Missing || yoonmin

By CanYouVernot

729K 48.2K 24.3K

In which Jimin has gone missing but is actually a ghost that only Yoongi can see. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Last Chapter
Alternate Ending 1
Alternate Ending 2
Alternate Ending 3

Chapter 9

15K 1K 916
By CanYouVernot

"What kind of ice cream do you want?" I ask Jimin as we were about to go inside the parlor. I would've asked him inside but I'm not trying to have people judging me for talking to "nobody".

"Mint chocolate chip. I usually get rocky road but," he glances at my hair and stays quiet.

"You want to eat my hair?"

"Oh my god Yoongi, just stop." I roll my eyes at his flustered expression and grin.

"Ok stop talking, I'm going in." Jimin nods and I open the door to the ice cream parlor, walking to the counter.

"Hello, may I take your- Yoongi?" I look up from my wallet which I had taken up and come face to face with Taehyung.

"No you cannot take my Yoongi." Jimin whisper shouted. Did I hear that correctly?

"Oh hey, you work here?" I glanced towards Jimin since he had never mentioned that Taehyung actually worked there. He looked just as surprised as I was

"No, my friend had an emergency so I'm just filling in for him today, I know the manager well also, and he allowed me to do so."

"That's nice of you. Anyways I'll have one vanilla and one mint chocolate chip in cones."

"Two for yourself?" He chuckled.

"Oh no, I'm here with someone."

"Namjoon maybe?" He asked, looking around for Joonie. I remember again that Taehyung and him talk sometimes.

"No actually, with Jim...bob..." Shit.

"Really that's the best you could do?!" Jimin face palmed. I just glared at him.

"Jimbob? Who's that?"

"Don't worry about it." He scooped the ice cream and handed it to me. I paid. "Is it okay if I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah sure, what's up?" Jimin gave me a panicked look then looked back at Taehyung.

"Ah, uh I'll be right back, I'm gonna go give this to Jimbob." I say and he nods. I walk out the shop and Jimin follows. I hand him his ice cream.

"It should be invisible like me now." Jimin smiled and licked his ice cream like a little kid. Then again, I was the same. Ice cream is simply amazing.

"The way ghosts work is weird." I scrunch up my nose. "Hey you got something right there. You're such a messy eater." I click my tongue and shake my head to go along with it.

"What?! Really?!" He begins to wipe his face. "Where?"

"Right there." I say, shoving his ice cream onto his nose. I burst out laughing.

"Hey, that's not funny!"

"Then why am I laughing?"

"Because you're an asshole!"

"Is that what you think of me? Because that's not what Taehyung said the other day~" I tease.

"Shut up!" I chuckle and hand him a napkin. He begins to furiously wipe his nose.

"You missed a spot." I say.

"I'm not falling for this Yoongi!"

"No I'm serious this time!"

"Then help?"

"It's on your cheek." He tried to reach it with his tongue but failed miserably. I hadn't realized what I was about to do until I did it.

He turned bright red.

"Wh-why did you-"

"I wanted to taste your face." I shrug. I had licked the ice cream off his cheek. I don't know why, but, it wasn't a big deal to me. Meanwhile Jimin was freaking out. "Mint chocolate chip is one of my favorites." I wink before turning around, walking back into the ice cream shop.

"You can't just do that!" He seemed confused and frustrated. Good. Though I don't know why I thought that was good. I'm a jerk I guess. At least I can admit it.

"Eh? Is that so? Well it's too late now." I throw him a peace sign as I walk back into the parlor and back to Taehyung.

"So, you met Jimin here?"

"How did you know?"

"I just had a feeling." To be honest I just wanted to know more about my carrot head, which is why I decided to talk to Taehyung.

"He was sitting in that corner," He pointed to the right corner of the shop near the door. "All by himself. He seemed a bit down. I had come here to get ice cream for me and Jungkook who was at my house. He was too lazy to come along but he wanted ice cream and I liked him a lot so I did it- okay but that's not the point. So I ordered my ice cream and asked if the seat next to Jimin was taken. He was so confused since all the other seats were free. I got him to talk, and he was so cheerful and really nice. I didn't understand why he was so alone. He ended up being my best friend."

"I can't understand that myself..." I finished my ice cream and wiped my mouth with a napkin. Knowing Jimin now, he really is a great person, well, so far. He's still annoying though. But I've grown to like him. He's got a nice personality, not to mention he's really cute.

"There is a reason to it, but I shouldn't share it. It would be Jimin's to tell."

"That's fine, I get it."

"Where's Jimbob?" I start laughing at the ridiculous name.

"He went hom- ohhhh no, save me." My worst nightmare just stepped into the parlor.


"Can I please go behind the counter?"

"What?" I didn't care if he said yes or no, I jumped over the counter and crouched down. Jimin was next to me which gave me a freaking heart attack. I didn't even notice him come in!

"I could've sworn I saw Yoongi~Oppa in here!" I hear Yuna's annoying voice. If I thought Jimin was annoying, Yuna was 10,000 Jimin's.

"Yoongi is over- OW!" I punched Taehyung's leg and he glared down at me.

"Eh? Well is he here or not?"

"No, he left."

Thank you Taehyung, I owe you my life.

"Noooooo, I missed my Yoongi!"

"What does she mean her Yoongi?!" Jimin muttered to himself.

I raise an eyebrow at him and smirk. "Jealous?" I whisper.

"No- why would I be jealous? Me? You? The girl in the park was right, you really are psycho!"

I stand up and yell, "Take that back!"


"Yoongi~Oppa! I thought you weren't here!" She ran around the counter and attempted to throw her arms around me.

"Really, it was a swell time, but now I really must go." I say grabbing some invisible breadsticks. "You see my fish drowned and I have to go plan his funeral, and I would really appreciate it if you'd let me mourn by myself." I say backing up and sprinting out the door. "Not today Satan, not today."

"Your fish drowned?" Jimin smiled really cutely.

"And the next stop is where?" I ask him, still running, knowing that Yuna was crazy enough to chase after me.

"The diner!"

"I could go for some pancakes."

"We just had ice cream!"

"There is never a time where pancakes are turned down."



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