8 Infinite Brothers Together 3

By kris6987

7.9K 773 20

Because you loved the story of eight brothers part 1 & 2, here I made a 3rd sequel guys and I hope you would... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Epilogue (The happy ending)

Chapter 10

399 45 0
By kris6987

"Wait until I get up here Hoya and I will surely plucked all your thick eyebrows!"

"Then do you think I will let you get up there on the floor?"

"Ahhhhhhh!!!! Mooommm!!! Daaaddd!!! Help meeeee!!!"

Everybody in the living room suddenly runs fast at the kitchen after they heard Woohyun is screaming so loud and they were all surprised changing glances at the two of them.

"Yah! Yah! Yah! Hodong! What are you doing to your brother?"

Hoya suddenly let go his brother after he heard his father's voice. And realized their parents and all of their brothers are watching at the two of them now.

"Aish! I just left the two of you here for a while then suddenly the two of you are already fighting?"

"Ah...aniyo mom...were not fighting! I'm just teaching Hyunnie some taekwando techniques right Hyun?" Hoya held his hand to his brother to help him to stand. But Woohyun just madly hit his hand then quickly get up on the floor.

"He's la..."

Hoya quickly cover Woohyun's mouth then whispered to him. "Wait until this dream will end and let's continue our battle there at our dorm." Both of them stare at each other then smirked.

During their lunch time. Everybody reacted and complains about the taste of the beef raddish soup. Sungyeol spitted the soup into his bowl after tasting it. "YUCK!!! Why does it taste like this?" He's frowning staring to his brothers.

"This soup is too much salty." Myungsoo complains too but still eating it.

Then L suddenly put down his spoon. "Ahhhh!!! I already lost my appetite now."

"Who cook this soup mom?" Sungjong asking his mom and she suddenly tasted it too then frowned while looking at his two sons who was with her at the kitchen earlier.

Meanwhile Hoya and Woohyun both are not touching their soup and both of them are in a cold face and not even glancing at each other or even making a move even though they were just sitting next to each other.

"Aish! Maybe those guys who cook this wants to try to prank us." Sunggyu smirking while staring both to Hoya and Woohyun.

Then Dongwoo laughed so loud after tasting it. "Maybe that two persons who cook this are fighting that's why it taste like this." Then he glanced at them and Hoya and Woohyun both turned their heads at him. And the second oldest noticed both of them are not touching their soup. "What is this? Why the two of you are cold at each other now did you really fought each other right?"

"Just finish your food bro." Woohyun feeding too much rice into his brother's big mouth. Then Hoya suddenly hit Woohyun's arm after he saw Dongwoo already turning red and almost vomit the rice to his mouth.

"Yah! Are you planning to kill my brother?"

"What? Why should I do that he's my brother too and I love him." Woohyun suddenly patted Dongwoo's back.

"Ah...Dongwoo shii drink this water."

Hoya passed the glass of water to his brother but Woohyun accidentaly hit Hoya's hand so the water from Hoya's glass spilled out to him. "Yah!" Woohyun madly stand up to his chair after his pants and shirt turned so wet. "What the hell! Look what you've done to me Hoya!"

Then Hoya just cooly smirked on him. "Oppsss!!! Mianhe bro."

"Did you mean it right?"

Hoya snorts then suddenly avoid his gaze at him and put down the empty glass. But Woohyun really pissed off now and suddenly grabbed his glass of water and poured the water to his brother's head. Hoya's jaw drops then quickly stand up to his chair and madly pushed his brother and Woohyun pushed him back too.

"Yah! Yah! Yah!" Dongwoo quickly approached his brothers after both of them pulled their collars while making a fist and fiercely staring at each other. "Stop fighting bros if you hurt each other now this dream will be ended!"

"I don't care if were going to wake up now!" Hoya in a mad tone. "I just wan't to show to this brother of mine now who's the real idiot between the two of us!"

