Finding the Missing Piece: Bo...

By cogdill

204K 9.4K 6.2K

Parenthood has finally found Katniss and Peeta Mellark. In this story they are going to be learning to live l... More

Prologue/Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Ninety-Five
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One-Hundred
Chapter One Hundred-One/Sequel info.

Chapter Seventy

1.5K 84 60
By cogdill

Peeta POV-

Delly and Dylan.

"Hello, handsome. Glad to see you still live here." Delly says flirtatiously, putting her hands on my chest.

I put my hand out and push her back slowly, making sure she stays as far away from me as possible.

Dylan peeks his head inside the house, "Where's the wifey?" He asks, looking around.

I push him back patiently.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" I ask them angrily.

"Oh, ya know. Finally out of jail." Delly giggles, flipping her blond hair back off her shoulder and batts her eyelashes.

It looks like neither of them have showered in days and Delly doesn't have makeup on, which makes her even more unattractive.

"What? How? You both had life sentences after all the damage you did here." I say angrily, my fist balling up on their own.

They try to push past me into the house but I don't budge, I'm bigger than them both and I'll be damned if they get past this door, especially since there's three innocent children here and also because I fucking hate them.

"Let us in. Show us around. We haven't been given the proper tour of the house." Delly says laughing, like it's some old joke of ours.

I scoff, "Probably because last time you broke through that window which costed me a lot of money to repair by the way." I say rolling my eyes.

The broken window was the only thing they damaged and if it would've been between that or having something done to Katniss, I would pay to fix that window 50 times.

"Yeah, forgive us." Dylan says sarcastically and scoffs.

"What do you guys want?" I ask them.

"Just to check up on some old friends. Let you know we are back in business." Delly tells me.

About that time Willow hollers.

My face loses all color.

Of course they would pull this shit when Willow is in one of her moods where she's kind of unpredictable and needy.

I was hoping they wouldn't see the girls, let alone hear them. 

"Daddy!!" Willow calls again from the bathroom.

Delly and Dylan get the biggest grins on their face.

"I will be there in a minute." I holler back, keeping my eyes on the idiots in front of me.

"You have a kid?" She asks me, crossing her arms.

About that time Carter comes down the stairs and Carson comes running over to her excitedly.

"Oh." Delly laughs angrily, "You have three kids."

"Perfect. Three girls plus Katniss and you get this thing." Dylan mumbles to Delly.

I snap.

"Get the fuck out of here now before I call and get you right back into prison where you belong." I say gritting my teeth and praying that the girls don't come over here, I say grabbing Dylan's shirt and blocking Delly with my leg.

I hold him close to my face, about to beat the living hell out of him and he says, "You wouldn't do that again."

"You don't think I won't?" I say furiously and twist my hand around the neck of his shirt, making it harder for his lanky self to breathe.

He's coughing and turning red.

"Tell me I won't." I say again.

"You won't." Delly laughs and Dylan starts laughing too, even though he's choking at the same time which pisses me off worse.

Delly is lucky I've sworn never to hit a woman because if I hadn't of, I would do just the same to her as I'm doing to him.

"I've already beaten your ass up before. I will do it again if you don't go." I say and shove him back off the porch, he goes flying into the yard with a loud thud and then gets back up immediately.

Delly tries to run in but I hold her back and put my hand against the wall.

Right right on the panic button for our security system.

Luckily it makes no noise but listens in on what's happening and sends police to the house.

Dylan and Delly have no idea and I'm not about to tell them.

"Let us in now or we will kill you and then go hunt down your kids and Katniss, kill them off too. Because we want revenge. Or I mean you could toss over that wife of yours to him and those kids too and take me." Delly says she says crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.

They both disgust me so much it makes me sick.

"Get. Out. Of. Here. Now." I say angrily, wanting to punch them both in the face but knowing now the police could show up any second. And I know if I do anything to them right here I could possibly get in trouble with the police too if I go off too much so I decide I better just keep my cool.

"Daddy!! Hurry up! I am done!!" Willow yells again, sounding so impatient.

I turn around frustratedly and look at Carter who has a deer-in-the-headlights look, she's never seen me this way before.

