Revenge For The Deceased

بواسطة PsychedelicTime

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Evelyn was only sixteen when her parents died. She was going to be the new leader of the palace but when she... المزيد

I: Unexpected Surpise
II: The Escape
III:Unknown Stranger
IV: Pink Slip
V: I'm Alive
VI: You Better Watch Out
VII: Meeting In The Dark
VIII: Face To Face
IX: Making A Move
X: Wounded Or Healed
XI: Going Crazy
XII: Going For a Run
XIII: Settling Terms
XIV: Painting to New Heights
XV: Nevada or Jayce?
XVI: Broken Medicine Store
XVII: Inviting Guests
XVIII: Discovering Secrets
XlX: Gathering Evidence
XX: Back at Square One
XXI: Big Brother
XXII: That Night
XXIII: Double Date
XV: Wedding Day

XIV: Frenemy

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بواسطة PsychedelicTime


     What are they doing here? All this time we were wondering and worrying about where Hina is, and out of all places she's here! Why? And how is Edward here? These entire questions were running through my mind! 

     "We should ease drop on them? I have a bad feeling about them being together. Edward was supposed to return tomorrow, if he's here that means there definitely planning some sort of conspiracy." 

     "You're probably right." Jayce nodded in agreement, as both of us secretly made our way to a table behind where Hina and Edward were sitting. We tried to hide our faces, so we wouldn't be recognized as we took our seats. Jayce and I did a good job at being quiet so we can hear on their conversation but with all the noise around us, we couldn't even make out a word. 

     I still didn't understand why Hina and Edward would be here out in a public place. If someone sees Edward, won't there be questions since his arrival was earlier than expected. Or maybe everyone already knew but his arrival but me but how can news like that, skip right under my nose. 

     "Jayce, why are you and Evelyn sitting here together and without us? This is a double date and the last thing I recalled is that you’re my date!" Bianca barged in, creating a ruckus. Our cover was blown and Hina and Edward turned around to see the commotion. Bianca in her attempt to be with her 'date' grabbed Jayce by his hand and pulled him towards her.

     "I know you're upset but now is really not the time?" Jayce tried to use whatever means to calm down his overly possessive date. 

     "Oh, Evelyn. I never knew I would be bumping into you. What a pleasant surprise." Hina said after she recognized us. 

     "Let's skip the act, and why don't we get to the part where you tell me why Edward is here?” I skipped all the small talk and got straight to business. I knew she wouldn't spill a word but it was worth a shot. I despise humans like Hina, who act all nice and sweet. As long as it drops the act and we can talk like enemies then all is right with the world. 

     "For the wedding of course. It's not a wedding without the groom to be. Now, did I hear that you’re on a double date." 

     "Yes, ma'am." Bianca replied in a respectful manner. Just another one of Hina, a fake.”

     "Adrian, I never knew you liked Evelyn. Since when did this happen?" 

     "Ahh, it’s kind of a long story."

     "Oh really. I never noticed, and how about you Jayce. When did you and Bianca begin to like each other?" Hina started asking all these questions about our 'dating' lives which was strange. Knowing Jayce and Hina was a couple and Jayce and I was a couple too. Now that I mention it, he dated every girl that's present right now. Me, Hina and Bianca. For some reason, I got jealous. Jayce was my first boyfriend and knowing he had three or maybe even more girlfriends made me feel a little awkward.. 

     "Since we first met. It was love at first sight!" Bianca grabbed Jayce’s arm in joy. Oh, please. Love at first sight. How ridiculous! For a second I felt bad for Bianca. A one sided love isn't easy, that's for sure. 

     "Sorry, for interrupting both of you. It looks like you were in the middle of something important. Will be leaving now?" Jayce was the first to say the goodbyes which I didn't understand, why? We had to know what Hina and Edward were talking about. We can't leave? It was too late though; Jayce already turned his head and gave me a signal so I knew I should just follow even though I didn't think that was the right thing to do at the moment. As I passed, Hina gave me one of her evil smirks before I left the restaurant.

     "Why'd we leave? I want to finish my food!" Bianca’s whining started, which was so unnecessary. She should be acting her age, and not like a 4 year old who just got her candy stolen. 

     "Eat something when you get home." Jayce tried to make her feel better which I found pointless.

     "Walk me home, and Adrian and she could come together after us. We should have some alone time on a date." The way she said 'her' to me, instead of my name was a nuisance. She gave me a snotty look, and I gave her a look saying 'girl, did you forget this was a double date.' 

     "Bianca, we got to talk." Jayce said to Bianca in a deep voice. By Bianca’s face, it seemed like she knew what that meant but I was clueless, but when I remembered when Jayce said those words to me, we broke up, so is he planning to do the same with her? It's not like they actually 'dated,' Jayce just brought her the same reason I brought Adrian. 

     There talk wasn't that long before Bianca ran crying. My prediction must've been true, Jayce broke up with her. Jayce is never good with break ups. I admit Bianca is a nuisance but she did care about him even if it was a little bit possessive, he didn't have to be that hard on her, that she had to run crying. Why did he even do it? Jayce came back where Adrian and I were standing, looking like he got a big burden of his shoulder but also a little depressed. Maybe, he felt bad for Bianca, then why’d he tell her that?  

     "I should go and console Bianca. I don't want her to do anything stupid now." 

     "Yeah, you should go and make sure she's alright." I gave Adrian the sign of assurance, and he nodded as he ran after the teary Bianca. 

     "You didn't have to be too hard on her. I get you don't like her and you want her to move on but being more gentle wouldn't hurt ya." 

