A Second Twist (edited)

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A Second Twist

I picked my phone and dialed Paul's number, feeling more with each button. I pushed. Stefan wanted this, and sleeping with Paul would actually even the score. One night I could remember, regret free, for the rest of my life. I was entitled, I had permission, and I couldn't get Paul's lips off of my mind. God I was going to Hell.

Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps this really was the solution, an affair for an affair. And Stefan and I needed a fresh start either way, so why not have fun first. I glanced at my body, wrapped up like a Christmas present. I was beautiful, because for once I felt desirable, different, tonight I'd be a woman first, and a housewife second. The phone call went straight to voicemail and I felt my body collapse. I had really wanted Paul.

Did I have feelings for him? Did I always have feelings for him? If I did, was I really better than Stefan?

Oh God, I was playing right into Stefan's hands. I started to see my own shortcomings, feel guilty, and he'd just get away with his indiscretion. God, did I want to punish him? I put the silk robe on and tied it tight. I had changed my mind, deciding not to take up Stefan's little plan. I would keep my self respect, well, what was left of it after kissing Paul.

There was a knock on my door, and I sat up. I would be fearless, I decided, and tell Stefan's creepy guy to go screw himself. O something more dignified, but with the same effect. I walked to the door, and started to speak, not really looking into the hallway.

"The deal is off," I said as I opened it. "So you can just go home...Paul?" Paul was outside, looking nervous. As soon as he saw my face, confusion swept over him and he looked at his sheet of paper that he'd been holding.

"Liz," He said. "I think I must have the wrong room...What are you doing here?"

"Avoiding going home," I said, somewhat embarrassed. "What are you doing here?"

"I came here to do a favor for a friend," he said. "But clearly, I must have gotten the wrong room. Is there another penthouse suite?" Doing a favor for a friend, the words reverberated through my head. What on earth was happening? Stefan would do a lot of crazy things, but there was no way he'd send my friend here to take part in his messed up little charade.

"There's not," I said. "But I got here pretty late, so maybe they left and gave up their reservation."

"Maybe," Paul said. "But that's weird, the lady at the office said this room was checked out to Mrs. Templeton..." I suddenly felt nauseous and I just slammed the door, right in Paul's face. I bent over, feeling out of breathe. It couldn't be, Paul and Stefan weren't friends. No, that's not possible. Had Paul been in on the scheme? Befriending me, just to see if I ever suspected Stefan's betrayal? God, what was happening...

Paul knocked on the door and I stood up, tightening my robe and taking a deep, relaxing breathe.

"Liz, what the hell?" He said. "Are you alright, you just slammed the door on my face. It popped me right in the nose." I snorted.

"You deserve it," I said. "You're friends with Stefan? And you came here to do his 'favor' huh? Lying to me is one thing, but I never thought you were that kind of man..."

"Whoa, what? Liz, what are you saying? I am here for a Beth Templeton, and your name is Liz Smith. How do you know Stefan? You guys didn't date, did you?"

"I'm Elizabeth Smith-Templeton, Paul," I said. "I just use my maiden name for my editing job because Smith-Templeton is too long. And I never actually told you my last name, you must have just seen my work folders and assumed... And Stefan has never mentioned any friend named Paul. But he lies a lot, I guess..."

"Oh God," Paul whispered. "You...you're Stefan's wife. Shit. Shit, shit..."

"You said that already," I said. "I don't think I believe your little act. I don't know why Stefan convinced you to befriend, or what purpose he thinks the sick little game will serve, but I'm done."

"I'm not playing his game," Paul said. "He is playing me, both of us. I have no idea why he didn't tell me, but it all makes sense to me now. Liz, Beth, whatever your name is, please let me come in."

I paused before searching Paul's eyes. He was being honest; he had no idea that I was married to his friend. He hadn't been deceitful, but he had been deceived. But why, that was the question. What did Stefan want by driving me into Paul's arms? Was he insane, did he want to loose me? Then it dawned on me, what Stefan really wanted. Paul had feelings for me, and Stefan knew about it then Paul was seen as a threat. Sending Paul here, if we did go through with the deed, would tarnish any foundation for any future, making my potential feelings be riddled with guilt and regret. Maybe, it was hard to think like Stefan, since he was so calculated and manipulative. Why did I love Stefan again? Because I was a masochist, and I forgotten how not to love him.

"Paul, I need you to answer some questions very honestly for me. Because seriously, I can't take anymore bullshit." Paul nodded.

"I get that," Paul said. "I mean, God, you're married to Stefan FUCKING Templeton. You probably get nothing but bullshit." Paul looked so angry, like he knew too much about Stefan and allowing me to be his wife was a travesty.

"How long have you two known each other?" I asked.

"Since high school, we were best friends," Paul said. "And you're probably thinking that his best friend's name was Davis, right?" I nodded.

"At our school, there were ten other guys named Paul. So we all had nicknames, mine was Davis. Paul Davis is my full name." I swallowed and walked over to the mini bar, grabbing some whiskey. I grabbed a beer and handed it to Paul.

"Stefan and I go way back Liz, back far enough that I deal with his crap. I don't hang out with him, and obviously I've never met his family. We just call each other sometimes, to talk about shit."

"Did you know about Isabella?" I asked, wanting to know. Guilt clouded his eyes.

"I've known about all of them," Paul said. "I love Stefan, but you have to leave him. He's been cheating on you for three years Liz. He won't stop." I downed the whiskey and felt it burn my throat. Three years, I thought. God I felt filthy. And I glanced at Paul, thinking about the three years of betrayal. I deserved way more than a one night free pass, I deserved a freaky prize for being Stefan's dutiful wife.

"I can't," I said. 'If You know Stefan, then you know that he always gets his way. So, he's made it very clear to me that if I leave, there will be...consequences..."

"I don't care," Paul said. "Do you have any idea why I was pissed that Stefan didn't tell me you were his wife? Because I've told him everything about our time as friends..."

"Ok, I know it's weird. But Paul, we never did anything we need to be ashamed of. Stefan, he has secrets. Apparently, he has three years of secrets. He knew we were spending time together, in public, as friends."

"Yeah," Paul said dejectedly. "But he also knew my deep dark secret, the one I only told him because I knew he wouldn't judge me."

"What is that?" I asked hoping, praying it wouldn't change anything.

"That I am in love with someone else's wife, and didn't know what to do about it." Paul said. "I'm in love with his wife."

Well, that changes everything.

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