Woohyun laughed then suddenly let go Hoya's collar and pointing his finger at him. "This guy is really funny." Then he fell to Dongwoo's arms after Hoya gave him a punched to his face. He is about to approached Hoya but both the two oldest quickly hold his arms so that he could not reach him. "Let go of me! I said let go of me and I will teach some lesson this idiot brother of mine!"

"Ahhhh!!! Could you two stop fighting now!" The oldest scolded his brothers. "Stop hurting each other! I don't want to wake up now! We still have twelve remaining hours to spend time with our parents and with L and we should not waste that bros!"

Meanwhile the four youngest looked so tense now while watching at them while their parents both holding their temper especially Mr. Kim. But then later while Hoya and Woohyun changing harsh words to each other their mouth shuts after their father pulled them and pushed his two son inside the bathroom and locked them.

"Yah! Dad! Why did you locked us here!" Hoya is trying to open the door knob.

"Dad! Ahhhh!!!! Why here! In the bathroom?"

"Sorry boys but you both pissed me off now." He speak to them in a cool tone.  You know me boys I hate watching my sons hurting and fighting at each other and I miss to punish the two of you. You two cannot come out there until the two of you will not reconcile with each other ok?"

Hoya and Woohyun suddenly became silent now then Mr. Kim smiled and turned his back and glancing to his other sons who's staring at him in disbelief and his wife smiling sweetly at him. After he seated back to his chair he suddenly asked his eldest son who's sitting to his right side about them. "Are they still always like this?"

Sunggyu snorts then smirked. "That's why I choosed them to lived in separated floors there at our dorm dad." Then Mr. Kim gasped and shaked his head.

"Oh! My poor eldest son maybe you have hard time handling your two dongsaengs right?"

Sunggyu stare at his mother then make a half smile. "Ah...maybe you mean all of my dongsaengs mom."

"HEY!!!" Dongwoo and the three youngest reacted while L broadly smiled changing his glances at them.

After lunch. Dongwoo knocked his brothers inside the bathroom because he's really confused why the two of them still in silent now and he can't hear them making a noise or even talking. "Hey! What's up brothers?" He knocks again. Then he heard Woohyun's cool voice.

"Bro! Tell dad to let us come out here now."

"Why? Are you two in peace now?"

"Hoya don't want to talk with me. He is ignoring me."

"Aish! Please brothers stop fighting. If youre hurting each other youre just like hurting me too. We are triplets right? The three of us formed together inside our mother's womb and born here on earth together. When were still young if Myungsoo and L cannot be separated to each other the three of us too right?"

"Why youre so talkative just asked dad to give you the key and help us here to come out now Dongwoo shii."

"Araso!" Then the second oldest suddenly approached his father in the garden with his mother and L. They were happy watching Sunggyu and the three youngest dancing their new song Bad. "Dad?" And his dad's head turned at him.

"Yes Yadong?"

"Aish!" Dongwoo scratched his head after he heard him speak his birth name. "Uhm...can...can I have that key their in the bathroom?"

"Why? Are they already reconciled now?"

Dongwoo sadly shaked his head. "But, I'll try to talk with them dad maybe they will listen to me." Mr. Kim sighed then suddenly gave the key to his second son and patted his back. And Dongwoo quickly unlocked the door of the bathroom and opened it. But then when he's already inside the bathroom a cold water splash at him. Dongwoo's two naughty brothers are suddenly both laughing so hard at him. "Mwuh-ya!" He fiercely stare at them then the two partners in crime quickly run fast outside after Dongwoo splash water at them too while laughing so hard.

Meanwhile in the garden. "Yes! That's it Myung youre doing good now." The oldest showing a two good thumbs up to his dongsaeng while smiling at him. He was judging his three youngest dongsaengs while having their dance practice in the garden. Their parents and L are also judging at them too then later Sunggyu grabbed L's hand to dance with his three brothers but L refused to approached them.

