Marc Bartra Imagines

By znhlle

31.1K 471 65

Just some cute imagines some may be a little dirty this is my first time writing anything so don't judge plea... More

Will You Marry Me?
Marc's P.O.V.
Hoping For Some Seriousness
My Ex.....Bully?
Dancer Pt. 2
Just Plain Sweetness.
Restaurant Waitress Person.
College Parties.
Fight Night
Fight Night Pt. 2
Blind Date
Blind Date Pt. 2
Wedding & Honeymoon.
Neymar's Fucking Ex.
Neymar's Fucking Ex. Pt. 2
Durm to Bartra
Perfect Illusion
I'm Alive. (Perfect Illusion Pt. 2)
Beg For Me.
It's Complicated.
It's Complicated Pt. 2
Beach With FC Barcelona

Hoping for Some Seriousness Pt. 2

1K 21 1
By znhlle

*If you have been waiting on me sorry.... I kinda forgot about this thing. I am really forgetful. Seriously, I had to read my last imagine again to see what I was writing! Well... here goes nothing.*

*Marc's P.O.V. *

It had been a year. A year since I had broken up with the love of my life. A year since I had hurt her in that way, I mean I can't even believe I said that to her! But I do believe it. I said that to her. I said that, I did, and I felt like a complete assh*le for doing so. Who does that? Three years! We had been dating for three years! I didn't even have the nerve to ask her to move in with me. It was basically like we already lived with each other. Except for the nights that I went to her place, and I didn't bother to wait until she woke up. Sometimes on my days off, I wouldn't even wait for her to wake up, I just left, to go to my friends. My friends. They never made me feel the same way as she did. Yeah, sure, I had fun with them, but I just felt inexplicably happy, even when she just walked in the room. God I am whipped. Was whipped. No. I still am whipped. I might always be for all I know. 

I tried to find her after our break up. When I realized how messed up we were, but, she was just gone. She had moved out of Barcelona for all I knew she could be half-way around the world with another guy, on some tropical island, showing off her gorgeous body in some hot bikini. God I missed her body! I haven't even gotten laid since she left. I don't know, every time I would try to get a girl, sure I'd kiss her, it might even get heated. But all I could see in those moments was her face, when I said those things to her. When I hurt her. How hurt she would be if she found out that I didn't wait for her. If she ever came back to me. Realized she still loved me, that I still love her. I still love her. I will always love Y/n.

*Y/n P.O.V.*

A year since we had broken up. Since he said those things to me. After a while I realized he didn't really mean them. I always knew when Marc meant something. We both had a connection and we would know what the other was thinking before they even said it. I realized he didn't mean them. He didn't even think that about me, or his money, or his fame. I could tell that he was slowly getting sick of his money and his fame. I couldn't bring myself to believe that he wanted me back though.  Because even though he might not have meant what he said, he still said them, and they still hurt. Anyways if he said that but didn't mean it, he said it just to hurt me. And I can't be around someone like that. That hurts me just for kicks.  

Today I was going to work, and I was dreading it. Cause, you see, I am a photographer, and I photograph sports things.  Either equipment just sitting there for advertisements and stuff. Or the people playing the sport. Today I was photographing people playing the sport. In Camp Nou. I was photographing the FC Barcelona's mens team, during their training season. And I knew, I was going to see Marc, I was going to take a thousand pictures of him and frame them, and cover my walls with them.  Even though we broke up I still adore him. And how sweet he could be. The way he used to talk to me, to hold me close, call me his. That is until he decided to use those things to hurt me. I hate him, but I love him. No matter what, I will always think of him.

Today... What was I doing? Oh yeah! FCB, photoshoot. Let's do this! Oh my gosh I am so nervous. I can't wait to see him. I hope he is injured and can't make it to practice cause he is supposed to be resting. No I don't wish that, I don't wish him to be hurt. I hope he has a flat and all of the tire shops are closed. I hope he just doesn't make it out of bed, maybe because his girlfriend wants him to stay. My face fall at that thought I don't want him to be in a relationship with another person. Ever again. I mean I am barely recovering from our break up! He couldn't have moved on that fast could he!? 

"Get it together girl! My God! What is wrong with me! I can't be late! If he is there and I look horrible and rushed he would think he stills affects me and that is the last thing that I want to happen! I don't want him thinking that he still affects me!" I say to myself. Like out loud say to myself. 'Even though if he said he wanted me back I would probably jump his bones.' I add in my head.  Yeah blame that on the celibacy. 

By this point I didn't care what happened when I got there. I needed the money, and it was a huge gig, I could get my name out there.  When I reached the stadium I was still a few minutes early but walked inside anyway, telling security who I was. As a matter of a fact the guard remembered who I was since I had been here a few times before.  I was curious to ask him if Marc had had any other girls in here with him, but I didn't if he said yes then that would break my heart, and I wouldn't survive the day without balling my eyes out. I walked out onto the field and to my surprise Luis Enrique and Lionel Messi were already on the field. I walked up to Luis and introduced myself and told them why I was here. When I said my name he seemed to remember who I was. You couldn't really tell that I was the same person. Because I cut my hair changed my style and hit the gym a lot. Since I wasn't having sex I had to invest my energy else where right? Believe me those first few months I hit them gym like a wild animal.

"Your Marc's ex right?" Luis asked me. 

"Ummmm, yeah?" I asked more then answered. I didn't know how he would react. Would he say something like how dare you break his heart? Or yay! You finally realized how fake he is?

"Oh. So umm. Just tell me if you need anything. Like a break from picture taking? Or like make him leave or something? Just let me know yeah? I'm here to help."

Wow, that was the last thing I expected. Did he turn into a man whore or something? Would he do something in training that he normally does that would in some way hurt me? Oh god... This will be a very, extremely, long day.