"Go tell her I will be there in a minute then take your sister and go into the kitchen and don't come out." I instruct her strictly, knowing she will do exactly as I say with no questions asked.

If it was Willow it might be a different story, she would no doubt come over here to see who it is. She's always been this way, I'm just glad things are kind of working in my favor today.

I know of they got ahold of Katniss or Willow or the girls, I would probably never see them again and who knows what they would do to them. They're absolutely crazy and I don't understand why they've both gone to such extreme measures to destroy Katniss and I, especially since we didn't know either of them before we went to college.

I don't understand any of it but I will he damn if they touch the girls or come in this house.

Carter's brown eyes get big and she nods her head and picks up her sister who is nearly as big as she is and lugs her to the bathroom.

I turn back around, sad to see they're still here and there's no cops here yet.

"They're cute." Delly says smiling.

I block their view with my body.

"Yeah, Katniss and I make cute babies." I say, just to piss her off, thinking what could the comment hurt? Nothing, because it didn't do anything but make her mad and make me feel a little better getting the satisfaction.

And they don't need to know Carter and Carson aren't mine. I just hope Willow doesn't come out because if she sees anyone here, I know she will come over to see who it is and that's the last thing I need.

"You know who would make cuter babies than those kids?" Delly says.

I roll my eyes, "You and this asshole?" I say with a sarcastic edge in my voice and push Dylan back away from the door, having no mercy.

I'm losing my cool and losing it fast and I just hope the cops show up before I snap or they leave but they're taking forever to get here.

"No. Me and you. Then Dylan could have Katniss and we could all just be a big, happy family." She says wrapping her arms around my neck.

"You're fucking disgusting. Get off of me." I say, I don't think I've ever wanted to hit a woman this badly before.

I push her away though.

She glares at me and hangs on Dylan now, "Thanks. So is Katniss."

I nod, "Yes, that's why she has me. That's why we have kids and that's why after ten years we are still together. Because Katniss is disgusting. That's why you two are alone." I say rolling my eyes.

Katniss is the furtherest thing from disgusting.

Dylan and Delly are the definition of it.

Suddenly I can see a patrol car coming down the street.

Luckily they don't have their lights or sirens on so they must be listening in on what's happening or someone must.

They pull up, making their appearance unnoticeable to the idiots who keep blabbing away about something that I don't care to hear and I feel anxious, ready for them to be taken away.

They'll for sure go to jail again since they came back right to the place they got arrested at before and bothered the same people.

Two officers come up, luckily they don't notice. The officers don't run over or make any noises and I act as if I don't notice them.

They grab them both by the arms and there's shock and anger immediately crossing their faces when they see that they are in fact being arrested for the second time because of me.

"Really? You two just got out." One bigger officer says to them, immediately recognizing their faces.

Delly's head snaps at me and her eyes glare at me as they pull her off Dylan and off the porch.

"Did they do anything harmful?" The other officer asks me.

"We didn't do anything." Dylan says and tries to pull away from the officer cuffing him. He tightens the handcuffs on him and makes it more uncomfortable for him, which is funny as hell.

"They just wasted my time and threatened to kill my family and I." I say.

They show no mercy  and take them to the car. Delly goes kicking and screaming.

One of the officers comes back over and takes out a notepad.

"Can you tell me exactly what happened?"

I sigh, "I was in here playing with my niece when those two showed up. They tried coming into my house. I stalled until you guys showed up but they threatened to kill me and my family." I tell him truthfully.

He sighs and writes it down.

"You guys told me and my wife they had a life sentence? Why are they out?" I ask him kind of angrily.

"Bail, I think. I wasn't the officer who arrested them the first time but being that they came here and made death threats to you, they'll probably be booked back in without a chance of bail." He informs me.

"Well, it would be nice. I'm not sure if you know what they did but the reason they were in there was because about seven years ago when my wife and I were in college in District 5 the girl got my wife kicked out so we moved back here. They somehow found out where we lived and one night they broke in, and broke that big picture window right there. I caught them when we heard something and I called the police. They had guns and knives and all kinds of stuff." I explain.

He shakes his head, "That is just sick of them. Do you have any children here?"

