Delusion or Real (Kakashi lov...

By neverlandsshinobi

29K 1.2K 187

What if this time the main person isn't sucked up into the Naruto world, but the character from Naruto itself... More

big mistake
prove me
believe me
The struggles
missed me?
new look
The new Kakashi
bad feeling
tell me
deal or no deal?
this is it
lost and won
that girl
be mine?
the mask
prom night
first love, first kiss
tell him.. or not
The Portal
his own
going away?
goodbye, hello
round 1
White Noise
So Cold
Another one?
So We Meet Again
let you down
He returns
The Akatsuki
The Beast
No way...
Hello, old friend
Harder Than I Thought
The End

new student

364 20 2
By neverlandsshinobi

I woke up to the sound of the shower being turned on. My head felt so heavy, that it felt like it was about to explode. I looked on Kakashi's watch, which was on his drawer next to me. It was 6 in the morning. I could fall asleep in one second, but Kakashi thought that it would be good to sing in the morning. I had told him so many times that he shouldn't even try it, because he simply sucks at it.


"Oh lord, no. Please." I facepalmed myself.


In the anime he looked so serious. What this cruel place could do was amazing.

"I am going to give up on you if you open your mouth again. I am trying to sleep!" I yelled and threw my pillow across the room. He came out of the shower with just a towel around his waist. After I saw that toned skin and his abs I hid my face and went under the blanket.
"Can't you even warn me when you get out of the shower?"

"Last night you couldn't take your eyes of me. And now you are hiding. Interesting.. very interesting." He said ignoring my question.
"Last night?" I asked confused, but then all the memories flew right into my mind. The way his skin touched mine and our hands exploring eachother made me blush.

"Oh no..." I grunted while trying to get up.
"Go get up fast and take a shower. We have 2hours left for school to begin." He said drying his grey hair with a towel.
"Easy to say. It isn't easy to get up fast with this pain. Idiot." I murmered.

"What did you say, my love?" He asked. He knew exactly what I said. He was teasing me as always.

He was wearing a black hoodie with black Puma sweatpants. I guess that it must be really easy to be a guy. They don't have to worry as much as we ladies need to about our looks. No stress.

"Nothing. Don't look!" I said. I ran fast to the shower and turned on the hot water. I know he saw me already naked, but it is still awkward. I heard him giggle. His giggles turned into laughter, so I turned off the shower and gave him a look that said 'keep on laughing and you are done.' He understood it and he was quiet in no time.
I love how you can tell a lot of things by just looking at a person in a certain way.

"Did you know that there will be a new student in my class?" I went on while I stood under the hot water relaxing my muscles.

"Yes, I heard that he is a very shy teenager. I don't see those types much anymore." He said. Kakashi was right. Especially the kids at my school. They probably don't even know the meaning of being 'shy'. All they think about is 'popularity'.

"Hey Kakashi. How about you checking up on Naruto and see if he is still sleeping while I get ready for hell." I said.
"You meant 'school'." He corrected me. That smartass.
"Yea yea whatever.
And uuhm Kakashi. I am hungry and I w-" I couldn't even finish my sentence and felt two lips on mine. This was the kind of kiss that took all the breath out of your lungs for a second.

"Pancakes, waffle and hot chocolate milk. I know." Kakashi said fast and went away. He left me stunned and breathless while the water of the shower ran down my body. It took me 10 minutes for me to snap out of it. I wonder if I will ever get tired of this. But his love impresses me even more with the day.

After a half hour I was all dressed up. I wore black skinny jeans with a snowwhite jumper to match my black and white sneakers. I still had sore legs but I tried to shake the pain off and walked to the kitchen.

"Where is Naruto?" I asked stuffing my face with the pancakes Kakashi made.
"He said that he couldn't sleep well last night so he will eat after he wakes up." He said smirking.
I laughed awkwardly, because I didn't know what to say.

Kakashi shook his head and said "Lets get going. Eat the last pancake on our way to school."
"Why? We still have enough time. Please let me finish my hot chocolate milk first. " I pleaded and burnt my mouth, because I drank it too quickly.
"I need to get early there. I am the mentor of the new student. Who else needs to welcome him?" He said.
"Satan." I answeree and looked at him while I drank the rest of my chocolate milk slowly, never breaking the serious look we gave eachother.

"So. About last night-" Kakashi began.
"I am finished! Thank you, the food was delicious! Lets go before the new kid waits in the cold." I said and grabbed my coat.

The whole way to the school we talked about random stuff. Kakashi kept trying to talk about the action that took place last night, but I managed to change the subject. I know that he won't let go of it, until we talk about it. I hate these kind of situations where you try to avoid something, but don't know how exactly.

We arrived to the gates of hell. Again.
Before I could even say bye to Kakashi, he ran to a boy who was about to leave on his blue scooter. I could see that the boy looked really pissed off. I looked on my phone and saw that the kid waited for over 15 minutes.

I walked to them and held out my hand
"My name is Beko."
"Beko what are you doing. This is my job." Kakashi whispered to my ear, but I acted as if he wasn't there.
"May I know your name before I show you the school." I said acting like a professional.
"My name is Anthony. Anthony Boulder."
He shook my hand and looked down. He looked really cute. I smiled at him. I think I need to keep him close to me, before someone tries to hurt him.

"Kakashi, just say to the principle that you gave me the permission to show Anthony the school. I don't want to go to history class. Please, darling." I said whispering to Kakashi so Anthony wouldn't hear us.
Kakashi just nodded and sighed.
I clapped my hands like a little child who won a teddybear.

"Tell me about yourself." I said to Anthony with a bright smile.
"I am a 17-year-old boy. I came here for my study. I lived in another city, but the schools there were really bad." I tried to keep my laughter, because he thinks that this school is good. Lets see if he is going to say the same thing later.

I showed him the school and how the schedules here work, but then out of nowhere he said something that made my blood run cold.

"Hey Beko. Don't you think that my mentor looks like Kakashi the copy ninja from the anime Naruto."

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