Twisted Knot

By Unevenfeets

46.2K 1.4K 122

Preview: "I can't come home Stefan," I said into the phone. "I can't look at you, let alone sleep in your bed... More

standing date (edited)
Just a piece of pie
Memories and propositions (edited)
the first twist (edited)
Playing His Game (Edited)
A Second Twist (edited)
seduction over thievery
thresholds and being held
Uneasy Truths
some sort of sickness
A chance meeting
Uncle Davis
group therapy
missing person
separation anxiety
Two names on a list
Paris Nights
This particular woman
Promises and secrets
safe house blues
Breaking point
another goodbye
More Bad News
Different shades of black
Bella and Isabella
Definitely, Maybe, Someday
Epilogue: New beginnings
Author's note

Deal breakers

935 35 2
By Unevenfeets


I woke up to Paul holding me tightly, snoring quietly in my ear. For the first time in a long time, I woke up smiling.

Sure, it was screwed up a little. Maybe it was wrong, maybe it was too soon. But I felt honest to goodness down to my toes happy, and that was something. And I could feel that Paul was just as satisfied to have me, and that was the difference. With Stefan, even when I'd gotten what I needed, I knew he hadn't. I wasn't enough for him, even if he said I was. That's why he used, and why he cheated. It's why Kelsey had happened, even after we'd had that amazing moment together. No matter what I did, Stefan's pain would be a deeper void than I what I had to fill it with. And I was exhausted from trying, and in that exhaustion, I'd fallen for Paul. I could admit it now, the feelings I had. I loved Paul, and I didn't know how to turn it off. I didn't want to.

I rolled over and kissed Paul's neck, remembering the night before. I remembered every touch and screaming out. I remembered the way he'd felt on top of me, pressing against me and into me. I'd dug my nails into his back and he still had scratches. I kissed up to his ear and nibbled on it. I had slept in a baggy t shirt, but Paul was still naked. I did not mind one bit, watching his muscular body in the daylight. I kissed downward towards his chest.

"God Liz," He said. "It is like five thirty in the morning..." He didn't really sound angry. His voice sort of hummed with desire. I stopped and rested my head on his chest, listening to his heart.

"Paul, I am a morning person," I said. "And Jeremy has a soccer game at nine."

"You're a morning person! I think that could be a deal breaker..."

"Really, that is the deal breaker? Not the husband or the fact that I'm pushing thirty."

"I'm pushing forty," he said. "I'm the same age as your husband, remember." I laughed and went back to kissing his chest quickly, then resting again.

"Elizabeth, you know there will never be a deal breaker with you right? I try to think, but there is nothing you could do. I love you."

"I love you too," I said, realizing I hadn't said it before. "Paul, I am happy. Right here, I am genuinely happy."

"I am glad," Paul said. "That's all I want. It's much more convenient if your happiness can come from a night of steamy sex with me, but that's just my preferences." I giggled and looked him in the eye.

"Paul," I said, quirking a brow. "I think I can change your mind about mornings." I kissed him quickly and then I moved downward, placing butterflies kisses down his stomach. I could feel his smile, and I kept going. Stefan never like it when I went down on him; he liked being in control constantly. But I wasn't thinking of Stefan, not right then.

My lips reached Paul in just the right place, and I went for it. I heard him groan and felt his fingers lace through my hair as I made love to him with my mouth, enjoying it much more than I had expected. I was feeling particularly naughty in the best way when my phone buzzed.

"Dotn get that," Paul moaned. I pulled away, reaching for it. It was Stefan, and I didn't care right at that moment. I turned it off and looked at Paul mischievously.

"Where we're we, Mr. Davis," I asked.

"I believe you were fulfilling all of my fantasies," Paul said. "But who was that? It could be important..." Before I could respond, Paul's phone buzzed. I grabbed it, seeing it was from Stefan. I picked it up and answered, seeing Paul grin.

"Hello Stefan," I said. "is there an emergency."

"Sorry interrupt my best friend and my wife in bed," Stefan said. I rolled my eyes.

"If you're waiting for me to deny it, don't," I said. "I have nothing to hide Stefan. Remember, we're being honest now."

"Whatever," Stefan said. I put it on speakerphone. "I need to talk to you. We have a problem."

Paul rolled over, covering himself with a blanket. I sighed in disappointment.

"Are you alright," I asked. Stefan chuckled and then stopped, showing me he wasn't kidding.

"Beth, it's that detective. He called me already, and it's not good. Another woman got murdered, and you were the last one seen with her." I took in a deep breath.

"How do you know that," I said. "Who was it?"

"Don't be mad, especially considering you're in bed with Davis, so judgement seems silly now..." Stefan said. I looked at Paul and back at the phone.

"Just say it," Paul said. "Who did you sleep with, and how did she die?"

"Donna Lyman," Stefan said. I gasped and punch the pillow.

"Damnit Stefan, you slept with our realtor! I just saw her, and she asked about you. I thought she was being nice, and she was so smug when I said we were separating."

"And now she's been murdered," Stefan said, his voice heavy. "It is official. Someone is murdering my old lovers."

"It has to be a coincidence," Paul said. "Unless, did any of these women get...intense. Has one of them threatened you?" I looked at Paul and took his hand, feeling upset.

"A few have," Stefan said. "I gave the list of the detective. He thinks that I am responsible, and since I have an alibi, he thinks Beth is responsible."

"I saw her, but that was days ago," I said. "I'll call Jacob, just of be safe."

"Well, I am sorry," Stefan said. "in case I didn't feel shitty enough, women are now dying because they slept with me."

"I think Beth and Jeremy should come stay with me," Paul said, abruptly. "If someone is targeting women connected to you, isn't it logical that Beth is their ultimate target?"

"I agree," Stefan said. "I hate it, but I agree." I didn't know what to say.

"Stefan," I said quietly. "I will call you later. I need to talk to Jacob, and then I need to talk to Paul."

"I love you Beth, and I am still sorry." I looked at Paul and exhaled, feeling out of sorts.

"I know, and even if we're not together, I love you too. We will get through this."

"And Davis," Stefan said. "I want to kill you, but I love you man. Take care of my wife."

With that awkward sentiment, Stefan hung up and I took a deep breath.

""Beth," Paul said. I turned to him, feeling numb. Things weren't easy, and I felt my happiness fading. "There are no deal breakers Elizabeth, not even now."

"Are you sure," I said. He kissed me and I stirred in his arms. I didn't know if Paul would ever have enough craziness, but I was certain me meant when he said he loved me. Why else would he be here?

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