By Royo_Wiley

685K 19.4K 3.3K

"That's not possible". "This doesn't make sense". "That can never happen". I couldn't help but laugh at the r... More

Authers Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two: Mates?
Chapter Three
Chapter four Daisy
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen Daisy 18th Birthday
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter 15
Chapter 16: Aftermath
Chapter:18 Alpha Who?
Chapter:20 Hidden
Chapter 21: Awaken
Chapter 22: Confused
A/N:Just asking
Chapter 23: Bad Intentions
Chapter 24: Time
Chapter 25: Big Bad Wolf
Chapter 26: Accepting
Chapter 27: Night Run
Chapter 28: Love Season
Hey Guys
Chapter:29 Huh?
Quick Note
Dirty Deeds Chapter:30
Chapter 31: Wow... Just Wow
Chapter 32: Leaving?
Chapter 33: Death?!
Chapter 34: Feisty Red
Chapter 35: BLACK (sneak peek)
Chapter 35: BLACK
Chapter 36: Strength
Chapter 37: The Visit (Full)
Chapter 38 :The Mind(The End?!)
Chapter 39: It Aint Over
Thank you all (Discounts?!?)

Chapter: 19 She's Back & What???

13.7K 396 31
By Royo_Wiley

Daisys Pov
(Moments after Jordan blocks Daisy out her mind.) (Please read again new update to the chapter ending)

I laid in bed wondering why did Jay block me out her mind. It feels like she left me, but I can still feel that she's alive. So I decided to just lay here, looking at the ceiling for awhile. Moments after I felt a small pain in my shoulder and neck. Then a flash of blood all over the ground, looking like a murder took place. Yet as soon as it came it vanished.

Realizing that wasn't a vision I was looking through Jordan's eyes. My heart felt a pain unbearable.

"Wtf is going on" I asked my wolf


Was the only thing my wolf said before she completely stop talking to me. I for one couldn't let myself think that Jay is gone. Maybe she's just injured, yeah that's it. She's strong she'll come back to me right?

I got up and open my balcony and step outside breathing in some fresh air. That's when I felt power going through my body.

"Well that's weird" I thought to myself

Soon after it was a howl making the ground shake a little making all the wolves outside submit. Hell made me want to submit. Then I felt a mind blowing pain making me fall to my knees.

"Jordan did it but she is badly injured" my wolf says jumping up and down in my head. Happy that Jay did it but quickly whimpering because she's injured.

That's when the pain made me scream causing me to see black spots in my vision. Hearing footsteps in the background, I fainted.

30 mins. Later

Waking up to my Dad sitting on my bed watching me.

"What happened" I ask

"Seem like you and Jordan did actually fully mated". My father said

Blushing from embarrassment, I turned away.

"No need to be embarrassed we was all there before". My father says smiling
"But since y'all fully mated you can feel each other emotions, pain, just everything. I'm surprised Jordan didn't block you out fully.... Hmm maybe after that howl she did". Chuckling and smiling my father turned to me.

"Why are you laughing " raising my eyebrow at him, feeling angry.

"Because Jordan made everyone submit. Hell even made me what to" raising he's hand in defense.
"I'm just happy she's your mate. She seem like she could be a great alpha. Greater then her father and I. Jordan's heart is pure yet relentless and that makes a true alpha. Honestly you are her better half, level headed and such. I remember seeing Jordan grow up and she has a bad temper. Yet its like her wolf takes over I guess. But anyway since I don't have a son and Bobby is ...... Bobby" my father says

"What are you trying to say Dad?"

"I asked Jordan to take over my pack also..."


"I'm getting old sooner or later I'll have to step down. Jordan is a great girl, strong powerful smart, just not truly level headed and stuff. But I made up my mind" my father says looking me in my eyes.

I could see that he truly is doing this out of he's heart, not power hungry. Looking in he's eyes I realized my once strong father isn't as strong as he used to be.

"Dad, I'm not upset or anything, it's just that Jordan and I have to get our pack in order. Then we'll merge them together, changing your pack name to ours. Maybe when she comes back for me she'll talk to you about everything".

" Hopefully so" smiling at me my fathers eyes held pride "I'm just glad you're level headed and think before you do. But let me go so you can get some rest, I have to go check on your mother". Chuckling " she's trying to teach the males how to cook. Oh god I hope they don't poison us"

Laughing at my father while he walks out the door closing it after him I slowly fell back to sleep.

