Twisted Truth (Sequel to "Twi...

Bởi sassygirl93

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{Sequel To 'Twisted Words And Twisted Lies! Make sure you read 'Twisted Words And Twisted Lies' before readin... Xem Thêm

Twisted Truth (Sequel to "Twisted Words And Twisted Lies") [Harry Styles Fanfic]
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
Chapter 37:
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44:
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48:
Chapter 49:
Chapter 50 (Epilogue)

Chapter 1:

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Bởi sassygirl93

Anna’s POV

It’s been 8 long months since I left London. I’m currently living in a flat in LA. Within a week of being in LA I got a roommate and her name is Mia. She is my closet friend here in LA, but she still doesn’t know much about me. She knew whom I was from when we met, since I was known in the media/tabloids as ‘The girl who cheated on Harry Styles’, but she respected me enough to ask what really happened. I told her the truth, because I didn’t want to live with someone who believed the tabloids, but I felt like she needed to know what really happened, since I was kind of an emotional wreck when I got to LA, so I figured my roommate needed to kind of know why. I didn’t want her to think I was psycho or anything. Once I told her what happened and why I left London, she never brought it up unless I did, which was very rarely. She has met Louis once, when he surprised me by showing up at my flat one day. To this day I don’t know how he found out where I live.

I talk to Louis at least once a month, but that was it. He was pissed that I left without a proper goodbye, but he never really did apologize for not listening to my side of the story 8 months ago. Shit! Louis and the guys still didn’t know what really happened. I don’t talk to the boys and they don’t talk to me. After I left London I cut ALL ties with them. I deleted the Twitter, Instagram, and any other social websites they created for me. I still have their phone numbers, but they are in my British phone and I don’t use my ‘British’ cell phone. I have an American phone that I use and only Louis, Joey, Max, Kasey, Zoe, Jay, and Louis’ sisters know that number. And they know my house number. I didn’t’ rush and give Louis my mobile number, but Louis literally demanded for my mobile number for when he was in town.

Over the last eight months I made little changes in myself. For instance I cut and died my hair. My hair is now a bit passed my shoulder with a lot of blonde highlights in it, which made it look like I’m a blonde. (Her new hair on sidebar) I donated the hair I cut to ‘Lock of Love’, which was a company of sorts that you could donate your hair and they would make wigs for people who have lost their hair to cancer or another disease.

I’m currently sitting on my bed (Her bedroom on sidebar) on my computer (the one I got for my birthday from the boys) replying to some emails about my clothing line. I’ve worked so hard in the last eight months. I’ve worked really hard in designing and then bring to life my own clothing line. I had a fashion show last month to show off my designs and it went well. In the coming weeks it will officially go on sale to the public online, and I can’t wait. So that is why I have so many emails I need to reply too, so I can solve any last minute issues before my clothes go on sale.

“Anna, you got a phone call!” Mia yelled from another room. I got off my bed and walked to the living room.

“Who is it?” I asked when I reached her.

“Louis.” She shrugged as she handed me the phone. I nodded and grabbed the phone out of her hands and walked back to my room. I closed the door behind me as I spoke into the phone.

“Hello.” I said.

“Hiya love. How are you?” Louis cheered into the phone. I rolled my eyes at him even though he couldn’t see me.

“Fine, you?” I asked even though I didn’t really care. I know that sounds harsh, but I really don’t care.

“I’m good, thanks.” Louis sighed.

“Is there a reason why you called?” I asked. He called me two weeks ago, so I wasn’t expecting to hear from him until next month. I heard him take a deep breath before he spoke.

“Well it’s August right?’ He asked.

“Yea…” I said.

“The lads and I are renting a beach house, and no not the normal one. That one wasn’t available. Any who we are taking a month off from life and just staying at this beach house. It’s in Malibu, and I was hoping you would come down for next week. My mum and sisters are coming for the week and we would love to see you. “ He stopped and took a breath. I was just shocked and speechless.

