Our Burning Love-A Clato Love...

By Summer___Rain

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Poverty, her mothers hate and being friendless doesn't stop her. He is to arrogant and rich for his own good... More

Prolouge: Backrounds
Chapter 1: looking at the locket
Chapter 2: Meet my crush: Cato Emerson.
Chapter 3: time to confess
Chapter 4: Are you sure you were going to say that?
Chapter 5: sword fighting
Chapter 6: Awkward moment
Chapter 7: Lets talk about the games...
Chapter 8: memories hurt.... I know that
Chapter 9: Ronnie's birthday
Chapter 10: The so called 'Date'
Chapter 11: Bloody Mother
Chapter 12: I was a mistake
Chapter 13: My sweet 16....not really
Chapter 14: The Almost Kiss
Chapter 15: My birthday, The reaping And Shit
Chapter 16: Train Cars and Love Stories
Chapter 17: The Tribute Parade
Chapter 18: Shocker!!
Chapter 19: This is love
Chapter 20: Private Training
Chapter 21: "Straighten your back.."
Chapter 22: The Interviews and Survival of the Fittest
Chapter 23: The Bloodbath
Chapter 24: Beautiful Friendships.
Chapter 25: Tracker Jackers.
Chapter 26: Death
Chapter 27: Explosions
Chapter 28: ''The rule change that changed my life''
Chapter 29: Thinking
Chapter 30: The Feast
Chapter 31: Waiting
Chapter 32: Thresh.
Chapter 33: The Mutts
Chapter 34: The Finale.
Chapter 35: The Crowning
Chapter 36: Home And The District Winner's Ball
Chapter 37: Being Busy.
Chapter 38: Kelly "Chase" Mitchell
Chapter 39: Old and new faces.
Chapter 40: Why she left.
Chapter 41: A better boyfriend.
Chapter 42: Apologies & Our Date.
Chapter 43: More Then Once.
Chapter 44: Drunk.
Chapter 45: Reunion & Rumours.
Chapter 47: The Result & Your eyes.
Chapter 48: Don't you remember her?
Chapter 49: Aftershock.
Chapter 50: Taylor Burditt
Chapter 51: If I lose myself.
Chapter 52: Moving On?
Chapter 53: Take Over.
Chapter 54: The Truth.
Chapter 55: I have lost myself
Chapter 56: I'll ruin your life
Chapter 57: The Engagement Party
Chapter 58: Realisation
Chapter 59: Clarisse's Baby
Chapter 60: My kind of day.
Chapter 61: Glowing.
Chapter 62: Calm before the storm.
Chapter 63: Suprise!
Chapter 64: Despair
Chapter 65: Alien
Chapter 66: My life
Chapter 67: Disappointment.
Chapter 68: Blood.
Chapter 69: Execution.
Chapter 70: Tweet Tweet.
Chapter 71: Bridges.
Chapter 72: The beginning.
Chapter 73: Electric.
Chapter 74: The Edge.
Chapter 75: Confusion.
Chapter 76: Final Three.
Chapter 77: Loneliness.
Chapter 78: How I want to end it.
Chapter 79: Smile.
Chapter 80: Home never felt so good.
Chapter 81: Misunderstandings.
Chapter 82: Things are looking up.
Chapter 83: Number Two.
Chapter 84: What else happened.
Chapter 85: Holding Hands.
Author's Note.

Chapter 46: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

4.1K 61 45
By Summer___Rain


Cato's POV


18 December 3113


We sat there for a half an hour, listening to her scream bloody murder. And the thing is, she's not stopping.

"Will she be able to go out in Ten?" Enobaria asks Brutus, confusion clear on her face.

"I don't know. Depends if she stops, otherwise it'll be just you out there, we can't postpone it." Brutus says looking at me. I nod my head, pretending that I care, but honestly I couldn't care about Ten, I care about my girlfriend who is currently locked onto a bed while screaming her heart out.

"Will this happen again?" I direct at Brutus. He shakes his head.

"Most likely, lad. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is probably what she has." He replies.

"Oh my God! Do you think she has that?" Enobaria gasps.

"I think so.." he whispers.

"Oh, I really hope she doesn't have that. She could have those fits everyday, and amnesia, Brutus she could get amnesia and forget Cato!" Enobaria informs him.

"I know." He looks at me. "Listen lad, we all want to help Clove, but PTSD is serious. She can't forget you. You need to be constantly reminding her that you love her with your words and your actions." He warns me.

"I will, I'll go now." I tell them both.

"It's now that she needs you lad." Brutus says while Enobaria nods in agreement.

Darcy enters the room and glances around. "We'll be departing the train in exactly five hours. Dinner will be in exactly three hours. We're on a schedule-" She grunts.