It was a few minutes later and everyone was here. Well except for Marc. Maybe he did get that flat? I don't know but by now I was really hoping he would show up. I could see all of the guys staring at me. Either because they knew who I was, or because I look pretty good from all of my gym time. It made me feel uncomfortable.

"Guys this is Y/n she is here to take pictures and film a little bit, so that our sponsors can see how we are doing, and that their money is not going to waste. Do not try anything with-" Oh god. He's here. He walked onto the field with Neymar, although he didn't look up and see me. He was staring at the ground. But I will tell you what though, Neymar was glaring at me, like death glare, keel over and die death glare. That was not good.

Training went by and I got a few really good shots. By the end of training though everyone was staring at me. It was like, super duper uncomfortable. I could see Enrique talking to Neymar, they were both glancing my way. Neymar sending more death glares and Enrique looking at me curiously. After their little chat Enrique walked over to my spot, where I was talking pictures of there new player Arda. 

"I don't know how to say this... So I am just going to say this.... Ummmm... Marc is telling everyone that you cheated on him, with his brother, and that is the reason you broke up. I just want to know the truth so that I can address the situation accordingly." He told me. The whole time staring into my eyes, so if I were to lie to him he would instantly know. 

I was dumbfounded. He said that. I cheated on him, with his brother. I couldn't help it. I started laughing. Literally, I just burst out laughing. What the hell is wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with them? What is wrong with all of us? Especially, what is wrong with Marc? After I thought that I thought of all of the possibilities of what could be wrong with him. At that I laughed even harder, my gosh the stuff my brains comes up with! 

"If....If...o-only that.... were t-true!" I managed to get out between laughs. Luis Enrique was looking at me like I had grown an extra set of heads. I was guessing because I burst out laughing not because what Marc was saying was false. 

"I never cheated on him with anyone. He didn't want anything serious with me from the beginning he was just using me for sex." I told him once I had stopped laughing. Every one on the field was looking at me, and the ones who were close enough to hear me, were listening in. Once I finished saying that all trace of a smile and my laughing episode was gone. I was as still as a rock, and my face said it all. I was heart broken again. How could he say that?

"I-I'm sorry that I ever thought otherwise from you!" Enrique tried to apologize but I wasn't listening. I was on the verge of tears. I need to get out of here before Marc has the satisfaction of knowing he broke me, again. 

I quickly got and grabbed my camera. "It's fine," I told Enrique. "Although really it isn't. But it's fine." His face fell at that. Yeah, mine did to.

"Y/n!" I heard as I started walking away. "Y/n! Stop!" Marc. I knew it was Marc and by the sound of his footsteps he was running towards me. I could do this, I could outrun a pro-soccer player. So I started running as fast as I could to the exit. I knew exactly where it was. I knew exactly where I was going. I was going home, I was going to burn that picture of me and Marc that I had on the fridge. I was going to get rid of all of the love notes he would leave me when he was trying to win my heart. I was going to smash my phone, the one we used to talk all night long on, I was going to buy a better one. I was going to doll myself up, and go clubbing. I was going to move one, sleep with someone else. 

I knew I couldn't but I was determined. 

Shit! He caught up to me. "Where are you going!?" He demanded as he turned me around.

"Home! Far away from you! Where I can forget all about you with someone else!" I knew it was cruel saying that but I had to say it. I had to see how he would react.

His face immediately fell, and he let go of my arm but he didn't move from the spot he was in.

"So you don't love me anymore? You've moved on already? You don't value what we had?" He asks slightly choking on his words.

"Of course I do." I admit. "But there are guys that are going to be better for me out there. Ones that will admit what they did to me. Not invent something like I slept with his brother that's why we broke up." He flinched as I mentioned sleeping with his brother. 

"I don't even like the thought of that." He said grabbing my arms and pinning me to the wall. Trapping me there with his body. It was well defined to. I missed his body. I missed his touch. I missed this. I missed him. 

"Then you shouldn't have come up with that thought." I said turning my head upwards to glare at him. Only to see his soft eyes looking down at me. Filled with love and adoration. He still loved me. The thought made my heart swell.

In that moment everything we were arguing about was forgotten. Our break up last year was also forgotten. We were together again. Literally in a position that was extremely intimate, and making me hot. He leaned in a little staring at my lips. Then he seemed to change his mind. And he plunged his face into that crook of my neck. Immediately attaching his lips to my skin. Christ, I missed this. He quickly made his way to my soft spot, and I let out a little moan. He stared biting and sucking rather roughly, I'm sure he left a mark by the time he was done. When he did finish he just pulled me to him. And started... crying? Into my neck!? I tugged my hands out of his and put them around him, and he wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"Please...p-please say you will take me back." He said still crying, then he started to sob. Oh my, this is not how I pictured we would ask for forgiveness.

"I'll do anything... Please just... I'll give you seriousness... I'll act like a boyfriend should... I'll ask you to move in with me... I'll take you on dates...I'll text you." He pause for a minute. "I'll marry you." He finally said.


Oh my god! 

He'll marry me?

This, This is what I wanted. This is the seriousness I was hoping for. And you can bet your life that I didn't turn him down.

*Sorry guys I had a paragraph that was full of the feels here a while a go. But wattpad had a problem. God I hate it when that happens.  So if I'm feeling it I'll come back and make it all feely yeah?

Tell me how I'm doing making suggestions ask questions about me yeah do whatever you want. but please don't hate please don't hate

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264K 2.8K 39
just some imagines i'm writing whenever i can't sleep. enjoy :)
117K 1.6K 21
Just a bunch of imagines!! Enjoy!! (No dirty imagines but maybe some language here and there)
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@ethandolan liked your post. ?COMPLETED?
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[STRONG LANGUAGE] "Dear my love.."