Finding the Missing Piece: Bo...

By cogdill

205K 9.4K 6.2K

Parenthood has finally found Katniss and Peeta Mellark. In this story they are going to be learning to live l... More

Prologue/Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Ninety-Five
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One-Hundred
Chapter One Hundred-One/Sequel info.

Chapter Seventy-Eight

2.3K 92 80
By cogdill

Katniss POV- (A few nights later)

"Peeta, get in here!! Hurry up!" I call excitedly.

He comes running out of the bathroom and into our room again, "What?" He asks me quickly.

I motion him over excitedly and he rushes to me.

"What? What's wrong?" He asks worriedly.

I yank his hand, pulling him down on the bed and I put his hand flat against my stomach.

Right when his skin touches mine, the movement in my belly stops.

There's a silent pause as he holds his hand across my belly for a few seconds and then looks up, "What? Do you feel the baby moving?" Peeta asks me confused.

I nod, "I felt the baby move for the first time, Peeta. It felt so amazing." I say almost in tears.

His blue eyes grow wide and he starts to laugh, he attacks me in a hug and kisses my cheek roughly.

"I wish it wouldn't have stopped when you came over." I laugh a little.

Peeta smiles a little and pulls back, staring at my stomach, "That's okay. This is great." He says putting his hands together then he puts them down, "I mean, that you felt the baby. Not that they stopped when I came over." He laughs excitedly.

I laugh a little, "They don't seem to be as hyper as Willow was the first time I felt her moving." I say truthfully.

Her kicks were so bad she'd make me sick and then it would get worse if Peeta was anywhere near me.

He laughs a little, "Give it time. I'm sure  they'll get there. Willow must've realized her strength and ability at the same time and this one is just realizing it can move I'm guessing."

I smile and sigh, "I'm so happy that I finally felt the baby moving, I've been waiting. It makes it so real." I say feeling tears of joy steaming down my cheeks.

Peeta smiles goofily at me, "Don't cry." He says taking my hand and rubbing it softly in between his and then kissing the back of it.

"I'm crying because I'm happy. Before, it didn't seem as real to me. That we were having another baby. I mean even when we saw it on the sonogram, it was real but now it's actually moving around in me." I say shrugging.

He smiles at me, laughing a little.

"What?" I ask him frowning.

Peeta shakes his head and pats my leg, "Nothing. Nothing, Katniss."

"Tell me." I say irritatedly.

He laughs, "Nothing. I'm just so glad that you're so excited about it."

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask him.

"Because I know you didn't always exactly love the idea of having kids and now we are going to have two." Peeta says.

"It wasn't that I didn't like it. I was scared but you showed me that there's nothing to be scared of." I say.

That's a lie.

There's actually a lot to be scared of when you have a baby and I've experienced every fear there is, even the most ridiculous ones.

But Peeta has been there to help me with every fear of this pregnancy so far and most of Willow's.

Peeta makes a face, "We both know there's a lot to be scared of but you're going through it just to make me happy and I can never ever repay you for that." He says softly.

I smile sadly, "You don't have to repay me for anything. I'm just as happy as you are that we have kids, Peeta. I promise." I say truthfully.

Willow and this baby are honestly the best things to ever happen to us as s couple and the absolute best gifts we could give each other.

He smiles at me sadly, "I'm so proud of us, Katniss. We started a beautiful family and we have our own business, when have our own house and cars. We have everything we need and we did it together, without the help of anyone but each other." Peeta says softly.

I feel a sad smile creep up on my face too, "I hope my mom comes to Willow's party. She really wants her there and I want her to see we did perfectly fine without her. That we raised a smart, beautiful little girl all on our own and now we are having another baby soon. I just want her to see we did it." I explain.    

Peeta nods his head, "If she doesn't come, will you be upset?" He asks me.

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know. It depends on a lot of things. I don't want to see her all that much but Willow really, really wants her to be there."

"I'm sorry. It's probably my fault that Willow wants to see her because before I don't think she even knew she was alive." He sighs.

I shake my head, "It's okay. I want her to see how far we've come without anyone's help and see we don't need her to be happy." I tell him truthfully.

I think my mother knows this good and well enough but I want her to see it for herself.

"Isn't that kind of harsh. It's been nearly five years since we saw her last, even talked to her."

"Okay but either way she's gonna see that we have a great life together." I say truthfully.

Peeta sighs, "Katniss-"

"Is it not great?" I ask him.

