Eternal || Elijah Mikaelson

By Breathe_Me

2.7M 80.9K 23.1K

*Wrote this when I was 14, you've been warned*. --------- People would say that the two of them had been in l... More

Description/Trailer/AUTHOR'S NOTE
I - Little Warrior
II - 914
III - The First Hybrid
IV - The Frenzy
V - Leaving Him Behind
VI - Hexed
VII - No Weaknesses
VIII - Because Of Me
IX - Massacre
X - Terrified
XI - Poisonous
XII - Marcel's Rules
XIII - Take A Risk
XIV - His Return
XV - Littlest Wolf
XVI - Every King Needs An Heir
XVII - Speechless Little Klaus
XVIII - Barbie Mikaelson
XIX - Dealer's Choice
XX - Back To Me
XXI - The Devil In Disguise
XXII - Collateral Damage
XXIII - Family & Tequila
XXIV - The Five
XXV - Poisoned Apples
XXVI - Safety
XXVII - Don't Leave Me
XXVIII - Car Doors
XXIX - The Worst Of Him
XXX - My Promise
XXXI - Not His Fault
XXXII - Broken Stitches
XXXIII - It'll Be A Slaughter
XXXIV - Wooden Bullets
XXXV - Everything I Want
XXXVI - Also Unfortunate
XXXVII - More Than I Admit
XXXVIII - Lei Sta Arrivando
XXXIX - Linked
XL - Resurrect
XLI - You Will Regret It
XLII - Ripped To Shreds
XLIII - Welcome Home, Nik?
XLIV - Blood Of A Hybrid
XLV - Candy Crush
XLVI - At Their Mercy
XLVII - Inhabited
XLVIII - Sanitorium
XLIX - I Will Find You
L - Gone Forever
LI - Finally Free
LII - I Know What It's Like
LIII - My Town
LIV - I Regret This Already
LV - Change Of Thought
LVI - They Listen To You
LVII - You Signed The Treaty
LVIII - Worry
LIX - Annihilation
LX - Understanding
LXI - Pain
LXII - Imploding
LXIII - Desiccating
LXIV - First Sight
LXV - This Is For Thierry
LXVI - Gangsters
LXVII - I'm Not Her
LXIX - One Feeling
LXX - Red & Gold
LXXI - I'm Right Here
LXXII - I'm Not Afraid
LXXIII - Now Or Never
LXXIV - Forever
LXXIV - Remind Me
LXXVI - Waiting For Me
LXXVII- Loving Proposition
LXXVIII - Intoxicating
LXXIX - Bloodbath
LXXX - Come In
LXXXI - Tombs
LXXXII - Prey To Predator
LXXXIV - Find A Way
LXXXV - Bonfire
LXXXVII - Trivia
LXXXVIII - Blood Sharing
LXXXIX - Blocked
Author's Note
XC - Maria
XCI - In Good Hands
XCII - Carillon Eve
XCIII - Part Witch
XCIV - Just One Night
XCV - The Vows
XCVI - The Gift
XCVII - Bring Him Back
XCVIII - Any Kind Of Cake
XCIX - Always
C - Darling
CI - Crumble Like A Cookie
CII - Thunder & Lightning
CIII - Best Story Ever Written
CV - Truly Immortal
CVI - Broken Things
CVII - Trust
CVIII - Viking Corpse
New Trailer!
CIX - Trust Her
CX - Burying Your Dead
CXI - Monstrous
CXII - Payment
CXIII - Betrayal Of A Hybrid
CXIV - Darker Turn
CXV - Dahlia
CXVI - A Thousand Ways
CXVII - Burn
CXVIII - Kingmaker
CXIX - Lesson One
CXX - Mr. Castle
CXXI - Fight Back
Author's Note
CXXII - Chant
CXXIII - The Strix
CXXIV - We Always Do
CXXV - Flight Of Stairs
CXXVI - One Of A Kind
I Got Tagged And There Is Nothing You Can Do About It
CXXVII - Mohinder
CXXVIII - Antidotes
CXXIX - Set His Course
CXXXI - Both At Fault
CXXXII - Lock Them Away
CXXXIII - Shen Min
CXXXIV - Little Devil
CXXXV - Pinot Noir
CXXXVI - Ocean
CXXXVII - Save The Devil
CXXXVIII - Fervour
CXXXIX - Devour Us All
CXL - That I Do
CXLI - Right On Time
CXLII - The Last Person
CXLIII - Even When You Hate Him
CXLIV - Tristan's Gift
CXLV - How Disappointing
CXLVI - Regret
CXLVII - I Should Have Killed Him
CXLVIII - "Guess Again"
Author's Note - Gods & Monsters
CXLIX - Unsired Heart
CL - Sever The Link
CLI - Innocence
CLII - Free
CLIII - Default Setting
CLIV - The Usual
CLV ✧ Don't Look Back
CLVI - Allure Of Indoor Plumbing
CLVII - Hate Yourself
CLVIII - Final Step
CLIX - Poisoned Hearts
CLX - Hypocrite
CXLI - Frozen In Time
CLXII - Entries