I get up and briskly wall out of the room through the doors but not before grabbing the handcuff key on the glass coffee table while no one was looking. Once I made it through the doors, I broke into a sprint down the corridor until I reached the door with "Clove" on the top with fancy writing. I unlock the door with the key from my pocket and slip in. I shut the door behind me and dash around the corner.

Clove stands there with her right hand attached to the bed. Mascara and eyeliner drip down her cheeks as little beads if sweat form on her forehead. Her face is bruised and cut from the beating she recived. Her dress is ripped down the front and is covered in dirt.

I quickly rush back into the en-suite and wet a piece of tissue. I dart back to her and fumble for the handcuff key in my other pocket. I finally find it and I quickly unlock her right hand, leaving the other cuff attached to the bed.

I sit on the bed and pull her onto my lap. I rest my back against the wall as she straddles me gingerly. I wrap my arms around her and bury my face in her hair.

"Shhh baby. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's okay baby, let it out." I coo as she sobs gently into my top.

"I'm so sorry Cato, I dont know what came over me. I'm so sorry.." she says while sniffling at the same time. I decided to not tell her about what Brutus said just yet.

"Hey, hey look at me.." I whisper. She lifts up her head and looks straight into my eyes. I gently wipe away all the unwanted makeup to reveal a pale face with bright red eyes.

"There is nothing wrong with what happened baby." I tell her gently, picking my choice of words carefully.

"What about Enobaria? I threw a lamp at her. Or Darcy? I really scared her." She admits. "I bet they're angry."

"Nope, just concerned. " I assure her.

"Tell them I'm sorry. And what about Snow? He must be pissed." She mutters.

"No, he contacted Darcy and asked about what happened. He also asked how we were getting on. He ordered to have two peacekeeper gards follow both of us around until the day after tomorrow. Just as a saftey precaution. If they think your okay, then they'll leave. They are going to stand outside our door at night and will accompany us to the stage. Both of us." I explain to her. She frowns.

"Why you aswell?" She questions. I shrug.

"Cato, am I gone mad?" She asks me. I smile slightly as I caress her cheek.

"I'm afraid so. Totally insane." I joke. She frowns up at me. "But, I'll tell you a secret, all the best people are."

She laughs shyly and snuggles up to me. "I love you so much Cato. You know that, right?"

"Right. And I love you, more then life itself. And in a week and a bit we'll be home. Reese and Bristle will be moving out and we'll finally be able to spend some time alone. But with Roni and Kalen every second day."

She sighs before speaking "Hayzelle mentioned taking full custody once the baby is a few months old. Then we'll have some us time." She says looking straight into my eyes, making me lose myself in them.

"And then I'll finally have you all to myself. " I say with a laugh.

"You can have me now if you want.." Clove whispers in my ear. She pulls away with a seductive smile.

I feel my insides turn and I nod eagerly. "How can I say no to that?" I reply.

Clove bites her lips before her eyes dart to my lips. Her eyes burn with desire as she moves forward and grabs my shirt and slams her lips into mine.

Her fingers knot in my hair as she pushes her tongue into my mouth. My hands travel up her back and into her locks. I tug on her hair and she moans loudly into my mouth.

This is the most passionate and needy that she has ever been. I like it.

I feel myself getting aroused down there, and I begin to worry that Clove will be frightened off. She notices it for sure even though her eyes are closed.

Her tongue dances with mine, causing that sexy slurping sound to fill the air. I flip her around so her head is on the soft pillows.

Her cold fingers trail down my stomach. She grabs the end of it and roughly pulls it over my head, slamming her lips straight back into mine. She drops the top on the floor.

My hand goes to her back and I find the zip of her dress pretty easy. I zip it down, careful incase she gets scared that were rushing. She nods.

I look her straight in the eyes as I pull the dress over her head. Our eyes are locked in a passionate stare. I cant help it but my eyes trail down to her neck and slowly down to her breasts. In my opinion, perfect, beautiful, sexy. Sure she still has a bra on, though.

I kiss her neck hungrily and when I find her sweet spot, I stay there. Yes, it is rather awkward as I'm trying not to crush her or frighten her, but I have no clue if she'll go any further. This is the furthest we've went. Except for the incident in the kitchen.

I lick her sweet spot gently, she moans loudly in pleasure. She runs her hands up my chest, moaning loudly and sexily.

I bite gently on the spot and I quickly look up at her face. Her eyes are shut and her mouth is wide open. Just a look of desire and pleasure is on her face.

Her hands trail down my chest once again, but they stop. I frown in confusion, until I realise that she is opening my belt. It clicks loudly as she takes it off. I kick off my shoes and help her tug it off. She kicks off her heels and they clack as they land on the floor.

With my jeans off, I kiss down Clove's frozen stomach until I reach her panties. I decide not to press it so I kiss back up her stomach and her neck, until I reach her mouth.

She coils her short legs around my waist and runs her fingers roughly through my hair. I massage my tongue against hers and she groans lightly. I reach my hand down and massage her area very gingerly.

