Conversations With My Love (b...

By Lolola245

116K 4.5K 3.1K

Pierre Lois is the priest's son. He is well-educated, smart, polite, and he's always available to help those... More

1. Hi!
2. Stop Following Me!
3. I'm Your Salvation.
5. Benevolent.
6. Talking About Having Fun.
7. Question Time.
8. Church
9. Let's Go To The Zoo (Part 1)
10. Let's Go To The Zoo (Part 2)
11. No Regrets.
12. Declan's Secret Journal.
13. Let's Be Friends.
14. Detention Time.
15. Pierre At My House.
16. The Park.
17. Lies, Lies, Lies (Part 1)
18. Lies, Lies, Lies (Part 2)
19. Pierre = Angry + Hurt!
20. Talk With Kenny.
21. Job Search.
22. Declan's Secret Journal (2)
23. Awkward Talk.
24. Meet Mama.
25. Meet Pierre's Friends.
26. Dinner Time.
27. I Need You.
28. Joshua's Past.
29. Revision Time.
30. Cupcake Talk.
31. I Had A Dream.
32. Declan's Secret Journal (3)
33. Declan's Birthday.
34. Pierre's Letter.
35. Your Favorite...?
36. Treehouse.
37. Exams.
38. School Break Time.
39. Lunch At Pierre's.
40. Talk With Greg.
41. Babysitting.
42. Declan's Secret Journal (4)
43. Imagine that I'm...
44. Time To Have Fun (Part 1)
45. Time To Have Fun (Part 2)
46. The Carnival.
47. Back Home.
48. Pierre + Declan = ????
49. Hurting.
50. Angry Declan.
51. It's Over.
52. The Party.
53. Pierre's Explanation.
54. Pierre VS Evan.
55. Just A Little Moment.
56. Pierre + Veronica = ????
57. One Year & One Month.
58. Talk With Miss Veronica.
59. Meet Melanie.
60. Reckless Pierre.
61. Picnic On Rooftop.
62. Declan's Secret Journal (5)
63. Unpleasant Talk.
64. Toilet Meeting.
65. Siblings Reunited.
66. Special Kenny Night.
67. You Saved Me Again.
68. The Janitor's Closet.
69. Another Detention.
70. Nightmare.
71. It's Official.
72. Joshua, Kenny and Hans.
73. Butterflies & Rainbows.
74. Illegal Texting.
75. Special Joshua Day.
76. The Orphanage.
77. Lunch With Greg.
78. Joshua's Birthday (Part 1).
79. Joshua's Birthday (Part 2).
80. First Touch.
81. Movie Night.
82. Pierre's Secret Journal.
83. Coffee With Missy.
84. The Future.
85. Home Alone (Part 1)

4. First Message!

2.2K 90 76
By Lolola245

(Note: For the following conversation between Pierre and Declan, it will be written in this way.



As they will be messaging, I thought that it would be better to write it like this.)

Vote. Comment. Don't be shy! I don't bite!


I was happy.

Truly happy.

Extremely, fantastically, utterly happy.

Why all this happiness?


It was for the simple reason that I had the phone number of my love.

He gave it to me yesterday when he got the crazy idea that I was his new goal in life. I wasn't going to complain about it nor was I going to argue with him. I was going to let him think that he could 'save' me from the devil's trap. Personally, I thought that it was completely stupid but if it was going to make him pass more time with me then I was not going to complain about it.

It was Friday night and so much things has already happened. I spoke for the first time to my love on Monday, then I talked to him again on Wednesday then yesterday, we talked again and he gave me his phone number. Today, I didn't see him much in the high school as he was really busy but I didn't mind.

This would be his last day alone anyway.

I wasn't going to leave his side now. I would talk to him everyday and pass more time than ever with him and this was simply perfect, heaven I could even say. I loved this boy so much, god, he was my everything. I knew that I told him that I just liked him but it wasn't the case. I loved him and I think that Pierre was not ready to hear. I would wait a little bit before I tell him.

He needed to know me more first. He needed to know that being gay was not a sin and that it was completely normal. I needed to show him that what I felt for him was true, real and beautiful in a way and that he should not be scared of it.