"Ahhh hyung I'm not a member of infinite brothers."

"What are you talking about? Of course youre also a member of infinite brothers L."

"Oh! Come here now L! Don't be shy bro." Myungsoo calling his twin brother.

"L hyung! I know you also wish to dance with us on stage so don't waste this oppurtunity now to dance with us."

"He's right Hyungsoongie come here now my little bro!" Sungyeol smiling broadly at him then L stare long to Sungyeol then smiled at him too.

"Don't you all know that I'm also dancing with you all on stage during your performances?"

"Really?" The four of them stare at him in diselief. Then L suddenly approached his brothers and broadly smiled at them. Then while having fun dancing. All their heads turned after they heard a two persons screaming so loud while running towards them.


Sunggyu noticed the two of them are both wet. "Why? Why? Why? Why?"

"Hyung! Help! A danger species is chasing on us!" Woohyun cuddling at the oldest.

"Aish! Why the two of you are so wet!"

"Ahhhhh!!! Hyunnie! He's already coming here now!"


"Oh no!" Sunggyu frowned while staring to that danger species that his brothers is talking about. And they are really in danger because that species is carrying a pail full of water.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Run for your lives now!!!" Sungyeol screams so loud and runs after he saw his second older brother is approaching at them now and Dongwoo splash water to the youngers then laughed after his four dongsaengs turned so wet too. Then Dongwoo suddenly approached the oldest who was standing alone now.

"Aish! Please Dongwoo don't do this to me I'm your oldest brother and I don't want to be wet now because I'm already old and my stamina is so weak now and I'm easy to get sick so please don't do this to me."

"Don't worry hyung this is only a dream right? So youre not going to be sick." Then a loud laughter again from Dongwoo after he splash the water to the oldest. And the oldest freezed in too much cold while staring long to his dongsaengs laughing hard at him.

The oldest head turned to his parents after he heard them laughing too while looking at him. "Yah! Why the two of you are laughing at me too!"

"Awww!!! You looked so cute if your dongsaengs bullying you Sunggyu because you just stare at them with a sad face." Mrs. Kim giggling while watching the oldest has been bullied by his dongsaengs.

"Of course because he knows that he can't beat them." Mr. Kim teased his eldest son.

"Ahhhh!!! I understand now where did my dongsaengs get their teasing and bullying characters to the of you!" Then everybody laughed so hard at him after he squatt on the ground and hides his face to his crossing arms. But they suddenly shut their mouth after they heard him sniffs and noticed his crying.

Mrs. Kim suddenly approached her eldest son and squatt too. She raised his son's head then wiped Sunggyu's tears. "Oh! Why youre crying swettie?"

"I'm going to miss this moment mom with you. How I wish...how I wish this dream will never end and me and my brothers were not going to wake up anymore and spend time with you and L forever." Sunggyu's dongsangs suddenly changing glances at each other and wishing the same too.

Mrs. Kim's tears fall down to her cheek while staring at his son's small eyes then deeply sighed. "How I wish that too my son. How I wish to spend more time with all of you too but we don't have power to change the reality into a dream. But...mom, dad and Hyungsoo are so happy now because we get a chance to see all of you and embraced all of you once more in your dreams and I'm sure after all of you are going to wake up now. Your hearts is full of happiness because we get a chance to forgive each other and erased all that sad memories of us and we make a new happy memories together." She suddenly get up and glancing to her other sons who are also starting to cry now while staring at her. "My treasured son's don't be sad now we are always watching to the seven of you and were so happy and very proud for all of you now. Because you all grown up together with the same dreams that you already achieved now.

"Infinite brothers! Fighting!"

The eight brothers and Mrs. Kim turned their heads to Mr. Kim and broadly smiled at him. Then they approched him and held each others hand infront then shout. "FIGHTING!!!" Then happiness drawn to their faces.