She doesn't stop me, so I slip my hand into her panties and start to finger her slowly. She moans loudly.

"Cato... mm" she practically screams. I laugh gently and continue.

"Cato! Keep going!" She hollers.

Then, the door slams against the wall and I hear a scream, and a laugh?

I jump off of Clove and scan the room. Standing by the door, is Darcy, covering her eyes, and Enobaria gagging, and Clara laughing at both of their expresions.

Clove screams loudly and pulls the neat, tucked up cover over her shaking body.

"Really guys? Now? At this very moment? God's sake!" I frown and look at Clove. Her eyes aren't red and puffy, she looks like she just had a heart attack.

"What do you want?" Clove hisses at them.

"Time to get ready for Ten, no one could find either of you." Enobaria explains to her.

"Now, both of you, out." Clara says shooing Darcy and Enobaria out of our room.

They leave after a final gag from Enobaria. I hiss at her.

Darcy shuts the door after her and Clove lets out a sigh as she lets her head fall onto the pillows.

Clara laughs and picks up my shirt and hands it to me. I slip it over my head and thank her.

"Getting busy, eh?" Clara smiles sweetly. "Don't mind what they say." She informs us and thats when I catch a glimpse of the engagement ring on her finger. Clove told me, but I didn't congratulate her. I did Clayton.

"Congrats, by the way." I say, nodding at her hand.

"Aww, thank you." She replies. "You poor thing Clover, loads of makeup today so. Sorry"

Clove sighs, in a pestered way.

"Cmon, you out!" Clara instructs me.

I roll my eyes, but wall over to Clove first. I hold the side of her face, and kiss her passionately."See you at dinner Baby Girl." I say as I pull away from our heated kiss.

"Bye Pretty Boy.." Clove snickers, that's when I realise I still have no pants on. I shake my head and ruffle my hair before slipping into my jeans.


21 December 3113


Ten went smoothly, so did all the other districts. It's district five and four today, and Clove is so nervous.

The peacekeeper gards reported back to Snow, saying we were safe and calm. They were extremely annoying. They followed me everywhere, when I was eating, out on stage and even outside Clove and I's door as we slept. Clove got pissed pretty easily and she questioned them about why they were following me too. She never got an answer.

The tour is almost over, you can see the relief on Clove's face. She really struggled through the past few days. Even the tributes she didn't know, she still felt terrible. It's district Three and One tomorrow. Then the interview with Ceaser Flickerman the night after. Snow will also be announcing the 3rd Quarter Quell rule change. The night after that, is a ball held for us. Then, we will spend a day on the train, coming home. We'll be home on the 26th.

I yawned loudly and got out of bed, my feet thanked me for the warm carpet beneath them. It's so cold. It's actually been so cold that what we were supposed to wear, had to be altered to fit the snowy weather conditions. It's supposed to be snowing in both districts today.

I got up, stretched and ran my hands through my messy bed hair. I looked in the mirror which was hanging over the black and gold desk. It looks ok. I'll be fine, I shrug.

"Babe, come back to bed..." Clove croaks, probably just after waking up. "It's cold without you.You were keeping me so warm."

"Clo, I'd love too, but it's 11am, we'll be in three in two hours. I don't know why they didnt wake us." I tell her.

She lets out a frustrated moan. She props herself up on her elbows and looks at me. "Nice hair Pretty Boy." She yawns.

God, she's so adorable when she does that. I walk over to the wardrobe and pull out a top for me and Clove's dressing gown. I pull the top over me, shaking as I do so.

I then go over to Clove and help her up. I wrap the dressing gown around her and I take her hand and lead her out of our room. The second we leave the room, two female avoxs and one male avox run in to clean the room.

"I'm f-freezing!" Clo whispers, teeth chattering. "It must be 30 below!" She exclaims.

"I know.." I mutter as I let her walk ahead of me. I wrap my arms around her and walk behind her, back bent so my head rests on her shoulder.

"I love you Clo" I tell her as we approach the main seating area.

"Love you too." She replies gaily, while kissing my cheek as we walk into the room. "Morning!" Clove chirps happily.

"Morning!" Is what she gets back from Clayton and Brutus. Darcy stands in front of the TV and talks to it. "Weather for District Five and Four."

"Calculating...." it speaks back. Fancy.

"Good morning hunny! You too Cato!" Clara smiles cheerfully at us while sipping a hot mug of what smells like coffee. I nod at her in return with a slight smile.

"How did you sleep?" Enobaria questions us, as we take a seat in a large armchair. I sit down and pull Clove onto my lap and rub her arms to warm her up.

"It was okay. Very cold, wasn't it babe?" She asks me. I nod my head in agreement. I know Clove is lying though, I felt her tossing and turning last night, and I know what dream it is. When Thresh had her by the throat, rock in hand, screaming for me, and I couldn't get there in time. How the rock came in contact with her skull, being flung against the cornucopia. Telling me to take care of her family, how much she loved me and how I made her life worth living. And she slowly fades into darkness.