It was just love. Nothing was bad with love. At least, most of the time. My love for him was the most precious thing that I had currently. Pierre was special for me and also the only thing that I truly cared for. He was the only thing that I still haven't destroyed.

Not only the whole people of this town hated me but also the people in my house. My sisters and brothers only spoke to me to insult me while my parents just didn't talk to me at all. Why were they like that? You would surely ask but I didn't have an accurate answer to give you. A reasonable answer.

But forget about them. They weren't important right now. What was important was that I was going to have my first message conversation with Pierre Lois tonight. I was laying on my bed, my phone in my hand, ready to attack. I was just waiting for the right time to start messaging him. God, I was so nervous for this as well as so excited.

I couldn't believe that this was happening. I waited for this moment for so, so long and now here it was. I had so many things planned for us and there was nobody in the world that would stop me from this.

Of course, I would let Pierre believed that he was going to change me but there was no way it was going to happen. If there was a way for me to change who I was, I would have already knew about it. I tried, I really tried. I knew that people would never accept me for who I was so I tried to change myself but I couldn't.

I was just me.

I sighed before I looked at the time. 08:00 p.m. I think that it was a good time to text my love.

DECLAN: Hi hi!

God it was so lame but I didn't know what else to say. I pressed on the send button and waited impatiently for Pierre's reply. It didn't take long for him to.

PIERRE: Hi Declan!

I smirked. So cute. I think that I was going to start simply.

DECLAN: So what are you doing?

PIERRE: I'm preparing myself to go to bed.

I frowned.

DECLAN: This early?! 

PIERRE: It's eight. I need a good night of sleep for tomorrow.

DECLAN: What are you doing tomorrow?

PIERRE: I am doing some benevolent.

DECLAN: For what?

PIERRE: Feeding the poor. It's organized by the church and well I'm part of it.

I chuckled. Of course, he was.

DECLAN: Can I come?

He took longer to reply this time. 

PIERRE: I'm not so sure about it.

DECLAN: Why? Didn't you say that we will pass more time together?

PIERRE: I did but I still haven't told my parents about it and I don't know how they will react if they see you.

DECLAN: Just tell them then.

Personally, I didn't care what his parents think or not but if Pierre needed to tell them about his crazy idea to save me from the devil to talk to me, then he could tell them everything that he wanted.

PIERRE: I will tell them about it but just not now.

DECLAN: Then when am I going to see you?


Not really accurate his answer.


PIERRE: I don't know but soon.

I raised one eyebrow at my phone. Seriously.

DECLAN: I'm coming to see you tomorrow.

PIERRE: No, you won't.

DECLAN: Yes, I will.

PIERRE: Declan!

DECLAN: Pierre!

PIERRE: You can't come. My mom will literally kill you if she sees you and she told my dad about the fact that you kissed me.

DECLAN: How did your dad react to the big news?

PIERRE: Not so well. He made me washed my lips with saint water while doing different sort of prayers.

I couldn't help but laughed. I imagined many reactions from his dad but that was not expected.

DECLAN: I'm laughing so hard, Pierre!

PIERRE: I thought so. I must say that I find it pretty funny now when I thought about it.

DECLAN: God, I can't get enough of you.

PIERRE: Please don't say this sort of thing.

DECLAN: Why, love?

PIERRE: It makes me uncomfortable and don't call me love.

DECLAN: Why not, LOVE?

PIERRE: Declan, do you want me to help you or not? If you continue like this, I'm not so sure if I can continue to talk to you then.

DECLAN: I never asked you for anything. YOU were the one who want to save me and besides, I still like you and I'm not going to lie about it. 

He didn't reply. I stared at my phone and waited for him to answer but after ten minutes has passed, I sighed before letting my head fall on the pillow. Why was he taking so long? Maybe I shouldn't have told him that I like him? But I sincerely didn't regret it. I like him and I wasn't going to hide my feelings. 

After some more minutes of waiting, I felt my phone vibrate in my hand.

PIERRE: You can come tomorrow. 

DECLAN: Why did you change your mind so fast? And why did you take so long to reply?

PIERRE: I needed to think some minutes and then I got a realization.

DECLAN: What is it this time?

PIERRE: It is going to be hard for me to change you and your 'feelings' for me and now I realize that I must be stronger. I must be able to accept your words and try not to think about it too much. 

