Bella and Isabella

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“We need to do some minor surgery,” The doctor said. “He should be fine, but there is some debris in his arm we need to remove. It will be a couple of hours.” I nodded absently.

“Ok,” I said. “I guess I can live with that. Just a little debris, just some minor surgery.”

“There is a waiting room out here,” he said. “Jeremy should be stitched up in an hour…And Mrs. Templeton, I’m very sorry for what you’ve been through. I heard about the bomb.”

“Thank you,” I said. “Do you know anything about Joe Perry?”

“He’s also in surgery,” the doctor said. “Sit tight, ok?”

            I walked out into the waiting room and sat down, feeling lost. A police officer nearby was watching me, guarding me I suppose. I pulled out my phone and dialed Paul, hoping he was here already. Straight to voicemail. I dialed Stefan, hoping just maybe he’d answer. Straight to voicemail. I took a deep breath.

“Stefan, it’s Beth. Jeremy is in surgery, but we’re ok. I just really need you. Wherever you are, just please, please call me. I am freaking out right now. Javier is dead, but someone blew up our car. Perry thinks…Perry thought there was someone else involved. I love you, just please be safe.” I almost hung up, but I couldn’t. I had more to say.

“Stefan, I just want you to know that I still love you. I am scared that you killed Javier, but I can’t explain what it meant to me. You gave up everything for me, and I…I don’t know. I think I forgot how far you would go for me, to protect me. I love you, ok. Bye now.” Tears fell down my face as I realized how much I truly, deeply loved Stefan. But I loved Paul too, and not in an infatuated way. Paul made me better, but Stefan…

            It didn’t matter right now. Stefan was a wanted man and my son in being worked on by surgeons. And a possible murderer was afoot, doing God knows what. I sat down, trying to rest. I looked up at the television and saw that the news was on. A woman in a trench coat was standing outside of the hospital, the wind blowing her hair.

“I am here outside of HarborViewMedicalCenter, where inside Detective Joe Perry is currently under going surgery. Perry was involved in an investigation involving several missing and murdered women.” I looked up, feeling my gut clench.

            “A few persons of interest have been named in the case, including notorious criminal Javier Bordeaux and a local businessman Stefan Templeton. Prior to the bombing yesterday, both Bordeaux and Templeton were found dead at different locations.” She kept talking, but all I heard were the words found dead. Dead. Stefan was dead. I felt my hands shake and I tried to stand, but my head was spinning. Dead, my husband was dead, and I hadn’t even said goodbye. He was probably thinking I hated him when he…How had he died? Why hadn’t I been told?

            Everything became a blur and I stood up, rushing to the police officer who was guarding the hallway. I needed to know, and I needed confirmation right now.

“Is it true,” I said. She looked and me and put her hand on my shoulder. “Is Stefan Templeton dead?” She looked at me as if I was insane. “I’m his wife, his next of kin. Do you know?” She sighed.

“Yes Ma’am,” she replied. “Detective Perry was going to tell you, but…”

“But he got hit with debris from a car bomb,” I said. “Do you guys have any idea who this person is? They killed my husband!” She told me to lower my voice and my vision got blurry with hot, angry tears. Another woman, a blonde woman with a black coat approached us, listening from a few feet away.

“We had a suspect detained,” she said. “Paul Davis was arrested by a FBI agent about forty minutes ago.”

            “What?” I cried. “Paul is not the murderer. He has an alibi for almost every crime, and he was with me all day. He certainly didn’t kill Stefan.” The blonde woman approached.

“She’s right,” the woman said. “I’m Kelly Lewis, a consultant to the Seattle Policed Department. I’ve been working closely with Joseph Perry on this case, and Davis is not the suspect.”

“Why would Agent Teresa Fuentes from the FBI arrest him then?” The officer asked. Kelly pulled out a piece of paper with a picture on it, one that had been taken off of a printer.

“Is this Agent Fuentes?” Kelly asked. I gasped, realizing what had happened. Isabella.

“Yes,” The police officer said. “Is she…Is she the suspect?”

“This is Isabella Suarez, and she is our top suspect,” Kelly said. The officer started yelling into her radio, explaining the situation.

            I almost collapsed from the shock.

“Paul…is….gone…” I choked out. Kelly grabbed me, steadying me.

“Focus Elizabeth,” Kelly said, snapping above my head. “I realize you’re not used to this sort of thing, but you can’t get emotional on me now. I am good at my job, which is why I figured this out before anyone else. I need you to trust me.”

“Ok,” I said dejectedly. “But Paul, why’d she take Paul? He has nothing to do with Stefan…”

“Isabel’s vendetta is against you,” Kelly said. “Javier murdered her sister, and somehow she knew about your involvement with him.”

“Oh God,” I said. “But Paul is innocent.”

“She wants to hurt you,” Kelly said. “I want you to call her, she’ll answer. I need you to put it on speakerphone.”

            “Are you going to trace the call?” I asked.

“There’s no time,” Kelly said. “But we need a lead on her location. Any clue can help, it’s worth a shot.” I picked up my phone and dialed, my hands shaking. I punched in the numbers, from memory, and waiting while it rung. A clicking sound occurred and I waited in suspense.

“Where is he?” I asked, my entire being filled with rage.

“Hello Elizabeth, or should I call you Bella? That is what Javier used to call you, right?”

My stomach churned and I could feel her hatred through the phone. The only thing that could save Paul was a miracle. God, if you're listening...

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