Same dream all the time.

"I'll have the avox's put more blankets in there." Darcy informs us, I smile gratefully. "Yes, it's snow in both districts. All day."

Clara sighs a long, aggravated sigh. "C'mon Clay, we better get cracking!" She moans, pulling him through the automatic glass doors.

Enobaria mutters something inaudible before rushing over to Darcy. They sprint out of the room.

Brutus shrugs his shoulders and mutters "Women.."

I laugh rather loudly and soon he joins in. "You said it!" I chortle.

"Aye! I'm still here!" Clove informs us both. She flings a pillow at Brutus and gives me a playful slap across the chest.

"Ow!" I say, pretending hurt. She rolls her eyes and pecks me on the lips.

"Better?" She jokes. I nod innocently.

"Why did you leave us sleep?" I ask Brutus, remembering our confusion.

"Ye both need it. Lunch will be soon and I don't think either of ye are dying from hunger. Are ye?" He frowns.

"Nope, not at all." Clove tells him before snuggling into me and resting her head on my chest, trying to take my body heat. I wrap an arm around her and we all just watch a stupid, sad, girly, extremely old -as in before the dark days- love film about a sinking ship.

And what did Clove do? She bawled her eyes out!

"That's a real old movie I tell ya, 1995, 1998? I think?" Brutus tells us. Yes, after the Dark Days, they stopped making normal movies and music. All they make is prissy Capital ones. This is all that's left.

"Holy Shit! Over a thousand years!" I frown. It was rather stupid, well that's what I think anyway. We only saw the last hour of it and it still made Clo cry. Maybe she's PMS-ing or something. Brutus who was sitting on the sofa was making weird sounds all through it which made her glare evily at him. She hid her tears from him and buried herself into my arm.

Now, she's asleep.... like, What the heck?!?!

"Cato, Enobaria was deadly serious about the amnesia. She could wake up tomorrow and remember nothing after her 9th birthday. She might forget that her father passed. Forget meeting you. Forget the Games, even dating you. It's as simple as that.." Brutus warns me. I nod my head and look at Clove. Her eyes are closed peacefully and she looks calm and happy.

"I know, I know."

"You might think she cares about is her family, but it's not. I can see through her shell. All she needs is you. Why? Because you saved her. Even if she doesn't admit it, she looks to you for protection and reassurance. You were her first love, and hopefully her last. Take that away from her and she'll be lost. She might put on a brave face, say she doesn't care, but inside, she'll be destroyed."

I nod my head in agreement. Imagine waking up and Clove not knowing who I am. Forgetting about the games, her father, her mother's abuse.

"I went through it once.."

"Amnesia? You?" I say, raising my eyebrow.

He shakes his head. "My mom. I was 14. She had been kidnapped for three weeks. When she escaped, she had PTSD. One day after school, I brought my girlfriend back home. The one that had the baby and cheated on me. The one that made me kill Maysilee. When we got there, there was screaming and shrieking. My mom had forgotten my dad and me, she was having a fit like Clove did. My girlfriend got so scared, she cried. When I returned from the games, he had gotten her memory back in the month that I was gone for."

"I'm sorry, I never knew." I mutter.

"Not many do. You, my girlfriend and Enobaria."

"Enobaria? Why did you tell her?" I frown.

He sighs and runs his hand through his hair. "I'll tell you another time.."

And I'm left to my own thoughts.


Clove was rather frightened, the way she squeezed my hand told me. District Five went fine. I went on about not knowing the tribute and how he was brave. Clove talked about how she appreciated Ginger's/Foxface's/Finch's quickness and her skill, her knowledge of plants and her cunning brain. How she had a hidden beauty and story behind her chilling eyes.

The people were rather impressed.

Clove shivered loudly. We were dressed in furs to stay warm, obviously she was still feeling it. She was in dark skinny jeans and black high-heel boots. She had a vest, white long-sleeve top, heavy jumper and a long brown coat. It came mid thigh and was lined with real fur. She had forest green coloured gloves, scarf and hat. She also had earmuffs and her furry hood up. Her hair was left down, and all she had on was mascara and lip gloss.

Oh, what did I forget? Foundation, concealer, something called bronzer and other stuff all over her face and neck. Her arms are hidden in the coat so there okay. Im actually really surprised that she'll walk around the train and go outside our room without makeup to hide the bruises and cuts.

I was in a pair of dark jeans and brown boots. I had a black coat on with a matching black hat,scarf and gloves on. Not to mention my long-sleeve hop and hoodie under the coat. I'm roasting!!

"Don't be nervous Clo. You'll be fine. Head up and speak loud and clear into the mic. Just say what you think." I tell her, but regret it as she may say something about the devil, which is President Snow. "About Rayna."