“I know you haven’t talked or seen the guys since you left, but I would really like to spend some time with you as does my family.” He said. ‘So the guys don’t want to see me SURPRISE!’ I thought to myself.

“C’mon Anna please just come for a week. Mia already said you could take a week off.” He added when I didn’t say anything. I rolled my eyes knowing she wouldn’t have thought twice about answering Louis if he asked her if I could take a week off, so I couldn’t really be mad at her.

“I will think about it.” I sighed while rubbing my forehead.

“Harry wont be there while you are there. He is going home next week, so he is coming the following week.” Louis said.

“Like I said I will think about it.” I said again. Yes, I was relived that Harry wouldn’t be there but I still had to be around the other guys. I’m sure Eleanor will be there as well as will Perrie.

“Alright, please just tell me within the next couple of days. I will email you the details of the house, so you can have them. I would really like for you to come.” He said into the phone.

“Ok I will let you know in a day or two.” I said simply.

“Please actually think about it. I guess I will talk to soon then. Bye Anna.” He said.

“I said I would. Bye Louis.” I said hanging up the phone. I let out a sigh as I walked back into the living room to put the phone on the charger.

“Why did he ask me if you could have next week off?” Mia asked. She was sitting on the couch eating some lunch.

“He wants me to go down to Malibu and stay with him and guys next week. Apparently Jay, Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy, and Phoebe will be going as well.” I said sitting down on the chair that was not far from where Mia was sitting.

“I would say that’s cool, but I know for you it’s not.” She chuckled.

“Yeah exactly.” I sighed.

“Are you going to go? Will HE be there?” She asked. I knew she was refereeing to Harry.

“Louis said he is coming the following week, so I don’t think so.” I spoke honestly.

“I think you should go. I mean HE won’t be there and maybe you can at least make things not awkward between you and the boys.” She shrugged.

“I doubt they want me there. IF they wanted to contact me they could have, but they didn’t all this time, so I don’t think they want to see me let along spend a week with me.” I spoke simply.

“You should call your mum and talk to her. She will tell you if you should go or not. I mean she is straight forward with you about everything so I have a feeling she would tell you to skip this ‘trip’ if it was smart or what not.” She shrugged. Over the last six months I began calling Jay my mum and the girls my sisters. When I left London I talked to Jay and the girls a lot. They became my rocks and kept me from breaking. I don’t know if Louis knows I call Jay ‘my mum’ but I really don’t care. She told me I could call her that, because she looks at me like her daughter and well I look at her like the mother figure I NEVER had.

“Yeah, I guess I could call her. I can also see if Louis is just telling me that Harry won’t be there just so I will come. She should know if he is going to be there or not.” I said.

“You think he would lie and tell you Harry won’t be there just so you will come?” Mia asked.

“Yupp.” I said without hesitation.

“Well I hope for his sake that he isn’t lying.” She smirked at me. She knew how angry I still am with Louis, so I have very little patience with him.

“Well I guess I’m going to go call my mum.” I said standing up.

“Okay, let me know what she says.” She smiled at me. I nodded and went to grab the house phone again, since it was cheaper for me to call England form the house phone then my cell phone.

I dialed her number as soon as I sat down on my bed.

“Hi babe.” Mum said into the phone.

“Hey! Can I ask you something?” I asked her not wasting any time.

“Of course. What’s up? “She asked.

“Louis called me and asked me to stay at the beach house with you all next week. He said Harry won’t be there, but I don’t really believe him. Should I go? Will Harry actually be there?” I rambled. I heard her laugh a bit before containing herself a bit.

“As far as I know Harry won’t be there and I think you should go. Besides the fact that the girls and I want to see you I think, or well I know Louis wants to make things right between you. He knows you are still very angry with him and it hurts him. You don’t have to talk to the other boys if you don’t want to while we are there.” Mum said into the phone. I felt so much better knowing Harry won’t be there if I do decided to go, but I’m still nervous about seeing the other guys. I took a moment to think before I spoke again.