"It's amazing but I think you're right she's gonna see everything we've accomplished if she comes." He says.

"Okay then why are we having this conversation?" I ask him annoyed.

"I'm not sure." He says and gets up. He walks back into the bathroom for a few minutes and then comes back.

"Ready for bed?" Peeta asks me.

I sigh, "Yeah."

He nods his head and turns the lights out and then walks back over to get in bed. I just sit there as he lays down, getting comfortable.

"Aren't you gonna lay down?" He asks me.

I shrug my shoulders, not saying anything or turning to look at him.

"Katniss, did I make you mad?" He asks me, putting his hand gently on my shoulder.

I shake my head and lay down, I push my face into his chest and he slowly and protectively wraps his arms around me.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Peeta asks me concerned.

I sigh and bring my head up, "I just am scared that she won't come and Willow will be upset."

I'm scared for that, plus I haven't seen my mother in over five years and haven't been on good terms with her for over six or seven years. I want to see her even if I don't.

"Baby, I think Willow will be alright if your mother doesn't come. She knows that there's a huge possibility that she won't come." He says truthfully.

I sigh, "I know. I know that." I say with tears forming in my eyes again. I push my head into his embrace again, not wanting him to see me cry.

"Then why are you so upset? I thought you wanted to have nothing to do with your mother?"

"I didn't and I really don't but you don't understand. I didn't get to have her to be there for me with my pregnancy with Willow when I probably needed her most and it's been 5 years since that. I just need my mother, Peeta. I'm sorry that I'm stupid and bi-polar about this but it would be so different right now if I wasn't pregnant." I explain, knowing I'm probably making no sense to him.

He sighs deeply, "I understand it, baby. I know that I don't understand a thing about being pregnant or anything like that and your mother should be there  to help you through it too. But I am trying my hardest. And I think that Annie and Bristol are there for you too and you know I'm gonna do anything that I can to help you and give you comfort or advice or food." He says laughing a little at the end.

I can't help but to laugh, "But you're a guy."

"But I also payed attention in health class and we've already had a baby before. We can do it again. And I got you pregnant so I'm gonna definitely be here." He says rubbing my back gently.

I feel more tears rush down my face, "I just feel sad because we had health class together and I never thought we would be having babies together, Peeta." I say.

He starts laughing, "Katniss, stop crying. There's absolutely nothing to cry about, sweetheart." Peeta assures me.

"I know but I can't help it. We were sixteen when we met and now we are almost close to being thirty."

"That's apart of it. We have to get older but I promise that it'll be alright. We get to spend the next 70 years together, Katniss." Peeta whispers softly to me.

I sniffle, "I-I just wish that we had forever and that we wouldn't get older. I wish we could stay this age forever and then have Willow be five forever and this baby would stay a baby." I sob into his chest.

He doesn't say anything but he holds me close to him as I cry and go on about things I shouldn't be worrying about right now.

"I just wish that Prim was here and your brothers too." I tell him truthfully.

"I do too. I wish your parents were here to see it too, especially your mother since she has the chance. Hell, I even wish my parents could be here to see this. My dad would be happy about it all but my mom, it would prove her wrong about me." Peeta tells me softly.

I frown, my lip trembling in anger for every forceful blow to his head or to Peeta's back, even though it hadn't happened in about ten years. I think about all the things he told me she said to him. About how he was worthless to her and how she thought he was stupid and wouldn't amount to anything.

He proved her wrong over and over.

"You would prove her wrong." I assure him.

"I hope so, Katniss."

I take a deep breath, "Why wouldn't you?"

"I don't know. No matter how great I did, it never seemed to me she cared or that it was good enough for her." He sighs.

I shake my head, "She doesn't matter, Peeta."

"I know she doesn't. The only people who matter are you and our babies." He says.

"And don't you worry because I know they think you're the best dad and I think your the most amazing husband that I could've asked for." I tell him truthfully, sniffling, he reaches over and wipes my tears away with this thumb.

He's my world and he's definitely Willow's world and I know he will become this baby's whole world too.

He literally is the glue that keeps me together on a day to day basis, because even though I'm pretty much over my sister and father's death, sometimes there's days I feel like I can't even face the day. But if I didn't have him, I'm not sure I could wake up everyday and get Willow to school or I'm not sure I could have another baby and deal with Willow too. I'm not sure I could even live if it was just me, I barely could when I had Prim to care for.

