Tell Me 'Bout That Day In Dal...

By The13thRaven

84.3K 1.3K 760

11-22-63, a date that strikes sudden dread in the hearts of most. But what if it wasn't that way? No assass... More

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter Twelve:
Chapter Thirteen:
Chapter Fourteen:
Chapter Fifteen:
Chapter Sixteen:
Chapter Seventeen:
Chapter Eighteen:
Chapter Nineteen:
Chapter Twenty:
Chapter Twenty-One:
Chapter Twenty-Two:
Chapter Twenty-Three:
Chapter Twenty-Four:
Chapter Twenty-Five:
Chapter Twenty-Six:
Chapter Twenty-Seven:
Chapter Twenty-Eight:
Chapter Twenty-Nine:
Chapter Thirty:
Chapter Thirty-One:
Chapter Thirty-Two:
Chapter Thirty-Four:
Chapter Thirty-Five:
Chapter Thirty-Six:
Chapter Thirty-Seven:
Chapter Thirty-Eight:
Chapter Thirty-Nine:
Chapter Forty:
Chapter Forty-One:
Chapter Forty-Two:
Chapter Forty-Three:
Chapter Forty-Four:
Chapter Forty-Five:
Chapter Forty-Six:
Chapter Forty-Seven:
Chapter Forty-Eight:
Chapter Forty-Nine:
Chapter Fifty:
Chapter Fifty-One:
Chapter Fifty-Two:
Chapter Fifty-Three:
Chapter Fifty-Four:
Chapter Fifty-Five:
Chapter Fifty-Six:
Chapter Fifty-Seven:
Chapter Fifty-Eight:
Chapter Fifty-Nine:
Chapter Sixty:
Chapter Sixty-One:
Chapter Sixty-Two:
Chapter Sixty-Three:
Chapter Sixty-Four:

Chapter Thirty-Three:

1.1K 20 8
By The13thRaven

May 31st, 1964:

"How much did you let on?" Jack asked Bobby as they sat in the Oval.

It was nearing the end of the day and Jack was leaning back in his chair, to ease his back, while Bobby sat in a chair in front of him, resting his elbows on Jack's desk as they spoke.

"I didn't mention anything regarding the incident in Wisconsin, including the fact that Oswald is the said leader of that Pro-Castro regime. I was actually expecting Hosty to bring it up but he did not." Bobby shook his head as he pulled away from the desk and his voice grew sharper, "Does he think we're stupid or something? That he knows more than we know?"

"Maybe he does," Jack answered as he continued to lean back, gently rocking.

Bobby shook his head, "I can't help but feel Hosty is deliberately covering for someone or maybe he's being left in the dark just like the rest of us. Who knows...who knows anything!?"

"What is he going to do with Oswald now that you revealed to him that we know of the planned assassination?" Jack asked after a moment, a ripple of tension coursing through his veins at that word: assassination.

"Find him and put him on lock down, I assume," Bobby replied before scoffing, "But those sons of bitches don't even know where Oswald is anymore."

"They're looking for him though..." Jack returned as he stopped rocking and leaned forward to rest his arms on his desk.

"Yeah, yeah," Bobby answered with a wave of his hand as he sat back in his chair with a huff. "I just wish they wouldn't keep dancing around us like we're some sort of enemy. We're all in this together for Christ's sake!"

A soft rapping on the door caused the two to end the discussion and turn toward it. "Yes?" Jack called out.

Mrs. Lincoln opened the door and peeked in informing, "Mr. Johnson wishes to speak with you."

Jack and Bobby exchanged glances before Jack replied, "Very well...uh, send him in."

Mrs. Lincoln nodded with a smile then ducked out, allowing Lyndon to enter a few seconds later.

"Evening, Lyndon," Jack addressed before indicating to the chair near Bobby, "Won't you sit down?"

"Yes, thank-you, Mr. President," Lyndon returned, pulling up the chair.

"Please Jack," Jack told him with a wave of his hand. "It's after 8:00."

Lyndon just smiled before starting, "I just came to ask...well...have you given any more thought considering Organized Crime?"

A spark of puzzlement flashed across Jack's grey-green eyes before he answered carefully, "Nothing new...Bobby's really the one you should be asking, not me. After all, he is my Attorney General and was the first to bring up that problem."

"Ah yes," Lyndon nodded as he glanced over to Bobby, "Of"

"As Jack said," Bobby broke in, not even trying to mask his annoyance with the Vice President. "Nothing new and...out of curiosity, what has you so interested in that subject?"

"Just that," Lyndon returned, his eyes evident with the dislike he had for Jack's younger brother, "Curiosity."