     "You know no matter how I put it, she was going to end up crying anyways. Bianca may look simple minded but she understands a lot of things. She knew we were never going to work out; she just tried to love me so I could change my feelings. So, when I told her 'I wanted to talk' she knew she had to give up trying which made her cry. I was being understandable but like you said I wanted her to move on." Jayce's deep thinking surprised me. I thought a girl used to figure girls out but Jayce knew about Bianca's true feelings and not me. Maybe I spent too much time being jealous and hating on Bianca, without really knowing her. She's naive and innocent but she knew that Jayce didn't like her. I started to feel guilty about all the insults I used to give to Bianca all because of this stupid emotion called 'jealously.'

     "We should get to the Palace, now." Putting aside my thoughts, I nodded to Jayce, as we both left to the Palace. To know that everything will soon be over made me feel so content!

     Surprisingly as I entered the Palace, Hina and I both collided into each other but neither of us took a tumble. We both had an evil expression planted on our faces, waiting for other person to take the first move and speak their mind. Surprisingly, it wasn’t too long until Hina opened her big mouth. 

     "How's your plan going, Evelyn?" Hina changed her evil eyes to a huge grin on her face, showering with joy. "You know there's only two days left, and so far you still got nothing. Just give up Evelyn. This is your last chance, you can still fix It." 

     "Fix it?" I questioned her, not comprehending with what she was saying. 

     "You can't do anything, to stop this wedding. I'll let you live in this house, and we can live like family. It's your choice." 

     "You know, I was always curious about one thing. I'm the only one trying to stop your wedding, and you killed my parents and not me. If you kill me, it almost seems like you will get married and have all the luxuries in the world. So, why don't you?" It seems like I'm encouraging my death, which I might be, but I'm also curious to what her answer might be. 

     "I have my reasons, Evelyn. I told you, that I wanted to spare your life because you were a child, and no child can stop my wedding. If your parents couldn't, how could you? Your parents were foolish to trust me in the beginning." 

     "They weren't foolish!" I belted across the room. I can stand anything but not the humiliation of my beloved parents. "They just trusted you. Doesn't that mean anything to you?" 

     "That's where they went wrong. They shouldn't have trusted me. They signed their own death sentence. Money is everything Evelyn. Without money, you have nothing. Soon, you will learn that too.”

     "So, is that why you didn’t kill me, so you think I'll grow up to be a duplicate of you?" Is Hina crazy or what? Why would any child live happily with their parent’s murderer?

     "I could've killed you, don’t misunderstand that. I wanted to give you a chance. I'm not that cruel to kill an innocent child who was just caught with their parent’s mistake. You had nothing to do with it. So I left you out." 

     "So, you expect me to thank you, for not killing me along with my parents. You're unbelievable. I would never ever want to be with or like you as long as I live. To me, money is nothing."

     "It's easy for you to say that, you never had to deal with financial issues. It was all given to you. Imagine everyone else, who had to work to get that money, you easily begged from your parents.” I saw where Hina was coming from, but that’s not an excuse to murder someone’s parents because of your greed.

     "I didn't choose to be born this way, and no matter how you felt you had no right to murder them. We treated you like family.” 

     "Family means nothing if you don’t have the money and you'll soon learn that the hard way." 

     "Money never comes before family. My family worked hard to get their position but you choose the easy route. You just eliminated the competition instead of fighting head on, fair and square." 

     "You sound just like Jayce. You two are young, and will never understand how important money is. I think your love for Jayce is making you go blind, if I don't say."

     "I'll take love over money any day and I promise you, I will do whatever it takes to put you in your right place, which is far away from here as possible." 

     "Your dedication never stops to astonish me, that is why I must take matters in my own hands." 

     "What are you trying to say?" I soon remembered that Hina was gone for the past 24 hours, and that I just so happened to encountered with her and Edward. Is this the plan, Jayce and I thought of? Hina grabbed my hand and started to drag me to god knows where. I tried to loosen her grip, but she dug her long, piercing nails into my arm, causing me extreme pain. When we suddenly stopped, I took in my surroundings, and noticed this was the same place I was held captive in a month ago. Hina grabbed a chair beside her, and tied me up again. Memories from what happened a month ago started to wash in. The sight of my dead parents, the smirk on Hina's face, the way she threw me on the chair, it was all happening again but this time it's different. I was a naive, innocent and weak girl back then but now I changed. I'm stronger, braver, and Hina knows it. That’s the reason she must've tied me up. The way I am today, I could only think of one person, Jayce. He's the one that made me who I am today, and I'm not prepared to lose now. We came too far to give up.

     "Better get some sleep, because you’re not getting out till I say the words 'I do!' Got it!" Hina’s evil laugh echoed as she made her departure, as I struggled to loosen the rope constraining my arms. I closed my eyes, knowing it wasn't over yet. I am going to escape; I am going to be rescued. Jayce will come for me, because now we can stop Hina, now we have evidence, and now the wedding will be stopped! 


Gosh, that took like FOREVER! I know it wasn't the best cliff-hanger but it'll just have to do. Things are getting crazier, and now Evelyn is back where she started, held captive but she's not scared at all cause she know she'll get saved. Do you think Evelyn is confident or only trying to build confidence? Will Jayce save her? 

We’re nearing the end folks! I will tell you that the next chapter will be my LAST! I'll make it extra, extra long if I can!!!!!! Thanks a lot for everyone who read my story!

 I might add an epilogue.... still deciding on that? Do you guys want one? 

I will also be doing a series to this one. I have the plot but still thinking of a title. Any suggestions? The story might not be posted for a while as I really want to plan from beginning to end. I know this story wasn’t the best that’s why I’m going to make it up with the series. I’ll update you when I’ll post it, and I’ll promise it’ll be better than this one! Again thanks for ya support!!!!

Please, fan, vote and comment! 

Thanks For Reading :D


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