She doesn't even look up at me, she just looks at the crack that runs through the floor of the Justice Building. It runs up the wall and into the ceiling.

She frowns and stops moving completely. Not blinking, not looking like she's even breathing. I panic.

"Clo? Baby Girl? You alright?" I ask, frantic. I assume no reply.

"Though I never learned to play, I wont forget. ." She whispers to herself. "The secrets of the game are all but dead. A coin turns to reveal, both of it's heads. There's still a deal I wont forget." She sings lightly. I freeze, I know this song. It's haunting. I don't know where she heard it, as she usually sings more sweeter, livelier songs.

"Now I don't even want to, build on the layers. There's no need to complicate, simple things. Hey there baby, we'll be fine. I'll always want your, peace of mind. I'll always look forward to better days, ahead." She breaths.

I let go of her hand and grip both her shoulders roughly.

"Now is not the time to act up, Clove! What's wrong?" I whisper-yell at her, shaking her shoulders.

No effect. Her eyes are glossy and unblinking.

"I think I'm flying Cato." She tells me, looking me straight in the eye. My stomach flips and I suddenly get a little frightened of her.


"Somethings going to happen Cato." She swallows. "Something bad. I can feel it, deep inside me. And when it happens, I'll never be the same."

My eyes widen with fear and I let go of her shoulders.

"What's going to happen Clove? Tell me!" I say, voice raising. "Clove!"

Darcy rushes over to us. "Cato, what's wrong?"

"What is she doing? Why is she acting like this? What's wrong with her?" I yell.

"I don't know Cato!" Darcy says, panicking as much as me now.

"Me neither Cato." Clove whispers.

"What?" I snap.

"I dont know what's going to happen, all I know is that it's bad."

"Cato Emerson and Clove Rambin!" The mayor exclaims as two peacekeepers open the wooden doors, revealing us to the District Four public.

I grip her hand and pull her out onto the icy stage. Everyone is dressed in snow gear unlike the rather hotter districts which are Twelve, Eleven and Ten. Snow gracefully dances down from the black clouds. The houses, shops, street lights and roads have a blanket of snow draped over them while the footpath is decked with ice. The beach, which is down by the train station is pure white.

The crowd cheer, but I know it's only for Clove. They hate me, I decapitated Eamon.

"Hello to both of you, your very welcome here in Four as you can see!" The mayor chuckles. I look at Clove, she's still frozen solid, not even shaking from the cold.

"Clove, would you care to say a few words about our female tribute Marissa, or Rayna as she liked to be known as after her lovely mother passed away."

That's when I see what Clove is looking at, her handicapped older brother. He looks just like her, with messy black hair and sea grean-blue eyes. His skin is tanned like hers was. He's tall, you can see it by the way he sits. He looks to be about 21 and, physically, looks like there is nothing wrong with him. Probaby a mental issue.

Clove swallows before looking up at the rather heavy mayor. She smiles a quick, fake smile and nods her head. She steps forward and takes in a deep breath.

"What can you say about someone who has perished? What can you say about a young, beautiful, sweet, caring, girl that you were so close to? Ask Cato if you dont believe me, but Ranya and I were very close. We met during the Parade and hit it off immediately. Marvel was in our little group too. She told me about her brother and her parents. I was astonished at how she was so happy and, oh I don't know. She was a flawless character, tried her hardest and died without a thought from the district ten male. I should have been watching behind her. I rue not watching behind her. I could have saved her. Yes, ye have all seen my incident that happened after she died. Well, for me it was like losing a best friend or a sister." Clove looks back at me and takes a quick breath.

"I still think about her, silly I know. I wanted her to win, along with Rue if Cato nor I could. I wanted her to get back go her brother and to care for him like the good person she was. What else can I say? Absolutely nothing. I didn't know her enough.

I stand in front of you, District Four, her home town, and I salute you. Thank you for producing a wonderful, young lady. I, thank you." She whispers before turning around, and looking at the huge poster picure of Rayna smiling. Her black hair is tied up in a messy bun and her eyes are smiling along with her mouth. Clove nods her head slowly and turns around and does it to the public. They, and the mayor also do it.

"Well Clove, that was touching..." the mayor says wiping the ice tears from his round cheeks.


I step toward the mic and suck in a breath.

"I know that you all hate me. I killed Eamon. Decapitated him even. You all are probably wanting to dance on my grave, I wouldn't blame you, I done some nasty stuff in the games. Unlike my partner, Clove, I am yet to apologise for what I did in there, to any District. While Clove on the other hand as begged for forgiveness in all the districts if she killed a child from there." I speak confidently, while looking at Eamon's parnets. A young women in her late twenties with flowing red, curly hair. An older man, with red hair also grieving and two little girls in betweeen them, their eyes as red as their hair.

