Forget Him (Part 2) [JK]

By SinisterJeon

80.6K 2.7K 1.9K

SoonHee Jeong has just said goodbye to her love, Jungkook. She's forced to leave him in order for him to foll... More

A New SoonHee Perhaps?
To Protect Her
Its a Shitty Day
Loved Ones Are What Matters, No Longer Holding Onto Him
Can I Trust You?
Don't Close His Chapter
Don't Let This Ruin You
Debt & Cutting
One Hell Of a Rollercoaster
Always With You
Dead Leaves
Hug Me.. Hold Me Tight
...You Poor Fool...
[Tag] (≧∇≦)
Memorable Kisses
Bus Stop
Help Those In Need
Bad Feelings Are Always Right
...Everything Will Be Fine...
Help Me
A/N: Important!
Jimin Blames Himself
A/N: C.U.I.N
Forget Him

Separated By Their Own Paths

2.1K 76 85
By SinisterJeon

the lyrics are important!!! ^^^

{Authors POV}

He leans back on the bench, closing his eyes as he feels the warm sun hitting against his skin as music continues to blare into his ears.

The girl, on the other hand, looks over at the boy again. Her shy personality showing grimly as she continues to look away, and then back at him.

He sighs softly, opening his eyes and looking at her with cold irises.

"Did you need something?" He asks her and she tenses at his question. She shakes her head quickly and he groans in response.

"I know you want something. Spill it", he says tiredly and she takes a quick intake of breath, preparing herself.

"Um.... What's your name?" She asks and she quickly glances at his facial expression to see him giving her a raised eyebrow. He sits up quickly and chokes, most likely on his own saliva, and rubs the back of his neck.

"It's uh... Yoongi", he says and she slowly smiles.


It suits him.

"So uh.. Is that all you wanted to know?" He gruffly asks her and she gives him a single nod, a slight blush creeping onto her cheeks. She looks towards her clasped hands that are tensely placed on her lap and she exhales deeply, relief flooding her chest.

She finally asked him. After all this time, she finally got to know his name.

But, now that she knows his name, she wants more.

To know more about this mysterious stranger. To know so much more...

"Well if you excuse me, I'll get back to my music-"

"Wait!" She stops him and turns towards him quickly. He jumps at her sudden voice and she sighs at herself for being obnoxiously loud. "Sorry... Um... I noticed you always take this exact bus everyday-"


"And... I was just wondering where you're always off to..." She says shyly as she looks away from his facial expression once again. He closes his eyes once again and sighs, leaning and slouching into the bench.

"You and every other person..." He mutters in annoyance and she raises her eyebrows in curiosity.

He ignores her though, ignoring her presence and everything that she is. Ignoring how she began to talk to him, even when the music in his ears were blaring so loudly.

Ever since that day, every day, at the same time, she would sit next to Yoongi and just talk to him. Talk to him about everything.. This went on for months, longer then half a year.

Even though he couldn't hear her because of his loud music, she still chatted to him as if he were actually listening.

This was one way she could let out some of her feelings. Her sad and happy emotions.

The one person she could talk to...

But of course, one day, human nature got the best of him and curiosity began to peak his interest in the girl as well.

He would begin to ask himself why this shy and frail looking girl would talk to him... Even though she obviously knew that he couldn't hear her and plus, they didn't even know each other.

But, one day, he switched some things up a bit.

He still had the headphones in his ears of course, but no music was playing. He turned off the music to actually hear the girls words, for once, to listen to what she was always talking to him about.

"My parents are arguing about money problems again..." She laughs, looking up at the gloomy sky above her. She sighs and glances at Yoongi, who's lying on the bench like how he usually does, but with his eyes closed.

"They're trying to figure out ways... Ways for me to survive longer.."

Wait.. What is she talking about?

"I don't know if I can last much longer anymore... The things I've seen.. The things I've heard.." She continues and Yoongi opens one of his eyes to peak at the girl next to him. She sighs deeply, removing a strand of hair from her face and putting it behind her ear.

Realization hits him and he closes his eyes once again, pretending to be listening to his music as she looks over at him.

She's been talking to him about her problems all this time...

And he didn't even care to actually listen until now..

"Have you ever had that feeling before?... The feeling of being alone..." She looks away slowly as she says this, placing her hands onto her elbows to hug herself. "then again... I'm not sure if you have since you're not even listening... But that's okay... It's nice to talk to someone, even if they're not really listening that much. It feels good to let it go, you know?" She says as a small breezes flutters through her straight hair. She leans back into the bench and looks up at the sky, sitting exactly how Yoongi is to watch the fading clouds practically reaching towards the sun, wanting the rays to touch them.

