about as I kissed her. She was so easy to calm with a kiss and I was glad. It was good to know I could calm her with just a kiss but this wasn’t just a kiss. By the time we were done I had to keep her pressed close to me because my wolf was ready to go and I didn’t need the whole pack seeing that, even if they could smell both our desires.

We broke apart and both of us were breathing heavy. I hadn’t meant to kiss her so much but I couldn’t help it. She looked breath taking and all my wolf wanted to do was bend her over.

“Yep they’re going to be worse than us,” Lane joked.

“And why do you say that?” I asked.

“Because you got yourself an innocent girl where I have one with no shame and as wolves go we like to see them sweet and innocent so we can change that.” He winked and Bryn slapped his chest.

“Can’t you see Granny did enough for the sex jokes? You don’t need to add to it. Besides you can’t tell the pack I have no shame.” Bryn shook her head.

He chuckled as he pulled her into his arms. “Oh but don’t you remember when you begged for more when we…”

“Ok there are children here!” Jessica covered Miranda’s ears.

“What does Grandma want more of?” Miranda asked as she tried to push her mother’s hands from her ears.

“Cake Honey,” Ray said. “She just wants more cake.”

“I don’t believe you.” She turned to me. “You’ll tell me Uncky right? You always tell me.”

“She really wants him to kiss her more.” I reached for her and planted a big sloppy kiss on her cheek and she giggled. “Do you want more kisses?” I kissed her again and she squealed for me to stop.

Chloe stepped next to Katrina. “Hi I’m Chloe, Colton’s mate. Sorry we didn’t get to meet last night.” She held out her hand.

Katrina shook her hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Glancing over at Colton I saw him nodded. Chloe was shy and young. Her and Katrina were probably around the same age instead of being older than most of us. Tamara was a good friend to have for Katrina but Chloe was much calmer and I figured they would get along well and since she was the Beta’s mate they would be together a lot.

“So you’re kicking me out from being her best friend huh?” Tamara teased.

I rolled my eyes. “Katrina can be friends with whoever she wants but at the end of the day they’re more alike where if something happens I know I can trust you to defend her.”

“You really think Renger will try something now she’s up here with us?”

“I have no doubt in my mind. He’s set on taking our pack and I wouldn’t put anything past him.” I sighed and setting Miranda down I reached for my beer. I didn’t normally drink but I could relax a little. With everyone here there was no way Renger could get to Katrina. He would have to go through the entire pack.

The night went easy. Katrina and Chloe got along and Colton and I never really left their sides. Colton scared the crap out of Katrina because he was so serious but he got that from his father. Ryan was a cool guy but I remembered growing up he never really said much but could turn into a total killing machine. It wasn’t till Colton and I took over that he started to open up more. His make Kylee on the other hand wouldn’t shut up to save her life and it always amazed me to know her and Bryn had grown up best friends.

Wolves came to meet Katrina and she found that we were a very touchy people. Nearly every woman hugged her while the men knew not to touch her. Slowly she seemed to warm up to people and she started to smile.

It was starting to get late when Bryn came up to Katrina holding a small box. I knew what it was the moment I saw it and smiled.

“Katrina now that you are Luna I have a gift for you.” Bryn handed Katrina the box and she opened it to find an ear cuff that had a wolf howling up to a full moon. “You see every pack has a symbol for their pack and this is ours. The Luna wears it so anyone that comes across her knows who she is and how important she is.” Bryn motioned to her necklace. “This was the Grayen pack.” It was a simple crescent moon, the same as our birthmarks. “And this was the Lun pack.” She showed the bracelet with a mother wolf and her pups.

Bryn took the ear cuff and slid it onto Katrina’s left ear. “You’re now our Luna and I know you’ll do an amazing job.” She hugged her and everyone clapped. “Welcome to the pack and welcome to the family.”

After Bryn released her I quickly pulled Katrina into my arms because I knew she was moments away from breaking down crying and she didn’t want everyone to see her cry. Katrina never had really had a family and now she understood how big of a family she had now

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