"So here I go. I'm sorry. Eamon, shouldn't have had to die in the games. But yet, how hypocritical it was of me, to kill him. I ask for forgiveness, I know I wont receive it though. Eamon was so lively, always trying to do stuff and make friends. He was young. So for the for the final time, District Four, I apologise to you. Thank you for your kindness." They clap rather loudly and I catch the grieving family looking rather pleased. I smile at them . A small smile.

Then, we are both present ed with plaques and Clove gets a bouquet of flowers. We are escorted of the stage and into the sleek, black vehicle with Darcy by our side. A minute later we arrive at the station. Enobaria and Brutus look rather pleased with us as they stand by the doors.

Once the train doors close, Darcy grabs Clove's wrist and digs her nails into her skin.

"Oww!" Clove hollers.

"What do you think your doing?" I snarl at Darcy, voice raising at a high speed.

"Let her go, Darcy." Enobaria hisses, sounding extremely pissed off at Darcy.

"No, she was acting up just before she went on stage. She needs to be handcuffed."

"No, No, No! Please No! I'm fine, honest! " Clove begs.

"Not this time hunny." She grunts as she drags her to our room. Clove could get out of that easily, I guess she just doesn't want to hurt her.

By the time we reach our room, Darcy is already after locking her up and locked the door, taking my key.

"Give it back." I spit at her, following her into the main seating area.

"Sit down, lad." Brutus tells me. "She'll get your key." He says pointing to Enobaria who is looking like a demon.

"Tell me what's up Darcy's ass this time.." he sighs as I take a seat.

I explain to him about what Clove said and the look in her eyes and he said it was probably down to the PTSD. By the time we are finished talking, it's about ten, maybe fifteen minutes. That's when I hear her scream.

"No! It wasn't me! It was Marv-" I look at Brutus. "Cato! Cato!" She screamed.

I got up and started to walk to the hallway, deciding to kick over a small table with papers on it on my way. Brutus sighs.

I reach our door and sit down cross-legged with my back to the wall. "Clover? Clo? Can ypu hear me Baby Girl?"

"Nooo!" She sobbed.

I was sick of this stuff! No, not Clove and her issues. I'm sick of Darcy, and the Capiyol and the Victory Tour all together. There was no signs of madness in her at home. All tbis stress is causing her to act like this.

It breaks my heart to see the woman I love and care about so much have to go through this. I wish I could take it from her.

Twenty-Five minutes later she begins to calm down. I can hear her breathing in and out deeply.

"Hush baby, it's alright. It's not real, the past isn't real."

"Cato?" She finally croaks.

"Yes baby?" I call back.

"Don't leave me?" She tells me, even though it sounded like a question.

"Clo, I'll never leave you sweetie." I tell her, I hear her sigh in relief. "I'll be right back! "I tell her as I push myself up off the floor and charge angrily towards the main seating area.

I stand by the doors and see Clara and Clayton whispering to each other, and Enobaria and Brutus in a deep conversation. Then, I see Darcy. I snarl and walk briskly towards her.

I slam her into the wall and block her throat with my forearm. She shrieks ridiculously loud.

"You see what you did?" I spit into her face. "Now, she thinks she is back in the arena and Thresh has her! She would have been fine! She did nothing at all! But you," I say in disgust. "Your so Capital like. So fake, so horrible."

"Cato, please let me go!" She begs. I raise her further up the wall.

"Give me my key. Now!" I hiss evilly.

Suddenly I feel a cold hand by the collar of my shirt. I'm yanked off Darcy and swung onyo the floor. Enobaria.

Her face is red from anger and she bares her golden-tiped teeth at me. She hisses at me and snarls. Her hair is in a ponytail but is half after falling out.

"Cato, what the hell are you doing?" She sneers.

"Do you know what he just did to me?" Darcy asks frantically.

"Shut up you! Thanks to you, Clove is having a vision, thank you Darcy!" Enobaria scoffs, sarcasm in her voice. "Now give me the key!" She demands as I push myself off the floor. Darcy wairy hand Enobaria the key and she gives it to me. I nod at her before darting back to our room.

I unlock the door and do the same with the hancuffs. I pull Clove into a hug and bury my face in her hair.

"I was so scared Cato, it looked so real!" She cried into my shirt.

"I know, it was just a memory. It's all over now! I'm here baby, I'm here." I tell her. I let her go and get something for her to wear in bed. I get her a black tank top and blue bed shorts. I let her get changed and I go into the en suite, and get into a a pj pants and a loose fitting top.

I enter the main room once again and see Clove arranging more blankets over our duvet. Once she has finished that she pulls her hair down and ties it back up into a bun. She takes off her socks and crawls into bed, unaware that I'm watching her.

She smiles at me slightly when she sees me and pats the space next to her. I crael umder the covers and let my head fall onto the pillow. I sigh in relief, relief that today is over. But tomorrow will be just as hard, for both of us.

