group therapy

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I held my wife’s hand, bringing her to my room. I’d been good and avoided Kelsey, and her pills, but I still felt guilty. Beth was so trusting and her faith in me was endless, no matter what. Having another affair in rehab, I am positive that is the breaking point. She smiled and commented that everyone on staff seemed lovely, and I smiled.

“So how is Davis doing with his new job as a babysitter,” I asked. She smiled.

“He is good with Jeremy,” she said. “There was talk of go carts and arcades. I think he might be an awesome uncle.”

“That’s good,” I said. “I guess we might not even need a gay nanny.”

            She sat down on the bed and asked me about my treatment. I described it to her, the group therapy, the one on one session, and the meetings with a doctor. It was all a standard routine to me by now. She sat on the bed and looked at me, questioning why I was so distant. I could read her eyes, knowing she’d never say the words aloud. Beth was quiet, gentle, and loving. She wasn’t deceitful, and she trusted first no matter what. Some people would see her as naive, I saw her as brave.

“So what are we doing today?” She asked.

“Well, its family day,” I said. “We have an hour to ourselves to catch up, and then we go to group therapy together. It’s pretty relaxed.”

            “Alright,” she said. Beth spread out on the bed and raised her eyebrows at me flirtatiously. I chuckled, but didn’t know what to do. I still felt like an asshole for cheating again. Still, I sat beside her and kissed her, feeling so overwhelmed by her nearness. God, I’d missed her scent and the feel of her in my arms. I’d missed my wife. I kissed her again, overcome by the emotion and she leaned backwards as I pressed against her. I started to kiss her neck and she closed her eyes.

“I miss you so much,” I said, finally believing my words. She hummed in my ear as I kissed down her neck, onto the open part of her shirt and down her collarbone.

            Suddenly, she stiffened and I felt her arms push back.

“What is it?” I asked. “The doors lock when they shut, we are alone.” He face was pale and her eyes started to water.

“Stefan, why is there women’s underwear on your floor?” I looked down, and saw a tiny pink thong underneath my desk. How did I not see that there before? I felt my world crashing down, and I felt my mouth go dry like a desert.

“What, I have no idea,” I said. “That must have been there from the last resident, which is strange…”

“Oh my God Stefan,” she said. “Tell me the truth, I deserve that.”

            I didn’t say anything, but looked down in shame. Before I could respond, there was a knock at my door. Beth stood up and walked to the door, shooting eye daggers at me. If looks could kill, her eyes would have left me bloody. Beth opened the door and Kelsey was there.

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