"Well, don't forget how much of an amazing mother you are and a wife just as good." He whispers softly to me, pressing his lips softly to my collar bone.

I pull back a little, "Stop." I mumble.

He pulls me closer to him and kisses me on the lips, "Stop what?"

"Stop saying that and kissing me." I say laughing.

He leans forward, "Why?" He asks and kisses the tip of my nose.

I giggle, "Peeta..." I whine, putting my hand on his bare chest.

"Katniss..." He says smiling widely, I can hear it in his voice.

"I love you." I mumble softly to him.

"I love you too. Forever and always." He assures me.  

"Forever and always." I confirm.

He smiles a little and then leans forward, passionately kissing my lips and not pulling away for several seconds.

I take a deep breath, "I wish the baby would move again but I don't think I've felt it since you came in."

Peeta chuckles, "Maybe the baby doesn't like me."

"I bet the baby already loves you. But you don't talk to it as much as you did with Willow." I mention.

He sighs, "It's not on purpose. You just don't really have a belly yet and it's easier to talk to the baby when you know what it is."

I start laughing, "Maybe it'll like you better if you talked to it more."

He releases me and sits criss-crossed. He pulls the blanket off me and lifts up my shirt a little bit and leans down to my stomach a little bit. He puts his hand against if softly and we both stay perfectly still, waiting for something to happen but I don't feel a thing.

Peeta puts his mouth right near my stomach and takes a deep breath.

I lay perfectly still.

"Baby Mellark...Hi, baby." He says softly to my stomach.

I smile a little bit as I listen to Peeta talk to our unborn child, a sight I've missed.

"I can't wait for you to get out of there. Not too much longer. You should start kicking Momma so we feel you. I've been waiting for it too and so has your big sister." Peeta tells the baby.

I feel little swooshes inside my abdomen but it's nothing like the kicks I felt earlier, maybe little shuffles or turns.

I smile wider and Peeta looks at me and smiles too.

"You should kick her once if you're a girl and twice if you're a boy." Peeta tells the baby.

I snort and let out a laugh, "You're so dumb." I giggle.

Peeta smirks at me, "No? I guess not. Goodnight, Baby Mellark. We love you." He says softly and presses a kiss to my stomach, then pulls my shirt back down and lays down next to me again.

"Did you feel anything?"

I shrug, "No kicks but maybe some turns or something or maybe it was in my head and I didn't feel anything."

He laughs, "Let's get to bed." Peeta says.

I nod my head and scoot closer to him, I lay my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me, "Goodnight, I love you." I say softly to him.

"I love you too. Goodnight." Peeta says with a smile in his voice and he kisses the top of my head and rubs my arm gently.

(The next morning)

"Momma!! Get up!!" Willow complains. She's been bothering me for more than an hour.

Finally I get annoyed enough to get up to open the door.

"What?" I ask her as she prances into my room and jumps up on my bed.

"I'm gotta go to school." She says innocently and my eyes nearly pop out of my head.

It's 10:17 and she was suppose to be there at about 8.

"Oh my gosh!!" I say grabbing my phone off the bedside table and seeing about 4 missed calls from Bristol and 7 from Peeta. About that time I hear Peeta call from downstairs, he must've come home to check on us.

"Katniss!!" He calls as he runs up the stairs, worry in his voice.

"I'm in here!" I say back.

"Baby, you know it's like 10 o'clock and Willow should've been at school over two hours ago?" Peeta says.

I groan, "Yeah, I just figured that out." I sigh.

"Hi, Daddy." Willow smiles at Peeta.

He smiles laughing and wraps his arms around my waist gently, "I can't believe I overslept."

"Momma wouldn't get up and I have been telling her for a long time to wake up." Willow tattles to Peeta.

Peeta chuckles, "That's okay, Willow. Do you want to go to school now?" He says.

She shakes her head.

"Can I stay with Mommy?" Willow asks him with her bottom lip puffed out.

Peeta looks at me and I nod.

"If she doesn't care."

"I don't mind." I say truthfully.

She cheers and Peeta sighs, "I think I'll call Bristol and let her know Willow isn't coming."

I groan, "I'm literally losing my mind. I seriously thought today was Saturday. I woke up at 6:30 puking and then fell back asleep. I thought that at 7:15 when Willow kept knocking on the door that you were home too."