It's funny, it's as if the clouds kind of represent her, in a way.

She wants to reach towards the brightness. To escape the darkness..

She breathes slowly as she watches the clouds with Yoongi, her heart beat calming and her body no longer tense.

She loves it when her body relaxes like this. It's rare, but when it does happen, it's usually around Yoongi.

Always with Yoongi.

"You know... For some reason, talking to you like this, helps me see the better side of things. I know it's weird, but I feel relaxed whenever I sit with you. Though you don't say much, it's still the most comforting thing that anyone's ever done.. For me", she says with a small smile, eyes closing softly to relish in the warm sun and cool breeze.

Yoongi takes this as his chance and slowly turns his head, watching the girl be so calm, looking so..


His eyes scan her now slightly warm toned skin and her soft and delicate looking lips.

He remembers the first time meeting this girl. He remembers how pale she was and how lifeless she had seemed to look. Her fading eyes showing only certain emotions that could cause his heart to hurt.

This girl... Seems like she has gone through a lot.

And now, he wants to know more.

But, keep it a secret, of course.


Two months have passed since Yoongi has been listening to the girl talk next to him.

He's learned so much about her over a short period of time. Some good... And some not so great.

She explained to him (without her own knowledge of him listening) that her parents will be getting a divorce soon and that their arguments continue to ring throughout her house, causing her anxiety to act up again.

Another thing to know about this girl, she has anxiety.

She says she always feels anxious about everything. But, ever since she began to talk to Yoongi, she feels that she has improved. She doesn't get as nervous or anxious when it comes to talking to new people because her fears of talking to someone new have been "cured", in a sense. Talking to Yoongi calmed her fear of talking to others and caused her to be a little more open about herself and her opinions.

Which, opened up a funnier side to the girl.

She now cracks jokes around Yoongi, in which he has to hide his smile to avoid being caught.

What's really shocking, though, is that he's never wanted to smile so much in his life. He's never wanted to laugh or be happy for so long... It's practically killing him on the inside for just wanting to laugh along with this girl.

And yet, he still does not know her name.

But, does he really want to know her name?

"If I find out her name... That could mean that I can be involved... But, do I want to be involved with this girl? Hell, I barely know her..." Yoongi mutters to himself as he walks towards the same bench he usually sits on to wait for the bus.

A nervous feeling of butterflies overwhelms him and he can practically jump in excitement. He forgets about his worries and his foot steps feel lighter as he makes his way towards the bus.

Waiting for the bus with this girl had made him excited and wishing that the bus would be late. He hopes that he could always listen to the girl talk... Listen to her soft words and feel her presence residing next to him.

But, as he makes his way towards the bench, he realizes that the girl isn't sitting there.

In fact, no one is sitting there or even near the area. But then again, it's not unusual to have no people around.

Still, he begins to worry slightly as he sits down on the bench, his thoughts scurrying and chasing after the picture of the girl that seems to be embedded into his mind.

Is she okay?

He hesitantly takes out his phone as he secures the headphones in his ears.

Maybe she got sick or something..

Yoongi takes a quick look around to make sure that the girl isn't around. He frowns slightly and looks back to his phone, clicking play on some good beats that he likes to listen to, but only when's he's bored of course.

He can't help but have the sudden urge to look around every couple minutes, wanting to see the girl walk to him with a small and shy smile plastered onto her lips. Seeing her eyes light up in joy whenever they land on him.

He loves it. He loves seeing someone else so fond of him. Someone who wants to talk to him instead of the other way around.

He leans back and looks up at the sky, a small disappointed look washes over his facial expression as he watches the disappearing clouds.

The sun no longer seems to shine through the clouds as much anymore, making the sky a little more dull.

It's not the same without the girl talking to him.

He hates to think this, that he becomes bored when someone else isn't around..

He's not really used to it... Not really used to wanting to be around someone for so long.

It's weird for him.

It's especially weird, though, when the girl doesn't show up for days...

This goes on for almost a week- Yoongi sitting alone at the bus stop without anyone to listen to.

He becomes worried, and then he himself becomes anxious.

What if she got sick of talking to him?

Maybe he should have responded more to her words?

Maybe he shouldn't have been such a wall towards her? Actually talk to her instead of having her feel like she's talking to a literal wall.

On the seventh day of sitting alone, he sighs. Closing his eyes tightly to try and concentrate on the music that's blaring into his ear drum.

