In My Dark Times - The Deal W...

By Rose-Lyn28

13.8K 618 62

The idea for this story came from "Kill Your Darlings," but in a more modern world way. Louis Tomlinson begi... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter thirty-two

213 9 0
By Rose-Lyn28

(This gets pretty intense towards the end. Just a warning.)

Harry Styles

"What'd mum talk about?" I asked Louis when we walked into my room.

"Just asking how you are," Louis shrugged, "that's about it. She's just worried."

I closed the door and switched the light off, hearing Louis' snickering behind me.

The moonlight was making its way across my room every once in a while when it would pop out from the clouds and it was the only light for us, besides the small street light next to our drive way.

Louis wasted no time in pulling me into him and kissing me.... not that I minded. I wanted this badly. He knew I did.

His fingers ran up under my t-shirt sending chills over my body while his lips traced over my neck before biting down on it. I was doing my best to remain quiet... I didn't need my sister coming back to her room and hearing the two of us going at it.

"Should I go easy on you tonight?" Louis whispered into my ear, causing my hairs to stand up, "wouldn't want you to get too loud and all..."

He stepped back and gave me a sly grin as I smirked at him, "are you challenging me?"

"Challenging you?" Louis asked, "hmm..."

He reached down and ran his hands over the front of my sweats, just gently enough to tease me.

"I don't think I'm challenging you," he said before leaning back into my neck, "I believe I'm daring you."

"You're teasing me," I said back before his lips were running over my collar bone, "fuck."

"Call it what you want," Louis glanced back up at me, his hand reaching down in my sweats now, "but I'm certainly not going easy on you."

We held eye contact for a few seconds before I finally managed to mumble out, "ok."

Louis smirked again and pulled my t-shirt over my head quickly. His lips went straight to my chest, running over my swallows on my chest and biting here and there.

He really was out to challenge me... he knew I couldn't be quiet. I would be smothering myself with a pillow before this sweet torture ended.

Louis gently lead me over to the bed, his arms staying wrapped around me. My lips crashed into his again and I pulled him down on top of me, his hands going through my curls.

I pulled at his shirt until he finally helped me get it off of him, his lips returning to mine. He gently pushed me over on my side and scoot into me just like we were spooning... but he pulled my leg up and entered me in no time.

I gripped the sheets underneath me, trying to keep my mouth shut. I knew what Louis wanted; he wanted me to turn into a whimpering mess. That was his plan from the start.

He started thrusting into me even harder, my bed shaking with every single one. His lips were nibbling on my neck while I silenced myself by biting my lip. At the rate he was going, my lip was going to be bleeding soon.

"Harder and faster?" I heard him saying in my ear.

"You're an asshole," I managed to get out through breaths.

Louis smirked and whispered again, "I'll take that as a yes."

He pulled my leg up even further and held it there while he drove in and out of me as hard as he possibly could from this angle. I kept trying not to open my mouth, but I was beginning to fail terribly... and Louis was hearing it.

Louis pulled my hair back and kissed my lips, biting down on my bottom lip as he kept fucking me harder and harder. His lips landed back on my neck and he bit down while he moaned out, driving into me so hard that I whimpered out way more than I meant to. But it was what Louis wanted; and he definitely got it.

He finally slowed down after he came, his breath hot against my neck. He lay there being still for a minute to catch his breath.

"I won," he finally said softly, my eyes meeting his.

"How so?" I asked laughing.

"Did you hear yourself?" Louis laughed and got up, grabbing his shirt.

"Yeah, suppose you got what you wanted," I smirked and cleaned up, then lay back down as he got in bed next to me, "I'm glad you're here, you know."

"So am I," Louis said smiling a little, "should we go sight seeing tomorrow?"

I grinned a little and turned off the lamp, "yeah, if you want."

"I do," he sighed and snuggled against my shoulder, "goodnight, love."

"Night," I whispered back, kissing his hair.

My phone buzzed next to my head right before I fell asleep and I instantly knew who it was. Who else texted me this late?

I sat up some and picked it up to read Darren's message, "meet me tonight."

I rubbed my eyes a little and focused on it again. He was here.

"Why are you here?" I wrote back quickly, the rage beginning to burn on me.

"You don't meet me, you'll regret it. I promise," he wrote back seconds later.

How would I, I thought? Was he threatening me?

"I'm not meeting you," I wrote back and waited for his next message, Louis curled up to the pillow beside me and snoring lowly.

"Really? Want me to call the cops on Zayn?"