Peeta chuckles, "It's not a big deal, Katniss. We were just worried something happened and I wasn't able to leave until a few minutes ago. But don't worry about it." He says kissing the top of my head.

I groan frustratedly.

Willow looks up, "Don't be mad, Momma. It don't hurt my feelings that I don't go to school today." Willow states.

I can't help but to laugh at the way she stated that.

"It doesn't hurt my feelings either." I say.

"Can we do fun stuff?" She asks me.

I sigh, "I don't think we can do very much fun stuff today but we can try to get the baby stuff in the mail."

She gasps excitedly, "Oh! Yay."

"I better get back to work know that I know nothing is wrong. You're feeling better than you did?" Peeta asks me, concerned.

"Yes." I say simply.

Peeta nods his head, "I love you." He says kissing my lips. Then he kneels down to my stomach, "I love you too."

"And I love you, Princess." Peeta says scooping Willow up off the bed and kissing her cheek. She hugs him tightly and then sets her back down.

Willow waves at Peeta, "Me too, Daddy. I love you too so much." She tells him and blows him kisses.

Peeta smiles, "Bye sweetheart. Bye Katniss, call me if you need anything." He says walking out of the bedroom.

"Bye." Willow and I say in unison.

After I hear the front door close, I turn to Willow.

"I'm sorry I am not on top of things today." I sigh making a face and sit on the bed.

Willow scoots over to me and wraps her arms around my neck from behind and kisses my cheek.

"It is okay, Momma. I love to stay with you."

I smile and turn to kiss her cheek, "I love when you get to stay with me too." I say softly.

Willow smiles adorably at me, "I love you, Mommy."

"I love you too, baby girl." I say truthfully smiling back at her.

"Can I eat something cause I am hungry?" Willow asks me.

I nod, "Yeah, let's go find something to eat because I'm starving." I say truthfully and stand up. She gets down and takes my hand and we go down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Willow sits at the island as I search through cabinets for anything to eat.

"Want some cereal?" I ask, seeing that's pretty much the only thing that sounds good to me and the only thing I think I will be able to stand to prepare.

"Yes, please." She says.

I grab the bag of cereal and two bowls from the cabinet and also the gallon of milk from the fridge and set it all on the counter. I pour some cereal into each bowl and some milk too, "Willow, will you get me two spoons from the drawer, please?" I ask her.

"Yup." She says jumping out of her chair.

She runs around the counter to me, slipping and falling face forward onto the ground.

My heart skips a beat, "Willow!!" I gasp and run the few feet to her and kneel down pulling her into my lap as she starts to cry hysterically.

"Oh my God. Are you okay?" I ask her frantically, looking her over.

Her lip is bleeding badly but I pull her head to my chest and rock her back and forth, patting her hair. 

"Let me see." I say softly and she brings her head up and pouts her lip as tears stream down her cheeks.

It's bleeding and looks bruised already.

"My teeth hurts too, Momma so bad." Willow says crying hysterically.

"Stand up." I say softly an she gets off me and I stand up too.

"Open your mouth so I can see." I tell her and she opens her mouth widely, I peak in and softly lift up her puffy lip.

"Ouch." I say softly, trying to not freak out, her front tooth is nearly out of her mouth, it's gushing blood and her gums are swollen and bruised.

I feel sick.

"It hurts so bad." Willow cries and I kneel down and hug her tightly, just glad she's not hurt worse than it could've been.

"That's why we have to be careful and we can't run in the house." I tell her softly.

"I know but I forgotted I didn't have no shoes on." She frowns and cries some more, blood gushing from her lip and mouth.

I feel my heart racing and I feel like crying myself.

I hate to see her hurt.

"Well, you got to be careful next time, baby." I say softly.

"I will be cause it hurts so bad." Willow cries into my chest, wetting my t-shirt down with her tears and blood from her injuries.

I sigh and hold her to me for about five minutes, neither of us saying anything, even though I know I need to decide what to do about this.

"Let's get some ice to put on it." I say after awhile.

She nods her head and we pull away from each other.

"Did my tooth get hurt?" She asks me as I pick her up and put her on the counter.

"Yeah, a little bit." I mumble and rush around the kitchen grabbing washcloths and ice.

"Did I break my mouth?" Willow frowns, sniffling.

I shake my head, "No, but I think you almost knocked out your tooth." I sigh.

She groans, "Is it gonna fall off? Because it feels like it and my mouth tastes nasty." Willow complains.

"Probably so, sweetie. But that's okay." I say nodding, not even being able to look at her.

