seduction over thievery

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There are probably a hundred different ways to tell a woman you love her. In a hotel room, late at night, while she is pining away for an adulterous husband is not a recommended choice.

I waited for her reply, watching confusion wash over her eyes and face. God, I was a terrible friend, and not just to Liz. I had just told her all of Stefan’s secrets, maybe he deserved it, but what right did I have to interfere? None, I had none. Liz did not belong to me. Clearly her husband was an ass, but she had loved him for almost a decade.

"Don't respond," I said. "It isn't fair for me to tell you those things. You're married, and until that stops being true, my feelings are irrelevant." 

"No they're completely relevant Paul. I care....but I'm a mess. I can't even think about you or the possibility of..." 

"I understand," I said. "Listen, just take a deep breath and try to relax. You need to sleep sometime tonight. I'm going to call your husband and...discuss some things with him. Just have a drink, ok?"

Liz nodded, and I stepped into the hallway, dialing Stefan. It was late, but I dialed away.

The second ring, he picked up and answered cautiously.  

"You sonofabitch! Are you kidding me right now? Lying to me, well, that's not surprising. But how in the hell could you treat your wife, whom I am desperately in love with, like shit for so long? I assumed she was horrible or unattractive, or that she hated you. That woman is crazy about you Stefan, and I have no fucking clue why. And why would you let me spend months, pining away after her, without mentioning she was you wife. YOUR WIFE!" 

I took a breathe, pausing.

"I had to know if she would be faithful," Stefan said. "It was a test, and I was hoping she would fail. Because then we could we even the score and start over. But she never took your bait, did she Davis?" 

The pride in his voice disgusted me. I wanted to kill him, and it terrified me how angry I was.

"She is a kind person, not some God damned chess piece you can manipulate, Stefan."

More silence. I just seethed, wondering if she was listening at the door.

"I take it since you’re talking to me, my lovely wife hasn't made you the offer you couldn't refuse..." 

"Excuse me," I shouted.

He just laughed, maniacally. What a psychopath my friend was. I was very seriously considered revoking our friendship and just stealing his wife. For good.

I just needed Elizabeth's permission first.

"I made my wife a deal," Stefan said. "She gets a free pass to do whatever she wants, with whomever she wants... She got mad, because she assumed I only made the offer because I knew she wouldn't take it. And I still doubt she will. But I know at one point she was going to go through with it. She texted me at 11:00. She told me she was going to have her fling, in less words, just to get back at me. Check your phone, did she call her friend Paul?"

I sighed, and considered my words.

"You're a sick bastard Stefan. And I don't know what you told you wife, but I don't plan on seducing her for a night. I plan on stealing her, forever, and you know I have just as much money to take care of her. I told her everything, about every affair. She's going to leave you..." 

"So you told her about my addiction too..." He let his voice trail off. I said nothing.

"No, I didn't. I do maintain some loyalty Stefan." 

"Good," he said. "Good luck stealing my wife, but she can't be stolen. I have an insurance policy on our marriage, that's for sure. But show her a good time; she deserves it. And if she feels guilty in the morning, her forgiveness will come that much cheaper." 

"I hate you," Paul said. "And I'll take her away from you. You can't give her the love she deserves." 

"But I give her what she wants, and I have for ten years. So you get one night to get this crush out of your system, and then it's over." 

"We will see," I said. I hung up and instantly checked my phone. I had a missed call at 11:05. She had wanted me, but for how long?

I opened the door and somehow noticed for the first time her robe was covering something red and lacy, something for my eyes only.

"What does he have against you," I said. "I have money, if it's a pre-nup keeping you with him. What is he holding per your head?" 

"Blackmail," she said quietly. "And I can't tell you; I won't tell you."

I shrugged, suspecting this much. I walked over to her and touched her face, knowing this night wouldn't happen easily. At first, I hadn't known what I wanted to do when I walked into the room, but I did now. Seeing her waiting for me, in that red silk robe with God knows what underneath, I became a man with a need. I kissed her, and she stiffened at first before she gave in, wrapping her arms around me.

It would take some effort, but I would win her heart. Not just for a night, but for life.

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