Playing His Game (Edited)

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I was trying to take a bubble bath, and my phone was chirping like a hungry baby bird. Jesus Stefan, since when are you needy? It was nice, in a way; the pestering showed me he was petrified. If he didn't care, he would be asleep right now. God I was so pathetic, getting excited that my husband felt bad for cheating on me. Maybe I should leave him, after all, what did I have to loose? My house, my son's happiness, my reputation, and the love of my life... Not to mention the ironclad pre-nup and the fact that my husband knew certain secrets abut me. God, was I staying with him to hide secrets?

The more I thought about it, the more Stefan's little wager sounded good. I mean, what would it hurt to ruffle my feathers for a night? I had permission, so I wasn't cheating. And I knew Stefan; he only offered his little plan because he assumed his prim and proper little wife would never dream of touching another man. He assumed I'd never do a lot of daring things, maybe that was why he turned to other women. Was I not adventurous enough for him? Was there a possibility I had some responsibility in his affair? Maybe he really wanted me to sleep with another man, just to see if I am secretly a wild woman.

I mean, we'd been married nine years. Sex was a routine now, not a fantasy. God, I was a desperate housewife, wasn't I? I checked my phone and saw a text from Paul and a text from Stefan. Paul apologized for kissing me, and asked if I was alright. He'd never texted me before, and it made me nervous. Stefan told me he was sending something over to the hotel, an apology gift. I turned my phone off and got out of the tub, bubbles dripping onto the floor. I put on a robe and heard a knock. I answered it to see a hotel clerk standing there, smiling.

"Good evening Mrs. Templeton," he said. He held out a box, a brown satin gift box with a red bow on top. A gift from Stefan. I took it and tipped the man, hoping on the bed. I unwrapped the box like I was unlocking a bomb, in record time. I gasped when I saw what was inside.

It was a piece of red lingerie with see through with little bows and lace. A matching robe and stockings were included, and I just stared. This was not an appropriate apology gift. I saw a small letter included, and I wondered how he'd gotten hold of a secretary to do this so late at night.

"Beth, here is something to make you feel beautiful. My offer still stands; you can have a night of freedom, no consequences. The choice is yours. Either way, I will be waiting for you. Stefan."

My husband bought me sexy underwear to wear for another man. What was wrong with him, honestly? I turned over the paper and saw more writing.

By the way, just in case you aren't feeling brave, I'm sending a suitor your way. Have a fun night.

My husband was sending some pervert here to seduce me, so he can feel less guilty. Is that even rational? I was sick of his games, and never being sure what part to play. Suddenly, I felt an anger I hadn't felt before, not even when I saw those pictures of Isabelle.

"You want me to cheat too," I said, talking aloud. "Fine Stefan, I am going to enjoy myself. Because I am adventurous, and I deserve some fun too." I turned on my phone and put on the lingerie, feeling crazed. I took a picture of myself in the bathroom mirror and texted Stefan.

"I'm calling your bluff, hubby," I wrote, pushing send. I looked good in the picture, and a part of me hoped Stefan would rush down to the hotel and steal me away. I heard my phone chirp again.

"I'm not bluffing," the text read. "Let's even the score and start over fresh."

"Even the score," I said, looking down at my sexy outfit. "Fine Stefan, I can play your game. This time, I am going to win." I looked at my phone, and decided to dial Paul's number. Stefan never said I had to do things his way.

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