Clove curls herself into a foetal position and I wrap my arm around her.

"Did you lock the door?" She says while sneezing.

"Sure did, mind you, I'm not as stupid as you think I am." I inform her, she laughs for a moment then she stops, and silence. Not an awkward one, just a calm, needed silence.

It's a few minutes before either one of us speak. Clove breaks the silence.

"This still doesn't feel real...." she whispers trailing her finger down my chest.

"What doesn't?" I ask while trying to ignore the shivers going down my spine.

"You, me, us."

"I know right, I still cant believe that I got someone as perfect and amazing as you. And I don't plan on letting you go anywhere." I tell her.

"Me? Pertect and amazing? Funny, real funny Cato." Is all she says.

"No, it's not funny, it's true."

"I always thought that you would have preferred Glimmer over me. Actually I still think that! " she insisted.

"Why have cotton, when you have silk at your fingertips?" I tell her. "Your so much better than Glimmer. Her name, is gay!"

"Oh yeah?" She smirks.

"Smaller girls are cuter and more flexible and athletic. You have the most wicked body I have ever seen! Your hands are always so soft and silky smooth and they're adorable. Your cheeks, are so cute and round. Your nose, is the cutest thing ever, and especially when you sneeze, and the few freckles dotted around your face. Your voice, is like an angle singing, it's as sweet as sugar and can also be as sexy as I am." I joke.

She rolls her eyes and I can see the light blush on her cheeks.

"You blush so rarely, and that's why I love making you blush, because the red shade suits you." She raises an eyebrow.

"And your hair, it's always shiny and beautiful looking. I love that it's so long, I love running my hands threw it. And your lips, are the most toxic thing on this planet, they are so kissable and plump and lush. You always pull me back for more kisses." I say, all this is true, I'm just hoping that it will make her stop doubting herself.

"But your eyes, are so hauntingly beautiful. I get lost in them at least twelve times a day. They are so sexy and amazing and I adore them. Framed with your thick black lashes. They are mesmerising!" She laughs.

"Thanks you." She says while kissing me slightly.

"Glimmer, is just a fake girls doll."

She smiles and closes her eyes. "Your pretty perfect too.." she giggles, I raise an eyebrow and roll on top of her. I tickle her until she squeals.

"Cato! Stop it!" She laughs. And we mess and joke and talk into the early hours of the morning.


22 December 3113


We slept through breakfast again and stayed in bed until Clara came in about 12pm with two bowls of soup. We ate in in silence as Clara sat herself down on the chair belong to the desk.

"It's supposed to be snowing again, in both districts at that." She sighs while crossing over her legs.

"I'm dreading tomorrow. .." Clove admits.

"Same, interview tomorrow night so." I moan, knowing the pain we will have to endure before the interview.

"Oh, you'll be fine! It's the Quarter Quell rule change is what you should be nervous of." Clara corrects me.


"Honnu, was so smart and clever and-" I stoppee when I looked to the front row to see his grieving parents and many siblings.

"Actually, no. I'm not going to tell you all how "brave" and "smart" he was, no. He was a tribute, like many chosen unwillingly to represent their district. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time when Marvel found him. His time in the games will be remembered, for good and bad mistakes. He made it over halfway. Nine away from one. He was only 15, died to young like many did. I don't want to go too much into how he died, but, I'm still sorry for your loss." I speak clearly into the mic. I run my hands through my hair, trying to remove the wet .clumped snow.

The crowd clap and we are presented with the usual plaques and Clove gets her usual bouquet of flowers. We get straight on the train as it's just behind the Justice Building. And finally we're on course for One.

About 6:30pm, half an hour before we go out, I'm finished and sitting in our room, I watch as Clara tries to get Clove ready, but what's she doing? She is trying to make a speech for Glimmer.

"We had a mixed friendship, some days were better then others... Darn! That stinks!" Clove sighs angrily. She groans painfully and kicks the desk and it crashes to the floor with a bang. Now it only is a three legged table.

Clove picks up the broken table leg and holds it up to show Clara and I.

"Oops?" She frowns.

I look rather the same as always, jeans and a coat with big winter boots underneath. Clove looks different, more mature. More beautiful.

Her hair is half up and half down. The half down is in light waves around her shoulders and the up bit is swirled into a bun. Her hairstyle for the tribute interview with Ceaser Flickerman. That, or the crowning was the most beautiful I have ever seen her.

She still had to wear a cake of makeup over the bruising and cuts. They're going away though. She is wearing a coat-dress. It's red and goes to her mid-thigh. It has two sets of two symmetrical black buttons. The end rim of the coat has a black strip, same with the sleeves.

She has thick black tights on with blavk high-heeled boots that come just under her knee. A black loose hat is placed on her head and Clara hands her black gloves. She slips yhem on and observes herself in the mirror.

"Perfect! C'mon you two, time to go." Clara notifies us.

