In My Dark Times - The Deal W...

By Rose-Lyn28

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The idea for this story came from "Kill Your Darlings," but in a more modern world way. Louis Tomlinson begi... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Twenty-Nine

235 12 1
By Rose-Lyn28

Harry Styles

"Niall, are you trying to burn the bloody house down?" Louis' laughter downstairs was the first thing I woke up to the following morning.

The clock on the bedside table said nearly 9. Louis and I had made it back to bed around 2:30 in the morning.

I turned over on my back and smiled as I thought of the night before. Every minute with Louis had been special so far, but last night had made me feel even closer to him. I never in a million years saw myself pouring out my heart like I had with him. I never saw myself with someone like him.

I had no way of explaining the connection that he and I instantly shared upon meeting; there really was no way of explaining it. I was convinced now that out of the billions of people in the world, Louis Tomlinson was the missing piece of me. There really was no doubt in my mind.

I knew that he felt the exact same; after all, he got a compass to match my ship, and a rope that matched the anchor on my wrist. How was I fortunate enough to have someone like him?

He cared about me. He loved me. Even though he knew everything about my past, how many times I had fucked up, he saw past it all and still loved me for me. I couldn't comprehend it, but I was beginning to learn how to. And it was because of him.

He had changed every aspect of my life; he had made me want to change. When he walked into my life that first day, he brought with him not only feelings of happiness and joy for me, but he also brought with him a future... my future. Our future.

I smiled even bigger while I lay there thinking of having our own place, even getting married if that's what he wanted. I knew I'd marry him in a heartbeat. Maybe we'd even start a family together... 2 or 3 kids running around our house. And we would just do normal parenting stuff like teaching our children how to ride a bike, or play football because that would be at the top of Louis' list, I was sure of it.

Then, at Christmas time, we could take our kids to his family's and then to my family's. We'd probably even stay up late on Christmas Eve, Louis' birthday, getting the gifts from "Santa" all put under the tree. And once we had finished our work, the two of us could spend time in bed with wine celebrating the remaining hours of his birthday.

It all sounded so brilliant to me. Being with him was the only thing I cared about now.

My phone sounded from the table and brought me back to reality; I knew who it was before I even looked.

I sat up and picked it up, seeing Darren's name. He was asking when I was coming back to London because he wanted to talk to me. I had ignored every message he had sent since being here, even after running into him. I had no idea if he was even still here. And I honestly didn't care anymore. I thought that maybe, if I kept ignoring him he would eventually give up... it had never worked for me before but I was going to do my best to make it work this time.

The bedroom door opened and I looked up to see Louis staring back at me smiling.

"Look who's awake," he grinned.

"Yeah, surprising, right?" I smirked and put my phone back down.

"Did he text you again?" He asked quietly as he walked over to me.

I nodded a little and sighed, "he asked when I would be back in London because he wants to talk."

Louis was standing in front of me, his hands on his hips, "did you answer?"

"No," I replied looking up at him, "I haven't... I haven't texted him since we've been here. I don't plan on it."

"That's probably for the best," Louis whispered.

I stood up and took Louis in my arms, holding him as close as possible as I pressed my head against his.

"You alright?" He smirked.

"I'm... I'm fine," I replied, "I just... I wanted to hold you for a second, if that's alright."

"It's perfectly alright with me, love," Louis said softly, his grip tightening on me and his nose burying into my curls, "I'll never complain."

I smiled to myself as I pressed my nose into his hair, inhaling the scent that already felt like home to me.

"Niall's doing a terrible job of cooking breakfast," Louis said into my shoulder.

"Should I go help?" I asked laughing as I let him go.

"Well, yours is better than his, in my opinion," Louis shrugged a little.

I smiled and pulled on my boxers slowly, pushing my hair back. "I need a shower."

"Me as well," he smirked as he sat down watching me pull out pants from my bag. "I talked to Gemma this morning."

I looked back at him as I dressed, "did you? What did she say?"

"Nothing in particular," he replied, "she called to ask what time our flight arrived because she and your mum would pick us up at the airport."

"Oh," I said quietly before trying to fix my hair in the mirror.

"You seem a little nervous," he said softly as he got up and stood next to me watching me fix my curls. "You said you weren't last night."

"I'm not really nervous," I mumbled, "more like, I'm just unsure. I mean, I know my mum. She loves me. I'm just not sure I want to tell her every detail."

"Then don't," he whispered back, "alright? Tell her what you want to tell her. I'm sure Gemma hasn't said anything because it's your place to tell her, not Gemma's."

I nodded a little. Louis put his arms around my waist from behind, leaning his chin on my shoulder as he smiled at me in the mirror.

"It's going to be fine, love," he assured me, "I promise. I'm quite looking forward to it."

"Are you?" I asked smiling.

"Of course," he grinned, "I can't wait to meet your mum and see where you grew up. Perhaps you can show me around like I did for you in Doncaster?"