2 Days later (present)

It's been two days, and she's still not back. I haven't even heard from her, hell im getting pissed off. I'm sitting on the porch waiting for her once again. It's in the afternoon now and then wind is blowing, a very peaceful day.

Watching the kids play out front as teenagers talk and mates being in their on little world. Just looking at others being with their mates makes my heart hurt.

Just when I turn around about to leave to go into the house, strong arms wrapped around me. Then the scent of roses spice and cotton candy wash around me, feeling the sparks up and down my body. Turing around I look up to see light greenish blue eyes, getting lost in them.

Quickly gaining myself back I pushed Jordan off hitting her arm.

"Oooouuccchhhh..... What the fuck Daisy" Jordan said rubbing her arm as her eyes slowly turn silver

"You left me and didn't even try to contact me, that's what the fuck it is. You left me. Blocking me out and everything fucking thing. So don't ask" feeling my rage build up not caring if I just pissed her off and her eyes changing silver. " Jordan you fucking left me and didn't have th...

She kissed me hard then softly, telling me she's sorry and filled with such raw emotion. Wrapping my arms around her neck deepening the kiss as she pulled us closer. Our bodies fitting like a puzzle against each other.

Pulling back from our kiss I breath deeply.

" I could never stay mad at you" cuddling into her chest loving her scent, never wanting to let go. Hearing her rumble like a cat purring.

"I love you so much Daisy. I didn't mean to not contact you. I was out for two days healing. I never wanted to get you mad". Jordan says as she held me shielding me into her chest kissing the top of my hair breathing in my scent.

"It's okay, just next time tell me or don't block me out for to long" I said smiling closing my eyes loving her warmth and scent.

Hearing someone clear their throat, looking to see my mom and dad.

"They're so cute" my mom says smiling.

"Yea they are. But can you two come to my office we have somethings to talk about" my father says turning walking with my mom hand to hand to his office.

Me and Jordan followed suit playing around making each other laugh. Once we got there I was in Jordan's arms as we took our sits.

"So let's start with Jordan taking over my pack " my father booms.

I looked over at Jordan as she smiled a little, but quickly went back to a serious face.

"Yes... I would love to join pack to create a strong protection. Since we are neighboring parts, and I can tell you need a break from all of this. I am humble and honored to take your place as alpha and join packs." Jordan said.

"You will take my place in a couple weeks, so a larger pack house can be built" my father says smiling.

I on their other hand wasn't smiling. I couldn't believe Jordan didn't talk to me about this!!! I shouldn't really mind. After all she only took my fathers offer because she knows I missed my friends and pack mates.

"Then it's settled" my father booms smiling shaking Jordan's hand while slightly bowing. "I will see you both in a week until the farewell our future alpha and Luna" my father says.

Jordan then lead me outside to a waiting car so we can go back to our home. We arrived a couple hours later.

I looked out the window to see the pack house looking clean and in order. Looking around I noticed everyone standing outside.

"Jay why is everyone outside?" I ask Jordan

"Pack meeting" was all she said as she got out the car and stood on the porch pulling me with her.

Everyone grew silent waiting for their alpha to speak, bowing their heads showing respect to their leaders.

"Hello everyone, I called this pack meeting today in order to tell everyone that... we will be joining pack with your Luna's old pack. If there is anyone who doesn't want to join packs you may leave and become rouge....... And if you dare step foot on my land I won't hesitate to KILL..............." Jordan said not playing no games waiting for anyone to move. "Alright then it's clear everyone is happy about joining packs. So I won't keep you all any longer, just pack all you belongs and get ready to move. Thank you all for coming and listening " Jordan says smiling at our pack.

The pack was silent but soon started to applause and cheer for awhile then going inside, following orders.

"Love I'll be back, I'll have to go fill out some paperwork I've been slacking. I'll  be in my office if you need me" Jordan says kissing me softly.

Usually I'll feel happy when she kissed me but I felt nothing. I didn't mind it and started to walk into our pack house.

Walking into the pack house I jumped on the couch and texted Luke. Luke has always been around for me no matter what and I needed to see him.

After 30mins Luke showed up and I went with him. But everything soon changed.....

A/N: Hey everybody, sorry it took forever for me to update. I was moving and stuff. Anyway the next update will be soon.

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