I nod, "We have a little girl and another on the way. There are children here all the time too. Our nieces and nephew." I say truthfully.

The officer nods, "I wrote that down, hopefully that idiot judge of ours will take it more into consideration if there's ever an offer of bail. Those two do not need to be out of jail."

"I don't think so either and I'm pretty upset that they got out in the first place, especially after we were promised we would never have to deal with them again. If you need me to go down and talk to anyone I will. I don't want them out and I'll do anything to make sure they stay in there." I say truthfully, I'm so mad right now I can barely see straight.

I haven't been this pissed off in forever.

"I understand, sir. You did the right thing. We have everything that was said while they were here on recording from your security system. I am really sorry these two bothered you again, sir." He says shaking my hand.

I nod, "I'm just glad no one was hurt and that the kids didn't see anything." I say.

He nods, "Thanks for the call. I can assure you we will get something done and you will probably be getting a phone call soon."

I nod, "Thank you." I say and he goes.

I close the door and lean up against it, my heart pounding with anger. 

Something else to add to the list of things I get to tell Katniss today.

I go in the kitchen, "Its alright. You can come out of here if you want to now." I say to Carter who is trying to make her sister sit down.

Carter nods her head and I go to the bathroom where Willow has jumped out of the tub and has gotten water everywhere and is shivering.

I open up a cabinet and get out a towel, wrapping it around her and hugging her tight.

I'm so glad that they didn't see her and that she wasn't hurt.

"Daddy, you taked forever." She complains.

I sigh, "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I was dealing with something." I say.

She gives me a weird look as I kiss her on the top of the head and she nods.

"It's okay."

"Dry off and get dressed." I say and drain her bath water.

I go back into the kitchen and Carter looks at me.

"What happened, Uncle Peeta?"

"Nothing." I say and get her food on the plate.

"Do you want it warmed up?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

She shakes her head and I bring her a plate.

"Who were those people?" She asks me, knowing something was up.

I sit down next to her, "Somebody trying to sell me something." I lie.

She nods, "They looked scary. You got real real mad at them too."

"That's why I wanted you and your sister to come in here because they were scary looking and aren't very nice people at all." I say.

"Did you get rid of them?"

"Yes. They're not here anymore." I say.

Carter nods, "Auntie Kat is coming today?"

"Yes." I say.

"Not my Momma?"

I shake my head, "No, baby. You get to stay with me and Aunt Katniss until sometime next week. Your mom has to do a lot of stuff before she can come back." I say truthfully.

"She's not gonna be back for school?"

"I don't know. I don't think so though but that means me and Aunt Katniss get to take you." I say.

She smiles, "I would like that."

"Good." I smile.

Willow comes in, "Daddy, will you braid my hair?"

"Yeah, go get your hair stuff." I tell her with a sigh.

She nods and runs back into the bathroom.

"Uncle Peeta, can you fix my hair too?"

"Sure. If you want to you can go take a bath. I had to give your sister one because she made a mess at breakfast. You can take one too if you want."

"Okay." She nods.

Willow comes back and sits in my lap.

I brush out her long brown hair and divide it into three pieces and start doing a simple braid and tie it off.

"Thank you." She says and hugs me.

I smile sadly, thanking God that they didn't see her. 

I know they saw Carter and Carson and I wouldn't have wanted anything to  happen to them and I wouldn't have allowed it but it's different. I'm just glad they did not see Willow and she did not see them.

"Okay, I am done." Carter tells me and stands up.

I nod, "Willow, watch Carson while I go help Carter real quick." I say to her and set her in a different chair.

"Where's your bag?" I ask Carter.

"Oh, it's in Willow's room. I will go get it." She says and runs out of the steamy bathroom.

I run her some bath water and then stop it after it fills up half way.

She comes back down.

"Here's you a towel and you know how to flip that little nob and the water will drain." I tell her and shut the door behind me.

She's only a year older than Willow but she is a lot more independent than her too so that's why I didn't stick around to help.

I go back into the kitchen and see Carson chasing around Buttercup.

Willow giggles and watches her.

"You use to do that to him too when you were her age." I tell her.

She laughs, "Carson is so funny, Daddy."