But he cannot think of the music. He can't even focus on anything.. Besides that girl.

Where had she gone?

He sighs again in defeat and opens his eyes to stare at the gloomy sky. The gray clouds cover the sun, giving the atmosphere a dull look that causes Yoongi to shutter.

Everything looks so... Gray.

So lifeless.

Just like that girl..

"HELLO~", is what he hears suddenly into his ear as his headphones are ripped out of them. He jumps away from the source of the voice, almost falling off the bench completely as he tries to grab on to stop himself from falling. He rubs his ear that was just yelled into and it rings in response of the loud voice.

"WHO ARE YOU TO-" Yoongi yells, but stops as his eyes finally land on the girl. The one girl that had him in pieces of worry.

She's here.

Her eyes widen and she winces from Yoongi's cold and loud voice, slowly shrinking away from him in response. Yoongi straightens and she quickly hands him his headphones.

"Sorry.... I didn't mean to cause you trouble... I was just excited to see you here.." She says as she looks down, obviously scared of Yoongi.

"No.. It's okay. I'm sorry for yelling. I thought you were some random stranger", Yoongi says a little softer then his usual voice, putting his headphones to the side for now.

This is it. He's finally going to have a conversation with her.

She looks up as Yoongi says those words, eyes widening in a little bit of a surprise. "You don't think I'm a stranger?" She asks him and he nods slowly in response.

"I think we've passed that part when you continued to talk to me for a couple months now", He says and she smiles, but then wincing as she places her hand on her cheek while placing the other on her bottom lip.

"You okay?" Yoongi asks and she nods with a small smile.

"Of course! Anyways, I'm so happy you're talking to me", she says and she extends her hand towards him shakily, still a little nervous. "You probably didn't hear me when I introduced myself the first week we met... But my name is JooSoo.. It's nice to officially meet you", she says a little shakily and Yoongi takes her hand in his, shaking her delicate hands gently.

He accepted this- Accepted her. Accepted her into his life because if she's going to continue to talk to him like this, than of course they're going to have to accept each other first.

"It's nice to finally meet you too, JooSoo", Yoongi says and JooSoo thought she would actually melt right then and there.

She can feel her face heat up from hearing her name grace Yoongi's lips and she lets go of his hand, turning away while placing her hands onto the sides of her cheeks.

Wait... I'm wearing makeup, she thinks to herself and she removes her hands from her face, trying to steady her racing heart.

"So um... I hope you don't mind by me asking, but, what music are you always listening to?" She asks as she turns back to him, trying to strike a conversation. Yoongi raises his eyebrow and pulls out his phone in response, showing her his playlist of music. She nods as she leans closer to Yoongi, watching him scroll through his playlist of music.

A small breeze picks up at this exact moment, causing Yoongi to catch a small scent of the girl.

Lavender... And cigarettes? Smoke?

Maybe he just mistook her smell for something else...


He continues to scroll through his playlist as she watches, leaning towards him to get a better view of the words displayed on his phone. Yoongi can't help but let his eyes flicker towards JooSoo, watching her eyes watch the screen intently.

"What music do you listen to?" Yoongi asks her and she straightens in her seat, leaning back into the bench.

"I can't really listen to music", she says softly as she leans her head back, looking up at the cloudy sky. An aura of rain is heard from the skies and she listens to the clouds rumble in anger and distraught.

"What do you mean?" Yoongi asks as another breeze picks up, revealing more of the girls scent to Yoongi.

Lavendar.. And cigarettes.

He definitely doesn't mistake that smell anymore.

"It's a long story", she sighs softly, closing her eyes as she feels the now cold breeze blowing it's way passed her.

"And I have all the time to hear it", Yoongi responds and she smiles with her eyes still closed at Yoongi's response to her.

"I don't have anything to listen to music with. The only time I ever listen to music is when I walk by a store and I hear the music playing in the store... OH and when I'm in an elevator. You know, the elevator music?" She says and she looks at him with a small smile. "But it's all good. I manage. It's not like music is food or something", she says lastly and Yoongi blinks, not knowing what to say at first.

"Well, the elevator music can be enjoyable if there's nothing to listen to.. I guess", Yoongi says awkwardly and he glances at his phone and headphones.

"Do... Do you uh.. Want to listen to music with me?" Yoongi asks her nervously and her eyes widen. She can practically feel the blood rushing to her cheeks as she gives him a small, single nod.

"I don't know if you'll like this kind of music but... If you don't like it, I can always change the genre", Yoongi says and he scoots closer to her, putting one of the headphones in his ear as he hands her the other. She gratefully takes it, placing it in her ear and Yoongi looks back to his phone to search for a good song.