I slip on my hat, scarf and glives before I take Clove's shaking hand and lead her to the train doors.

"This is the last one, so just do what you did for all the other ten. Except District Eleven, Clove." Darcy instructs as the train comes to a halt.

"Darcy! You'll be fine" Enobaria snarls at us and Darcy.

"Nice and Calm." Brutus assures us, mostly Clove.

"Luck!" Clara and Clayton call as they all dissappear tp the main seating area to watch us live.

"Here we go!" Darcy says. "Smile!" She snaps just before the doors open. We plasters fake smiles on our faces and step out into the cold after Darcy.

We are lead straight into the Justice Building. Darcy soon dissappears, leaving me and Clove alone. "Nice and easy, eh?" I whisper. She nods her head frantically.

"Cato Emerson and Clove Rambin!" The doors open and we gingerly walk out. I scan over the District and see mines. Yes, mines for the gems they provide. Luxurious shops and buildings deck the remainder of the city. All the houses are perfect and tidy. To the far the left is a huge lake and a river. That's probably the river that flows through District Two as well.

Snow coats everything, must be a foot deep on the floor. I scan my eyes through the crowd until I reach the first row. On Glimmer's side and Marvel's side are two grieving families. The public applaud rather loudly for us, which makes Clove smile slightly.

The Mayor, is a young man. He's wearing a tailored suit. "Welcome, Cato and Clove! You are most welcome to your neighbouring district, District One!" The crowd clap.

"Now, Ms. Rambin, would you me so kind to say a few words about our lovely female tribute, Glimmer?" He asks kindly, why do they ask when you can't say no?

"Of course.." Clove answers and steps forward slowly so she won't fall on the ice.

"We had a mixed friendship, we'd get on some days, other days? Not so much. Why? Because she would always be flirting with Cato. But, on saying that she didn't know that we were dating. So, I can't hold a grudge over that.

She was an unusual character. She was bubbly and flirtatious and just Glimmer. She was killer with a bow." Clove lied, just about the bow, she was only mediocre. But the rest was true.

"She was rather good at combat aswell. I always envied her. Why? Well that is simple, she was beautiful and I wasn't. I thought she was so pretty and perfect and I always wanted to look like her.

We only started to get on shortly before she died, which is extremely sad. She died tragically, a horrible and cruel, evil death by tbe Tracker Jackers. Her lovely face swollen, everything was gone when I saw her video at the Crowing.

I'm sorry for your loss, she was an amazing girl who's life was cut short. And after she revealed her life to me, she was pretty close to the top of people I want to win if Cato or I don't. Like me, she was in love during the games. She loved Marvel. Once again, I'm so sorry for the loss of this beautiful angle."

Clove steps back and I smile at her. Glimmer's family are in tears after her beautiful speech.

"Mr. Emerson?" The mayor asks. I nod and step forward. Then I notice her, Aloe, Marvel's old girlfriend, sitting beside his mother. God, she must have it tough.

"Marvel, was a joker. He made us all laugh, he made us cry - not literally. He would joke and fool around the training hall. He was a kind man, he wouldn't show that side of him much though. Yes he was a messer, but he was also so deady, he was wicked with a spear, and packed a pretty hard punch which I learned in training when we paired up in combat.

He died, with an arrow to the neck. He killed Rue before he died. I know many of you will argue against me, my partner included, but it was survival. He wanted to get home to his parents, siblings, and his girlfriend, Aloe.

He never made it home, but Katniss was punished. And that's all you could ask for. He was a good mate, who's life was cut short my an arrow. But, he and Glimmer shall live on in all of our memories."

I step back and grip Clove's hand as the crowd clap. After being presented with the plaques and flowers, we are applauded once more. We walk through the Justice Building and into the train.

Clove and I hutry to the main seating area to see what they thought. They were all smiling when we got there.

"Good job guys, fantastic!" Brurus says while getting up and patting my baci and giving Clove a hug.

"Good work! " Enobaria says, remorsly happy.

"That was amazing." Clayton assures us.

"Sweet! I told you ye'd be fine!" Clara giggles.

"Yeah, good one Clover!" I smile at her as I pull her into a hug.

"You too pretty boy!" She jokes.

Then realisation hits me. Next stop?

The Capitol.......


A/N- Don't kill me! I'm sorry! I was on vacation and am having a rough time over my nan passing recently. I hope you like it!

Fan: if you honestly think Clove is a physco.

Vote: if you thought Cato comforting Clove was sweet.

Comment: on what you think the rule change will be.

Teaser: "And the rule change for the 75th Hunger Games, the 3rd Quarter Quell is....." President Snow says, leaving us hanging.

Next update: Hopefully this week.

Song mentioned: Peace Of Mind- The Jezabels.

Clf xxxx

Clato forever. Alexbelle will happen!

Cheers!! ;)

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