I literally feel like I'm gonna puke.

Between all the blood and her obvious loose tooth, I'm almost there.

Willow starts crying again, "I don't want to lose my tooth, Mommy. I will look funny like Finn did when him lost his tooth."

I laugh a little, "It'll be alright. And guess what?"

"What?" She sniffs.

"You get brand new teeth after awhile, once this one falls out, you'll get a new one." I say softly.

"But I like this one. It's pretty."

I shake my head, my daughter, I swear.

"You know that you are gonna lose all your teeth and get brand new ones soon?" I inform her.

"How come? I don't want new teeth." She says stubbornly, crossing her arms and shaking her head.

"I don't know, baby but Daddy and I lost our baby teeth and got new ones too."

She frowns and I wipe the blood from her shirt and face the best that I can.

"Do I get new ones a lot?"

I shake my head, "Only once. The teeth you have now are your baby teeth and once you lose all your baby teeth then that means you are not a baby no more."

"But I already tolded you I'm not a baby, remember?"

"I know but that's what they're called. We are gonna let Daddy look at it later and see if he thinks you should go to the dentist or not." I say and hand her some ice in a rag and she puts it to her puffy lip.

"No, Momma. I don't like that man, him is so scary." Willow says crying again.

I sigh, "We will just have to see, baby girl. Hopefully you didn't do any other damage." I say truthfully, making a face.

"I hope I didn't because then Daddy will make me go to that mean man and he will poke my teeth!!" She says dramatically.

I roll my eyes and sigh, "Do you want me to call Daddy now so he can come see it?"

"But him just left."

"We can go up there and show him and see what he thinks we should do." I say.

"No, Momma. I am okay."

"Here." I say turning around and grabbing a cup from the cupboard and filling in with water.

"Put this water in your mouth and then spit it out." I say picking her up high above my belly and carrying her to the sink as she leans over and takes a sip of water and spits it in the sink.

"Let me see." I say and she opens her mouth again.

"Can I see if I can pull it out?" I ask her.

Willow wipes away some tears and nods.

I mess with it a second, long enough to see she hit her mouth so hard it's only hanging by the root.

"Ouch, Willow." I say.


"I think we need to let Daddy see if he can get your tooth out because it's almost out but I don't want to hurt you." I say.

She sighs, "But it's gonna hurt."

"If he pulls your tooth out, then afterwards I will go buy us some ice cream." I suggest, knowing she will be all for it.

"Okay, Momma." She says.

I put her down, "Go get your shoes." I say and she starts running to the living room.

I follow after her.

"Willow, don't run." I say rolling my eyes.

Obviously she didn't learn her lesson.

I sigh as I get my shoes on too.

"Momma, your belly is getting big." Willow tells me examining me.

I laugh a little, "Thanks." I say sarcastically.

It's not at all obvious I'm pregnant yet but it's getting there.

"Is the baby getting big and big?"

"Yep. Everyday it gets bigger." I tell her.

"Guess what?" I say, knowing the news that her baby sister or brother was moving last night will cheer her up.

"What?" She asks me.

"I felt the baby move last night. That means once it starts moving more where I can feel it on my hand then you and Daddy can feel."

"I want to feel the baby move so bad, Momma."

"I know you do." I say and we head out to the car.

"I bet the baby will be sad too that I'm losing my tooth." Willow tells me as I help buckle her up.

I laugh, "I bet so too. I bet they're just as sad as I am that you fell and hurt your lip."

"Probably." Willow frowns.

"It will be okay, I promise."

We head up to the bakery to surprise Peeta who's probably only been back there for 30 minutes.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Peeta asks as we walk in, he puts his broom away and I notice there's no one here but him today.

Then he sees Willow and rushes over, "Willow, what happened?" He asks her frantically.

"I falled down. Look." She says opening her mouth and pointing to her tooth.

Peeta's eyes get big and he looks back at me and I groan.

"I wanted to see what you thought we should do about her tooth." I say about to cry.

Today has been horrible and it's only eleven.

He scoops her up and comes closer to me, "Well, it looks like it's on it's last leg. What did she hit?"

"The floor." I sigh and he half embraces me, he can see I have had quite a morning.

"I scared-ed Momma real bad." Willow tells Peeta.

He nods his head, "She looks like you scared her. You got blood all over her shirt too and yours."

"Yeah, see my lip. It was bleeding too." Willow says putting her head on his shoulder.

