His Frozen Heart

By SolidInspirit0809

108K 3.8K 566

She's a 17 year old girl who hates her life. She even hated it more when her parents decided to let her stay... More

Merry Christmas
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
!! New Story !!


2.5K 99 12
By SolidInspirit0809


Myungsoo and I went home together and he hasn't been talking to me. He just picked me up in my class and drove all the way here silently. I did not ask him anymore. I was thinking he's tired.

After changing clothes and tying my hair in a messy bun, I went to the kitchen to make myself something to eat for dinner. I am certain that Myungsoo doesn't eat any food because for all we know he's a vampire. And of course, what do vampires eat?

I opened the mini fridge and was shock to see varieties of food. A smile crept up my face thinking that Myungsoo did this for me. I took the strawberry jam as I recall that I saw loaves of bread on the table.

As I am in the middle of spreading the jam on the bread, I paused as I heard something. I hear music coming from a guitar. I moved through the receiving area all the way to the room where I hear the music, taking a bite of my sandwich in the process.

I peeked at our doorless room and saw Myungsoo sitting at the edge of our bed, guitar on his hands. He looks serious as he is trying to get the right tune of the song he's playing.

Even though the room doesn't have any windows, I can still feel the coldness from the outside despite the heater being turned on. I am wearing his long sleeved shirt and pyjamas to make myself warm while he's just wearing a black sleeveless shirt. Cold never seem to bother him, but I figured it's a vampire thing.

I leaned my arm on the frame of the doorless door. This will add to my top favorite moments with him. Watching him playing the guitar washes away any bad feeling I have in my heart.

"I don't know which one you enjoy, eating that sandwich or staring at me," he looks up and smile at me. "C'mere," he leaned the guitar on the wall pats the space beside him. I placed my sandwich on the bedside table and snuggle close to him, burying my face on his chest.

"Is something bothering you?" I asked. "You seem quiet since you picked me up from my class."

He remained silent and I look up at him. "Is something wrong?"

"I love you, Minji," he whispered. I pulled away from him and gave him a shocked expression. This is his first time saying those words to me.

"What?" He chuckled.

"W-What did you say?"

He cups my cheek and stares deep into my eyes. "I said I...Love...You."

I smile like crazy and my heart is pounding like crazy as well. "This... This is your first time saying that to me."

"For the record, this is my first time saying I love you to anyone," he confessed. "I love you, Minji."

"I love you, too," I said and I felt hot liquid flow down my cheeks. I immediately wipe them. "I'm sorry. I'm just... I'm so sorry," I said as I wipe my tears that are continuously rolling down my cheeks.

He grabs my hands and leaned his forehead on mine. "I love you, Myungsoo. I love you so much," I whispered. Instead of answering me, he leaned in and kiss me on my lips.

"I've never felt this way before, Minji. I've never felt this urge of making someone mine. I've never had this feeling of making someone stay," he said between his kisses. "And when we're apart, I feel like something from me is missing."

He pulled away a little and trace my lips with his thumb. "I'll protect you in any way that I can. No one can hurt you, Minji. No one."

I moved closer to him and buried my face in the crook of his neck. He leans on the headboard of the bed, pulling me in his arms. I snuggle closer and even though I know that I can't feel any warm from the coldness of his skin, I didn't mind. Nothing matters as long as I am close to him.


I remove strands of hair away from her lovely face. I lightly kiss her lips, making sure that I won't wake her up. She's asleep now.

I never thought that I'd be this protective towards someone, towards a person. I feel like she's a part of me and if I can't see her or be away from her, I feel like a part of me has been taken away from me. I cringe at that thought and chuckle quietly.

"Cousin..." I heard someone on my mind which made me crease my brows.

"It's me, Woohyun."

My eyebrows creased more and I am now frowning. I tried to shut him out of my mind but I can't. I hate it! Why are his abilities more powerful than mine?!

"You can't shut me out, cousin. You are aware of that." He said and I can imagine him smirking.

"Get the hell away from my mind! Now!" I growled.

"Geez! Will you calm down?"

"What do you want?" I scowled.

"Just wanted to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"How does your girl look like?" I grit my teeth at his question. This bastard really wants some beating.

"Seriously? And now you want to hook up with my girlfriend?" I growled.

"Chill, dude! Just asking." He chuckled. "Saw a piece of your girl's future again but this time, someone's involved."

"What did you see?"

"It's not that clear but I'm certain that it involves an old lady."

Old lady? Who could that be?

"I noticed something with your girlfriend." He said which made me nervous. Different bad thoughts popped out of my mind.

"I noticed that she...." he said and paused like he's thinking. "...has a very nice body. *whistles* Damn, man! You are one lucky man, cousin. Can't wait to see her soon." He said and laughed after. What the hell is this guy? Is he freaking serious right now?!

"Get the hell out of my mind, Woohyun!" I slowly said like I'm warning him.

He continues laughing on my mind which freaking annoys me. "I'm so sorry, dude. I just miss hanging out with you."

"We never hanged out, Woohyun." I told him as a matter of fact. "For the last time, get out of my mind!"

"Didn't we hang out before? But I have these memories that I did." He continues and he's clearly trying to annoy me.

"Cant you understand my words?! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY MIND!" I got so irritated that I was not aware I shouted it out loud. Minji stirred and was startled at what I did.

"What's happening?" She asked.

"Nothing, babe," I said and kissed her forehead. "Go back to sleep," I whispered. She snuggles close to me and wraps her arm around my torso. I scooped her head and serve my hand as her pillow.

I wait for Woohyun's reaction but my mind is quiet now. I waited for a couple of minutes but my mind is very quiet now. Thank goodness! That man really pisses me off! Don't he dare show his face to me tomorrow at school!

Minji stirred which made me cut from my thoughts. She looks up at me with her sleepy eyes. "What are you thinking about?"

I smile at her and dipped down to give her a light kiss. "Nothing. Go back to sleep now," I whispered. She closed her eyes and buried her face in the crook of my neck.

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