"WE ARE THE KING OF THE WORLD!!!" Sungyeol and L both laughed awkwardly after shouting so loud and while raising up their arms in the air. Both of them are in the roof top now and reminiscing their moments in that place before. Awkwardness blows at them while changing glances to each other then laughed again.

"Ahhh!!! Why I always felt awkward everytime I'm always with you but I have full of confidence everytime I'm with Myungsoo."

"Maybe you don't like me hyung."

"What! Ahhh!!! How can you think of that Hyungsoongie." L broadly smiled at the older while staring long at him. "Of course I love you bro."

"Awwww!!! I love you too hyung." He hugs his hyung so tight but Sungyeol hit him and pushing him away.

"Yah! Yah! What are you doing get off me!"

"See! You really don't like me hyung. Everytime Myungsoo hugs you...you just hugs him back too. But, Why youre pushing me away now while I'm just trying to hug you!" L's non stop complains that makes Sungyeol stare in disbelief at him.

"Wait!" He moved closer his face at his dongsaeng." Are you really that cold brother of mine?" Then L pushed his forehead.

"I'm not L anymore hyung that is Myungsoo's half character now. I'm Hyungsoo right? Why? Am I not that sweet too before?"

"Shut up! Were always in a fight too before like Hoya hyung and Woohyun hyung and youre not sweet on me."


"Yah!" Both their heads quickly turned. It was Myungsoo sweetly smiling at them now and approached his brothers. "Ahhh!!! Why you didn't told me that the two of you came up here in my hiding place."

"What are you saying?" L pushed his twin brother. "This is my hiding place!"

Myungsoo pushed him back too. "This is my hiding place after you left me I'm always hiding here and cried before!"

"But this is our original hiding place of Sungyeol hyung!"

"Yah! Then why youre mad at me now!"

Sungyeol's jaw drops while changing glances both to his dongsaengs in disbelief for the first time he saw the twins madly arguing infront of him. "Yah! Hyungsoo! Myungsoo! Why the two of you arguing infront of hyung now?"

"Because he said this is his hiding place!" The twins speak at the same time that makes them stare at each other. "Yah! Why youre copying me?" They speak at the same time again that makes Sungyeol burst in laughter.

Then both the twins scratched their heads and Myungsoo hit his twin. "Yah! Why youre also scratching your head? That's my mannerism not yours! You are really copying me!"

"Why? What's wrong if I copied your mannerism? You even copied my acts too right?"

Sungyeol suddenly shut his mouth from laughing then tapped both their shoulders. "Aish! Stop fighting now because of me dongsaengs." The twins frowned at him. But he broadly smiled at them. "I know you two are fighting now because of me and don't worry hyung love both of you so stop fighting now ok?" L and Myungsoo snorts then smirked.

"Aha! The three of you are just here!" Maknae was also in the roof top now and sweetly smiled to his three older brothers and approached them.

"What are you doing up here Jongie?" L suddenly crossed his arm around his dongsaeng's shoulders.

"I get bored down there hyung. Dad and Dongwoo hyung playing chest in the living room. Hoya hyung and Woohyun hyung playing soccer in the garden then Mom and Sunggyu hyung preparing our snacks."

"Then why youre not helping them there?"

"Ah...because I noticed my four handsome older brothers are not around so I search the four of you here."

"Wow!!! The four youngest are all here!" Myungsoo in disbelief while glancing to his brothers.

"You are right Myungie! What is this a reunion?" The three youngest broadly smiled to Sungyeol. "Ahhh!!! I also get bored now. What if we also play a game or play a trick to our four older brothers."

"Aish! Shut up hyung! I don't want to be hitted by them." Sungjong pouting his lips and didn't agree of that kind of idea.

"And it's dangerous too. What if one of you will be hurt because of that idea then all of you get awaked now."

Sungyeol snorts then think again. "Ahhh!!! Maybe we just go down now and accompany our brothers and parents there."


Then the four youngest went down and suddenly played soccer with Hoya and Woohyun in the garden.

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