"Today is not a good day." I mumble to Peeta.

He gives me a sad smile and rubs my back a little, "I can go home if you want me to, close a little early. I haven't had anyone in since I came back."

I shake my head, "Can you just see what you think we should do about her tooth?"

"Do you want me to try and pull it? It's not really worth her going to the dentist  over if we can pull it out ourselves and if she doesn't have any other hurt teeth."

"You can try to." I shrug my shoulders.

"Are you gonna cry when I do?" Peeta asks me with a chuckle.

I sigh, he remembers our conversation over this when Finn lost his first tooth. I remember telling him how upset I would be when Willow lost her first tooth because it would mean she's definitely not a baby any more.

"Probably." I say and he pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head.

Willow brings her head up, "Is it gonna hurt?"

"Maybe a little bit but I will be really careful, I promise. If I hurt you then I will give let you pick out a cupcake from the casing." He says.

"Okay. Momma said I can have ice cream too."

"Sure." He says, "Let's go to my office and we will get that tooth out."

I follow Peeta to the back and I sit in his office chair as Willow sits on his desk.

"Where is everyone today?" I ask him, noticing absolutely no body is here today.

"I let them have a day off. All of them. I guess I shouldn't have." He sighs.

"If I could get my shit together then this wouldn't have happened to her." I mumble.

Peeta sighs, "It's not your fault. How did she fall?" He asks me, getting a tissue off his desk.

"She was running in the kitchen with her socks on."

Peeta looks at her and she frowns.

"Willow, you know you can't run in the house, especially without shoes on or when you're only wearing socks." He scolds her.

"I know but I forgotted."

"It's okay but you have to be careful. Now you hurt your lip really bad and almost knocked your tooth out completely." He sighs.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay but Mommy and I tell you those things to make sure you don't get hurt."

She nods her head.

"Let me see your tooth, baby." Peeta says softly and she opens her mouth a little.

She must've been messing with it in the car because there's barely any blood now and the tooth is literally hanging by a tiny piece of skin.

"I'm scared, Daddy."

"Don't be scared. I will try not to hurt you."

"It don't hurt, just my mouth hurts bad." She tells him.

He nods, "I can see why."

I sit back and watch nervously as Peeta grabs a tissue and pulls her tooth out without her even noticing.

"There it is." He says putting the tiny tooth in his hand and showing us.

"It's gone?" Willow asks him confused.

Peeta nods, "Yeah, you lost your first tooth." He says kissing her on the top of the head. 

I feel like I'm gonna cry but I don't.

"There's a hole." She says sticking her tongue where the missing tooth was.

Peeta nods, "Yep and pretty soon you'll get a brand new tooth there."

"Can I see my tooth?" She asks him.

She holds out her hand and he carefully sets the little tooth in her hand.

"And if you put that tooth under your pillow tonight, there's a tooth-fairy that will bring you money to take your tooth." Peeta informs her.

I sigh, I completely forgot about the tooth-fairy.

Willow gasps, "Really?!" She asks him.

Peeta nods and so do I.

"Yep, we will put it under your pillow tonight and then if the tooth-fairy had time last night then you look under your pillow to see if there's any money." He explains to her.

She looks excited.

"That sounds cool." Willow says climbing off of Peeta's desk.

"Yeah." Peeta says looking at me. He helps me stand up and Willow hands Peeta her tooth.

"Will you keep it safe till I go to sleep tonight?" She asks Peeta.

He nods his head and slips it in his pocket.

"Let's get home, I just need to go put up the leftovers. Willow, do you want to go pick out a cupcake?"

"Oh yeah!!" She says.

"Mommy, do you want something too?"

I nod my head and follow Peeta and Willow to the front.

There's a customer there.

"I've been ringing the bell for over five minutes." An older woman says.

"Sorry, we were in the back. Let me wash my hands and I can get you want ever you need." Peeta says politely.

The lady rolls her eyes as Peeta walks into the back. I sit in the chair on the opposite side of the register, "Willow, come over here." I say and thankfully she does.

She sits in my lap as the lady examines the cases of food.

Peeta comes back a second later, "Is there anything in particular you need?" He asks her nicely.


He sighs, "We ran out a few hours ago but I can make you some more if you would like. It won't take but ten minutes."

"No. I will be just fine. Let me have six of those roll looking things and four of the ones with cheese. 2 of those mini pies and I also want that chocolate cake." She tells him harshly.