"Yeah, I'd love to," I replied quietly as I turned to him, "not really much to show you, but yeah, why not?"

Louis smiled even bigger as he opened the bedroom door, Niall's laughter coming from downstairs, "I'm gonna go see what Horan has burned now."

"I'm coming," I laughed and followed him downstairs.

Liam and Zayn were gaming again while Sophia was helping Niall.

"Why don't you just let Harry cook?" Louis asked Niall as soon as we walked in the kitchen.

"If he wants to, by all means, take over," Niall laughed looking at me.

I studied over the breakfast he was cooking up, "it doesn't seem too bad. You might've overcooked the ham a bit."

Niall rolled his eyes but smiled.

"When does your flight leave for Cheshire?" Sophia spoke up.

"Uh, not until later... 4:30," I replied as I began helping Niall finish up.

"Oh, well, we didn't get a chance to go to the spa in Dublin," she said to me.

"Shit, we didn't," I sighed, "I'm sorry, Soph."

"It's alright," she smiled at me, "how about when you get back to London? We can make a day of it."

"Sounds brilliant, yeah," I nodded, "I'm sure Liam and Louis can find something to do."

Louis smiled at me from the barstool where he sat, "of course. Payno and I can just game all day or something."

"Yeah, you won't drag me to the spa," Liam called from the sofa.

"Hey, it would do your skin some good, you know," I laughed at him.

"Yeah, no thanks," he chuckled. "That's what Sophia has you for."

I grinned at Sophia as she rolled her eyes and took out dishes for us.

"Oh, I bought this really pretty nail polish, you have to see it," she exclaimed suddenly. "Liam and I went shopping before we came. It made me think of you when I bought it."

"Really?" I smiled at her.

"Yeah, she even said it in the store," Liam groaned from the sofa again.

I couldn't help but laugh and Louis looked at me confused, "you wear nail polish?"

"I do, sometimes, yeah," I nodded, "why?"

"I was just asking," he shrugged.

"I remember when he painted them this sparkly purple," Niall laughed turning to me, "went well with the purple boots."

I rolled my eyes as Louis snickered a little.

"He looks great with it," Sophia smiled at me patting my arm.

"I'm sure he does," Louis spoke up. I turned to him and seen that beautiful smile again staring back at me.

"I'll do them for you once we're through with breakfast," Sophia said, "it's a deep pink shade, one of your favorites."

"Ok, sounds great," I nodded, smiling at her.

"Are you 2 going to primp all morning?" Liam was asking as he got up and walked over, wrapping his arms around Sophia.

"Not all morning," she smiled, "but I do want to see it on him before they leave."

I just smiled and finished up our breakfast.

About an hour later, I was sitting in bed with Sophia in her and Liam's room while she painted my nails, a huge smile on her face.

"It's been a while since we've done this," I said as I watched her.

"It has," she grinned, "keep your hand steady, Harry."

"I'm trying," I laughed as I stared down at my left hand, "you're right. This color is amazing."

"I knew you'd love it," she said smiling. "Can I ask you something, Harry?"

"Sure, yeah," I replied looking up at her.

"Do you think you and Louis will get married?" She asked sincerely, her eyes meeting mine.

I was taken back by the question but I managed to smile and reply, "uh, I... I don't know. Maybe. I mean, I want to marry him, I won't lie..."

She laughed and finished up my nails on my right hand, "I figured you felt that way. Does he feel the same?"

"He... he does yeah," I nodded a little, "I think... I think we're just sorta taking this one day at a time right now. I mean, it's not like it's not obvious to everyone..."

"It's very obvious," she giggled looking up at me, "and he was going on about you the other night... outside when you were asleep."

A smile crossed my face as she continued.

"He was drunk, but you know the saying, 'a drunken mind...'"

"'Speaks a sober heart,'" I finished for her as she grinned back at me. "What was he saying?"

"A lot," she laughed, "it wasn't to anyone else. Liam had come back inside so it was just me. He wouldn't shut up about you. It was hysterical, but it was also really touching... he loves you. A lot."

My cheeks were flushed as she put the nail polish away and I stared down at my nails, "I love him a lot. It's... it's strange. I never saw myself with someone like him."

"He's perfect for you," she said softly, "really. You and Louis fit together like missing puzzle pieces. Everyone can see it."

I nodded still grinning from ear to ear, "yeah, they can."

"When he does ask you, or you ask him," she started with a smile, "let me know cause I'd love to help you plan it."

I chuckled a little and nodded, "you know I will. And when Liam asks you, I'll help any way I can."

"I think you two have a better chance of being married first," she laughed and shook her head.

"You never know," I said, "Liam may surprise you."

She nodded and picked up my hands looking over her work, "it looks beautiful on you, Harry. I knew it would."