"Do you have an idea of what kind of music you would listen to or like?"

"I'm not sure.... What do you think?" She asks softly and Yoongi takes a good look at her- looking into her eyes as a song begins to play in his mind.

"I usually listen to rap... But for this occasion, I'll put on something that you just might like", Yoongi says and she nods shyly. Yoongi looks back at his phone and scrolls down, looking for that certain song.

"There's rap in it.. But there's a soft melody that a woman sings in... I don't know, but I think you'll like it", Yoongi says as he clicks on the song and presses play.

The first thing that is noticed is the soft piano in the beginning. The way it slowly flows in a beautiful melody.

And now, the rapping.

Yoongi's eyes flicker towards JooSoo as he watches her listening to the rap intently. Her eyes seem to be fading in and out, but fully concentrated onto the lyrics.

Then, the woman in the song begins to sing, her soft and angelic voice sending waves of heart wrenching emotions towards their hearts.

Sadness... Sadness is their home.

The lyrics speak to them... They're beautifully written to pull at the heart strings.

Yoongi continues to watch her, though. He watches how her eyes begin to flicker from her hands to the road in front of her, how they begin to tear up, but she closes them before a tear drop could roll down her fair face.

She opens them again when the song has finished, showing no sign of tearing up or even a single emotion of sadness that she had before.

"That.. Was a nice song", she smiles and she looks at Yoongi as she takes off the headphone, handing it to him gently.

"What did you like about it?"

"The lyrics... The melody... Everything", she says as she recalls the lyrics and Yoongi nods, appreciating that she liked the song.

"It's one of the slower songs I listen to... If you want, we can listen to music together more often?" Yoongi says and she smiles brightly, eyes shining with her perfect whites.

"Really?!" She says, excited. Yoongi nods again and she yells happily as she stands up from the bench.

"Thank you!!!" She yells towards him with a huge grin, jumping up and down in excitement.

"What's wrong with you?" Yoongi asks bluntly and she laughs in response.

"I'm just really happy, that's all. I've always wanted to listen to music. Well, music other than an elevators. It's kind of a goal I've always had", she says and a very tiny smile curves onto Yoongi's lips, but it's barely seen as she sits back down again, still smiling giddily.

"Well, I'm glad to be the one to help you with that goal", Yoongi says, his tiny smile beginning to disappear as he notices the bus pulling in. He frowns but quickly hides it as he stands up from the bench.

"See you tomorrow!" JooSoo says quickly and Yoongi glances at her, then at the bus. Yoongi gives her a single nod and turns to leave, to get onto the vehicle to take him to his destination.

"I won't be late next time! I promise", she says and Yoongi continues to walk towards the bus with hands already shoved deeply into his pockets. He takes one of his hands out, giving her a single wave without looking back.

A bad feeling begins to stir in his stomach as he steps onto the bus, leaving JooSoo behind. As he walks down the bus aisle to take his seat towards the back of the bus, he looks out the window right as the bus begins to pull out to leave.

He practically climbs on top of another passenger to look out the window.

Because, as the bus pulls away, he notices a single tear slip away from JooSoo's pretty eyes, falling onto the sidewalk as she quickly looks away.

"JooSoo", Yoongi can't help but mutter as he watches the girl he takes so much of an interest in, walk away from the bench, taking long but slow strides as she looks up at the sky in dismay. Her hair flows softly behind her as the bus takes off, leaving her to walk alone to her separate destination.


Separated by their paths.

A/N: phew that was a long chapter!

The song attached is the song Yoongi introduced her to.

He picked out a soft rap song with some ballad. Isn't it cute? ^.^ even though the lyrics are sad, it's still cute how he tried to pick out a nice song that JooSoo would like <3

Also, the lyrics MIGHT BE describe the feelings of Yoongi and JooSoo ;)


well, it feels pretty long. It took me awhile to write this for some reason o.o

Questions To My Readers:

•What did you guys think of this chapter?

•Do you guys have a favorite part in this chapter? If so, what is it?

•What do you think JooSoo's hiding? What do you think her life is like?

•Where do you think Yoongi is going when he goes on the bus? (What's his destination?)

•What are your opinions on JooSoo? Like her? Dislike her? What are your emotions about her?

•Lastly, how has your day/week been? (I hope you all are doing well!!)


That's it! I hope you all enjoyed reading! It's always a pleasure to write for all of you <333

Stay Healthy and Take Care!!

Your Author,

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