I smile, "Poor Buttercup."

"Yeah, but him is nice. He don't try to scratch no more."

I chuckle, "It's because he's use to you antagonizing him." I tease her.

She laughs a little and climbs over back into my lap.

"I love you." Willow says and kisses my cheek.

"I love you too, baby." I say and kiss her forehead.

She snuggles up to me and I wrap my arms around her, putting my chin on the top of her head.

We watch Carson chase the cat around and eventually Carter comes back in, all squeaky clean.

I fix her hair and then we head into the living room. The girls play while I try to clean up the place a little bit and then before we know it it's already 3 o'clock.

"Girls, get your coats on and shoes." I say going into the living room.

Willow and Carter get their shoes on while I put Carson's little jacket on her and her shoes.

I get mine on and by 3:10 we are walking out the door.

"Where are we going?" Carter asks me.

"I am taking you girls to go see Finnick, Annie, and Finn for a little while. I have to go pick up Aunt Katniss." I inform her.

"Daddy, I still can't go with you?" Willow asks me as soon as we get on the road.

"No, baby girl." I say, knowing she really can't now.

I don't want her to know about what happened this morning, because before then I was actually considering giving in and letting her come.

"But please?" She begs, getting her whiney voice on again.

I frown, "No, sweetheart. You will have a lot of fun while I'm gone." I assure her.

"But I don't want to stay there."

"You have to and you love being at Finnick's house and you get to play with Finn." I tell her.

She groans.

"Willow, why don't you want to go?" Carter asks her, concerned sounding.

"Because. I want to see my Mommy now." She says angrily to her.

I roll my eyes and Carter sighs, use to Willow's attitude I guess.

I ignore her pleas and cries the whole way there and when I get to Finnick's, she refuses to get out.

I take Carter and Carson up.

"Where's Willow?" He asks.

I roll my eyes, "Wanna come help me get her?"

"She doesn't want to come?"

"Nope and I would let her go but I need to talk to Katniss about some stuff that she doesn't need to know about." I say.

He nods, "She's not liking Katniss being gone so long, is she?"

I shake my head.

Finnick comes back out to help me with Willow, who still refuses to budge.

"Willow... You don't want to come see Finnick?" I ask her, wishing she would just quit acting like this.

I hate having to be the bad guy.

She groans and crosses her arms, "No!"

I roll my eyes and start unbuckling her from her car seat.

"Come on, Willow. I'm gonna be in trouble by Momma if you make me late." I say.

"I want to go with you."

"No." I say and take her out of her car seat.

She kicks and screams hysterically as I put her in Finnick's arms.

"Daddy!!! No!! Daddy!!" Willow cries hysterically and kicks, trying to get free.

Finnick gives me a nod and I run around to the other side of the car and go as he runs inside with her, screaming like he's about to murder her.

I get in the car and go, the quicker I leave the quicker she will quit throwing that tantrum.

I drive to the airport and rush inside, Katniss landed about five minutes ago and has already called me several times but I was driving so I didn't answer.

I look around for her and see her facing the opposite way, looking around. It's jam-packed with people too.

I go over and put my hand on her back and she turns around, kind of startled then she recognizes me.

"Peeta!!" She squeals and jumps into my arms.

I pick her up and spin her around, she wraps her legs around my waist and starts crying.

"Katniss." I say laughing, nearly crying myself.

The last four days have been fun with the girls but rough without her.

Our foreheads rest together and she presses her trembling lips to mine and we share a passionate kiss.

"I missed you so much." I say, breaking away from her and setting her back on the ground. She still hugs me tightly and I hug her back.

"I missed you too. I don't want to ever leave again." She says crying hysterically but I'm sure it's only because of the hormones from the baby on top of everything that happened with her, then I remember I'm gonna make it all worse for her when I tell her everything that happened here.

"Don't." I laugh a little, leaning forward and pressing my lips to her temple and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Let's go home." She says.

I nod my head and pick up her suitcase and she takes my other hand and we walk out of the airport together. 

When we get in the car, she seems so happy that I don't want to tell her anything because I don't want to ruin it for her but it's better to tell her now than wait.

****Horrid but next chapter is better I think

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