Phoenix Drop High (book 1)

By HannahGilgonbalk

783 25 30

Well u have to read to find out ! Every book I make will go to 100 characters then I will make a new book. S... More

Chapter 1 the move
Chapter 2 work
Chapter 3 questions
Chapter 4 / what happend
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 10

32 3 2
By HannahGilgonbalk


I was walking to my next class. Then Laurance grabbed my lab top again. I chased him to the next class. we wasn't faster then me but I losted  him so went to class . I'm scared that he's going throw my lab top. I walked in and he's was sitting there trying to figure out my password. i took it was said," well,well, well trying to go on my lab top. I see." he says" No I wasn't you have it." Then he gave it to me in a flash. I said," Yes you did you just gave it to me." Then he said," No you have it see." Then he points at me. I was about to freak out then I sat down because of the bell. I was thinking about the cheer leading tries outs. I'm nervous because I might fall on the lifts or might stumble on one of my tricks. I keep thinking what I'm going to fail on then one of my thoughts was what I'm going to do perfect on. I keep thinking of the motions of my tricks and jumps. I look at the clock it was one minute before the bell rings. I grab my stuff and get ready to my locker. I put all my stuff in my backpack and get my spend x's and a sports bra on. Then I realize I'm going to get a shirt on. So I grabbed my old cheer leading one. I went in the gym and began to stretch. Their was 15 minutes before cheer leading tries outs so I went to the foot ball field and see the boys tries outs. I went behind the bleachers so they can't see me. I look at my phone I need to get back now. So I went to the gym and sat down. I waited in tell my name was called. I was the last girl to sign up so I was last then I herd it. I got up and went to the middle of the gym. I was on a pro cheer leading squad. Leix was the cheer leading caption so I have to listen to her. I wait in tell she tells me what trick I have to do. She telling the other girls before me to do backhand springs and back tucks. I can do those in my sleep. She said," you do a double a raben." That was one of the hardest moves in the world but I'm a gymnast too. She doesn't know I have been working on that move for mouths now and I can land it. I went to one of the corners of the gym and began to run. Before I know it I leaded it. I went back to the middle of the gym. I waited intell she to do something else. She keep in tell me to do tricks. I was in the middle of a trick and saw Laurance. I was about to land it but add a another rotation in to it. I landed it and I walked back to the middle of the gym. I sat down and j was out of breath. I was dizzy and she told me to do more tricks. During one I could stand up right and going to fall. I was blacking out in the air my body went paralyze.


I was in football practice. Aphmau was in cheerleading tries out. I hope she makes it on the squad. I was quarter back. We were working on past and Sprint. I hate sprints but I have to do them. I was the second one done first was Garroth. He should be the fast because he's the wide receiver. So it makes sense. I went to talk to him. I said," hey what's up." Garroth say," nothing. Can I ask you a question?" I said," yeah go for it." He asked," if me and Aphmau are dating." When he asked that I blushed and said," no but why." He said," I like her too." When he said that I knew that I can't break my best friends heart but I can't do that to Aphmau if she likes me. After about a hour of passing football practice was over. The boys locker room entrance was form the gym. I see Aphmau doing a really cool flip and then go back to the middle then Leix pointed to the corner of the gym and she did another trick. I see Aphmau go strong then I see her go weak in a second. She stop all of the rations. She blacked out. All the other girl running up to Aphmau. Seeing if she is okay. I see Lexi and her squad laughing at her. I asked her," how long was she flipping in the air. She says about 2 hours. I said," what the move before she blacked out was better then you could ever do in your life." I walked away to see Aphmau. Garroth was change in his regular clothes. I walked up to him and grabbed his hand and pulled him to Aphmau. He asked," what had happened." I explained to him what happened. I told him to take him to my house. He said," sure your sister is home right." I said," yeah meet you in 10" then he walked off with Aphmau. I went to change and grabbed my football stuff. I went to my car and began to drive to my house. I walked in and walked to my room. I saw her on my bed.

Sorry for not posting but that's going to Change. I will post this one every day . But plz go check out my other book it also a Aphmau book. So love you guys !!  

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