I make a face and Willow just watches.

Peeta grabs a box and gets just what she ordered.

"That will be $12.50 please." He says handing her the box full of things.

She scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"I should be getting this stuff for free, first you don't have donuts and then you don't come out of the back doing who knows what and you have two nasty looking people back there with you." The lady says.

I feel my blood pressure rising and Willow gives the lady a dirty looking and Peeta's face falls.

"I'm sorry. If you wanted donuts you should've come in earlier or called to order some. Another thing is I'm giving you over thirty dollars worth of stuff for twelve bucks. That cake is worth fifteen dollars and you wanted fifteen dollars with of other things."

"Here then." She growls throwing a 10 at him.

I want to get up and say something but I know Peeta won't want me to.

"And another thing is this is my family back here and they can be here if they want to. And I'll take the ten dollars if you just leave." Peeta says, I can see the veins in his neck pulsating.

She grabs the box and walks out.

Peeta goes over and locks the front door and then comes back over to me.

"That lady was mean." Willow says immediately.

He plops down next to me in the opposite chair, "I agree." Peeta says.

I can tell he's angrier than he's letting off to be but he's hiding it because of Willow.

"Can we please go home, Daddy. Because my head hurts so bad."

"Yes, baby girl. We can go home. You and Momma get what you want while I put the rest up." He says.

Willow opens up the back of a case and grabs about three cupcakes and hands them to Peeta.

He nudges me gently, "Go get you some cheesebuns. There's more than enough." He tells me.

I shake my head.

Peeta frowns and stands up. He grabs a bag and slides in the entire tray of leftover cheesebuns and puts Willow's cupcakes in a box and grabs a few for us too.

"You okay?" Peeta asks me.

I nod, "I just am having a bad day."

"I think we all are, sweetheart. Let's go home and make the best of the rest of the day." Peeta tells me.

I sigh and nod my head. Willow rides home with Peeta and they go to the store to get ice cream and some other food and I go home. When I get there I can't help but to start crying.

Willow is fine but she still got hurt and then that lady at the bakery pissed me off so bad.

I hate when people treat Peeta like that and he doesn't really even do anything about it. If that would've been me I wouldn't have given her anything or took the ten bucks when she owed thirty, especially after she acted like that.

I can't believe I overslept too.

I literally feel like I'm loosing my mind with this pregnancy.

I'm getting so forgetful too.

"Baby, I really wish you would come out already even though you're not even close to ready. I just want to hold you in my arms." I mumble to the baby.

I feel a few little swooshes and get excited.

"You need to start kicking, please? Your Daddy and big sister and I have had a really bad day and if we could feel you kick that would make our day so much better." I tell them.

I feel little jerks but nothing like a kick.

"Come on." I say softly and press my hand against my stomach gently.

I poke my belly softly, right around the spot I felt the movement. Then I feel a really hard kick, right up against my hand.

I start laughing a little, "Do it again. Please?" I say softly.

I feel like they are doing little flips in my belly and I poke it again just to see if it'll kick and it does.

I get so excited and hope that Willow and Peeta get back soon to feel it.

They will be so excited.

"Baby..." I say softly as I wait for more movement but there isn't any.

When Peeta and Willow get back, Willow grabs her blanket and her lamb and lays on the couch.

I get up and go over to her, "What's wrong?" I ask her softly.

"My head hurts." She sighs.

I nod, "How about I go get you some medicine to make your head quit hurting and then I will go get us some ice cream if Daddy will let me?"

Willow nods her head.

I lean down and kiss her forehead, "Can I see you smile?" I ask her.

She doesn't hesitate to give me the cheesiest grin she can conjure up and I can't help but to laugh a little.

"You look adorabler." I tell her.

Willow smiles a little at me, "Thanks."

"I'm gonna go change my shirt and I'll bring you a clean shirt too, alright?"

She nods her head and I flip the tv on for her and she holds her lamb close to her and watches.

I go upstairs and change my t-shirt and pants since there's blood all over them and then I wash my hands and grab her some medicine and then I get her some pajamas to change into too. I go back downstairs and help her change her clothes and I give her some medicine, even though she doesn't at all like the taste, she takes it without a problem.

Then I go to the kitchen to see what Peeta is doing and to get Willow some ice cream.

"Hey." I mumble as I walk into the kitchen and see him putting up groceries. 

"Hey." He says simply.

