Author's note

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first of all, I'd like to give another shout to my two editors, adam_and_jane and ErinRaechelle for their help and hard work.

I just wanted to say thank you to all who read this, I really enjoyed writing it and I am sad it's over. I don't normally write "adult" books or darker material, and I kept worrying that the content was too explicit or not enough, but in the end I'm happy with the story. It's currently being edited, thank you if you stuck with me through grammar, spelling,and comma fails. I'm not a professional, and I stink at self editing.

The idea for this book came from when I read "Anna Karenina" by Tolstoy for the 7th time. (I've read it 12 times, its my favorite book. I tend to read Tolstoy and listen to sad music during a certain time of the month...) but the 7th time I read I had been drinking a little, and ihad this "brilliant" idea to write a modern adaptation of the book, but to make it a murder mystery. The next morning, I had a napkin based novel begun, and it was hilarious. (Don't drink and write people, it gets weird). But the idea still stuck in my head to do some sort of modern adaptation of the book, considering the differences between 21st century America and 19th century Russia. From there,I came up with the ideas for Twisted Knot. It's definitely tips it's hat to Tolstoy (such some of the names. Stefan is a hint at Stiva/Stepan, because Stefan's characters is darker Stiva.) originally, Elizabeth was named Donna and was supposed of be like Dolly, but I changed her name as she began her own character. Sorry for ranting about my story, I just wanted to explain what I've written here.

I'd also like to say that this book is not an instruction manual. I would say you shouldn't do any of the things the characters do, unless you want to ruin your life. I'm a married woman, and I'd never cheat, so it felt weird writing it. But it's ok to explore things in writing that are dangerous in reality, right?

I hope you enjoyed it. Please, if you finished it, leave me a comment or a message me. There are a lot of reads on this and not a lot of comments, so I'm curious. Who the heck are you people? What did you think? I'll even dedicate a chapter to a commenter , bc I'd like more feedback. Just saying.

Either way, thanks for following me on the journey.


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