CIV - Rite Of Nines

10.4K 305 24
By Breathe_Me



K. Enjoy. :)


Chapter One Hundred & Four

"If Eva is back in control of her body, then you need to let the witches put that body down!" Josephine insisted. "Eva will use up your sister, just like she did the others."

"The others?" Hayley asked.

"They first went missing two years ago. Eva and Vincent were together, they were good. We didn't suspect them at first. But Eva was a wild beauty practicing a wild magic, but she and Vincent were so happy that we let them be."

"And then the children began to disappear," Elijah stated.

"Vincent and a group of other witches put locator spells on the children, but the killer had already cloaked them. But because of Vincent's tenacity, she was caught," Josephine stated. "It was his wife, Eva. He caught her, confronted her, and then told us. She wanted three more children."

"Why three?" I asked.

"To complete the Rite of Nines."

"The Rite of Nines?" Gia was just as confused as the rest of us. Well, except for me.

"If she completed the Rite, she would have taken a witch from each of the nine covens," I explained.

Josephine nodded. "Vincent told us that she believed she would create another witch order, a tenth coven in New Orleans that would be stronger than all of them combined."

"But why kids?" Hayley asked.

"They're pure. They have barely used their magic, let alone killed anyone with it. It's untapped. That, and they're easier to take," I told her.

"That's why she went after my baby," Hayley said in realization.

Josephine was grim. "She would have killed your daughter. Channeled her powers, as she did those other poor children..." she swallowed, then became confident again. "We agree, she must be stopped. No more of our youth will die. That is why, Mr. Mikaelson," she stood up. "I will not extend your twenty-four hours."

Elijah was instantly angry, and stood up, seeming quite intimidating. He looked like he wanted to tear that woman apart, and I knew that he would if it would help Rebekah.

"Eva Sinclair now has a bounty on her head."

"You would condemn my sister to her death?" Elijah said, the anger flaring more than before.

"I dislike the term 'collateral damage', but there it is. If one or two must fall in order to take Eva down for good," Josephine paused, licking her lips. "So be it."

"Let me assure you, madame LaRue, we will defend your witches with a fearsome vengeance."

"You have a wonderful way with words. Really. Your cadence is pleasant," Josephine said, seeming to be even more annoyed than before. "Normally, I could listen to it all day long, but I grow tired of this. My mind remains unchanged."

Hayley was pissed off. "Are you serious?!" Josephine looked at her, seeming a little bit offended now. Hayley gestured towards Gia. "She puts on a talent show," she moves to Elijah. "He has every vampire in the Quarter kissing your ass," then she gestured towards me. "And she is one of the strongest witches on earth saying that she will protect you, and your final answer is 'screw you'?!"

"Hayley-" Gia said, standing up and attempting at calming her down.

"Back off!" Hayley growled.

I expected Elijah to start screaming at the both of them, but he directed his frustration to Josephine.

"We came here to honor the alliance between us. If this is something you wish to rescind, so be it," Elijah stated coldly, then turned to leave with Hayley and Gia following after him.

"Don't you dare walk into my house and threaten me!" Josephine shouted. "I am not the one that needs you, Elijah Mikaelson! It is you who needs us, or you will soon enough." Josephine suddenly froze, then turned to find Hayley standing right behind her. She roughly grabbed Hayley's wrists, and I knew that expression. She had just had a premonition. "There's a storm coming, child. Your darkest demons ride upon it. I do not know its name, but when I peer into your future, there is a blackness that should terrify you," she whispered.