DECLAN: Stronger? Really? That's your realization?

PIERRE: Yes, I will be stronger.

Let's test that then.

DECLAN: I like you.

PIERRE: Don't start.

DECLAN: What? Mr. Strong Boy can't take my words.

PIERRE: You are playing with me.

DECLAN: Maybe but you are so cute.

PIERRE: Declan!

DECLAN: You are so beautiful. I can't stop watching you. You are my life. You are the only one in this religious town that I care about. Like really Pierre you are my ray of sunshine and god, you are so fucking sexy.

Maybe I was doing too much but if he said he was going to be stronger then I needed to test his strength.

PIERRE: Bravo! Now I don't know what to say to that.

DECLAN: God, I want to kiss you again.

Okay, now I was seriously getting out of control.

PIERRE: Don't say things like that please! And don't put God's name when you talk so sinfully!

DECLAN: Sinfully, really? Now I am going to show you how much of a sin I can be.

PIERRE: What do you mean?

DECLAN: I want to do more than kissing you. I want to take you in the most amazing places that exist and I'm not talking about going out. I'm talking about the real thing.

PIERRE: DECLAN! Don't say that!

DECLAN: I am more that saying. I'm also imagining it. Let me describe it to you.


DECLAN: It will be your first time so I will be gentle with you when I will take you.

PIERRE: God, stop.

DECLAN: I will slowly remove all of your clothes, leaving you completely naked under me. 

PIERRE: Just stop.

DECLAN: I think that I am going to kiss your lips first then I will slowly go down, leaving a trail of kisses on your skin. I beg that your skin will be soft.

PIERRE: I think that I am turning red. This is getting embarrassing Declan.

DECLAN: I will play with your nipples till they are completely red. Then I will suck you and listen to you moan my name. I swear that I will suck you till the last drop.

PIERRE: God stop! This is getting out of proportion!

DECLAN: Why are you still reading then? 

PIERRE: I don't know.

DECLAN: Are you hard? Because I'm sure as hell am.

PIERRE: Seriously? This is embarrassing. I will feel embarrassed in your place.

DECLAN: I'm not. So hard or not?

PIERRE: I'm not hard. This sort of gay thing don't turn me on.


PIERRE: I'm not lying. I never lie.

DECLAN: Give me proof then.

PIERRE: How am I suppose to do that?

DECALN: Send me a picture of you right now.


DECLAN: Because you are hard.

PIERRE: No, because I don't know what you are going to do with the picture.

DECLAN: I won't do anything bad with it. I swear just after I'm going to delete it and I NEVER lie.

PIERRE: I don't believe you.

DECLAN: Alright I'm going to send you a picture of my hard erection then.

PIERRE: What? Keep your things to yourself.

DECLAN: Maybe that will turn you on.

PIERRE: Why the sight of your cock will turn me on?

DECLAN: SHOCKER! Pierre Lois texted me the word cock?

PIERRE: You are impossible.

DECLAN: Is it me or am I feeling a liking for me there?

PIERRE: It is definitely you.

DECLAN: (Picture attached) So how is it?

PIERRE: Oh my God!

DECLAN: Why so shock, love?

PIERRE: How dare you sent me THIS?

I rolled my eyes.

DECLAN: Don't be dramatic. It's just the bulge in my boxers. It's not like I sent you the real thing.

PIERRE: I know but still....why am I looking at a boy's bulge?

DECLAN: Because you like it.

PIERRE: Shut up.

DECLAN: How can I shut up when I am texting you?


DECLAN: Just what?

Once again he didn't reply and I sighed. What was he doing again? I was more than excited now. I wanted to keep talking to him and never stop. Pierre was just so addictive and I couldn't help myself. It felt like forever but my phone vibrated at last and I immediately jumped on it.

PIERRE: Sorry but I need to go to sleep. My father is currently looking at me with big eyes because I am not asleep yet. I will see you tomorrow and don't send anything else, he is taking my phone with him. Good night Declan and sweet dreams!

I looked at the last message of Pierre with a puzzled look. 

I definitely hated his father now. Seriously he just ruined my perfect moment with his son.

I groaned before putting my phone on my nightstand. I guessed that I should be happy. I got the first message conversation with my love and even it was too short for me, I had never felt so happy in my life.

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