I go to the freezer and grab the ice cream they just bought and a spoon and bowls for us.

"You want some?" I ask him softly.

"No, thank you though." He says softly.

I sigh, "Sorry about the wasted cereal over there. I had already made it before Willow fell."

Peeta sighs and leans up against the counter, facing me.

"It's not a big deal. I'm just glad she's okay."

"So am I." I say scooping ice cream into a bow. "Are you okay?" I ask him.

"I am okay." Peeta nods his head.

"I think I figured out a way to get the baby to kick." I tell him truthfully.

His eyes brighten up a bit, "How's that?"

"Come here and let's test it." I tell him.

He comes over to me and I put his hand on my belly again and put my hand over it.

"Poke my belly." I tell him.

Peeta gives me a look and then gently pokes my stomach.

"Did it move?" He asks immediately.

I shake my head, "Try again."

He pokes my belly again and I feel a swoosh.

"Do it again." I tell him excitedly, even though he looks unamused.

Peeta presses my belly a little more and then there's a really hard kick. He moves his hand back and starts laughing, "I felt it. I felt it." He says, his attitude immediately changing and he hugs me tightly.

I feel happy that he felt, now hopefully we can get it to kick for Willow too.

I smile, "Good. Now hopefully that will work for Willow too."

"It's like we are making them mad and then they have enough and kick." Peeta tells me laughing.

I chuckle, "I know. I did it earlier and it worked." I say.

He smiles.

"Well, I'm starving so I'm gonna go eat this and get one of Willow's cupcakes for her."

"I want to be in there when she feels the baby move." He tells me.

"Then come on." I tell him and pick up the bowls of ice cream and he gets the box of cupcakes.

"Willow, here's your ice cream and cupcake but we are gonna try and see if you can feel the baby moving." I tell her and set everything on the table. Willow sits up, she looks sleepy but excited. I sit next to her and Peeta sits on the opposite side of her and I take her hand.

"Keep your hand right there on my tummy." I tell her softly. I put my hand over her little one and start to poke at my belly. It takes a few minutes but finally the baby starts to kick at her hand and kick and kick and kick.

Willow squeals excitedly and moves her hand away and I grab it and put it back on there.

"It don't kick very hard but it kicks a lot a lot." Willow tells Peeta and I very excitedly.

"You made the baby really mad, they're still kicking." I tell her.

She laughs a little, smiling widely, her missing tooth is something I could get use to.

Peeta puts his hand near Willow's and we all three feel as the kicks die down, coming to a stop.

"Little baby, why'd you stop?" Willow asks loudly.

"They probably got tired of using their legs because they haven't kicked that much yet." Peeta tells Willow.

"Oh. Is it gonna still kick Mommy all the time now?"

"Maybe." He says.

"I hope so because that was so cool." Willow tells me and leans her head on my chest.

I smile and kiss the top of her head, not removing my hand from my stomach and neither does Peeta.

"I love the baby, Momma." Willow tells me softly, looking up at me.

"I know you do and they love you too." I tell her.

Willow smiles, "I want to give the baby a kiss." She tells me.

"Do it." I say. Willow leans down and presses a small kiss to my t-shirt covered stomach and about that time the baby decides to kick, right where Willow's lips where. It isn't at all a hard kick but Willow brings her head up and over her busted lip.

"Oh, baby." She groans.

Peeta and I can't help but to laugh at what just happened.

"Why are you guys laughing? The baby hurted me." She sighs.

"They didn't do it on purpose." I laugh a little.

She sighs, "Can I eat my ice cream now because I am so hungry, Mommy. I bet the baby is hungry too and is mad because you don't give it ice cream like me."

"I bet so too." I laugh a little and Peeta hands Willow and I our bowls and we dig in.

Willow gets it all over herself and passes out in Peeta's arms about ten minutes later.

"Peeta, I am going to sleep too, do you want to go out her in bed and come with me?" I ask him softly.

"I want her to come with us." He whispers softly back to me.

I nod my head and carefully stand up. I help Peeta up and Willow stirs a little and lays her head right back on Peeta's shoulder-right back to sleep.

We go upstairs and I draw the blinds closed and climb in bed. He puts Willow next to him and lays flat on his back.

I lean down and press a kiss to his cheek and he smiles, "I love you."

"I love you too." I say softly and lay my head on his shoulder and he takes my hand in his.

Then I fall asleep.

***Ideas plz

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