I sat there and stared at what he had written... he was threatening me; he was blackmailing me. How did I know he'd stoop this fucking low? I knew it was coming.

I had been waiting for the day that he tried to use things in my past against me; he was always great at making me feel like shit anyway.

I bit my lip and stared at the screen, wondering what the fuck I had done to get to this point in my life. It was a simple answer: I gave into him.

I breathed out a sigh and started typing again. "You're bluffing. You wouldn't do that to me."

I sat up against the headboard while I waited for his reply. I glanced out my window, the stars could be seen clearly. I noticed the reflection of headlights in the house across the street... and my gut was telling me he was out front. He had planned this. I was surprised, but I shouldn't have been. Everything he did was planned.

"I wouldn't do it to you, but do you care what happens to him?" He finally wrote back.

I closed my eyes and sighed. My phone buzzed in my hand and I looked down, my eyes widening at the message, "you want your boyfriend finding out you met me? I have his number."

"Son of a bitch," I mumbled out lowly, gripping my phone and trying to fight the urge to throw it across the room.

"I'm making this easy on you, Styles. Meet me outside," he wrote again.

I looked at Louis sleeping and my stomach felt sick. I didn't want to do this... I didn't. But what other choice did I have? I didn't put anything past Darren... yeah, he probably would turn Zayn in to get to me; he'd at least use him as his excuse.

I got up slowly, my memory suddenly thinking back to Zayn saying Darren was blackmailing him... and now Darren was using that exact excuse. Nothing felt right now. My instinct was telling me something wasn't right. But what was it? What was I missing?

"Come on, Styles, don't be like this," Darren had written back while I stood up and found clothes, being as quiet as possible.

I couldn't believe I was doing this. As I stood there pulling on my pants, then buttoning up my shirt, I felt nothing but guilt... I wanted to say no with everything in me, but I was afraid of what he might do.

I could've easily turned him into the police several times, Darren knew that. But since we took everything he had in his flat the night we broke in, it would've been hard to convict him of anything now. He wasn't stupid, by any means. If I had ever threatened to go to the cops he would've been able to have me arrested before they arrested him; after all, I was living off of him, doing an illegal job and selling illegal drugs. And I wasn't a high-respected professor. I was just a kid.

I pushed my hair back, picked up my phone and looked back at Louis. Then, I slowly crept out of the room and downstairs to the front door. Thankfully everyone had gone to bed hours ago.

I opened the front door, glancing around outside. Darren was in my car parked not too far away. He had it back apparently.

I had so many questions I wanted to ask him, but I had a feeling I wouldn't get the chance to ask them; and he'd never tell me who he was working for now anyway.

I stepped over to the car and his window rolled down, "get in."

"I don't want to get in," I said back immediately.

"Get in the fucking car," he said again, his eyes not leaving mine.

I stood still for a second before sighing and walking around to sit in the passenger's seat. I shut the door and could feel his eyes on me.

"Where's the shit at, Harry?" He asked, his voice anything but happy.

"Where's what?" I asked confused, "what are you talking about?"

"You know what the fucking hell I'm talking about!" he shouted at me.

I inched away from him slowly, leaning back on the door. He couldn't know it was us that broke into his house... my gut was telling me he did know.

"I'm not sure what you're yelling at me for," I said back, trying to keep my composure calm.

"Stop fucking lying to me!" He shouted again and his hand grabbed a fist full of my hair, pulling me closer, "where did you put it all?"

"I didn't break into your house," I yelled back, shoving him off of me, "what the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I have a lot of money missing, that's what's wrong with me!" He exclaimed, "stop the fucking act. I know it was you. I've known since the fucking beginning, Harold."

My heart raced as I stared at him... he knew the whole time and I was really in for it now if he didn't get it back. He'd kill me, I thought.

"I... I," I started slowly, "I had Zayn put it somewhere."

Darren nodded a little, his face still hostile, "well, you know what? You're going to go and fucking get it for me... unless you'd rather me just have Zayn taken care of instead?"

"No," I said loudly, "I'll... I'll get it for you."

"You're damn right you will," he said seriously and started the car, shifting it into drive.

"Where are we going?" I asked, "I'm not going anywhere with..."

"Stop," he interrupted, "let me tell you how this works... you stole everything in that house, Harry. Am I supposed to let you just return the drugs and walk away? No, fuck, no. You're lucky you're still breathing..."

"Why?" I asked seriously, "because if you weren't so obsessed with me I would be dead right now? It's a pity you are then. I'm sure you really want to kill me right now."