Jack could literally see the daggers being thrown between the two so he tried to break the tension stating, "I'm starting my short June campaign tomorrow, Lyndon. Jackie won't be able to accompany me so would you mind coming along?"

Lyndon looked at Jack in shock before answering with bright eyes, "Off course! I'd love to accompany you."

Bobby bit his tongue as he stared in disbelief at his brother, 'Did I hear him correctly?'

"Glad to hear it," Jack smiled as he rose from his desk with a careful stretch; Lyndon rose as well. "Is there anything else you would like to address now?"

"," Lyndon returned. "Not at the moment."

"Very well, I will say good-night to you then."

"Good-night, Mr. President, Jack," Lyndon told him before leaving the Oval.

Jack then motioned for Bobby to follow him out the door behind him which led to the Rose Garden.

Once outside, Bobby burst out, "What the hell do you think you're doing!?"

"Hey, watch it, Bobby; this is the President of the United States you're addressing," Jack playfully returned as they began to walk past the tall, white pillars, engulfed in shadows.

"I'm serious," Bobby returned with narrowed eyes. "What's up with the invite?"

"Well he needs to campaign with me once in a while; what else does he have to do?" Jack answered with a shrug before slipping his hands into his coat pockets. "Besides, I had to say something to break you two apart. Christ, you both looked like you were about to maul one another. I don't like him any more than you but you gotta learn to keep that under wraps a bit, y'know?"

Bobby just shook his head and crossed his arms as they continued to walk.

"I'll have my Secret Service with me, Bobby," Jack said after a beat, sensing the fear radiating off his brother. "Lyndon won't do anything; nothing's going to happen."

Bobby glanced at Jack but continued to remain silent.

"Look," Jack said as he stopped walking, Bobby stopping with him. "I understand your concern, especially with everything that has been happening, but you gotta understand that I can't avoid him forever. Okay?"

Bobby took a deep breath as he ran his hand through his hair and looked away, "Yeah...yeah I know."

They resumed their walk then and after a few minutes of silence Jack spoke up, "Keep an eye on Jackie while I'm out this month, all right?"

Bobby looked up, "She's not due till August, Jack."

"I know...just...should anything happen...get a hold of me as soon as you can alright?"

"Of course, Jack. Just make sure you're careful so you can make it back whenever you need to be."

Jack noted the seriousness in Bobby's eyes and could sense that there was more to Bobby's warning than just time.  "Of course, Bobby."

Bobby smiled then before opening the door for Jack and heading back inside the White House.


"Yeah," Lyndon said into his phone as he sat on the bed. "According to his schedule we'll be in Chicago June 2 through the 4th."

"Why should I care?" The man he was speaking to gruffly returned.

Lyndon narrowed his eyes, "I'm just giving you a heads up; that's all."

"Yeah well your boy isn't up here."

"Who says we need him?" Lyndon asked, his voice growing irritated.

"I says!" The voice snapped. "I don't want anything tracing back to us."

Lady Bird walked into the lamp-lit bedroom with some tea then, causing Lyndon to look up and quickly end the call, "Alright, alright fine. My wife's here, I'll talk to you in Chicago. Make sure the suit I ordered is ready. I will pick it up when we get there instead of having you ship it."

This suit ordering ploy was one he and Lyndon used often to cover up their real intentions should their conversation ever be played back and listened to.

"Very well then," the man returned formally. "And don't worry about my boys getting your suit ready-they're just as good as yours. Goodnight." 

Lyndon hung up the phone then and Lady Bird asked, as she sat down in her chair to read, "Who was that?"

"Just some company manager. I ordered a suit last week but it didn't get shipped, so I called to say I'll pick it up when I go to Chicago with Kennedy."

"You're campaigning this month?" Lady Bird asked, taking a sip of her tea.

"Yes; finally he has me go with him," Lyndon answered with a trace of annoyance in his voice. "I'm hardly ever on the road with him. Texas seems like the last real campaign trip. Now he either brings his wife or his bore of a kid brother."

"Well Jackie does bring him attention and votes," Lady Bird replied as she opened her book.

"He's just flaunting her," Lyndon growled.

"So?" His wife returned looking up from her book. "I don't see anything wrong with it. It's nice for a man to take pride in his her off a bit...maybe you should do it more often if you catch my drift."

"Oh come off it, Bird," Lyndon answered with an eye roll as he waved his hand. "I have a lot on my mind now."

"Mmhmm," she nodded sarcastically as she turned all attention to her book.

Lyndon looked at her but said nothing, instead he turned off his lamp and pulled up the covers to go to sleep.

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