♡ My Cinderella Ending ♥ [An...

By lelai_

18.3K 407 63

Does every princess get a Cinderella ending? Does true love exist? What will happen when Austin leaves for to... More

My Cinderella Ending ♥ [An Austin Mahone Fan Fiction]
Getting Ready
It's A-A-Austin
Dating? ♡
Together Now
♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡Happy Birthday Selena Gomez♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡
Car Rides
Yum Yum
Wrecking Ball
--Note--Please Read!--

The Stage

704 25 4
By lelai_

I shot Rebecca and Claire a 'oops, your plan backfired' look. Their mouths still down, Austin patted a stool sending me a message that I should sit down. I sat down and Austin shouted into the mic, "Ladies and gentleman, this gorgeous girl is going to be my princess tonight."

He began singing a song that meant a lot to me. "Sing along if you know the lyrics," Austin said.

The gorgeous music was played by the pianist and Austin sang to me showering me with his love, 

" We were lost in the middle like bottles in the ocean

But we found one another

Like the answer to a question

Like words to a love song

Like a river to the red sea

Finding you was so hard

But loving you is easy---"

He sings so beautifully ♥. I am very thankful that he decided to help me out.

Austin kept singing and I kept staring.

When there came a point when the song was instrumental Austin turned to me, caressing my hair and kissed my cheek. I smiled as wide as I could, knowing that half of Los Angeles was staring at me and how Austin kissed me. ♥

This day is the best day of my life.

Austin sang some more and when it ended, Austin gave me a hug and whispered for me to meet him in his dressing room.

Quickly I got out my phone from my pocket and found that I had six texts. All from Rebecca and Claire.

-How dare you go up on that stage with Austin-

-How'd that happen?-

Those were from Claire.

-I thought you didn't have a ticket for the concert-

-How did you even get into the concert?-

-I hate you, you know that?-

-You should think about what you did. How do you think we felt?-

And the rest were from Rebecca.

I laughed because they were jealous of me. Yes! Me!! Out of all the people in the world, they were jealous of me! I should feel bad in a way, but I don't!!

I reached Austin's dressing room. The dressing room was gorgeous! It had red wallpaper, a leather chair, tons of pizza, a mirror and a rack with all his clothes.

I sat on the leather chair tweeting. I had about 93 new followers, compared to my 46 followers I had before. I'm glad this happened. A bunch of people I don't even know started tweeting me and asking if I had Austin's number. As if. Even if I did have it, I wouldn't give it to anyone. AT ALL!

The concert must have ended because Austin walked into his dressing room and said, "Hey Cheyanne!"

"Austin! You did great," I got up and gave him a hug.

He smiled back at me, and hugged me back. ♥ He stared right into my eyes and I swear he was going to kiss me, but Austin's manager barged into Austin's dressing room.

Ugh. Perfect timing...

Austin and I quickly let go of each other pretending like nothing happened between us even though we obviously know something did. Skipping a beat, and racing faster than ever, my emotions on the outside were normal. Nothing suspicious and nothing mysterious ever happened.

Austin failed to show normal expressions due to his wild blushing and crazy smiling.

Then Mama Mahone ♥, his gorgeous mom walked through the door smiling, "Hey honey!" Her facial expression quickly changed. Michele, Austin's mom smirked. Michele turned to me and quickly gave me a cuddly hug, "Hi sweetie. What's your name?"

"Cheyanne," I smiled.

"Well it's nice to meet you! You are so gorgeous!"

I could see from the corner of my eye that Austin was blushing. Austin's cheeks were as red as an apple. He'd be a delicious apple....

"Mooommmm," Austin groaned.

"What? Aren't you two dating or something? You two are so cute!" Mama Mahone remarked.

Aw, she thought we are dating ♥!

Author's Note:

Hi there! This chapter was just a quicky update I hope you liked it! Please comment and vote!! (: Uhmmm, Listen to Loving You Is Easy by Austin Mahone!

Vote if you're a Mahomie! Comment!! And also vote if you liked it! <3>

Even though I prob don't even have any haha.. Okay, well I'ma type up the next chapter!!!

Byyeee (:

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