Chapter Five: No Long a Girl

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"Katrina you're ok." Josh engulfed me with a hug. "I was worried sick about you. Who was that guy? Why did you go with him?"

I slipped out of his arms feeling uneasy. "He's a family friend and I was surprised he was in town. I hadn't seen him in years."

He frowned. "I don't believe you. Is he hurting you?"

Josh wasn't amused when I burst out laughing. I laughed for what seemed like hours till my sides hurt. "He wouldn't hurt me. God that's funny." I laughed again. "Whoa I haven't laughed that hard in a long time."

"What's going on in here?" John entered carrying his morning coffee.

"Oh Josh was just saying something crazy," I replied. "I'm sorry I'm a little late. I had to run back home."

"You stayed the night with him?" Josh looked pissed.

For some reason Josh was getting on my last nerve. He was always protective of me but I didn't need him to be anymore. I had Brent but could I tell him? And what would I tell him? He's my mate? No, I knew Brent wouldn't like that. Even if I did tell them about him would he want me to? Linda was one thing but telling everyone else... My head started to hurt. I was over thinking it.

"Amor stop thinking so hard," Brent's voice spoke in my mind. "I'll take care of everything when I pick you up after work."

This morning had been eventful to say the least.

"Brent I'm going to work," I said for the hundredth time. “I can’t just stay here. I have to pay for my apartment and…”

"Amor I need you to understand..."

"No I need you to understand." I cut him off. "We talked about this last night. You said I could work last night." I crossed my arms and glared at him.

Brent chuckled. "You look like a child right now."

His lips curved into a smile making me want to give in right there but I couldn't just quit on John like that. I needed to give him my two weeks’ notice and I wasn't even sure I wanted to quit. I mean that was my means of support and what then? Was Brent just gonna pay for everything from then on? He barely knew me so why would he do that.

I rolled my eyes and tried to escape to the bathroom but he only caught me. "Stop thinking so hard." His lips pressed to my forehead. "If it means that much to you then fine you can go."

Not only could Brent read my mind but he could also speak in my mind too. It was weird but I felt at ease knowing he was so close. With every new thing I found out about Brent and his kind I was surprised at how comfortable I was. A normal person would have been freaked out but to me it seemed natural.

"Alright well can you take me home so I can go get ready?"

Brent sighed. "Alright but first cover up. I don't want anyone else to see you like that." His hands slid down to my butt. "I might have to kill them."

Brent had no problem with touching and kissing me even though we didn't know each other and I didn't mind I just didn't know what to do and I was so new to it I didn't know what to do.

"You'll get used to it. Especially after we finish the mating." He tilted my head up.

"Finish it?"

Smirking Brent slid his hand around my neck to my hair and lightly pulled on it causing me to look directly up at him. "Yes when we have sex."

My eyes widened and I turned beat red to which he chuckled. "But don't worry we have a little bit of time before we have to."

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