Hayley gulped nervously, alarmed by Josephine's words.

"We need to go," I said. They all nodded, walking out of the room, and I turned to face Josephine. "And, Ms. LaRue..." she looked at me with anger still sparking in her eyes. "If you are ever in need of anything, and you call for us... We will not come."

She swallowed, not seeming frightened, but more worried.

We turned and left, heading back to the compound to meet Marcel there.


"Great, so Eva is still in the wind, although now she has a sidekick," Hayley stated after Marcel told us everything that had happened.

"The charming Vincent Griffith," Elijah sighed.

"It gets worse. If EVa has Davina, then she has eight of the witches she needs to finish the ritual. She just needs one more," Marcel told us.

"If she comes after Hope," Hayley said in a warning voice. "Rebekah or no Rebekah, I will put her down for good."

"No, Hayley, you most certainly will not," I growled, causing her to narrow her eyes at me ever so slightly. "We will take care of Eva or Rebekah. If it makes you feel better, then lock yourself in your room with Hope and keep her safe. We will handle Eva."

"Fortify this house," Elijah said. "When they do come, kill him. Capture her."

"Capture?" Hayley asked angrily.

"I will not abandon my sister," Elijah said sternly, making Hayley seem a little taken aback. "Now gather what wolves you have. With Vincent by her side, she will strike with considerable force."

Elijah and I both left the room, and Elijah looked back at me with a concerned expression when he saw that I was somewhat confused.

"This isn't Vincent," I said. "Something's off. He doesn't seem the type for betrayal. He wouldn't risk the lives of children, I know he wouldn't."

"How do you know?" he asked.

"I just do... I have a good feeling about this, Elijah, and usually I'm right if I trust my gut."

He nodded once. "Yes... I truly hope that you are right, Roseia. I quite liked Vincent. Hopefully he informs us of his alternative plans, if he has any," he said, licking his lips. "Until then, we can only wait to either be attacked, or to recieve good news from him."

We didn't have to wait long.

Gia, Elijah, and I were all standing downstairs at the front entrance. Hayley came down the stairs to meet us, seeming relieved, but also annoyed.

"Still no sign of her. What the hell is Eva waiting for?" she asked.

"She didn't wait," Marcel said, walking over to us. "She took Josephine LaRue not half an hour ago."

That was why she wasn't here. She wasn't planning on coming for Hope at all.

"If Eva doesn't need Hope, then where would she go?"

"Same place she kept all the other captives, where she took Davina," Marcel said, frowning a little when he said her name.

"A place no one has been able to find for two years," Elijah's eyes narrowed in concentration.

Marcel's phone rang in his pocket, and he pulled it from his pocket. He looked down at the contact, sighing in annoyance before turning his back to us and answering it.

"When I find you, I am going to rip your head from your neck," he threatened.

"You might wanna hold off on that decapitation," Vincent said. "I found them all. Davina's alive," he panted, sounding like he had just fought someone. Perhaps he had. "Sorry, I had to make it look convincing! If you were in on the plan, Eva woulda known."

"Yeah, blasting me through a couple glass doors really sold it. Alright, round of applause. Now what?" Marcel asked, a little less annoyed now.

Vincent was silent for a second. "Tsk. Now we got a problem. These kids, they're all linked to her. If she dies, they all die."

"So we'll find a witch to unlink them," Marcel stated.

"We're gonna need somebody with some serious power," Vincent said.

Marcel turned his attention to me, and I swallowed as he hung up the phone.

"Can you do it?" Marcel asked.

"I can try..." I looked to Elijah. "But in all honesty, Freya would be a better bet."

"Why?" Gia asked. "I thought you were stronger than her."

"Yes, I could be, but... Think of it as a rechargeable battery. I've been using my power all my life, while Freya has been asleep for a thousand years. She's completely charged, while I'm not," I said. "I can still try it, though," I swallowed again, looking down at my feet.

"Rose, what might happen if you do this?" Hayley asked, narrowing her eyes at me suspiciously. I didn't say anything, and she figured it out on her own. "You could die, couldn't you?" I still didn't reply. "Alright, Freya it is, then."

"We need to find Freya and Klaus," Elijah said hurriedly. "Now."  

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