"You want to test me?" He asked looking back, his eyes ice cold, "if it was anyone else but me that came to get their shit you would be dead right now!"

"Yeah, it's a shame not everyone is obsessed with me then," I snapped back at him. "Stop the car. I'm not doing this shit with you..."

"No, you are," he nodded, "because now, this is even more personal. You steal shit from me, you're going to get payback for it... if you want out of the fucking car, that's fine. I'll have Zayn brought to me..."

"You wouldn't do that," I said back.

"You don't know what I'm capable of," he said lowly, "fuck with me and you'll see just what I will do."

I stayed quiet, not knowing what else to say. I had no idea where he was taking me... he wasn't going to kill me. No, that was too easy for him, and it was me after all. He'd rather watch me suffer than kill me. He'd always been that way.

We drove across town, slowing down at a house I had seen only a handful of times... it was Darren's place when he lived here, before he moved to London.

"Why are you bringing me here?" I asked him, "I'm not staying the night with you..."

"You disappoint me, Harry," he said shaking his head, "you've done this shit for years, you've taken care of problems sorta like this one, and you still don't know what to expect?"

I did know what to expect... most people who cheated us were taken care of by the whole crew... I wasn't one to step in and cause problems anywhere. I never had been. I had watched innocent people in this situation I was in now... but this situation was much worse.

"Get out of the car," Darren started as he stopped and turned off the engine, "and I suggest you shut your fucking mouth and just listen to me. If you do, this will be loads easier. And maybe I'll take you back..."

I looked back at him but his face stayed completely serious. "How did you know it was me?"

"Let's just say, I have my ways," he replied and got out. "There's loads of things you don't know about me."

"No shit," I mumbled a little, "I'll bet you don't even know where Zayn is right now... you just wanted to get me here..."

"He's still in Dublin," Darren replied looking back at me, "do you think I'm an idiot, Harry?"

He opened the door and I walked in, looking around at the familiar place. It was a huge two story home that he still owned and used when he came back to Holmes Chapel. Now, I saw how he afforded all that he had. I should've seen it the whole time.

"Who works for you?" I asked him. He turned to look at me, "tell me."

"Really? You rob my house and think you can ask me questions?" He laughed sarcastically, "that's not how this works."

He leaned in closer, pulling out something small from his pocket, "you're going to take this and we're going to go upstairs... then, I'll take you back to your boyfriend. And when you get back to London, you will see me again... you'll bring my shit back to me and you'll do as I say... if you don't..."

He smiled a little and the way he looked made me nervous.

"...Let's just say I have a lot of people who can find you and kill you at the drop of a dime," he added, "don't make me take that road."

"Why didn't you tell me... that you done this... that you were in charge?" I asked him, "were you afraid to tell me?"

"You're not asking me questions," he said back slowly, "I don't want to hear your voice..."

"Why?" I asked. "Because the more I talk the more you want to smile and forget about this shitty situation?"

Darren stood still and I could tell I had hit him spot on. He'd never kill me. If I made him smile he'd probably even forget about the drugs completely.

"I'll get them back for you," I said quietly, "you'll still get your money..."

His eyes changed again, "yeah, and I'll get you."

He gave me the vial and waited... and I stared down at it wondering if I was even doing the right thing. I could refuse but where would that get me? He knew exactly how much I cared about the others... if he threatened to hurt any of them, he knew I'd do anything to protect them.

I drank it down quickly, knowing I was going to be gone in about 15 minutes. It was a powerful drug, one that made you feel completely out of it, but yet you're still there enough to know it's reality. I had taken it plenty of times before when he showed up at the house wanting me to give in to him.

I wanted to attack him.. to kill him if I had to. But I knew Darren wasn't stupid. He had a gun on him, I was sure of it. I knew he owned several.

And when we got to the room, he took his jacket off and it was in his front pocket. I stood still against the bed, my eyes staying on it wondering if he really did come to shoot me... maybe he had plans of taking me somewhere and killing me?

I watched him pull it out and set it down across the room from me... I knew I wouldn't be coherent enough to even try to shoot him soon. He probably wasn't worried I would try to get it.

"So, this is my payback?" I asked him curiously as we stared at each other, "you drug me and then fuck me? Wouldn't you rather kill me? Where's the satisfaction in doing something you've always done with me?"

Darren smirked a little, "I'll get plenty of satisfaction from this."

His phone rang a few seconds later, he answered it and was talking to someone saying where we were. My vision was beginning to get blurry and I could feel the beginning of what would be a long, deep trip.

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