“Alright I guess I will go, but if I’m to uncomfortable I’m leaving and not staying the whole week.” I said honestly.

“Oh I’m so glad. I really want to see you, as do the girls. Speaking of here is Lottie.” She said.

“Hey Anna. I can’t freaking wait to be able to buy your line soon. I’ve been telling all my friends that my big sister’s clothing line will be on sale online world wide next week.” Lottie squealed into the phone. I couldn’t help but laugh at her.

“Oh are you going to the beach house next week or should I say in 3 days.” Lottie giggled.

“Well thanks for spreading the word. It means the world to me it truly does. Plus you don’t have to buy anything I can get you girls whatever you want.” I chuckled. I had talked to Lottie and Fizzy the other day and told them I will get them whatever they want, just to tell me what pieces they really want.

“I know, but we want to buy something to support you.” She said.

“Well thank you and to answer your question it does appear that I will be meeting you all at the beach house on Monday.” I said. I had a feeling I was going to regret my decision to go, but I really want to see my mum and sisters. And talking to them made me really realize that.

“Oh my god I can’t wait. We are going to have so much fun. Ahhhh! I gotta go tell Fizzy and the twins. I will see you in three days. Love you! Here is mum.” Lottie squealed before handing the phone back to mum.

“You don’t have to get them stuff. We can buy it ourselves.” Mum sighed into the phone.

“Nah I already planned on sending the girls a bunch of stuff. I made some separate stuff for the twins since they won’t fit into my clothing line.” I smiled even though she couldn’t see me.

“Well thank you and they will love that. I won’t tell them so it can be a surprise. Look love I gotta go and start dinner. I will talk to you soon if not I will see you Monday. I’m glad you decided to go we will have fun I just know it.” She cheered into the phone.

“Not a problem and I can’t wait to see you all. I miss you. Tell everyone i say hi and I will see you soon.” I said.

“Will do bye love.” She said.

“Bye.” I said before hanging up. I threw my body down on my bed so I was lying on my back. After I laid down staring at the ceiling I decided I should go ahead and call Louis and get it over with. I dialed his number and waited for him to answer.

“That was quick.” Louis said when he picked the phone up.

“Look I will come, but my roommate is coming with me.” I stated.

“YAY!!!!” Louis yelled into the phone.

“Well I’m going to go see you Monday, bye.” I said, I didn’t wait for him to respond before I hung up.

“MIA!” I shouted

“WHAT HAPPENED?” She burst through my door with a panicked look on her face.

“You are coming with me to Malibu, so pack your bags we leave Monday morning. I’m driving.” I told her.

“Wait I’m coming with you to Malibu to spend the week with One Direction?” She asked. I shook my head yes.

“Damn, well okay.” She laughed. She wasn’t really a fan of One Direction, but she did know some of their music.

“Well I will go start packing my bags.” She sighed. She hated packing just as much as I hated Unpacking.

“Okay. Thanks for coming with me.” I said before she could leave my room.

“You didn’t give me a choice Anna, but you know I would have gone if you did give me a choice in the matter.” She smiled at me.

“Still, I thank you.” I said. She smiled back at me before leaving the room and probably going over to her room to start packing.

‘Going to Malibu might be the stupidest decision I just made’ I thought to myself as I walked over to my closet to start packing……..

A/N: There it is the FIRST chapter of the Sequel :D

I’m so excited to see what you all think of it so far….. I mean you all liked the Summary, so I’m sure you will like this!

What do you all think of Anna and her life in LA?

She is still extremely angry with Louis and the guys and the guys + Louis seem to still believe she cheated on Harry!

Will she finally be able to tell her side of the story at the beach house?

Will Harry be in Malibu or was Louis telling the truth and Harry won’t be there?

Comment and tell me what you think!


PLEASE don’t forget to VOTE!


As of right now I will be posting at least one chapter a day, unless I get a crazy amount of VOTES and COMMENTS then I might post another chapter :P





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