A knock on the door came and we looked up to see Louis peeking in through the crack, "can I come in?"

"Of course," Sophia replied, "we're finished."

Louis opened the door and his eyes fell directly on my nails, a smile plastered on his face, "wow."

"Does it creep you out or something?" I joked with him as Sophia giggled and got up to put her stuff away.

"No, it doesn't actually," he replied quietly, "quite the opposite."

I raised an eyebrow at him suspiciously, "what do you mean?"

"It... it looks amazing on you," he admitted, looking embarrassed to have said it in front of Sophia.

"Thank you," I said as I got up and looked back at Sophia, "thanks for doing them for me before we leave. When we get back to London, we'll book a spa day, alright?"

"Yes, we will," she smiled before picking up her phone, "can I take a photo?"

"Of what? My nails?" I laughed as she unlocked her phone.

"Both of ours," she grinned, "Louis, would you do the honors?"

Louis smiled at me before taking the phone from her. We stood side by side, holding up our hands as Sophia had requested. Louis took several then looked over them.

"They look brilliant," he smiled up at me before turning to Sophia, "can you text me one?"

"Yeah, of course," she smiled, "I'll have to get your number. I don't think I have it yet."

"Send it to me and I'll send it to him," I replied looking back at Louis, "I need to get my camera and take a few photos before we leave anyway."

"Of what? The lake? Nature?" Louis asked smirking as we headed back to our room.

"Well, I could take some of you," I quietly replied as I stared back at him, "if you wanna pose for me."

Louis laughed a little, "ohh, that kind of photo shoot, huh?"

I shrugged and gave him an innocent look while I pulled out my camera.

"You do look quite stunning in that color," he started as he took my hand in his, studying my nails, "it really suits you."

"You.. you don't think I'm weird for painting them?" I asked slowly.

"What?" He asked glancing back at me, "of course not. I've already told you, if it's something you enjoy I'd never think it was weird or stupid."

I bit my lip but smiled a little as I looked down.

"Am I suppose to think you're weird for that?" He asked me softly. "I love you like you are. Hell, you could wear make up and I'd probably still think you were the most gorgeous creature to ever walk the fucking earth, Harry."

I chuckled a little as he smiled at me, "you really do love me."

He got serious, nodding a bit, "yeah, I suppose I do."

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" I asked staring at him.

"What did I do to deserve you?" He asked back, his hands gently rubbing over my sides, "I don't think it really matters... I have you, that's what matters."

I kissed his forehead gently, a smile crossing his face.

We were outside near the lake a few minutes later, my camera in my hand as I took several shots of the rays of sunlight moving across the water. Louis was standing next to me smoking. I caught him off guard while he was staring off in the distance and I snapped a few of him.

He glanced back, that beautiful grin on his face, "really, Harold?"

"Can't help myself, sorry," I smiled and put my camera down before looking back out at the lake, "I'm gonna miss this place. We should come back sometime."

"That'd be nice, yeah," he whispered, "maybe next time just us?"

I looked back at him, "yeah, that would be amazing."

"Tell me," he started after hitting his cigarette, "where would you most like to visit?"

"Uh," I laughed a little and thought it over, "I don't know actually. Rome would be up there on my list. I've always wanted to visit there and just take photos of the city... like the people, the culture..."

"Sounds like you," he smirked a little, "maybe... maybe we should go there... like for New Years or something?"

"You want... you want to take me to Rome?" I asked studying him, "really?"

He nodded, "sure, why not, love?"

I smiled and shook my head a little, "I'd love that, Lou. I really would."

"I figured you would," he whispered, "how about we plan it while we're at your mum's? How's that sound?"

"That sounds like a great idea," I managed to say to him.

His hand slipped around my waist and pulled me into him, his head resting on my shoulder and my arm around his neck as we stood there facing the lake in silence now. I wanted to take in this memory of us just like this. I wanted to stay this way forever. He was all that mattered.

The afternoon finally arrived, however, and we were saying our goodbyes to the guys and Sophia and heading to the airport for our flight to my hometown. My mum and sister would be picking us up at the Liverpool airport and driving us back.

Niall had driven us to the airport in Dublin wishing us a safe journey. I was getting more and more nervous the closer it got to me facing my mum again.

But Louis was brilliant at distracting me from my thoughts. He kept making jokes while we sat waiting to board our flight; most of the things he was saying didn't even make sense but I laughed anyways. He was doing everything possible to make me happy and I couldn't have been more thankful for that. He must've known deep down that I was anxious about this, but he made sure to show me it was going to be alright. He took my hand in his as we sat waiting, his fingers running over the polish on mine and a smile on his face.

And finally, the boarding call was made. I swallowed the lump in my throat as we gathered up our bags and got ready to board. Louis' hand never left my waist though. He held me close to him while we stood in line. He was great at comforting me without saying a single word. Just his touch was enough in that moment.

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